It's the end for this charming Grimes 2.0 story and Sophiasown is ready to take us home. If you like your fluff with a side of humor, and some all around good story telling, then get ready for her conclusion to Judith's story. Don't forget to check out her other works at her ff page!

-We're The Ones Who Write

"I'm telling you Maggie, she had him wrapped around her little finger and she knew it. But I was onto my little munchkin." Maggie held a hand to her mouth, although there was no need to stifle her laugh in the little girls haven they were in. The laughter and squeals could be heard around them as their daughters joined in the fun with the other ecstatic girls. It was a staple visit once a month. Judy looked forward to what she referred to as the Holy Grail's of Saturdays where she got to play at her most favorite place in the world, with her bestest friend in the world.

Carol's Castle was every seven year old's dream; Giant yellow tea cups, cardboard castle cut outs, nail and hair stations and cupcakes galore. The little ladies sanctuary was created by Carol Pelletier, a single mom with three little girls that needed entertaining on a regular basis. It was also targeted for Mommy and me bonding time. Michonne thought it was a good idea to bring Judith just before Andre was due to arrive. With her broken arm they hadn't been able to visit for the past few weeks. Michonne called up her girl Maggie and made a play date. Maggie's daughter Mallory and Judith were besties and looked forward to any time they spent together.

"She was always a handful." Maggie commented watching their two girls paint each other's nails on the mini, round purple version of their own table.

"I overheard her telling Carl last week that Beyonce said girls run the world. All because the poor guy didn't want to hand over the remote!" Another round of laughter split between the close friends. Michonne watched her daughter giggle as she played with Mallory, she was happy which made Michonne happy too.

"How has she been since Andre's arrival?" It had been a month of adjusting for the entire Grimes family since the third Grimes baby had entered the world.

"Honestly she's been such a help. I'm very proud of her. She understands she isn't the baby anymore. She takes her big sister-ing very seriously." Judith had grown a lot more independent and very helpful since her cast came off, but the real change in her babygirl was the way she interacted with Andre.

"And Rick?" Maggie was curious about the change in the dynamics of the nuclear family with the addition of the baby. Michonne leaned into her hand as she contemplated the brunette's question. Rick had been apprehensive of letting the coddling reigns go where Judith was concerned, but her progression thus far was enough to know their little girl was growing up to be a responsible young lady. Michonne felt proud that her precious Judith was growing up before her eyes.

"Well I'm happy to hear it. I'm hoping she's giving Mallory all the big sister advice she has." Maggie said with a telling smile. Michonne looked at her with a grin that almost split her lips. She read between her words and reached for her hand in affection.

"Are you….?" Her words fell away with her excitement.

Maggie nodded in confirmation. "Due in seven months." Michonne experienced a sense of contentment knowing she and Maggie were indeed kindred spirits and were most certainly going through life together. They both looked at Judith and Mallory who were discussing a playmate at their school. They overheard Mallory say to Judith she was happy God made their classmate Anna pretty because she sure wasn't smart.

The two women couldn't help but laugh, "Can you imagine going through puberty with these girls?" Maggie asked still in disbelief at her daughter's topic of conversation.

"Yeah, Rick said he's glad he gets paid to carry a gun."

"I know that's right!" Maggie tipped her tea towards her in salute.


"Ssshhh" Judith hovered over a sleeping Andre as Carl stepped into the living room where his sister sat on the orange couch watching their brown eyed baby brother asleep in his bassinet.

"I just wanted to see if he was awake." Carl still made an attempt at peeking at Dre who with his peaceful disposition seemed to be sleeping on a cloud..

"Mama said I'm in charge while she finishes up dinner," she said with authority and power. Carl rolled his eyes to the ceiling, his sister was nothing but extra at times.

"Can we play on your PlayStation tonight after dinner?" Judith had developed a liking for car racing. Her brother shared his control when he was in a good mood; Judith was just looking for an opening. Carl folded his arms, his white T-shirt peeking out beneath his plaid shirt and eyed Judith speculatively. "After what you did? Nah you're still on time out." He was still reeling over his sister's mischievousness from last week.

