It wasn't working. No matter what he did, nothing seemed right. He let out a frustrated growl as he threw his work off the table. That let out enough stress and urged him to try again, or rather the nagging feeling of regret over his actions, both now and before.


Henry looked up from his work, turning to see the thin male in the doorway. He could see the concerned look Sammy was giving him from behind his ink-dyed hair that covered his face. Maybe he had been a little angry...

"Sorry, Sammy, didn't mean to startle you," he said, smiling as softly as he could at him. In the past, he probably would have gotten yelled at for disturbing him, but after the whole studio thing went down, Sammy was just confused and not at all violent. The former musician lived only to serve, no matter how much Henry wished it wasn't the case

Sammy gave him a confused look but said nothing. "It is as you say, of course," he whispered after a minute of silence, turning to walk away. The one thing Henry had convinced him of was that he had free reign of the house just as long as he didn't leave, Henry did not trust him outside alone yet.

Henry had to admit, there were definitely worse roommates to have. Sammy was quiet and actually fairly helpful at times. For instance he tended to clean, now forever tired of a messy environment. Henry could swear his house never looked better. Mostly that was because Sammy didn't have much else to do.

Still, when Linda returned from her business trip, she was in for quite the surprise. What was he to tell her? "Hey, welcome back honey. By the way I brought back an undead coworker who I haven't managed to locate the family of and he doesn't know how to function without an authority figure so now he sees me as his master and will do anything I ask him"?

He sighed, staring out the window that overlooked his work desk. He was hoping he'd locate whatever was left of the Lawrences by now, it'd been about a month since they left the studio, but it appeared not all families remained the same after thirty years.

Part of him wondered if this was actually a good thing. It wasn't like he could just dump Sammy off with people he barely remembered, if at all, and have them deal with him. He needed therapy and, since Henry was the one to finally free him from the studio, he really only trusted him.

Of course, it would all depend on how well Linda would take this news. She was a peaceful and understanding woman, but would she really like a man she didn't know referring to her husband as 'master'? No, of course not. What woman would? He didn't want this to come down to friend or wife, a decision as to which to keep.

He heard a light tap on the door frame behind him, causing him to turn to see Sammy staring at him again. "Something's wrong," Sammy idly stated, watching him as blankly as he always did. "You've been very quiet. You're never this quiet. You were never a silent artist."

"Yeah, I was think-," Henry stopped himself. You were never a silent artist. He used to hum, whistle, or speak to himself whenever he was lost in his world in the studio, and that was whenever he was alone to do the next frame. That was thirty years ago. He knew for a fact that all memories of him were erased from most employees. That meant...

He turned excitedly, jumping up and latching onto Sammy's shoulders, nearly toppling the thinner man. "You remembered part of the past!" he cried. If he didn't know that Sammy would shove him away in a second, even in a dead-like daze like this, he would have hugged him.

Sammy stared at him blankly before nodding. "I appear to have so, yes," he commented. "Now would you kindly remove yourself from me?"

That was more like the director he used to work with! Henry removed his hands from his shoulders and backed away slightly. "Hey, it's progress, right?" he pointed out. "C'mon, you don't want to be amnesic your entire life, do you?"

Sammy just stared at him before closing his eyes and sighing lightly. "It is as you say, master," he muttered.

Henry let out his own sigh but the smile remained on his face. Like he said, it was progress. He'd just have to keep working at it.

{~Note: At the time of writing this, I was writing under the assumption I got from the wiki that Henry and Linda are married. If it's ever confirmed at some point that they're not, I will come back and edit their relationship here. Anyway, Thanks for reading ^-^ ~}