Kimberly plopped down onto the bed. Despite her slight frame, she felt the bed creak underneath her. She raised her arms above her head and stretched out her tired muscles. She closed her eyes and took a big breath, slowly exhaling it. She reached next to her to fumble for the phone she had had in her hand before lying down.

After a few empty attempts, she was finally successful in grasping her cell phone and bringing it over to hold it over her face. She swiped the screen and saw the messages. Trini, Billy, Zack, her mother.

Kim laid the phone back down and began to rub her exposed stomach. She winced slightly when her fingers ran over a bruised portion just below her belly button. She brought her hands up to rest them on her forehead as she felt sleepiness begin to overtake her and she closed her eyes.

Kim wasn't sure how long she had been asleep when her eyes fluttered open. She stole a glance over at her bedroom window to see the sun was down. She mumbled a little under her breath as she started to sit up and felt a catch in her back. She stiffened back out momentarily before making another attempt. This one was successful to get her up on her elbows. It was then she saw him in the doorway.

"Hey," Jason's voice was low as he locked eyes with her. He held her gaze for a moment before they moved down to her exposed stomach. She saw his eyes flicker with recognition upon seeing her bruises.

"Hey... I think I dozed off," Kim said as she sat up fully upon the edge of the bed. Jason moved across the room and stood in front of her. She looked up at him.

"You okay?" His tone was gentle.

"I'm fine..." She replied in kind. "The usual stuff."

"Let me see?" Jason asked as he knelt down in front of her. She reached down and raised her shirt. She watched his eyes move all over her bare skin. He let out a small breath of air before his eyes moved up to her.

"It's not that bad," Kim stated.

"Looks familiar," Jason replied, thinking upon his own battle scars. Kim nodded. He reached out and lightly touched her toned stomach. His eyes moving from her skin back to her eyes. "What was it you told me?"

"I've told you lots of stuff," Kim replied, her comment garnering a smirk from him.

"You have to stop taking them for the team," Jason said, echoing sentiments he had heard from her many times.

"I just wanted to give you a break," Kim replied as she reached up and ran a hand through his long blonde hair. He closed his eyes as the sensation felt nice.

"We've got him on the ropes," Jason stated confidently as he opened his eyes. Kim nodded in agreement. "Now that Tommy is back, things will get easier."

"I know," Kim agreed. Jason got on his knees in front of her and moved closer. He reached over to the nearby nightstand and opened it. Kim watched as he fidgeted around until he came out with a fresh bandage. She furrowed her brow.

"You didn't know you were bleeding did you?" Jason questioned as he saw the confusion on her face.

"Where?" Kim replied as she glanced down. His hand moved to her the line where her bra ran across her chest. He pointed. She saw it. "Oh."

"Guess it irritated it," Kim stated. Her voice a whisper. "I knew it felt tender."

"I'm sure," Jason replied as he went to work opening the bandage. His eyes met hers and she raised her shirt completely off unclasped her bra. His eyes met the wound that had been hidden. It was a particularly nasty gash. He was pretty sure he could remember the exact moment in the last battle it most likely happened.

"It's not to bad as she glanced down at it from her perspective.

"You keep telling yourself that," Jason responded with a grin. "I know how tough you are, you don't have to fib."

Kim smiled as she watched him go to work dressing her wound. His touch was gentle and she barely felt anything. Granted she was way more tolerant of pain than most, but still not even a sting. His eyes would move from his task to meet hers and back again. Each time it prompted a familiar flutter in her stomach, that he had been giving her for years now.

"I really missed when our armor actually prevented this stuff," Jason finally broke the silence as he smoothed out the bandage and let the adhesive do its work.

"Yeah... well, that was pre-Zedd," Kim responded. Jason nodded and Kim caught an expletive from him said under his breath. She reached out and placed her hand on his cheek. He looked up from the bandage to her. She smiled at him in an attempt to calm him. It worked as he gave her the smile she found herself craving daily. "Thanks, Doctor."

"Ha... well... I don't know about that," Jason started as he stood up in front of her. "But you are welcome."

Without a word he moved over to a nearby closet and pulled a shirt off a hanger. He came back with it outstretched to Kim. She smiled, it was the exact one she wanted to wear right now. Loose-fitting, comfortable and allowed her tired body to breath.

"Thanks," Kim said as she took the shirt from his hands she laid it in her lap and looked up as he removed the nice shirt he had on to retrieve a tank top from the back of a nearby chair. "I was gonna make dinner... but I kind of fell asleep."

"I got it," Jason replied as he turned to her with the shirt in his hands. "Anything, in particular, you are in the mood for?" Kim's mouth curved into a smile. He closed the gap between them, picking up on her cues and bent down to her. She met him with a kiss. He deepened it. She reciprocated.

Kim found herself lying back on the bed once more, but this time Jason was hovering over her. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She reached up to brush away some of his unruly hair that was in his eyes. His eyes moved all along her face and neck, planting kisses as he went.

"Maybe we can... uh..." Jason began. "Maybe we can order in later... if that's okay."

"It's perfect," Kim responded before finding his lips once more. His smile under her lips made the pain and the tiredness all fade away.