Hey, Guys. This will be my first fic that I have written. I'm not sure how long this will be or I will even continue it after this chapter. I'm sort of just testing the waters and taking the first step of publishing. I'm all for feedback, even harsh feedback, but keep in mind that it is my first story.

Hope you enjoy,


The earth was silent.

The world was peaceful, like an afternoon stroll through the park. Except that there was no noise. No birds chirping or dogs barking. No child's giggle could be heard and the rustle of trees was eerily absent.

It was dead silent.

Even though it shouldn't have been. There were toppling skyscrapers, cracked streets, crushed cars, and broken families. Those that weren't dead were gently easing their bodies off the ground, stumbling through the rubble to find their loved ones. No one was attempting to find the source of the destruction.

The smoke filling the air alerting me to the presence of fire. One would expect to hear the distant sounds of a fire engine or the shouts of helpless people. There should have been noise, but all was silent.

The world was crumbling, and I was standing in the middle of it. Arms at my sides, calm and relaxed – sanity in the middle of chaos.

Is this what war is like?

Is it silent coping?

Is it demolished hope and leveled cities?

Or is this just life on a grander scale?

Slowly, the low hum of cracked buildings and ruined dreams returned to my ears. A high-pitched whine rang through my skull joining a deafening scream. It was gut-wrenching to hear.

I covered my ears, but the noise continued.

It was the sound of the universe splitting.

It was the symphony of tattered souls.

It was the music of devils.

It was the siren song of death.

It was me.