**One thing: Theon left as an envoy two months later than cannon, meaning he was at the Battle of Oxcross, during which he killed Lord Roland Crakehall while the same was looking for his horse during the ambush. This is necessary to have one more reason for a bit tougher Theon and more to show to the harshness that's Balon Greyjoy**

** The Battle of Oxcross, is in the books a battle fought at (surprise!) Oxcross where Robb ambushed and defeated the forming new Westerland army led by Stafford Lannister.

Robb and the North will be shown along with some Kingslanding but it's Theon/ironborn centric. Doran, Arianne and Dorne will only appear later on, around chapters 6 to 10 not sure myself.

**Theon Greyjoy**

A small schooner moved along the Sunset Sea. Having left Kanet, a minor coastal town at the border of the Riverlands with the Westerlands, earlier the week the merchant ship was now arriving at it's destination, the bleak collection of metal and rocks that were the Iron Islands already noticeable at the distance.

A black haired blue-eyed young man wearing a long sleeved black coat stood on the prow of the ship. Theon Greyjoy watched attentively as he finally arrived home.

"Home" he said to himself fidgeting with his coat, made of seal skin and lined with wolf fur. He was nervous, hell he hasn't been this nervous since he was 9, watching the royal forces about to breach the main gate of Pyke from his window. And since that same day he hasn't set foot in his birthplace. He wasn't sure if he could call Pyke his home anymore, he wasn't sure he wanted to.

He could remember little of the place, and from this little even less were good memories. He remembered his brothers, Rodrik and Maron, 10 and 8 years older respectively, who he followed around like a puppy when he was younger and who used every chance to bully or mock him. From the beatings that they called training to almost drowning when they took him to "learn how to swim", he only survived that day because Asha jumped in the water as his brothers were too busy laughing to save him. Apparently believing when your brothers tell you Greyjoys are sons of the sea and thus naturally knew how to swim and jumping from their boat into the harsh waters of Pyke's coast when you're six is hilarious.

He remembered his father, a stern face with cold eyes almost scanning for something to be disappointed by. He cared for family in his own ways, he beat young Theon once or twice to discipline and harden the boy after a prank or too many complaints but nothing much. The third son had only seen him truly mad when Asha brought him home after the "swimming" incident, and the anger thankfully wasn't directed at him.

But the last time he saw the man his rebellion had failed, his castle had been broken and his older sons were killed, he looked broken and Theon didn't know what to expect from him.

He also remembered his uncles, but excluding Victarion's apathetic if a bit encouraging face as he taught a younger Theon how handle an ax the less he said the better.

His only good memories were what he remembered of his mother, skittish and always worrying, but beautiful, kind and loving. And even what little came to mind of Asha, a pudgy face with eyes full of mischief and adventure that saved him more than once from his brothers.

Though he tried to find some reassurance in the memories it never came, most of the people in them were either dead, banished or it's been so long and they all been through so much it no longer mattered.

While if he thought of the North... He could remember Eddard Stark almost unmoving face but encouraging and proud eyes and a tiny smile as he hit the bullseye for the first time. Teasing and sparring with Jon Snow, the bastard boy always sullen and easy to tease but the greatest talent with a blade he had ever seen, not that he would tell him that. He remembered trying to teach eager and curious Bran how to wield a bow even though the boy was terrible at it. Even beautiful Sansa's forced frown as she tried very hard to hide the giggles escaping from his crass jokes that Catelyn would never approve. And he couldn't forget the night lessons with witty and rebellious Arya who bugged him into teaching her how to shoot a bow despite Catelyn prohibiting or the one time he was drunk and the wolfling conviced him to let her try her first cup of ale and the two ended up drunk and laughing about nothing laying in hay at Winterfell's stables.

But most of all he remembered his and Robb's adventures. From going drinking in Wintertown, hunting in the Wolf's Wood to the time they both fought Greatjon when the Umber was in Winterfell, to when he convinced the way too uptight lordling to ride all the way to White Harbor being prohibited from visiting it during the trip they took to meet Lord Manderly's court or when said lordling went running, half naked and red faced the one time Theon finally convinced him to go to a brothel. He even remembered fondly he various lessons with Maester Luwin that he hated but they took together. Those felt like actual family memories.

The ship was closer now, going from seeing to smelling and hearing distance as Theon could now smell the dead fish and smelting iron common to Lordsport, the rather strong scent taking him out of his remembrance.

