Chapter 9-Home(Frisk)

Tears were pouring down my face. Finally I was crying over sappy things again. I never thought I would be able to feel again. What was happening to me? I had no clue but it was strange. I threw the lid off of the trashcan and pulled myself out. I ran to Sans and Toriel with arms outstretched. Sans got to me first wrapping me in a hug and picking me up off my feet. It was the best feeling ever to feel like I could hug Sans again after worrying so much I was going to kill him. Sans set me down and Toriel came up to me smiling with tears in her eyes she gave me a big hug as well. I was ready to go home now. I felt ready to do whatever I had to do to work on the confusing feelings inside of me. The feelings of not knowing whether I was a good person or not were stronger than ever. I knew it was going to be a bumpy ride but I felt more confident this time about it. I already sort of knew what Sans was capable of, but I did not realize how spot on his judgement eye was. It all made sense to me now. Temmie meeting me at the bus stop from the barrier. Who had given Temmie the money so I could go to the ocean. Even the fact that I was staring down at the picture of me with all of my friends. Wait a second when did that get there?

"Heya pal, you ready to go home?" Sans asked me after the embrace, "y'know that picture that you are holding? It's a pretty special picture don't you think. Better take good care of it, huh?"

"Y-yeah, for sure," I said still not sure how the picture had gotten into my hands, "C-can we um frame it or something, maybe put a lock on it so it never gets lost or uh torn up? I know it was stupid leaving everyone like that, but I was so scared. I really need to write everyone an apology letter for how much I made them worry."

"Kid I think that's a great idea. See just cuz you and Chara share a body now doesn't mean you don't still have your conscience. You are still Frisk y'know, and we all care about you." Sans said winking at me, "Why don't you hold onto that until we get back to your Bone-tiful room okay?"

"Y-yeah, I would be so thankful to keep a hold of it." I said still thrown off guard by the fact that I had been holding onto the picture the whole time.

Suddenly I realized what had really happened and I glanced at Sans he was laughing quietly to himself. I was confused with all the strange things that had happened but at the same time I felt a peace in my soul. My friends and adopted family were going to work with me and remind me of the person I really was. Sans was being dead serious when he said my story was far from over. I laughed at the pun as it came into my mind. Then decided to ask Sans a serious question.

"Hey, Um, Sans, are you pranking me across time and space?"

Sans just shrugged laughing and winking at me. I knew I had a long way to go, and not only was I going to have to work on learning I still was good despite the mistakes I made. I was going to have to accept the fact that Chara and I shared a body. In the end we were going to have to accept each other in order to move forward. However the easiest way to accept each other is learning to accept yourself first and that was one of the biggest things I realized as I took Toriel's and Sans hands to go home.

Authors note: Thank you so much for your reviews, favorites, follows, and reads on my first attempt at an Undertale fan fiction. I was really happy how it ended despite all the plot ideas I had when I wrote it that didn't make it into the finished story. The characters took on a life of their own in the story and wrapped it up nicely. I hope you enjoyed some of the easter eggs I placed in the story to find (not just game related). I also felt bad because some of the characters I had wanted to appear just didn't make a big appearance in this fanfiction. I do not feel like I am completely done with Frisk/Chara's story yet, (or that they are done with their story yet), but for now we will wrap it up here. Thank you again and I hope you enjoyed!

Wait a second this feels familiar somehow. Sans!?

Heya bud! 'Sup?

I feel like I've typed this before whats going on?

Gee pal I dunno.

Sans what are you…

Heya. Yeah you on the other side of that screen. Take care of us! I've got my eye on you. I know what you are thinking. I know what you have already done. There is a glimmer of a good person inside of you I know it. As such, here's some friendly words of advice: don't make me give you a bad time…

playing at? Sans? Huh I could have sworn he was just here must have imagined it. Oh well, until next time! Thanks again!

Hoi! Don't worry human. Temmie is here! I was playing with the cute animals and built tem shop here. U shud chek it out yaYA! Boi!