Marinette's POV

What… just… happened?! I just fricken' received a kiss from Adrien?! Ayee! I know it was just on the cheek but still a kiss is a kiss. I sat on my place obviously unable to concentrate in class no matter what Ms. Charlotte says. What did Adrien say before he kissed me again? Did he just say "M'lady"? Why does that sound so familiar? And after further thought, I realized why it sounded so familiar. It was because that's what Cat Noir calls me Every. Single. Time. Huh… that's weird. Who knew someone like Adrien had the possibility to have a similarity with Cat Noir.

*Time skip to when class ends*

"And that's all for today, Adrien and Marinette, enjoy your make out session" Ms. Charlotte says as she winks towards the two at us. As usual I blush like an idiot but at least I wasn't the only one, Adrien was as well. "Just kidding… or am I?" she continues to say while leaving the class. How can a teacher even tease her very own students like that?! I mean it's not like I'm hating it because I get to see a new side of Adrien I've never seen before and I get to be his "wife".

"Hey purrincess, you ready to go home?" Adrien seductively whispers into my ear as he walks up behind me causing me to slightly jump. That's when I remember that I have to go to Adrien's house; this day just keeps getting better and better. I turn around at him and respond to him with the same tone he used. "Of course my purrince"

I'm guessing that my response surprised him because he started to stare at awe but quickly regained his old composure, he smirked "I thought you hated cat puns"

"I do but hey, can't I enjoy using it sometimes?" I say slapping his arm playfully.

We greet Nino and Alya goodbye but before we truly separated both Alya and Nino had a few words to say, "Now you both know that you need to inform the both of us exactly what happened not missing a single moment… unless the two of you make out. You DO NOT need to tell us how you both kissed"

We both just laughed at that and finally walked away heading towards Adrien's house. I really wanted to ask him why he decided to call me M'lady and so I did but in the best possible way that I could, "Adrien, I j-just w-wanted to know why you d-decided to call me… you know… call me M'lady out of nowhere?"

I noticed how Adrien quickly turned to look at me and turn a slight shade of red, "Oh that, I don't know I also heard that from Cat Noir through Alya's blog, I just thought he was really cool about how he could easily fluster Ladybug. Why'd you ask?"

"I just… I r-really wasn't expecting to hear something as c-corny from you" I say giggling a little.

"It isn't corny!" He says laughing along "Now since we're asking each other questions, can I ask something from you?"

"S-sure" I say slightly worried about what he would ask from me.

"Why do you do that?"

"D-do w-what?" I ask dumbfounded by what he's trying to point out.

"That… stutter"

"Oh, I'm sorry if my stuttering annoys you but I can't help it. I'm just really shy around you but hopefully after we hang out for a bit I'll be all right with you." I say hiding the fact that I'm totally crushing on him.

"That's the plan…M'lady" He says flashing me a quick adorable smile until it runs into a smug smirk.

"Are you going to start calling me that from now on?" I say rolling my eyes but secretly enjoying the new nickname. "Yup, so get used to it" he says.

After a long conversation, we finally made it to his house. Once I entered, it was like a real life Barbie house except that it's not pink. "Whoa… my house looks like a shed compared to this mansion"

"It might be enormous and nice but it gets lonely after sometime, especially since you're alone. But technically I don't live all alone since my father stays here too, but with him gone for work every single day, it's basically the same as being all alone." he says slightly frowning at the mention of his father.

"Well it won't be like that anymore because your lady is here now, right?" I say hoping to make him feel better.

I see him smile enormously aka the most adorable smile I have ever seen. "Of course! How could have I been so stupid?" we finally head up to the room and that's when the fun begins.