She remembered her shenanigans from last week and looked at him with her wide, pretty blue eyes but he only softened slightly.

"Carl! I said I was sorry." She lowered her voice not to interrupt her brother's nap. She wanted her mommy to be proud of her.

"You bedazzled my notebooks Judith!"

She gazed at Carl, glimpsed at the ceiling and eyed him seriously, "Carl have you ever seen Frozen? Let it go." Her tone was drier than the Sahara desert and Carl couldn't help but laugh.

"Mama said we have to forgive." She walked towards Carl and brought her tone to a mere whisper. "And far as I can see it Mama and Daddy…" she pointed at the kitchen where Michonne and Rick were preparing dinner, "Are gonna be on our tails about being good. I think it's best us kids stick together."

Carl knew Judith was a handful but these days her 7 year old brain was making plenty of sense. "Ok Judy, you got it." Andre, not to be left out of the pact amongst the Grimes kids began to whimper in his bassinet. Judith rushed to him, the thought of car racing erased from her mind. She placed her hand lightly on his belly and hummed him back to his peaceful place. Carl stood amazed, with football practice and hanging with his friends he knew he wasn't around much. Judith seemed to know and understand fully the little guy's needs.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

She watched him confidently and answered in the same proud tone, "Carl, he's a baby. He just wanted someone who loves him to comfort him."

Carl was unaware the book How To Be A Big Sister 101 was written by Judith Grimes.

"Well you're good at that Judes." He couldn't help the fondness in his voice. Judy was no longer behaving like the baby in the house. Her arm had healed notably well and she was enjoying her new elder sibling role considering how reluctant she was about the change Andre would bring to their lives.

"Thanks Carl! So can I play Gran Turismo or not?" She made a concerted effort to ask again in hope he would say yes.

"Carl! Judith! Dinner!" Rick summoned from the kitchen.

"Coming Dad!" Carl stuck his tongue out at Judith, happy he didn't have to answer.

"How was your day son?" Rick asked as Michonne poured the lemonade he prepared for them. Andre was wide awake in his Daddy's arms, gazing up at Rick as though he was the sun. Michonne had outdone herself with dinner which included a broccoli and carrots medley, mashed potatoes and baked chicken with apple pie for dessert.

"It was good! Got an A on my math test." Carl watched as Michonne heaped two generous scoops of potatoes on his plate, his belly rumbling at the sight and smell of the food.

"That's great Carl!" Michonne beamed proudly.

Rick looked up at the love of his life, her eyes brightened the world when she smiled at their kids. It was a sight he would never grow tired of. Michonne eyed Judy as she pushed around the green and orange pickings on her plate. She wasn't too fond of the healthy stuff but she knew her mother well, she wasn't going to be partaking in any apple pie unless those veggies were in her stomach.

With everyone's meal's before them, Rick asked Judith to bless the food. The family joined hands and waited for Judith to lead them in prayer.

"Ok Daddy, everybody close their eyes." She peeked through her shut ones to ensure her family was being compliant. When she saw they were, she began. "Dear God, thank you for this meal that mama made, even though she said these are the worst potatoes daddy ever bought at the farmers market. Help me, most gracious God, to swallow those yucky veggies because I really need some of that delicious apple pie. Also, Mommy keeps saying we need fair taxes so please give us that and help her to stop arguin' with my daddy about leaving the toilet seat up because he's a guy and we know how guys are. Thank you for fixin' my arm, God. Bless my brothers Carl and Dre, because I love them so much, and thank you for making me a big sister. A-men!"

Michonne was biting her lips, Rick's hand rested on his forehead and Carl was straight out laughing.

"Judy! What was that?" Carl asked incredulously.

"A prayer! Father Gabriel said a prayer is just talking to God!" She wasn't very impressed she was being laughed at, especially when it was a delay to her dessert.

"Thank you for that umm….prayer….sweetheart," Rick didn't want to laugh so he stuffed a spoonful of food in his mouth as a distraction.

