A/N: Hello, everyone! So, this is something that got stuck in my mind since I watched the Major Crimes Finale. I didn't know if I was going to write another story so soon, since I haven't finished yet my other story, but I couldn't get this idea out of my mind until it was written.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except from the idea and any characters that may be created by me for this story.

"Rusty!", a panicked cry was heard from the hospital room.

A nurse ran quickly to the room and was a little surprised to find her awake. It only lasted a second or two, as she noticed that the woman was in distress and panic. She hurried towards the bed and checked the monitor to see if everything was right. She pressed a button that was located above the bed and looked at the older woman. "Don't worry, Mrs. Flynn.", she placed a hand on her shoulder. Another nurse burst in the room a little out of breath. "Nadine, get Dr. Torres immediately. She is awake.", she watched for a few seconds as the other woman nodded and left the hospital room.

"Rusty!", she said again this time calmly.

"Don't worry. The doctor will be here shortly and we will soon inform your family.", the woman told her in a soft voice and took a chart from the end of the bed to write down the readings from the monitor.

A couple of minutes later the door opened and the doctor came in. He approached his patient and smiled at her. "How are you feeling, Sharon?", he asked as the nurse gave him the chart with the readings.

"I am worried about my son. I feel like something happened.", she looked around her and then at her doctor with a frown.

"What's the last thing you remember?", he asked her wanting to know what she remembered.

"I was in my office with Lieutenant Provenza interviewing a suspect. I got really angry with her. I started feeling a little dizzy and then everything went black.", she furrowed her eyebrows trying to understand what had happened.

"You collapsed because your heart seized. Detective Sanchez did CPR on you and managed to bring you back. It seized again in the ride to the hospital and the paramedics managed to bring you back once more. After that I followed our plan. Remember?", he asked her as he was a little worried about her memory.

"Yes, I remember.", she took a deep breath. "How long ago I collapsed? What happened?", she felt like weeks had passed.

"You collapsed about three weeks ago. I put you on a temporary coma for a few days to give your body time to rest and get strong in order to receive and accept the transplant. About a week after your collapse we did the heart transplant. It was touch and go for a couple of days, but your body accepted the new heart and you started getting stronger. The last few days you started moving a little and we were waiting for you to wake up.", he stopped to let all that information to settle in before continuing. "You still have a long recovery road ahead of you, but everything looks very-very good.", he smiled reassuringly at her.

"Right. Thank you for everything.", she smiled at him. "Do you know anything about my family?", she was a little worried about them.

"I saw today on the news that Philip Stroh is officially dead and is no longer a threat to you, your family and your team. Everyone is alright.", he waited a few seconds for her to process everything. "Do you want me to call them?", he asked her while knowing already the answer.

"Yes, thank you. I would love to see them. I am a little worried about them.", her smile widened at the thought of seeing her family soon.

"Alright. Try to rest and I will be back soon.", he smiled at her and left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She was relieved to hear that Stroh was finally dead and the others were alright, but she would only be entirely relieved when she would lay her eyes on her husband and her son. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Soon they would be here in front of her.

He sighed as he looked around the murder room. It was empty as the team had gone to Chief Mason's office for a meeting, Hobbs had gone back to her office to finish some paperwork and Patrice had left to do some errands. They had decided to gather at Provenza's house for dinner. He looked towards his mother's office and felt sadness again. Stroh was finally dead and he was safe, but his mother wasn't there to hug him and celebrate with all of them.

They had all changed a bit one way or another. Her death had broken them all in different ways. They would still be one big family here in Major Crimes, but some things would never be the same. He looked at the desk Julio had for years and now was empty. Julio had gotten a promotion and had transferred to Criminal Intelligence. He had to be safe to raise his son Mark. He turned to the desk Buzz had and smiled. Buzz had proven to everyone that he could be a good detective and now he had eighteen weeks off to attend the academy, he would return in this team as probationary detective.

He turned around towards Andy's desk. The desk that soon would be empty of his personal belongings. He couldn't sit there since his wife's death and it was logical. He decided to take Julio's desk and he would move his stuff once he returned completely to work.

A few minutes later the team returned to the murder room looking tired. "What happened?", he asked them a little worried.

"Oh, nothing. He wouldn't stop talking.", Provenza sighed and rubbed his forehead. "He gave us today and the weekend off. So, let's get out of here.", he nodded at all of them.

"What are we going to do?", Rusty asked Andy as he approached him.

"Let's go grab lunch, then we can rest and have a shower before going to Provenza's.", the older man smiled at him.

"Alright, let me grab my things from mom's…", he stopped and looked at Andy.

"It's always going to be her office in our minds and our hearts. Don't worry.", he placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. "Go grab your things.", he watched as he nodded and went into the office. It was going to be difficult until they got used to the fact that the office wasn't hers anymore. The ringing of his mobile brought him out of his thoughts. He frowned when he saw that it was Sharon's doctor. "Doctor Torres.", he answered with confusion.

"Andy. How are you?", he asked him.

