Hello everyone.

Another new story.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter.

"Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, this cross is proof of your status as a demon hunter. Be careful and think wisely from now on." Tsunade the head of the Demon Hunter academy.

Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno were top of their class and now are among the elite of hunters.

Sasuke Uchiha just turning eighteen years old is from a family of hunters. They go on in generations.

Sakura Haruno is also just turning eighteen years old but she was the first hunter in her family in centuries. Her family vowed to never get involved in the war against demons ever again. The reason was unknown and was never spoke about so she ignored it and became one with her best friend, Sasuke Uchiha.

"Sasuke, we did it and now we're partners. Aren't you excited?" Sakura said to Sasuke glancing at him.

Sakura has a crush on Sasuke, has had one for years but it was never reciprocated back. So she settled on being his friend, which he shockingly accepted. He cares about Sakura just never in that way. Of course he doesn't mind being her partner. She was the one person that knew who he was before entering the academy and not just because his family name.

"After all that training you better believe I am ready." Sasuke said giving her his signature smirk.

"Now let's go celebrate with the rest of our class." Sakura said pulling at Sasuke.

"Don't party too hard, your first day is tomorrow." Tsunade said she also controls the work force for demon hunting.

"Yes ma'am," Sakura screamed as she pulled Sasuke out the office.

"WE DID IT!" Sakura screamed excited with their other classmates.

Sakura ran off to talk to her other best friend Ino who got partnered up with Choji, both families were demon hunter generations.

"Hey Sasuke," Hinata said as he walked to sit down.

"Hey Hinata, who did you get partnered up with?" Sasuke asked not really curious but he wanted to pass the time away.

"I got partnered up with no one right now." Hinata said looking disappointed.

"Don't worry, you can always have my partner." Sasuke said making her giggle, that he happened to find cute.

"Don't try to get rid of me Sasuke." Sakura said pouting.

"I'm just playing." Sasuke said.

They all went out for the night not trying to get to drunk like Tsunade said because they knew they had to start work tomorrow. Sasuke just so happened to be alone at his house tonight all his family members were hunting at the moment.

When did the world become this hectic where they had to create a demon hunter society. He never understood the whole thing but he knew that it was started centuries ago when they always ate humans unafraid of the consequences.

'No demon is going to eat me.' Sasuke thought as he got into his bed for the night.

Morning came quickly for the five new recruits and everyone was excited to see who would be there instructor.

"Welcome everyone," Shikamaru said as they came in the door.

"Hey Shika," Choji said excited.

Shikamaru nodded his head to his friend as he waited for everyone to line up in front of him.

"Okay everyone, we have instructors for each of you. Yes, I am your age but I am your senior by three years in this company and respect is an order here, not that I care for that much. You will each get an instructor that has been here for over ten years. Sasuke and Sakura," Shikamaru called them forward.

Shikamaru was probably one of the most lazy demon hunters in the demon hunting community. It didn't really bother anybody though seeing as he was really efficient at his job and since his partner itself was a demon.

"Yes?" Sakura said as they both stepped forward.

"You will be assigned to Kakashi. Choji and Ino, you will be assigned to Asuma. Now Hinata, I realize you don't have a partner from your class so you will be paired up with your cousin so he can show you the ropes himself until we can get you a partner. Any questions?" Shikamaru asked hoping everyone understood and he didn't get no questions but of course he had to get one.

"Who is your partner, Shika?" Ino asked.

"My partner is over there." Shikamaru said pointing to a black ink haired pale guy on the other side of the room.

"Call him over here so we can meet him." Choji said.

"Tsk' fine, Sai come here really quick." Shikamaru called to the boy.

Sai was over by Shikamaru in a flash that no one even seen him move.

"He's a demon." Sasuke said in disgust as he stepped back.

"Yes I am," Sai answered having a fake smile on his face.

"Yes he is, and he is my responsibility. As you all should know is that some demons do help out with demon hunting especially the lower classes. You also should know there is five classes of demons. A class being one of the highest there is aside from S class demons. Sai here, is an A class demon and he is my partner." Shikamaru explained.

