Author's Note-this is the finale of my season 8...let me know if you want me to write more and I will be happy to oblige! Thanks again for the kind words and reviews, really makes my day!


Chapter 1

It had been a year to remember, that was for sure, what with being saved from certain death, reunited with the Viking and become a hybrid, to say nothing of having something she had thought never to happen0000have a child-Sookie was feeling like she was on cloud nine. Life had been surprisingly peaceful save for the occasional scuffle with the occasional stalker type person who wanted a piece of her and her own. But true to his word, Niall's sacrifice had provided the protection that she had wanted, people were unaware of her special blood. Of the Vikings…..they had both changed, taking on elements of each others magic to conceive their sun Gunnar, who because of his mixed heritage, had aged fast…..appearing to be in his mid twenties when technically only months old-had decided to spend tome abroad in Europe, more specifically at the ancestral home of his father, where his aunt Elsa ruled as the queen of the several hundred vampire Vikings who lived in peace there. It had been hard for her to let him go. Hard for both of them to let him go, actually but they had all promised there would be visits and Gunnar had assured them that this wasn't anything permanent. He merely wanted to learn more of his culture, his heritage. And when he came back, he vowed to spar with his father with swords and other Viking weaponry. And hand to hand combat. And so now the two lived in peace, having plenty of family and friends around to keep them occupied, though truth be told, evenings at home were enjoyable, even with his time at the bar. And her time at her job.

It was on one balmy summer night she had decided to surprise him at work and she had the sense something was off when the front door of Fangtasia was wide open and not a patron was in sight. Granted it was well after closing time and she had been able to flash from her home to the club in a blink of an eye, but it was three in the morning and she knew he wouldn't expect her at this time of night. Her hearing was so much more acute thanks to the vamp streak in her and she found herself heading towards the basement of the bar. And as she took in the view of what she was seeing, she thought she was going to be sick. She was hoping that this was a dream, though it was more like a nightmare. The basement hadn't changed much, some various torture devices here and there, used only if need be. This time, there was a new addition to the room, tucked into the corner. But even in the dark, her acute eyesight saw the two cavorting, she saw him taking blood from the woman, muttering something in Swedish to her and there was a lustful look on his face as he did so. And then as he was finishing up with the raven haired woman, he saw her. Long enough to see her staring back at him. And he seemed shocked, embarrassed and yet, she saw he steal a glance at the other woman. And she knew then and there she needed to leave. She had learned more than one thing here tonight. One, she couldn't trust anyone it seemed. And two, this woman was more than a little trouble. She was a faerie as well.

Chapter 2

Tripping as she ran up the stone stairs, she kept running until she was out of the club and into the night. She was so distraught, she didn't think about flashing back home. She just kept running, the night air barely able to keep her face dry of the tears that were coming. This had been the most challenging, rewarding, painful, happy year of her life and it was all in shambles now. That she had made the decision to be with him after everything only to be standing here in some park with only her thoughts for company. Sitting down on a bench, she put her head in her hands and ignored the fact she was no longer alone. Angrily, she shot to her feet, hands sparking with her light, which she knew was dangerous, not wanting others to see it. But seeing as how they were in a fairly wooded are and how late it was, she hadn't much worry about being seen. "How could you? " she stammered, her voice barely more than a whisper, her voice gutting him like nothing he had ever felt.

"I can't even begin to explain how that happened and why…." he said quietly, approaching her slowly, his hands in a pleading motion. "You know I have no designs to or for anyone else."

She laughed coldly. "Not what I just saw. I guess you just like that faerie magic….amongst other things my people have to offer. Blood, a little…..something extra." she said coldly, wiping the tears from her face. "I trusted you over everyone else in my life, save for my brother. And this is what you do? I should say, who you do. She's…..something I have yet to figure out but still, I thought…I thought you had more self control than that…." she shook her head. "I guess I should have known that a vampire couldn't ever be faithful to someone for too long…though so far as I know other couples haven't had this problem arise. Keith and Arlene are happy and Jess and Hoyt…I guess when you can have anyone you want, you think its fine to go ahead and act on that. How many others have there been I don't know about?"

"No…..and I…I don't know how this happened. I don't remember even meeting her, I was…overtaken by something. And I know its no excuse but there is something to her. I don't think she is any mere faerie. I think she may be something stronger. I never would have done that to you…..never."

