A/N: Dedicated to my best reader, Gravtron1, and Astrispecto, the only one who asked.

Two days later…

"Ugh, where is it?!"

Pidge threw down the shirt she was holding in disgust. She gazed around her messy room, eyes narrowing. Without hesitation, she dropped onto her stomach and squirmed under her bed.

Her searching hands found a missing glove, a spare computer cord (that lacked an outlet), three mismatching socks, and an electronic device with its electrical guts exposed.

Pidge swiped all the objects away, out from under the bed. She kicked her feet in frustration, feeling them brush something. She ignore it, squinting in the dim light for anything else under the bed. Something touched the bottom of her foot, and she twitched it away. The action persisted, turning into flat out tickling. Pidge squeaked and kicked out, only to have her foot grabbed and the tickling began anew.

"Quit!" Pidge squealed. Laughter gave away her tormenter. "Lance!"

Pidge twisted so she could grab the edge of the bed. She jerked herself forward, freeing her foot at the same time. She quickly made sure her feet were out of reach, and glared at the two boys standing over her.

The first was Lance, unsurprisingly. Pidge was slightly more surprised to see Hunk there as well.

"What do you want?" Pidge said, crossing her arms.

"Why are you under the bed?" Lance asked instead.

"If you must know," Pidge said with a sigh. "I misplaced Matt's glasses."

Lance raised an eyebrow, slowly looking around at the chaos of the room. "Are you really that surprised?"

"It wasn't that bad when I started," Pidge huffed. "But I was sure I left them on my desk. So, unless Zarkon is attacking or you know where the glasses are, there's the door."

"Actually…" Hunk trailed off.

Pidge's eyes widened. "He is attacking?! Why didn't you say so?!"

"No, no," Hunk said, holding out a hand as Pidge started pulling herself free. "It's not that."

Pidge stopped, blinking up at Hunk. Now that she thought about it, he had a hand behind his back and that guilty expression on his face.

Pidge raised a hand. "Give it back." Hunk pulled out the missing glasses from behind his back and put them into her hand. Pidge put them on as she continued, "And honestly, Hunk. I expect that sort of thing from Lance, but you-" Pidge fell silent with a sharp gasp.

Everything was clear. No longer were the edges of objects fuzzy, and she could read the titles of the books across the room. Pidge could now make out the details of Lance and Hunk's faces.

"D-did they work? I ran some tests the other day, you know, and Lance has this weird amount of knowledge of glasses prescriptions, and Coran was actually really helpful about making the lenses, though he did compare it to making scaultrite lenses, so you may need to be careful around sunlight as there is a slight, slight possibility of your eyes burning."

Pidge barely noticed Hunk's rambling. The eyes burning caught her attention, but only briefly.

"Hunk," Pidge said, scrambling to her feet. "I can see clearly. You're a genius!"

"It's nothing, I- oof!" Hunk's statement was cut off with a grunt when Pidge threw herself at him for a hug.

"This is amazing!" Pidge said, lifting her head to beam at Hunk.

"Hey, what about me?" Lance pouted, holding his hands out. "I helped, too."

And, because Pidge was too ecstatic to be sarcastic, she released Hunk and grabbed Lance in a hug. The taller boy grunted, probably not expecting Pidge to take him seriously.

"You're both amazing," Pidge said, not caring that the glasses were squished against her nose. "This is the best!"

Pidge touched the glasses with one hand. They had once been her brother's, given to her to remember him while he was gone. How fitting that they would help her find him once again.

A/N: -cough- corny -cough- Anyway, this story is done, but Pidge's adventures will continue in Misadventures of a Blind Pidge.