"Why are you even here?" Sakura asked in a bitchy attitude.

"Honestly I would say it's because I feel like it but I did lose a fight and gained respect for my captor a little too much." Sai said with that fake smile on his face.

Sasuke activated his sharingan because he wanted to know if Sai was a born demon.

"You weren't born one, so what happened?" Sasuke asked stepping next to his partner who happened to be near the demon.

"There are only two ways to become a demon aside from being born one or being a halfy like your ancestors, having those eyes." Sai said casually.

Sasuke wanted to cut this demon down. Yeah Sasuke knew his family got tainted blood from an ancestor being in intermingles with a demon and it messed with the family's eyes giving them the sharingan. It only came in certain members but it still popped up from time to time. Sasuke gripped his sword but Sakura touched his arm gently. He glanced at her and she shook her head to tell him to stop.

"The ways you can change is by selling your soul or you're just plain evil." Sai said.

"Okay and what were you just evil then?" Ino asked now.

"No, I sold my soul. I got beaten by that demon a fair amount of times where I would like to kill him now." Sai said with the same smile.

Before anymore conversations could start the alarm went off and the office went into chaos.

"You five stay here until your instructors get back. Sai come on." Shikamaru said as he loaded his gun and grabbed his blade.

"What the hell does he mean wait until our instructors come?" Sasuke asked irritated.

That was when they heard an explosion and everyone started walking back into the building a lot of people were bloody and dirty but they all seemed fine. Shikamaru came back in the building with his ponytail messed up and dirt on his face.

"Shika, are you okay?" Ino asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, now where was I? Oh yeah all your instructors are getting there instructions from Lady Tsunade at the moment so good luck for now on and future advice be quick on your feet." Shikamaru said giving them a little bit advice. "Oh and beware of the S class demons, they are rare but they are more deadly than any other demons. There are only nineteen S class demons left so if you find one exercise with caution or just take the simple approach an run away." Shikamaru warned and then went back to his desk.

They all got their instructors, all but Sasuke and Sakura and they were both getting annoyed by that fact.

"Where the hell is he?" Sakura complained.

"Where is who?" A man with grey hair asked from behind her making her jump toward Sasuke.

"You must be Sakura and Sasuke, I am Kakashi. I will be your instructor for the time period of your probation to not get killed." Kakashi said.

"Okay, can we get on with a mission now then?" Sasuke asked irritated.

"Sure," Kakashi said shrugging his shoulders.

Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura walked out the building to see the city lights like it was completely peaceful. It wasn't a normal peaceful and it was quite unnerving. They all started to walk towards a highly populated area of demons and Sasuke felt his sharingan activate he couldn't explain why but it did on it's own and he felt in the pit of his stomach that he should turn back. But it was too late because he hunched over throwing up.

"Sasuke," Sakura called out worried about him but he couldn't hear anything at the moment.

"His demon blood is acting up. An S class demon must be around here, we got to remove him from this area." Kakashi said in an attempt to get them out the area.

"No!" Sasuke screamed shaking his head.

If an S class demon was around here he would catch it or kill it. Whichever one he decided. High class demons have a special ability of being able to intimidate lower class demons to the point of throwing up and Sasuke is by all means what you would call a lower class demon.

"Sasuke, we have to move back. You can't fight like this." Sakura said trying to reason with him.

Sasuke just shook his head and passed out. Before he passed out he saw a long-haired blonde with a fox next to her and it was the nine-tail fox that he learned about. The blonde woman looked at him and smirked like she knew exactly what was happening to him.

A few hours after passing out Sasuke found himself in a room he didn't recognize but it didn't alarm him seeing as he heard people bustling around in the other room. He figured it was where demon hunters slept when they couldn't make it home. As Sasuke was trying to get up he heard the door open only to look up to see his older brother, Itachi.

"Hey Itachi," Sasuke grumbled.