Closer to the city he could see the various ships surrounding the port, reaving longships, fishing ships and merchant ships as far as the eye could see. He could hear the noise of the day to day of the city, with the bellows of sailors being the loudest as they approached the port. He gave a smirk to himself to calm his nerves and turned from the prow.

"Well captain, it seems our lovely trip is coming to an end" he said while turning, smirk still in place.

The man he was speaking to was the captain of the schooner, a small but robust fellow with a crooked nose and brown hair that he didn't bother learning the name. The riverlander had been ordered by Robb to bring Theon with him and had hated the order since day two, when he found his daughter sleeping in the Greyjoy's bed when he came to talk with the noble. Same daughter that had just yesterday been rejected by said Greyjoy when she tried to be anything, even his Salt Wife. The captain only nodded to the ironborn joking affirmation.

Theon passed the captain and moved to the middle of the deck, the ship was almost docking with Lordsport's vast harbor and he wanted to be the first out as he leaned on the port side of the ship. After a few minutes of waiting he jumped to the port's walkway and moved away from the ship.

He didn't expect a great welcome, he had studied what he could find of the ironborn with maester Luwin and they were never ones for ceremony, and he kind of remembered some of his father's lessons. "If it's your overlord, someone you personally respect or that you don't want walking around your land, meet them by the shore. If it's neither, they can find the damn way themselves." Still it hurt to arrive to a empty beach, well empty of other Greyjoys at least as the port was filled with fishermen, merchants and reavers.

Too many reavers, he thought as he looked around. He noticed there were more ships than he had realized around the port, and many of the ships he thought were merchants ships were modified, likely merchant vessels captured overseas and used for reaving. It wasn't normal. Ironborn reavers were only so concentrated in one place when they preparing for either war or a Great Reaving, and with the state of the greenlands now wasn't the time for a Great Reaving it was time for war. Nothing he could do about it from here though.

Theon adjusted his coat, and moved along the cobblestone road, taking in the now stronger mix of scents from dead fish and smelting iron. He stopped in front of a haggard thin old man removing the guts from fishes in basket with a mangy horse by his side.

"How much for the horse?" He asked the older man. It was hardly a mount worthy of the heir to the Iron Islands, but he refused to walk the three days walk to Pyke and with the gold on him he doubted he could afford a better one.

The old man looked him up and down for but a second and grunted a "not selling it" before turning his attention back to the basket.

More anxious than he's been since he was dragged from Pyke to Winterfell Theon wasn't exactly in a bartering and friendly mood.

"Turn around, get up and properly greet and negotiate with a Greyjoy when in his own damn island" he said with a sword to the side of the old man's throat. "I can pay the gold or the iron price, you should be praying I don't chose the later."

The old man got up slowly, his eyes darting to the sword but with no fear in them, you don't survive to get old in the Iron Islands with a fear of things like blades to the neck.

No one in the harbor seemed to pay much mind to the confrontation, used to such "disagreements".

Thankfully, before things could escalate a voice cut through the tension.

"No need for that milord, I'll take you to Pyke."

Theon turned around to be greeted with the most lovely sight he had since Ros left the North, for sitting atop a strong brown mare was a vision of beauty. With a narrow delicate jaw, a moderate firm burst and legs, man those legs, while he couldn't see her ass as she stood turned to him from the legs alone he would guess it's great. And something about that mischievous twinkle in her eyes made Big Theon crazy. Crazy enough not to notice that he hadn't told her or the old man where he was going.

A smirk covered Theon's previously dour face.

"Well then, it seems you own this fine lady your life or your horse my friend!" He said while backing away from the old man, but without holstering his sword or letting him out of sight. He would be disappointed if the fisherman didn't have at least a dagger hidden somewhere.

"Hello there! I see at least someone knows how to greet the Prince of these islands!" He exclaimed coming close to the beauty.

"Oh, a Prince you say?" She exclaimed, her tone was a bit mocking but discrete enough he couldn't be sure.

"So I say, the last son and heir of Balon Greyjoy returning home from the war in the greenlands!" He continued, as he lifted himself into the saddle to sit behind her in the to impress her much like he did the minor noble ladies or castle servants in Winterfell. She was dressed far to nicely to be smallfolk.

"Good luck that I met you then, my prince." She said sensually, half turning in the saddle, enough he could look into her eyes and feel her breath against his lips with her head resting on his left shoulder. Theon had to fight back a shudder as he kept a firm gaze on her eyes. Before she turning and kicked the horse into a fast gallop.

And so the trip went, Theon would tell exaggerated version of his battles and the "lady" listened, attentively and jokingly, always teasing, he tried more than once to get her name but was always met with changes of subject or some joke or the other.