"Worst potatoes? Really babe?" Rick teased his wife and she made a face at him and smiled. He knew on the next visit to the farmer's market she would be certainly there to accompany him. When plates were cleared and the happy chatter of the family had simmered down, Michonne caught Judith's attention. "I have a gift for you."

They were like magic words and caused Judy's face to light up like it was Christmas morning. She nodded to Rick who retrieved a brown bag on the granite countertop. Michonne gave the bag to Judith and she rummaged through it quickly, pulling out an adorable light brown stuffed bear.

"Mommy! Is this the build-a-bear from the mall?" Judith was fascinated with the build-a-bear kiosk set outside the Hello Kitty store at her mother's favorite shopping spot, but they were always short on time to get one.

"This is for me? What for?"

"For being a big girl. For being so helpful with your brother. To let you know your daddy and I are proud of you. Press his paw." She smoothed the untameable tresses of her girl's hair, wanting to keep a connection between them in the moment. Judith's excitement climbed when she heard the voice of her mother emitting from the bear's paw. She showed off her ballet skills as she performed a pirouette, complete with a floating kiss to her parents; a huge grin plastered on her dimpled face.

Rick observed his wife watching their daughter as she showed Carl the bear with all the elation a seven year old could possess, absorbing the intense loved she had for her. He thought about the simple gift; the recording cost $8, the bear was $10, but the look on Judith's face when she held the stuffed animal to her chest with her eyes shut was priceless. He snuggled Andre closer to his chest, the baby powder scent hung in the air and he kissed his son's head. Andre couldn't have been born into a more loving family.

Michonne, lost in the encompassing warmth of her family, swiped her eyes quickly from any unshed tears that could potentially escape her docks. She redirected herself to the apple pie sent over by Rick's mother.

"Ok so who wants dessert?" She was already full on love but there was always room for pie.


Bedtime rituals were completed, Carl retired to his room like a regular teen wanting to be ensconced in his own world, Michonne was feeding Andre and Rick was helping Judith get tucked in. Rick felt like a statue in the room as he watched Judith place her new bear on her pillow and pulled her favorite Lilo and Stitch book from her mini book shelf and settled on the bed.

"You're ready for your story Judes?" Stories were their thing and he looked forward to a few minutes when Judith snuggled in his arms as he imitated every character voice for her story.

"Daddy, can I read my own story tonight?" Rick couldn't say her quest for independence jarred him, it was the feeling of not being needed by his only daughter that was doing him in. Andre was a baby and depended heavily on his Mom and Dad for his basic needs but Judith was of the age where she could choose who and what she needed. He was usually at the top of that list.

"Sure baby. You can." He tucked her purple blanket around her as she settled. She peered up at him her blue eyes a mirror image of his own. "Daddy can I ask you a question?"

Rick sat on the edge of her bed and prepared himself, Judith's questions could go swiftly from are unicorns real to what does it feel like on your last day of being a child?

"When we go to Disney World this year are we leaving Dre with Grandma?" She couldn't picture her baby brother going on all those fun rides with them, but she still wanted them all together.

"No, Dre is gonna come with us, he's part of this family now, forever. Your Mama and I will have to take turns holding him, that's all." He hoped he was doing a good job clarifying things.

"Good, because I want him with us, Lilo told Stitch, Ohana means family and family means you don't leave anyone behind." He was touched be her words and her maturity on making room for her brother in their family. A few months ago she wasn't too pleased about being dethroned when she heard the news they were expecting.

"I love you Judith." She opened up her arms to him and he leaned into her embrace. He laughed when he felt her pat his back, as though she knew somehow her daddy was nostalgic for the baby version of herself.

He kissed her forehead and adjusted her unicorn lamp at the side of her bed.

"You should go help Mama, Daddy. I'll be fine." He swiped her hair again, it was growing like a weed and so was she.

He walked to the door and saw Michonne leaned against the door post, silently observing her dynamic duo.

