Disclaimer: I do not own Black Clover, with all its awesome-ness and shounen-ness

AN: First time writing for Black Clover, so hold on to your hats, you'll be seeing more of this!






[Russian: a sick, relentless pining for love lost or undisclosed desires ; nostalgia]





"Sister Lily!"

Of course.

"Please marry me!"

By now...

"I love you!"

It shouldn't hurt as much.

"Would you be my wife?"

It shouldn't be painful.

"Would you please marry me!"

It shouldn't stop air from reaching his lungs.


It shouldn't force his body to unwillingly seize up in choked hitches of breath.

"I won't give up!"

It shouldn't make his vision swim as tears force themselves to appear.

"I'll keep asking!"

And maybe, that's why Sister Lily keeps rejecting him.

"One more time!"

Maybe that's why she always answers his question the same way.

"Sister Lily~"

Because she knows, better than anyone else, that the question she keeps saying 'No' to

"Please, marry me!"

Yuno would gladly die for to answer : 'Yes'.