After some proper chatting he decided to make his moves, one of his hands no longer holding the handle but slowly traveling through her sides, first down her arms, then up and down her sides, seeing no resistance, he started slowly ghosting his fingers through her thighs before finally reachi-

"We're here milord." "Hã?"

Was all could say before she left the saddle, he following the movement mostly by instinct.

"Here we are, the castle of Pyke." She said in what had already become a familiar cocky tone.

The beautiful and sassy woman had taken his mind off from the happenings of today. But now, under the looming shadow of the huge almost ruined castle that was post Rebellion Pyke he had a hard time breathing.

He stood in a large road, the largest in the Islands, which divided in two a large village that sat in front of the open gates of the castle and lead directly to Lordsport.

He turned to find her, finally get her name so he could get to "know" her better later only to find himself alone in the road besides the occasional smallfolk from the village passing by.

Disappointed and with nothing to distract himself, he took a large breath and turned to enter the large gates.

If he wasn't so nervous he would've realized that in the distance, behind the stone walls of Pyke there were even more ships than at Lordsport and better ships too, not the mismatched fleet of House Botley of Lordsport but the Iron Fleet, the crown jewel of the Iron Islands, 150 longships all armed with ballistas and crewed by armored and experienced raiders.

Theon clenched and unclenched his right hand as he walked through a large stone hallway that he, if trying enough, could remember from childhood.

There was no arguing with guards to enter the castle or having to ask servants for directions. He was obviously expected as the guards were informed the last Greyjoy son was coming home and given directions to repass about where the Lord Reaper was likely to be. No reason to believe the unknown young man who had the right age, hair and eye colors and was dressed as a noble wasn't the expected son.

After receiving his directions he continued along the castle, none of the servants or guards stopping to give more than a quick look at the supposed heir. Certainly not the warm reception he dreamed about.

After some minutes following a more helpful servant he arrived at a large but simple oak door, the doors to his father's office. A more private place than the throne room, perfect for the family reunion.

Gathering his wits Theon opened the door. The office was well lit, with candles in its four pillars alongside an large fireplace farthest from the door. In the middle of the room sat an a large orkwood table with four large seats by it, two were occupied.

Theon breath caught in his throat as one of the seated men turned at the sound of the door opening. He could barely recognize the man, his head mostly bald now, with a circle of dark grey hair at the sides growing uncontrolled as they went down to his middle back and blue eyes hard and cold but unfocused. His father stared at him.

Soon after the second man turned and Theon quickly recognized him as his uncle Victarion, much less changed the man remained as large and stoic as ever he looked passively as his nephew walked into the room.

After seeing who it was by the door Balon Greyjoy remained stone cold, he didn't move from his seat and continued to look Theon in eye until the younger ironborn stopped in the middle of room.

"Father" Theon said with a voice steadier than he felt "I have returned."

Balon stood up slowly before answering "The Stark took a boy from me, what has come back?"

"A man, your son and heir!" Theon exclaimed the cold eyes of his father and uncle on him.

"Is that so? Tell me, have payed the iron price yet?" Said Balon.

Theon froze for but half a second but he could see both man had noticed. "No, I haven't." He knew that would come up but he still froze.

"Then you are no man yet, boy!" Bellowed the old kraken as he moved to closer to Theon staring his estranged son.

"Those clothes- " he started, moving his hand to hold Theon's collar, the son's hand held his wrists before he could do so. Theon froze for a second before remembering another of his father's own lessons.

"When in doubt, show strength. And never back down after you've started a fight, remember you're a Greyjoy."

He remembered and recomposed himself in a few seconds as Balon and Victarion both payed close attention to the younger Greyjoy.

"I shot arrows at the King's men when I was 9 in a already lost battle that you started, I killed wildlings while hunting in a frozen forest when I was 12 and I have been fighting in actual war for the last 6 months while you sat in your broken castle!" Theon said, he tried very hard to keep his voice hard but even and mostly succeeded. "I am a man."

There was long, tense silence as father and son stared off.

"Hm, there may be some iron in you after all." Balon finally said, moving away from Theon and back towards the table. Stopping just before where he was sat, where he turned back to Theon who was a bit lost in what to do or feel.

"So, why are you here?" The old kraken said.

Theon, still surprised took a bit to answer. Taking a large breath before doing so, his reception was already not l the warmest and happiest and he was sure it wouldn't get better now.

