The captain burst through the doors of the cabin, locking eyes with Chise who was waiting patiently for nearly an hour now. She peered up at his presence and stared as he gracefully strode to his seat, sitting down and crossing his long legs. He folded his hands across his stomach and tilted his head.

"Chise Hatori," he spoke.

With a hesitant nod, she cleared her throat. "That's me."

"Elias Ainsworth. You will address me by captain, is that clear?"

Chise nodded. "Yes si-...Captain."

"Good," nodded. Elias stared at his new found prize for a long time before getting up from his chair and moving around the the front for a better look at the girl. Chise only then noticed that his skin, which she had thought to be covered in dirt, was actually a dark purple hue. The captain's hand grabbed a strand of the girls flaming hair and hummed. "Do you know why you're here, Chise?"

"Well," she bowed her head. "Angelica told me that I was important to you…"

"Do you know why you're important?"

Chise blushed. "I figured you had taken me for"

Elias scoffed, sounding almost offended. "No, I didn't take you for sex. That's a repulsive idea."

"I beg your pardon?"

Elias, though his face made of bone, gave Chise a very threatening, reprimanding glare. She soon realized her mistake and bowed her head. "Sorry, Captain."

Taking a moment to regain his patience, the captain straitened his back and looked around the room. "Chise, in this world, there is magic. Most people can't see it, but there is real magic." He gestured around the room and held a hand up. There, perched on his forearm was a bird that had been conjured up through midair. It was a bird made of flames. Chise gaped in wonder. "Some people can see it, however and you, Chise are a Sleigh Vega, or Sleigh beggy. You posses the sight, you are a descendent of the ancient fea in this world. I stole you because I want to show you what you truly are." He extinguished the bird and began to circle Chise.

"You see, Sleigh Vegas are extremely rare. I was fascinated when I had heard about you, though I was unsure if the rumors had been true. I'm glad they are, because we put ourselves in a great deal of danger, setting anchor in that bay." He paused. "You seem strong. Power radiates from the air around you. I believe you will be easy to teach."

"Teach?" Chise interjected.

"I'm going to teach you how to be a pirate, as well as teach you how to control your magic. In return, I will let you will live, and also…" the man looked back at Chise with one red eye. "You'll help me find a cure to my curse."

Chise looked puzzled for a moment, but held back her questions. It would be rude to ask about one's curse, right? The captain stopped in his tracks. "I used to be human, a long time ago. At least, that's what I believe. I wasn't born this way but I can't remember anything that happened before I was cursed to look like this."

"But Captain, I don't know how to help you." Chise urged from the edge of her seat. "I don't know what you want me to do."

A large, warm hand was placed on Chise's shoulder. She looked down at it and back, up at Elias. "Don't worry. I know you don't know how to help yet. This is why I must train you," he felt the girl stiffen, then soften under his hand. "Now, you've been given a lot to process, and it's nearly evening. I suggest you get some early sleep."

Chise, for a moment, was confused on where she was going to sleep until Elias pulled out a cane made of what seemed to be gold. The room went dark, the only light visible was the blue ring of light that radiated from beneath Elia's feet. She gasped when the room began to change around her. The desk dissipated, the chairs vanishing before her eyes. At the far end of the room appeared a large, king sized bed that filled the space quite well.

"You'll sleep with me unless I've given you strict orders to do otherwise."

With a furious blush on her cheeks, Chise scoffed. "And why is that?!"

The captain once again gave Chise a dark look for her inappropriate tone she was using with him. The girl once again bowed her head and quietly muttered an apology.

"Because," Elias began to explain. "I'm not the only one who has heard of the Sleigh Vega on this beach. As a rarity, you can imagine there are many other ships that want you for themselves. Although I admit my own motives are of personal gain, I promise you, Chise Hatori, that this ship is the safest ship for your wellbeing. I promise you, I am the most pleasant captain you will find out of those who are searching for you. You will sleep with me so I can be sure that no one has stolen you in the night."

Chise swallowed and nodded, head still looking down. She paid no mind as the captain stepped towards her, and gently lifted her gaze. "You have no reason to be scared, young lady. My crew is a fine crew, and Angelica is extremely competent. You are in good hands on this ship...and I promise I won't hurt you. You must relax. Ever since you stepped on deck you've been tense," he squeezed her shoulder. "Relax. No harm will come to you here."

Nodding, Chise closed her eyes and listened to Elias's footsteps as they left the room, pausing at the door to turn around and say "Welcome aboard, Miss Chise."

That first night, Chise hardly slept. She stared, unfocused at the wall. On the other side of the bed with his back turned to her, was the captain. He made hardly any noise other than soft breathing. For some reason, Chise had assumed that the man would have snored, but he didn't. Not a sound came from him.

The swaying of the ship, the creaking wood, and Chise's empty stomach kept her up until finally, she had had it. Chise sat up in the bed, and looked back to make sure she hadn't woken the captain.

Just some fresh air, that's all I need.

Chise was silent. She crept out of the cabin and found an empty deck. Wrapping her night shall that Elias had kindly given her around her small frame, Chise walked to the side of the bust and peered over the edge of the water. Her stomach churned, and she sighed heavily. She felt as though she could vomit, but she didn't know what had caused her ailment.

The alcohol maybe?

The only drink Chise had been able to find was rum and whisky. This would have been fine by her, but the stuff was so strong it felt like it had burned a hole through her throat. She didn't realize how deluded the alcohol had been back home. Home...she thought. Was the brothel her home? Did she think of the small coastal town as home? Had she ever really thought of it as home?