They both watched as Judith got down into her book as she started to read aloud.

"I feel like I've been dumped." It was only a halfway joke for Rick.

"Isn't this what we wanted?" They had been working profusely on Judith's self-sufficiency. Perhaps she was an overachiever in that regard too.

"Yeah but now she doesn't even need me to do anything for her at all." He wasn't quite ready to give Judith so much control yet. She was his baby girl after all.

"She's gonna need you Rick. Don't underestimate the power of the father."

"You sure next year she isn't gonna move out and forget all about me?" Michonne wanted to tease him about the pout on his lips and the slight sadness in his eyes. He was being real and she knew her role, just like Judith knew hers.

"Dads are famous for picking you up when you fall and giving you the courage to try again. When a girl knows her dad believes in her, she knows she can conquer the world. That's your role Rick. You'll do that for Judith because she'll need it and you're the only one who can give that to her." He inhaled Michonne's words as her sentiments echoed in the walls of his heart. He took her by her hand and brushed his always right wife's lips with his.

"Daddy!" Judith called from her bed. "I totally forgot to tell you about what Mallory said in school today." Rick smiled like he had won a million dollars, he was needed after all. Michonne shrugged, fighting hard to not tell Rick I told you so.

"Looks like my little girl is calling her Daddy."

"Go Daddy." she encouraged as he strutted proudly to Judith's room.


"She's asleep?" Michonne asked, as she finished moisturizing her legs in wait for Rick who just stepped into their room. Her desire stirred with one look of his sexy bow legs in his blue boxers and his almost fitted white tee.

"She talked my ear off until her poor body just….gave up." He laughed remembering their conversation; his daughter was an intuitive one. Michonne smirked, throwing her eyes away from his interpretive gaze.

"Go ahead, say it." He knew she would burst if she didn't.

"Say what? That I was right? That you are needed? I would never!" She clutched her chest with an actor's flare, he folded his arms while he observed her antics.

"You're so lucky I think you're the most gorgeous woman on the planet." He found himself on the bed, drawn to her like a magnet. His hands glided up the smooth highway of her legs until he stopped at her thighs.

"There's so much for you to teach her Rick. And Carl and Andre. Never doubt that." She touched his greying stubble as his azure eyes orbited her face.

"It's good to know that Judy and I are in a club just like you and Carl. What are you gonna do when he goes upstate for College?" he asked, unable to predict her response. Michonne and Carl shared a bond no one could penetrate.

"Carl's not going upstate. He's staying here." She wasn't going to think about her son going so far away from her. Not yet at least.

"Neither is Judith." They were both stuck in the same conjured up predicament.

"Whatever comes, we're facing it together. You and me." She remembered getting the disturbing call about Judith's broken arm all those weeks ago. With a baby on the way, Rick's heavy workload as the Sheriff's deputy, her demanding career and a temporary incapacitated child she didn't know how they were going to do it all. She was soon reminded that they were Grimes', and they were a resilient bunch. Together they could face wars.

"You believe in us huh?" He knew she did and her faith in who he was as a man was the reason he was so strong today. She nodded and he tucked her warm body in his strong arms.

"I hope she knows she's stuck with me." He reiterated, unable to think in a few years Judith would be a teenager. He considered purchasing a blood pressure machine.

"Well according to your daughter, Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind."

He hadn't realized she was listening in so early in their conversation.

"Thanks baby. Do you know how much I love you, Michonne?" The adulation she effortlessly constructed in his heart was immeasurable. His love for her outweighed the stars in the sky.

"Uh huh. I know, but how about you show me instead." It was a tease she hoped he would deliver on. Her hovered over her, guiding himself between her legs as he kissed her deeply. He paused in his ministrations and held her gaze, needing to express in words the fullness in his heart.

"Thank you for making our life so special, Michonne. I know I'm not around as much as I want to be, but you've done an amazing job with Judith." His daughters journey had just started, but with the influence of Michonne he knew she was on the right track.

She touched his face softly and smiled, "It's not a job if it's something you love."

Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind.