Man it's been a while, hasn't it guys…I'm really sorry but school started up a couple weeks ago and honestly they've been giving out homework left and right. Most of my spare time was spent doing the homework and the rest was letting my brain rest. Plus, it doesn't help that I had major writers block I didn't know what to put into this chapter so honestly I'll be surprised if this chapter is even good.

Marinette turned and saw her worst nightmare, her crush Adrien Agreste was standing before her. He was in shock standing there paralysed, Marinette Dupain-Cheng the sweet shy girl that always seemed to get flustered whenever he tried to talk to her and the girl who sat BEHIND him in class was Ladybug. Marinette was his LB, his Bugaboo, his M'lady and his love, he couldn't believe it.

Adrien tried to move, he reached out (A.N And do the hokey pokey ; ) Haha sorry) towards her and she flinched, standing back she was terrified. Her crush found out her secret, the one secret that even her best friend didn't know about. There was no point trying to explain herself, she was caught, her true identity was revealed to the one person she couldn't speak coherent sentences to.

"A-Adrien, f-fancy meeting you here" Marinette tried but failed to keep her stuttering to a minimum.

"You're Ladybug" He said slowly recovering from his state of shock

"Yeah" She smiled nervously, scratching her head and thought sadly 'He's disappointed it's me'. Trying to keep the air calm to she asked "Hey, have you seen Chat Noir anywhere?"

Adrien blinked in shock once more, then unexpectedly he began to laugh uncontrollably. Marinette stood there confused, 'What's so funny?'. Realizing that Marinette stood there in absolute confusion, his laughter soon died down.

"I'm sorry Marinette" Adrien said between hiccups of laughter.

"Um...I'm sorry but I'm confused, what's so funny?"Marinette said even more confused 'Why was he apologizing?'.

Adrien only smiled and open up his jacket and out flew a blur of black and it floated right in front of her. 'A kwami' Marinette's eyes widened and her mouth flew open in surprise.

"Tha-That's a Kwami" She managed to get out, "But h-how…" what she was going to say was lost when realization began to dawn on her, she breathed "You're Chat Noir"

"That's right, I'm Chat Noir" Adrien nodded and grinned widely, stepping forward, But…

"Where have you been?!" Marinette eyes where now filled with a mixture of anger and concern"

"I lost my miraculous" He said sadly "When I got home from school, I realized it was gone and I couldn't find it anywhere".

Marinette's eyes widened, she open her purse and Tikki flew out, she must have heard what happened and she and Plagg flew off somewhere to get reacquainted.

"By any chance is this your miraculous" digging into her purse and held out Adrien's ring.

"Yeah, yeah it is" Adrien said eyes wide in surprise, taking the ring and sliding it onto his finger.

"Well, I guess that explain why you were a no show, during the akuma attack" She said, smiling slightly, Adrien only smiled stepping closer towards her and grabbing her hand, Marinette blushed deeply.

"You know I can't believe I was so oblivious, you and Ladybug are so similar that I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before" Adrien breathed deeply and shook his head.

He stared at her bluebell eyes and she stared at his emerald orbs. They slowly began to lean in, they could feel their warm breaths and they closed their eyes and…a scream penetrated the air. They both sighed and pulled back, once again their eyes staring at each other.

"Guess we should take care of that akuma, shouldn't we?" Marinette smiled and Adrien smiled back, Tikki and Plagg where now once again by their sides "Tikki, Spot on!" "Plagg, Claws out!"

They ran out of the alley, face to face with the Creator, "Ahh, Chat noir how nice of you to join us"...

A few hours later…give or take…

"No more evil doing for you little akuma!" Spinning her yoyo "Time to De-evilise (spelling?)" Catching the butterfly "Gotcha! Bye bye little butterfly"

Ladybug threw up her yoyo "Miraculous Ladybug!"

"Pound it" Fist bumping her Chat Noir, she stared at him a little longer and so did he.

They both stared deeply into one another and Chat wrapped his arms around, closing their eyes and leaning in they clasp their lips together. The kiss sent shockwaves, it was electrifying, and they deepened the kiss. Reporters coming in to inspect the seen for their scoop came face to face with the kissing super duo.

Let's just say that kiss sent headlines all over Paris and fangirls screaming at the top of their lungs (A.N Relatable much) So when Adrien and Marinette were at school…

"Oh my gosh! Girl they kissed, its official Ladybug and Chat Noir are a couple!" ALya ran in screaming at her smiling best friend.

"Yeah its amazing" Marinette squealed internally, Adrien suddenly walked in and before he took his place he gave Marinette a peck on the cheek, Alya stared at her wide eyed and then pounced at her pink cheeked, smiling best friend.

"Girl when did this happen?!" Alya screamed at her face, "Give me all the details"

"Yesterday" She answered shyly.

"OH MY GOD! my to OTP's finally set sail on the same day" Alya screamed and pestered the new formed couple for the rest of the day.


I'm done, this story is finished! Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement, I would really appreciate it.

Also Sorry If Alya sounded a bit OOC but I wanted the ending to be very relatable to our Fangirl/Fanboy community.

And finally I'm going to be writing another MLB fanfic so stay tuned for that.