As Chise lost herself in thought, she heard a faint whisper. It was a voice of a woman that seemed to be singing miles away. It was a haunting voice, alone in the darkness. Chise felt scared for a moment, before peace washed over her body. The voice had the accuracy of a pinpoint as the words of the song became clearer and filled her ears.

Looking back over the edge of the boat, Chise locked eyes with a woman, no….a mermaid in the water. She had long brown hair, glistening blue eyes and her voice sounded clear as ever. Chise wanted so badly to reach down, jump down into the water to hear the woman sing. It sounded so beautiful. She couldn't get enough, so she bent her body over the railing and reached her hand out. Despite the drop from the top deck to the water being nearly twenty feet, Chise truly believe she could reach the mermaid. She reached out her hand as far is it would go, and the creature did the same, all while never taking her captivating eyes off of Chise's. Just a little bit further, it seemed and she could-


Chise flinched violently at the sound of the gunshot. The bullet that had been fired had found its way to the mermaids arm, and her beauty faded. Much like a cat, the creature bared her shark-like teeth and hissed, her face ugly as it contorted in anger. With the flick of her tail, she was gone. Chise spun around and found Elias standing behind her, his pistol still pointed just past her. She flinched again, not yet processing the sight, believing the gun was meant for her until the captain slid his weapon back into its holster.

"Chise, are you are right?" He beckoned. "That was quite irresponsible of you, to go out at night."

"I-I'm sorry Captain, I just really needed some fresh air."

Elias held the girl's face in his large hand and nodded. "You look awfully pale…" he hummed. Dropping his hand, he looked out past the deck and tilted his head. "Have you ever been on a boat, Chise?"


"Have you ever seen the ocean at night?"


Elias hummed. "It's quite a sight to behold."

Chise followed his gaze, and nodded. The water at night blended with the sky and the horizon was nonexistent it seemed like if you were to jump off the boat and go straight down, you would fall forever. It seemed like they were floating in nothing, the void perhaps.

"It will go away soon." Elias broke her silence.


"Your seasickness. It will go away soon. It takes a couple of days, maybe a week to get used to the waves."

Chose nodded. "It just hard to sleep with the constant motion. I'm so unused to it." Was

Elias seemed uncharacteristically...warm. He leaned over the edge of the boat and rested his head on his hands. Chise watched his every move carefully, still unsure of how truthful the captain really was.

"Once you get used to it, it's very comforting, sleeping on a rocking ship. The gentle sway, like being cradled."

Chise understood that Elias was probably correct, so she didn't argue. She took a deep and shaky breath, on hand gripping her uneasy stomach. "I just really don't think I can sleep right now. I feel so sick."

"Would a cup of warm tea help you?"

Perking up at the suggestion, Chise nodded. "Oh, that sounds wonderful."

"Well, come this way. Let me introduce you to the ship spirit," Elias ushered the girl to the lower deck of the ship where there were three tables set up, and a small nook that could almost be called a kitchen. There, stood a short, very thin woman dressed as though she was back in London. She wore a bonnet tied around her chin and a pink dress that seemed to be spotless despite the fact that she lived on a ship. "Chise, meet Silky."

The fairy turned around, her seemingly emotionless eyes giving Chise a vague sense of recognition. She's the lady that is carved into the bow of the ship.

Chise curtsied, with the bow of her head. "It's nice to meet you."

Silky said nothing, but nodded and looked at Elias. The captain sat down at one of the tables and crossed his legs. "Chise here, is a a new passenger on the ship. She's feeling quite seasick. Could you make her a cup of tea? Something to help her fall asleep?"

With nothing more than a nod, Silky spun back around to the kitchen and began to heat some tea with a small fire. Chise would have been skeptical about the safety of fire on the ship, but decided against it since Elias had shown her that magic was real. She figured a lot of the things she had assumed to be impossible were in fact possible now.

"Captain, would you happen to know the time?" Chise asked, awkwardly moving to the table to sit next to him. Elias pulled out a pocket watch with strange symbols that looked like an ancient language on it.

"Nearly two."

Chise sighed in frustration with herself. "Sorry for waking you up and keeping you from sleeping."

Elias shook his head faintly. "Think nothing of it, Chise. I am your protector now. We learned a good lesson tonight though, didn't we?"


"From now on, if you need something in the middle of the night, wake me. I will help you in any way I can."

Chise blushes. "I...I appreciate it, really Captain, but I don't need a protector. I'll take care of myself, I have been doing it for years at the brothel."

Silky made a noise at the word "brothel" and Chise could not tell if it was one of disgust, shock, or amusement. Elias rested his skull on one hand and stared at the girl for a long time.

"You live in a different world now, Chise. Trust me, you need a protector. That creature you saw tonight was a siren. Sirens eat humans and that one was close to capturing you. The world is more dangerous than you think, especially out at sea. I will be your protector until I see fit. Understand?"

There's nothing else to say. Chose nodded and thanked Silky for the tea as the drink was set down before her. Elias watched intently as his new cabin mate sipped on the hot tea. After only four or five sips, Chise's eyes began to flutter shut.

"Captain," Chise gripped the man's sleeve. "Captain, why am I suddenly so tired?"

Hoisting the girl up in his arm, Elias started out of the room, thanking Silky for the tea as well. "I put a charm on it. It was a sleep spell. It will wear off by morning, don't worry."

Chise struggled to open her eyes once they reached the cabin. Elias laid her down in the bed. "Don't fight it, Chise. It's a strong spell. You will sleep well if you just close your eyes."

With only the strength to do just as such, Chise allowed her eyes to shut and drifted off into her very own dream world.