Page 1: Drabbles on Events during the Movie- Part 1

(A/N: I tried to write these drabbles in the sequence of how they appeared/could've appeared in the movie. That being said, the 'Building the kart' scene came before the 'Nesquik /Laffy Taffy' scene...but I wanted to write a Felix/Calhoun drabble, and then a Ralph/Vanellope drabble back-to-back. Thus #2 and #3 are out of order of sequence ;) Hope all enjoy! )

1.) Hero's Dutifulness

Felix wondered to the entrance portal of Hero's Duty, pausing just outside the plug-in. As he peered into the portal on his tiptoes, he subconsciously and out of habit tightly clutched his golden hammer from its place on his hip.

The normally chipper fixer cringed uncharacteristically as he thought of all the horror stories he'd heard about the new war game, even though it was just plugged only a week ago. The ones around Game Central Station had told him just about it all in regards to this particular game: it's gore, it's violence, it's brutality. It's high definition that was blinding and terrorizingly real. It's complexity so amazing that it was frightening...

Anything and everything but chipper for the happy little 8-bit man.

But said little man knew the bad guy of his simple game was somewhere inside that game of Hero's Duty- and he knew he as the good guy of his game had to enter the war console as well in order to get the wrecking man out.. all before Mr.Litwak pulled their plug forever in the morning.

Felix needed to be the hero everyone believed that he was...

Even though the very idea of Hero's Duty scared the living boo out of him.

Exhaling after a minute, Felix finally found his courage. After he pushed his hat down tight on his head and stuck his chest out in determination, the handyman bounced inside...

Only to be attacked and shot at seconds afterward.

After jumping around avoiding shot after shot, the leader of the attack pinned the helpless handyman to the ground with their blaster, pointing it right at his round 8-bit nose.

Felix shook and quivered in his boots as the blaster looked ready to blow his face off...but as he peered around the gun, he was shocked to find that this armed and fierce being leading the shots was...

A woman.

In all the horror stories of the game, Felix had never heard anyone ever even mention a woman being inside the game. Not once. Not that he'd be interested in learning if there actually was one in the game or not.

Maybe it was all just a perceived notion of his, but Felix had decided that there was no way a woman would even want to be in such a horrific game as Hero's Duty.

And now, as the serious woman pointed the gun right at him as the others stood armed and ready to shoot, Fix-it Felix Jr decided then and there that the game of Hero's Duty was no place for a woman...

Let alone the most beautiful female character he had ever seen in the past 30 years.

2.) Tippy-Toes

Gulping, Ralph peered over the giant gumdrop to the striped roadblock in the distance in front of him. The little toll booth that sat beside it contained a bearded man, sawing logs instead of keeping a vigilant post for a certain hated glitch.

"Okay, here's my brilliant plan on how we'll sneak past that guard," the said glitch snapped Ralph from his thoughts by beginning to speak. "We'll sneak under that roadblock and then we'll-"

"Uh, kid, the man in the booth is sleeping, just to let ya know," Ralph interrupted the child as she herself peered around the gumdrop. "I don't think we need too crazy of a plan."

"Well, ga-doi!" The child sassed the huge man beside her, despite him being more than thrice her size. "I can see that; I'm not blind..." she exaggerated- before turning to smirk at her newest acquaintance. "Despite having such an eyesore as my henchmen. "

Narrowing his eyes at her, Ralph growled angrily, forcing himself not to smash anything. Focus on the medal, he reminded himself mentally. You're doing this for the medal.

"Okay, fine, Gutter Snipe," the wrecker finally hissed at the annoying child. "What's the rest of your brilliant plan?"

"Well, as I was saying," the child continued, glaring somewhat playfully at him as she did. "We'll sneak across, slip underneath the roadblock and boom- the factory door is just right there!"

After stating her plan, Vanellope smiled happily as she gestured towards the large kart factory just a few hundred yards behind the roadblock and sleeping man.