"Hey, heard you passed out." Itachi said sitting by his brother.

"A demon never had that type of impact on me like that before, why did it happen now?" Sasuke asked hoping his brother would know the answer. "Could it be the demon that connected us with demons to begin with?" Sasuke asked.

"It couldn't be remember, that demon died. Here eat something," Itachi said handing his some food. "Mom said don't scare her like that. You know you have to listen when you instructor says to leave you have too. Why didn't you just listen and pull back so you could of regained some of your power back?" Itachi asked.

"So if the demon from our past isn't the reason then what could it be? And yeah I know I should have listened." Sasuke said not wanting to tell his brother why he didn't listen.

"Maybe the demon sensed you and wanted to threaten you away from their territory. You did start sensing a demon right?" Itachi asked

"Yeah I sensed one and then their power oppressed me." Sasuke said not liking that he had to say that.

"It could only have been an S class demon or more than one." Itachi reasoned.

"Okay fine, I thought I saw before I passed out two demons. A blonde woman with a fox the nine tails walking next to her. She smirked at me when we made eye contact." Sasuke said.

Itachi stood quickly, "Are you sure? A blonde with a fox?" Itachi asked.

"I told you I'm not sure but I think I saw her." Sasuke said.

Itachi immediately started pulling Sasuke to Lady Tsunade's office who was presently in a meeting with Fugaku Uchiha, Mikoto Uchiha, and Kakashi about the presence that was sensed in the village just hours ago. Itachi didn't care if he was going to get reprimanded but this was urgent.

"Itachi, what do you think you're doing?" Tsunade asked offensively.

"Sorry, it's just that Sasuke said that he saw the nine tail fox with a blonde woman. The only blondes strong enough to knock an Uchiha on there knees are pure blood S class demons and that would be Yugito. No other S class demons are blonde woman." Itachi said not knowing how wrong he was.

Tsunade was shocked out of her anger and intercom Shikamaru immediately telling him to bring in the pictures of all the S class demons. Shikamaru came in with Sakura following close behind him.

"SASUKE! I am so glad you're okay." Sakura said running up to him and hugging the life out of him.

"Okay Sakura let go," Sasuke gasped out.

"OKAY! Sasuke get over here and show me the woman you saw. Let it be known that demons that were born tend to grow and age differently." Tsunade said.

Sai was in the room after a minute of waiting outside, standing next to Shikamaru quietly.

Sasuke silently looked at the pictures and noticed no one has ever got a picture of the fox or the character Naruto but it says that demon is a male and on top of all the other demons even in the S class.

"None of these people look familiar." Sasuke said after looking over the information again trying to gain more insight on why he reacted the way he did.

"The fox doesn't just follow around anyone. That woman must be strong enough to keep the fox next to her." Tsunade said as Sasuke kept finding himself back at Naruto's page where not much was said about him.

"Or it could be Naruto's mate and the fox watches and protects her." Kakashi suggested.

"But we never heard anything about him gaining a mate." Tsunade said.

They didn't even know what he looked like, what he sounded like or how he acted. There was talking around him and he didn't listen to anyone.

"Why isn't there any information on this Naruto character?" Sasuke asked.

"Well because no one has ever seen him." Tsunade said with everyone else nodding.

"Not once?" Sasuke asked his head going around the room quickly and landing on Sai. "What about you? Do you know what he looks like?" Sasuke asked.

"No, I heard only the S class demons know what he looks like and barely even that. A class demons and lower could never get around them. If I was to put this in human terms for you it would be like the poor serving the rich but not knowing who their real master is or was. But I did hear one rumor that circulated once and everyone who spoke of it died. That's why when everyone was talking I found it weird that everyone was talking about how the fox was with a girl and Naruto is a boy but Kurama would never go anywhere without Naruto. But that was a fact demons were meant to keep secret." Sai explained.

"So, Naruto could have been around and no one seen him." Tsunade said.