"I've come with a proposal from Robb Stark." He said with a voice finally as steady as he wanted.

He didn't know if it was what meager respect he got from his previous actions that made his father not instantly snap at him but he could see the man's eyes narrow as he thought for a few seconds. The older man finally opened his mouth to answer, before he could do so the oak door slammed open.

Theon quickly turned to the doors to see who would enter the Lord Reaper's office so abruptly and at such occasion only to be surprised as the woman that brought him here sauntered to the middle of the room, stopping besides him. If that wasn't enough Balon's short nod and muttering "Asha" of recognition left him slack-jawed as he realized the woman he spent the better part of the three hour trip trying to bang happen to be his sister.

"Father! And dear baby brother, how you've grown." Her smirk was as mischievous as when they met in Lordsport if not more, and he was now ashamed to admit that it had the same affect on him as before. "So, what did I miss?"

"Your brother was about to tell me why the Stark child sent him here like his messenger boy." Balon cold voice replied to her joking question.

Theon breath caught in his throat, he had thought of a thousand ways to petition his father for Robb but now as he actually had to ask the bitter, harsh old man that he still wanted to impress despite not wanting to want to he just couldn't form the words. So there he stayed, for almost half a minute without knowing what to say before blurting.

"The proposal is for an alliance in a war against the Iron Throne for the independence of the Kingdom of the North and the Trident and the Kingdom of the Iron Islands." He said in a as formal and strong a voice as he could. Though from how Balon's eyes narrowed more he guessed it still wasn't enough.

"You want me to ally with greenlanders for my crown?! You ask me to bow and negotiate with that green child?! The son of a man who lead the forces that broke through this castle and took my sons from me!" Balon roared, whatever was keeping his anger in check no longer able as his cold eyes lit up with rage as he quickly walked close to Theon looming over the teenager frame, who was actually only bit smaller but at the moment was feeling much more so.

"I will not shake hands with a greenlander! I will pay the iron price for my crown, the ironborn shall reave both the North and the South alike!" The older man continued, no longer roaring but still with a hard voice. "What is left is for you to chose and for me to see if you have iron or ice in your veins, boy."

There was a silence as Balon's raging narrowed eyes looked into Theon's wide surprised ones. Victarion and Asha, almost forgotten by the two, stayed quiet and still as the tension rose in the office.

A million thoughts went through Theon's head, most passing so fast he didn't even know what they were.

"Fuck the Starks." Theon did give in "This is about us, not them." Just not up.

"This is the best opportunity the ironborn had in the last three hundred damn years, it was never dragons or the Targaryens that kept us at bay but the Iron Throne itself! We thrived in the warring days of the divided kingdoms of Westeros. When we could attack the individual kingdoms with our unmatched navy, when we could reave and raid unrestrained! Now Robb Stark declares independence with two of the eight Kingdoms and rips the greenlands in half!" He half knew half didn't what he was talking about, he was a shit study but he did try at the Iron Islands, and he did try to see if and how his father's war could've been won. Maester Luwin mandatory 3 hours alone free study at the keeps library every 4 days left quite some time time for it.

"Dorne won't fight for a Lannister or Baratheon king but the Reach will. And against the Reach and whatever King sits on the damn iron chair he will still only have the two poorest kingdoms, one ravished by the Westerlanders and the other will soon face a harsh winter after this long summer. Let him fight his war and divide the greenlands further. Burn the Westerlands not only because it will weaken the Lannisters prolonging the war and helping destroy the unity of the greenlands but also because with what is left of its main army away and its second host broken they are weak and perfect for reaving.

The richest of the kingdoms by far is almost undefended, take the bountiful and weakened Westerland coast and its riches instead of the frozen and barren North. It's the best target, both as a reaver and as a king." He finished, voice strong and eyes hard, he had panicked a bit mid speech but hid well with his tension and anger at the entire damn situation.

He said what he had to and he showed strength, for the few minutes he got to know his father again he saw the bitter man would only respect anyone if they showed strength. He might have went overboard with how nervous and angry he was but regretting wouldn't really help him now.

His father didn't see to know what to do for more than a whole minute as he continued to stare at him, the eyes remained narrow and harsh but Theon saw the surprise in them before he could hide it.

"You do have iron in you." His father finally said, walking towards him. Theon remained still, taking all he had just to not avoid his eyes as his father closed in, stopping closer than an arms reach. Only to back hand him in face.

Theon fell to the ground in a muffled thud. Old or not his father hit hard, he thought to himself tasting the blood in mouth from where one his father's rings and his own teeth ripped the flesh. He got up quickly though.