Her eyes widened in pure excitement before she added to her large companion: "And you might want to lay low, if that's even possible for ya."

Ralph rolled his eyes and huffed. "Very-"

"Oh!! And another thing," Vanellope interrupted quickly. "Walk on your tiptoes, too!"

In response to her seemingly idiotic demand, Ralph blankly stared at her for a moment- not even trying to understand.

"Ya know," the child merely continued, standing up on the end of her tiny toes to demonstrate. "Like this."

"Yeah, I know what that means," Ralph told her quickly in annoyance. "But...why?!"

And people called him dense.

In her place beside him, Vanellope smiled innocently at him as she stood normally once again.

"'Cause, even with your massiveness, walking like that you don't leave any footprints that'll actually last on the ground," she explained casually, "thus meaning no one can track us and catch us inside the factory."

At her words, Ralph raised an eyebrow at her, surprised (and a little frightened) at how somewhat intelligence of an answer that was...

Especially with it coming from a child that irritated the daylights out of him.

It was then for the first time Ralph realized something profound.

This strange and sassy kid before him was definitely annoying... but she also was incredibly smart -and a little too criminally experienced- for her young programmed age.

3.) Calm, Cool, UNcollected

With all the confidence in the world, Felix tried to jump out to the Nesquik-Sand with ease.

And tried again.

And again, just to be sure.

But no matter how much he jumped or bounced, it was to no avail. His powers were rendered practically useless in the powdery mix.

There was no denying it: both he and Sergeant Calhoun were both stuck.

Stuck good.

Now Calhoun was trained to remain calm, cool and collected no matter what the circumstances were. In a game like hers, shock and terror just came with the job title of Sergeant, so little to nothing got her riled up anymore. The woman nearly never really lost her cool when it came to unexpected (or unwelcomed) surprises; it all had become just apart of her coding at this point.

So upon realizing that the two of them were stuck, Tamora Calhoun knew there was no point in struggling or panicking to get out quickly. They needed to just remain calm, cool, and collected - and figure the problem out slowly.

The handyman beside her had a different plan, though...

And that was to flip out completely, inadvertently making the two of them sink into the sand even faster.

Now Felix, although unbeknownst to Calhoun, was usually calm, cool, and collected as well- surprisingly much like her in a way. As long as things were under his control or within his limits of fixing, one could count on him being level-headed.

But when it came to things that were out of his control or beyond his fixing, however, the poor petite man flipped. Panicked. Went completely and utterly A-WOL, in Calhoun's opinion.

His eyes wide, Felix clawed around on the chocolate mix in pure panic, his poor face etched with pure despair.

And no matter what Calhoun said, he just couldn't seem to pull himself together or to calm down.

It was time for her to take charge- as usual.

"Get ahold of yourself!" The Sergeant finally hissed as she slapped Felix hard across the face. Which fortunately caused the panicked stricken man to stop flailing around and freeze...

And to cause the Laffy Taffy vines to start their cackling and their descent closer to the trapped couple in the sand.

Upon realizing the vines were attracted to what made them laugh, Felix calmed down and devised a plan- which, to Calhoun's surprise, involved striking him again.

After some hesitation on her part, Sergeant Calhoun complied. But it's wasn't just because of Felix's reasoning that the arcade depended on them or that he practically demanded her to obey the order...him taking charge for once.

It was because of how bright red his face was- and not because of blunt force trauma due from her slap.

His face was the shade it was because Felix had a sense of determination, a strongness Calhoun hadn't seen from him before.

It was obvious he didn't like telling the war lady what to do, but that he was willing to if it meant saving their lives- and that of others as well.

And for that Tamora Calhoun couldn't help but admire the handyman.

But right before she slapped the boo out of him over and over again, the serious war woman could only think one thing in that moment of time- one thing that surprised her most of all since the two of them had met.

Man... Short-Stack is kind of cute when he loses his cool.