'Or Naruto could actually be a girl.' Sasuke thought. 'But is that really possible, even demons were saying that Naruto was a guy.' Sasuke thought, his mind was running.

"Do you know any of his characteristics? Like what he looks like?"Sasuke asked everyone.

"I heard a long time ago that he was a redhead like his mother and had blue eyes like his father but I never saw it in person. So no I can't give you any concrete evidence." Sai said.

"Damn," Sasuke said and silence took over the room.

No one knew what to say at the moment but they knew they needed to do some serious recall on the demon information.

"Naruto, where have you been?" Gaara a S class demon asked with Shukaku the tanuki sitting next to him.

Naruto the beautiful woman that Sasuke happen to see but the same woman that pretended to be weak to fuck with other demons and pretend to be inferior so no one expects it to be her as the infamous Naruto, the S class demon known for being the strongest among the rest of the demons.

"I ran into an Uchiha earlier." Naruto said with a smirk as she jumped into a tree.

Naruto was a petite woman of at least seven thousand years old. She has long blonde hair in one ponytail. She kept the rumors about herself spinning, funny seeing as she was the one creating them.

"And what happened?" Gaara asked tilting his head up so he could see her.

Gaara was one of the nineteen S class demons that knew who she really was, with him being her friend for as long as he could remember. He loved her dearly and that made him hostile towards other males when it came to her. Problem was that she didn't like him like that and wouldn't go that way with him. She only saw him as the brother she never had.

"He passed out, like for real who passes out. I didn't even put that much power out there." Naruto said chuckling.

"Naru, you and me together can kill a low class demon with are auras alone." Kurama said chuckling as he sat below the tree she was on.

"Okay, but there not a low class demon they may be half breeds but they still have the ten tails decendant's blood in them." Naruto said brushing it off.

"Naruto, that would have to do with the earlier ones. These Uchiha don't use their powers as much as the others did. They only use their powers when it comes to finding out if someone is a demon. But that one we saw today has some powerful blood in him, his blood is definitely more demon than human." Kurama said.

"Who are you talking about?" Gaara asked.

"Sasuke Uchiha, the youngest son of Fugaku Uchiha." Naruto said carelessly. "He was a bit cute though." Naruto said again carelessly.

Gaara's aura spiked up at hearing that alone.

"Oh calm down Gaara." Naruto said throwing a branch at him.

"Naru, you know he has a thing for you." Kurama said through their telepathic link.

"And I don't like him like that and I told him. He can't get mad at me when I think someone is cute. He doesn't own me." Naruto said back through the link.

"Be more sensitive about the guy's feelings." Kurama said.

"We're demons, what is there to be sensitive about? He kills people and I have killed people but not in at least four thousand years." Naruto said.

"Male demons are aggressive when they feel someone coming onto their mate." Kurama said.

"For the last fucking time I am NOT his mate." Naruto practically screamed in her head to him.

"Fine," Kurama said and decided he was going to take a nap.

"Gaara, you know I don't want to be like that with you, right?" Naruto asked knowing he would know what she was talking about.

"I know, I just can't help when I get jealous. We haven't been in contact with no other high level demons like us in a while and it's pretty unnerving." Gaara said in understanding.

"None of them are dead that's for sure or me and Kurama would have sensed are kind dying." Shukaku said.

"And the Ten-tails has been sleeping in hibernation since her counterpart died." Naruto said.

"I know I would if Gaara died." Shukaku said.

"Kurama would probably kill everyone in the world." Naruto said chuckling.

"Didn't she die because she shared too much of her blood to that human?" Gaara asked.

"Yeah," Naruto said thinking back to when her friend was alive.

It broke her heart when her friend died but Naruto couldn't even do anything about it that's why she just did what she asked and watched over the bratty little Uchiha's. But Naruto was also a sadist so she loved messing with people.

Naruto thought about the youngest Uchiha and how it would be fun to mess with him some more problem was that she wasn't going to see him until seven years later when he is more knowledgeable.


There will be major character death in this story so it won't be just romance.