"But don't think to lecture me in our ways." He continued "You will have your answer by the morning, show him to his room." He finished, talking with Asha who immediately went to the door.

He hesitated before following, he wanted to argue, to defend his idea some more. His father's didn't seem to be suggesting though and he didn't seem to take disobedience well, so hoping this was the best course to help convince the man as he followed after his sister out if the room.

Another shitty situation as no matter how much he tried he just couldn't keep his eyes from her ass, the way she was swaying just wasn't fair. And from how she smirked when she caught him looking he was sure it was on purpose too and that just made it worse.

An agonizingly long walk later and he was in what he actually remembered to be his old room, he quickly said some awkward goodbye to his sister, making some promise about seeing their mother later and closed the door.

Collapsing in his bed, he thought to himself how he should go get an ironborn woman to relax a little and get to know his homeland better but for the first time in his young life he was too worried to be in the mood.

Without his sister to distract him and too tired to distract himself he stayed there trying to think about what he could do if his father said no.

**Balon Greyjoy**

After his son left the room Balon stayed unmoving. He had imagined many ways his third son could've turned, this one was... good. But he saw what almost seemed to be admiration towards Robb Stark, the boy got soft in the greenlands.

But not stupid, while he would need to toughen up to be a worth Iron King the boy did show strength and he had some intelligence, he would watch and see.

"Get the maps of the North, the Riverlands, the Westerlands and the Reach." He said to his brother, finally moving from the middle of the room.

During the six months the war has been happening he made plans to attack all these kingdoms, like his son said a war like this was a unique opportunity, he had thought to attack the weaker North, if they managed to take and fortify Moat Cailin they could cut the region from the rest of the greenlands then it would be a matter of taking or raiding it's coastal keeps in villages until winter came, winter would kill most resistance in the conquered regions and the sudden lack of coastal supplies and ironborn raiding parties would snuff most resistance inside as well. No one in Westeros would dare fight the Iron Fleet at sea or invade the North during Winter, green landers are cowardly like that.

But his son might be right, if the boy was truthful in his letters from before coming to the Islands, Tywin had taken a host of between 65 to 75 thousand men to the Riverlands, most of which broke or went with him to the Crownlands to fight Stannis. From retreating soldiers and some fresh ones a new host was raised at Oxcross and broken in the same place as Robb Stark manages an easy victory ambushing the camped army with 22 thousand men against 35 thousand on the Lannister side.

Soon after Robbs army marched through the Westerlands taking or besieging keeps as he went, most of the interior Westerlands were busy with the Young Wolf. The Westerlands haven't been this vulnerable even during the days of the Reyne rebellion, the richest land of Westeros and home to a family he despised and that was holding the Iron Throne together.

Victarion needed no more as he moved from his seat towards one of the many cabinets opposite to the windows on the room. It held various large scrolls, he took three of the biggest and unfurled them on the table.

Balon leaned on the table watching the maps, detailed maps with the details of the respective kingdoms, every Lord Reaper in Iron Islands had maps like this from all over the world. A good knowledge of the terrain helps a lot during raids.

"What do you think?" He finally said, without turning from the map. His brother might not say much or not be a great thinker but he trusted him more than any and the man knew more about reaving than anyone else besides, maybe, their younger, insane, brother. He knew none better than to help him plan his attack,except maybe The Reader, if his brother-in-law would just grow a spine.

"Your boy is right." Always a man of little words Victarion saw no need to explain more, he knew his brother understood the whys of his answer. "But the captains have been gathered for two months already, everyone is here and everyone is restless."

Balon understood what that meant, whatever he was going to do it needed to be done fast. Ironborn lived at sea, reavers didn't remain in the same place for long, no matter who was ordering.

Tywin also led the forces at Pyke and he had set Gregor Clegane loose on Pyke and Great Wyk, Lannister forces were responsible for most civilian deaths during his rebellion. The Lannisters owed him a debt, and he intended to take it by iron price.

"Get the map of Lannisport as well." He said, his decision made.

Note: Hello, I had this story in my mind from some time and decided to write it. Theon will a bit smarter and tougher he will still be impulsive (excluding this chapter because I really needed to use a argument to get the ball rolling) and thus short sighted but here instead of chickening out and first being in a mix of doubt/guilt wrecked and unsure of his future now he will have a chance to grow into an actual ironborn prince.

I wrote this in three days with weeks apart and did not check much of my sentencing or grammar so I'd appreciate constructive criticism.