After the fiasco that was family day, Fairy Godmother had had it. There was a constant feud and divergence between the Auradon students and the kids from the Isle. It was about time that something changed. FG had gathered the entire school and parents who had showed up for Family Day, (including the King and Queen), into the School Hall to watch something that she thinks might just change what Auradon thinks about Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay.

"Why are we here?" whined Audrey.

Mal resisted the urge to roll her eyes. That girl would never stop whining, she wondered what 'Benny-Boo' had ever saw in her.

"I will explain in a moment, just please everyone, take a seat," FG was waving her hands drastically, trying to get everyone into their seats.

There was a loud shuffle as everyone moved to take a seat. There was an obvious separation as to where the Auradon's sat and where the Isle kids sat. FG sighed disappointedly.

"So why are we here, mother?" asked Jane, who was very uncomfortable being around such a large amount of people after Mal had undone the spell that fixed her hair. Especially since the Royal's were sitting so close to her.

"I believe this is something that everyone here needs to see," FG stated vaguely.

"But what is it?" King Adam asked urgently, has something happened? Did those Isle kids do something?

"I have a film that shows the events of Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay's life since they have arrived at Auradon," FG replied wearily, she knew everyone was going to take this the wrong way, "However, nobody is to question anyone until this film is over,"

There was an instant uproar. A film about them! Who would want to see the life of a villain? Surprisingly, the three Royal's have remained very quiet. Drowned In their own thoughts, perhaps. It wasn't until King Adam coughed loudly that everybody quieted down.

"Fairy Godmother," began the King politely, "Are you sure this is safe? Are you sure, er- it hasn't been cursed?" He tried not to look accusingly at the children from the Isle, who were sitting next to one another whispering. After what happened with Chad earlier today, he wasn't sure he could trust them, then again, he never really trusted them. Just listening to his wife.

"I have checked over this disc many times and there have been nothing that suggests that it contains anything dangerous," said FG, "However, I have not watched this film yet but I have been led to believe that it does not contain anything dangerous."

The King nodded wearily and looked at his wife helplessly, he shrugged and nodded her head.

"Okay," cautioned King Ben, "we shall watch this film."

Meanwhile, Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie were looking very worried. Events since they arrived at Auradon! They will find out about their plan to steal the wand.

"What do we do?" whispered Carlos.

"There's nothing we can do," snapped Mal, "They're going to watch it anyway, with or without us, our refusal will just make them more suspicious. The most we can do is watch it with them and try not to let them believe the worst,"

They all listened in surprise.

"You know," started Jay, "Out of the four of us, I expected you to take this the worst,"

Carlos and Evie silently agreed. Mal just scowled at him.

"Well we don't have much choice, do we?" snapped Mal, "We're going to have to watch it with them."

Evie sighed and turned in her seat, Mal was right. "Let's watch it then,"

Mal nodded at them, telling them to start the film.

Everyone, besides Ben, Lonnie, FG and Doug were sending them suspicious looks, which the VK's purposely ignored.

FG nodded in silent delight, not expecting them to be so reasonable.

Everybody sat back in their chairs as FG started the film.