She said nothing, though she admitted that she had detected something else about the woman, her magic was different and perhaps she wasn't just some faerie. Something akin to one but different. "Maybe something else is at work here….and we will find out what it is. But for now, I don't want to be around you right now. Because all I can see when I look at you is seeing you and that woman….." she didn't want to think on the details. Those were seared into her brain, those images and she took a deep breath. "If you find out who she is….let me know. If we have a name to go on, maybe it can lead to something. I am not gonna be home tonight so enjoy the nice big bed to yourself. you're probably tired out from the evenings activities." and with a flash, she was gone and she left a angry, pained and confused Viking in her wake. He truly didn't know what had come over him and why he had done what he had done. All he knew was that he needed…..demanded…..answers.

Chapter 3

She had stopped at her home to gather some things, to put them in a bag. But she was stopped by her cousin, who had appeared in her living room. As the current ruler of Faery, Hadley had certainly come into her own and was in the midst of a peaceful time in the realm. But there was something that she needed to report to her cousin. "I was actually headed to Faery, I need to get away from here for a little bit. " Sookie said but as she looked at her cousin, she knew something was amiss.

"I am looking for a dark haired woman. She was a faerie….technically is still but she was playing with power she shouldn't have and she has….evolved. She is a siren and as such, because of her change, cha can't stay in faerie any longer. None other than faeries can live for too long in Faerie for long before they start….dying." Hadley paused. "I looked through her things in her house and what I saw she can do, what sirens can do…." she nodded at the kitchen table. "You may want to take a seat."

Feeling as if in a daze. Sookie obeyed and impatiently waited for a explanation. "How can we kill her, who is she? Do you know anything about her?"

"Her name is Selena and yes she can be killed but in a very specific way. Her magic in her is so dangerous…..she knew what she was doing, thought herself better than some mere faerie and her she is able to actually do just that. Though with her wicked demeanor, it is nothing I would brag about….but here is what I found out. You know in legends, out on the ocean, sirens would sing, lure sailors to their demise? Well, there was always a little… between time."

"A little booty call." Sookie said flatly, remember what she had walked in on at the bar. "I know full well about that part."

"Well, strangely enough, they work kind of like vamps, needing to feed on the souls and energies of those they decide to seduce. And from the moment she started in on your Viking, it began. Meaning time is running low as we speak. What I didn't know is that sirens are more or less locusts. Black widows. They take that they need from who they want and leave their victim a shell of who they were before, if not dead. They thrive on the energies of those they decide to take. As one who has read Harry Potter, I don't think the author realized, ever could have dreamed such a thing like a dementor could exist but basically, that's what a siren is, though they do enjoy the game. And none, so far as I know, as far as I have researched, have ever been not killed. They are all born of some pretty dark mojo."

"And to think I loved that book series…to think a aspect of them could have some bit of truth to them…." the weary Sookie rubbed her eyes. "Ok, so what do we have to do to stop this before its too late?"

"It seems once she has had a taste of her chosen victim, she will keep going until its done." Hadley didn't want to come right out and say it, though she knew her cousin could read between the lines. "We need to try to find him and try to protect him until I can find out just how to kill this thing."

"You didn't find anything as to how to kill it?"

"I was kind of in a hurry to find you when I saw who she was after….I didn't have a lot of time to research as much as I would have liked. "But at least we have a face, a name." Hadley pointed to a mirror hanging in the kitchen and conjured up a image of the woman that had so brazenly started chaos in their lives. Her dark raven hair fell to the small of her back and she was curvy in every place it counted. "She Won't be after him until she has the….hunger, the need. For now, it looks like she is sampling the nightlife of Bon Temps. " Hadley said as they watched the image in the mirror moving down the sidewalk, causing many eyes to turn in her direction. "NO one can help but looking at a siren, they project that aura…which apparently even those like your Viking can't resist. And I hope that after this mess is done with, you can forgive him. Siren magic is some potent crap."

"I'm glad that this isn't entirely his fault…but this is not something that either of us are gonna come back from easily." Sookie replied as she used her magic to make the image of the smirking woman in the mirror vanish. "Go and see what you can find out about killing her. I am going to go find him before she can have a round two."