Author's Note: If you're looking for a great chapter fic, I highly recommend "Clair de Lune" by boursin!

"Rey. I hoped to see you today."

The book tumbled from Rey's fingers. It was for the best; she hadn't flipped a page for the last three minutes. Like most nights, the resistance fighter was curled in bed, trying to read, but finding herself daydreaming instead. Where moments ago her mind had been filled with the curve of Ben Solo's face, his strong nose, his thick hair, and more southern features, now her mind was literally filled by him. Her room was clean and white, yet there was was, a black focal point commanding her every attention. Months had passed since their Force bond was forged and though Rey and Ben hadn't seen each other in the physical sense since Craith, they spent hours together, filling their mundane evenings with the other's pseudo-company.

Now Rey realized from his mussed hair that Ben must have been in bed too.

Heat rose in her cheeks, painting them pink. Pushing the mental image of Ben's toned chest and impressive arms away, she cleared her throat and tried to gauge his reaction to her fantasy. "Did I wake you?"

"I'd only just fallen asleep. What are you reading? Something that reminds you of me?" His voice was full of genuine curiosity.

"I wasn't thinking of you," Rey quickly spat. "Don't flatter yourself."

A flicker of a smile ticked at Ben's lips. "Liar."

Panicked, Rey desperately tried to push him out of her mind, just in case. It would hardly do for him to know the things she imagined doing to him. He was both her closest confidant and most formidable enemy. Arming him with this strange new attraction was dangerous in more ways than one.

"What are you hiding?" Ben asked playfully. Glancing down, he shook his head at the book cover. "I'm not familiar with that one."

A rush of his curiosity flowed over Rey and she realized he was indeed blissfully unaware of the seductive nature of her thoughts. "It's nothing. Maybe I was thinking of you – I hadn't felt you for a while." She stretched and nestled back into bed. "How was your day?"

"Trying. I'll have Hux's head before long if he continues to irritate me so." Ben yawned and ran a hand through his hair. "How none else lopped it from his irksome shoulders, I haven't a clue. He's not only boldly insubordinate, but-"

He continued speaking on the annoying traits of his general, but Rey wasn't listening. A brief snipit of her fantasy played across her mind against her will and certainly against her better judgment.

Ben gazed down at her and she reached up, burying her hands in that thick hair. His nose brushed against hers briefly before his lips parted -

"Is that why you woke me?" Ben chuckled in surprise.

Rey's stomach dropped. "Good night." The bond broke with the abruptness of a thunderclap. It was all she could to do grab a pillow and scream in embarrassment into it.