"I got you the chicken Cesar salad, hope that's alright?" I said as I shut the door to Derek's office and placed the bag of items on his desk as he finished typing something on his computer.

"That's fine." He answered, while eyeing the screen in front of them, proofreading his work, as I set a bottle of water and container of salad next to him before taking out the same for me, placing it in front of me and taking a seat on the opposite side of his desk.

Taking the very chair I used when jotting down notes, and eating from the very spot off Derek's desk where he fucked me those weeks, months ago.

My phone started to buzz.

I took it out of my pocket and read the text as Derek started to dive into his salad, taking a bite.

Danny: Hey, long time no hear, how is your dad doing?

Stiles: Hey, he is doing well. He is still a little rusty but slowly getting back to his old self. Thanks for asking. :)

I sat my phone on the desktop and uncapped my water, taking a sip when my phone vibrated yet again.

Danny: Glad to hear it. I was worried when I didn't hear back.

"Who is that blowing up your phone?" Derek asked, glancing over curious, before gulping down some of his drink.

Before I could answer Derek, Danny sent another text my way.

I glanced down at my phone once more.

Danny: I found this old picture of us the other day. It reminded me think of the good old days. You remember this?
Below was a picture of me and Danny making goofy looking faces with our eyes wide and our tongues sticking out the side of our mouths.

"It's Danny." I said mid laugh, looking at a picture.

"Danny, you're ex Danny?" Derek asked, tensing up in his spot.

"Yeah, nothing major he was just wanted to know how my dad was doing."

"And what exactly is funny about that?" Derek challenged, glancing at the device in my hands.

"Huh, what did you say?" I asked totally zoned out as I started typing a response back.

Derek reached over grabbing the phone from me.

"Hey, what are you doing, I was in mid-text." I stressed, trying to retrieve my cell back.

Derek leaned back in his computer chair out of my reach, scrolling through the texted messages, nosily.

"Really, you're just going to read my messages like that and not even ask first?" I voiced annoyed.

Derek paid me no attention as he started to write a message back to Danny through my phone.

"Derek, what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm at work right now, this is very unprofessional. Please don't text me during work hours, it's not a good look, Stiles." Derek voiced out loud, before hitting the send button and handing it back over to me with a smug look on his face.

I grabbed my phone back annoyed.

My phone buzzed soon after with a reply.

Danny: Sorry, I didn't realize I was bugging you. I'll leave you alone.

I huffed annoyed.

"Great, now he thinks I'm mad at him."

"Serves him right, texting you on work hours." Derek replied before going back to taking a bite of his salad.

"How would you like it if I totally invaded your privacy and looked through your phone, huh?"

Derek chuckled amused.

"Go ahead." He said nonchalant, sliding his cell over to me.

I froze for a moment, stunned he actually trusted me with his phone. I was just going to hand it back over to show I didn't care and was just making a point but curiosity got the better of me.

He watched amused as I clicked the home button only to be met with a screen asking for a password.

"Why do you have a password on your phone?" I asked suspiciously as he got up and walked over to me.

"So no one can go into my phone and see all my dirty little secrets." He teased, extending his hand down for me to hand him his phone back.

I did so reluctantly and watched amazed as he punched in his code before handing it back to me, open to view.

I gasped and my hands shook with all the information that I now had in my possession, my heart raced and my palms began to sweat.

"I don't want to view your privacy, I… I trust you." I said extending my hand out with his phone, for him to take.

"You sure?" He asked amused.

"Yea-yeah." I stuttered unsure myself and silently hating myself for the doubt that lurked down below.

"Look through my damn phone Stiles. I know it's killing you not too." He voiced.

I hated that he knew me so well.

I let out a sigh before swiping the screen saver and going through his pictures collection. My heart dropped when I saw old pictures of him and Lydia in there looking happily married, smiling and some of them even kissing. There were a few others of friends and events he went to but mainly of him and his wife.

"Yeah, I need to delete those now, I guess." He said with a sigh.

"Why? They are memories, they happened, deleting the pictures isn't going to delete your past." I said sadly as I moved out of his picture section.

"I know that Stiles. I wouldn't want to delete the memories, some weren't bad. We did start out as friends after all. Maybe I'll see if Lydia wants any of them before I delete them off my phone." Derek said grabbing my attention yet again.

I looked up from his phone at him in shock.

"You still talk to Lydia?"

"Here, this is the section you're really interested in, right?" Derek said taking the phone and going to his contacts list before handing it back.

I scrolled through his contacts, finding a bunch of business numbers and a few others including Lydia's, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Did I pass the test?" Derek asked amused, as I handed him his phone back over.

"You didn't answer my question Derek."

He sighed deeply before walking back around to his desk sitting back down.

"Yes, I still keep in contact with Lydia."

"Why?" I asked, trying not to sound as hurt as I felt.

"We are in the process of a divorce Stiles. There are many things to discuss and papers to sign. In fact, I'm supposed to meet her tonight at our place to go over the settlement." Derek claimed before taking a drink of his bottle water.

"Our place?" I repeated.

"What is it now Stiles. The house is in both of our names. It is technically still our joint place, for now. It's nothing to be upset about."

"I'm not upset. I'm just surprised I'm only just hearing about this now."

"It was a last minute thing." Derek voiced coolly.

"Uh huh, well I should get back to work now." I said, grabbing my half eaten lunch and drink leaving his office, not sure how to feel about Derek meeting up with his soon to be ex-wife.

I sat in my cubical as the images from Derek's phone ran through my head. One of Derek leaning in, smelling Lydia's pleasant strawberry blonde hair while she plumps red lips broke out into a bright smile. Another of her delicate crème colored hands touching Derek's scruffy cheek as he smiled sweetly down at her. The killer was the one of the full on having a deep passionate kiss, with both their eyes closed shut and Lydia was leaning into Derek's large frame with her arms wrapped around his neck, while his rested lightly on her lower back.

It was all too real.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to blink the images away.

"I trust him. I trust him. I trust him." I repeated to myself.

I jumped in my spot when my cell buzzed once more, taking me away from my thoughts.

I looked down to find yet another text from Danny.

Danny: Sorry, I know you're at work. I get it, you're busy. I just wanted to know if maybe you wanted to catch up sometime. I miss it…hanging out with you I mean.

Stiles: I miss it too.