"I am alright. I was just leaving work to go home with Rusty.", he noticed Rusty looking at him with a frown.

"Oh. Could you come by the hospital? I want to talk to the two of you about something important.", he was careful not to reveal something from the phone.

"Ah, yes. We will be there in half an hour.", he ended the phone call and placed his mobile in his pocket again.

"What's going on?", Rusty was a little confused.

"Doctor Torres wants us to stop by the hospital. He needs to talk to us about something important.", he shrugged at him. "Let's go find out what he wants.", he looked around to make sure the team had left, before following Rusty.

About half an hour later they were at the hospital and outside the doctor's office. Rusty knocked on the door and they waited. "Come in.", Torres called from his desk. "Have a sit, please.", he offered them a smile.

"So, what's going on, doc?", Andy asked him confused.

"I wanted to talk to you about something important. It has to do with Sharon.", he took a deep breath before continuing. "That day…", he started referring to the day she died, "Sharon arranged a meeting with me and Chief Mason through a conference call as I was here in the hospital. She knew how serious her condition was and she wanted Chief Mason to understand why she had to take a leave of absence. During that meeting she made a decision. She was going to have the heart transplant.", he stopped for a minute to let that set in. "During that meeting there was also a plan formed. Knowing that Stroh was probably going after her first to get to Rusty, she decided to fake her death. If Stroh believed that she was dead, he would only have one primary target which would be Rusty. She believed that it would be easier for you to catch Stroh this way.", he stopped and took a deep breath.

"You are telling us that my mother is alive?", Rusty asked him a couple of minutes later.

"Yes.", he simply nodded and watched the older man.

"So her heart didn't seize for real in the office and in the ambulance?", Andy asked thinking about everything that had happened that day.

"Oh, no. Her heart did seize both times. I was watching everything that was happening with her heart through the application. I tried calling her to alert her that she had to stop what she was doing, but she ignored the first call and ended the second.", he sighed and looked at his hands before looking at them again. "I was afraid that her heart was going to stop for real and her plan would somehow succeed and fail at the same time.", he watched as they processed everything that he had told them so far. "When I was sure that she was stable enough and her heart wasn't going to seize again, I put her in a temporary coma as we wanted her body to rest and get strong for the heart transplant. They moved her into a room and I came outside to tell you about her death, I was following the plan.", he watched Andy in case he needed any medical help.

"What happened then? It's been three weeks since the day she collapsed and you informed us about her death.", Rusty asked wanting to know everything that had happened through the three weeks that had passed.

"A week after her collapse we did the heart transplant. It was touch and go for a couple of days, but she was slowly getting stronger and stable. Her body has accepted the transplant and she has been in a room for all those days. She woke up today in panic crying your name.", he pointed at Rusty and noticed that his eyes were a little red and full of unshed tears. "It was the first time that she woke up and was fully alert of her surroundings. She is getting stronger by the day. In about two weeks we are going to do some tests to see if everything is alright with her organism and the new heart. If the tests come back without a negative result, we are going to transfer her in a normal room where she can receives visits from others without the risk of infection or a virus.", he offered them a reassuring smile.

"Can we see her?", Andy asked him with hope. He wanted to see her and hug her.

"Yes, you can see her. However, one at a time and you have to wear scrubs from head to toe as we have to be very careful and cautious. Alright?", he watched them nod and stood up. "How is going to go first?", he asked as they walked outside and to the area where they had everything they needed to wear.

"You go first, kid. I can wait a few minutes more.", Andy placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"She knows that Stroh is dead and that you are all safe, but she needs to see you both with her own eyes in order to be fully relaxed.", he informed them as he gave Rusty everything he needed to wear. "Put these on and I will be back in a minute to take you to your mother.", the doctor left them alone.

"Oh. My. God.", he took a deep breath and looked at Andy. "I still can't believe that mom is alive and is going to be alright.", he let a few tears to fall freely.

"I know, kid. I feel the same way.", he wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at the younger man. "Later we have to see how we are going to break the news to your siblings and the team.", he didn't know how they were going to explain everything that had happened with Sharon.

"I think that Sharon should be the one to speak with Emily and Ricky, and one of us should be with her when that happens.", Rusty said as he wore the blue cap the doctor gave him. "We will figure out later how we are going to tell the new to the team. We will have to go to the gathering in the evening.", he reminded him.

"Alright. I have an idea. I will think it through while you are inside with your mother and we will talk later.", he smiled at the younger man.

"Ready, Rusty?", the doctor approached them with a smile.

"Yes, I am ready.", he nodded and looked at Andy who just smiled at him with a nod.

"Alright, follow me.", they walked a few steps and stopped outside a closed door. "She is getting stronger, but she may tire easily. If you notice that she is getting drowsy, stay by her side and let her sleep. I will come and get you in about half an hour.", he smiled at the younger man and nodded to him to open the door and go inside.

"Alright. Here we go.", he took a deep breath and placed a hand on the handle.

A/N: Please leave a review to let me what you think. I don't know anything about medical stuff, only what I have seen in movies and series. So, some things may not be true. Should I continue this story?