Author's Note: As this fic is set in the first Transformer movie, Gabriel recognizes the film and will not be a stranger to that world. Gabriel's grace will be 100%

Finally, I spoke and wrote Spanish so my English is not the best. So I'm sorry if this something is confusing since the translator is helping me.
That is all

Transformers and Supernatural do not belong to me

Chapter 1: My favorite movie is ...

Not long ago the youngest Archangel was in a luxurious room with a couple of girls embracing him enjoying his saga of favorite movies.


He loved watching that movie to see that variety of cars become something alive and start fighting for their ideals. It was fun to watch as humans imagined the details in the Cybertronians that resembled their own, apparently believed that almost all creatures would have some sanity

But that time enjoying the movie ended

Realizing, he was already helping the Winchesters in another of his suicides and bad ideas to stop the Apocalypse.
Lucifer had found what he most hated about creation, the pagan gods, what he most despises after humans and demons.

All were condemned, like an eagle in a corral of newborn chicks, Gabriel would not have cared if those gods died, he did not care. But there was a certain God that he did not want his death

And then it was when everything went to hell, Gabriel suffering from Winchester syndrome whose side effects included dying sacrificing for others.

But for the first time I would face what I always try to escape, despite knowing the result

Then Gabriel with a deep pain tried to kill his brother, but with more pain Lucifer was the term stabbing him. Gabriel fell fell to the ground and watched for the last time the face of his brother, he was so indifferent but he knew that he was dying of pain for having done something like that to one of his important brothers.

Then a deep gleam left Gabriel, announcing his death

The body of the Archangel fell to the ground lifeless with drawings on the ground showing his majestic wings of Archangel.

Gabriel died

Or so I thought

An annoying noise was heard
Gabriel felt something in his face and hands, it was ... it was ... Grass?

Then several barks, that was the noise bothered, Gabriel still could not open his eyes, but slowly he tried

"Mojo, get out now!"

A voice made him want to open his eyes, he was familiar

"Sir, sir, are you okay ?!"

Gabriel opened his eyes with difficulty and the first thing he saw was the dark sky with its stars, but then he got up slowly, very stunned.

He was alive

His expression showed surprise and disbelief, he remembered perfectly being killed by Lucifer, as the blade entered his skin and felt the worst heat of his life.
Remember the expression of his brother doing it

"L-Lord, are you okay or should I call an ambulance?" That voice said

Then he turned his attention to the one who spoke to him recently, he saw a young man he recognized. He raised a slightly fused eyebrow. What did the actor Shia Saide LaBeouf do in front of him?
Then a bark made him turn around to find a Chihuahua with brown fur and a leg in a cast, it caused some grace but then it seemed incredibly familiar.

There was something incredibly strange about all this

Gabriel began to study the environment in which he was, perhaps it was at night but for everything it was clear. There was a two-story house in front of him and a small house not far away, he recognized it as the dog's house and then he realized that he was in a garden about care.

Strange ... all this seemed exactly the same as his first favorite movie.

Everything looked just like the house of the Witwicky

Then the boy got up from his place by striking the attention of Gabriel "Lord better call an ambulance" said the boy looking for his cell phone in his pockets

Gabriel got up "Oh, boy is not necessary, I'm perfectly fine" The Archangel put on his most arrogant smile, but his head was spinning

The boy raised an eyebrow "Are you sure?" He asked

Gabriel nodded "Of course" then started to walk but his head was still spinning and ended up stumbling and falling face down to the ground

Mojo, the Chihuahua began to bark again and the boy was surprised at the sudden fall of the stranger and he ran to help him.

The boy helped him to stand by putting his arm around his neck "Sir, you're not well, let me take you to the hospital"

Gabriel felt that the actor was starting to annoy him with taking him to the hospital, well he also tried to decipher why the hell he had woken up in this actor's garden after he died

Gabriel shook his head "No, it's not necessary, just ... I'm dizzy" He said in a calm and cheerful tone at the same time, then contemplated an idea "He just needed a place to rest and I'll be fine. Could I stay with you tonight? ? "He asked with humility

The boy seemed surprised at the idea of the unknown man, he made a nervous face and looked at his house. "It's just ... Mom and Dad are at home and ... I'm sure they ... B-well ... Is that .. "The boy nervously babbled as he did not want to sound like a selfish person by not letting someone in poor condition go to rest at home, but it was simply that his parents could kill him.
But his mind shone at an idea that went through his head "But you can stay in the garage, I know it's not a very comfortable place but it could be enough to rest." The boy offered

Gabriel had no choice but to accept, the last thing he wanted was to sleep on the sidewalk like a drifter or a drunkard.
Then the boy left him near the garage door while he opened it and helped the man to enter

Mojo kept following him

For a moment Gabriel thought that this boy was something idiotic, helping a stranger who appeared in his garden out of nowhere and now letting him sleep in his garage, that was stupid. Gabriel could be a thief and in the worst case for the boy, a demon or some supernatural being eager to eat

But on the other hand he was grateful that the boy was something idiotic and did not leave him lying on the street, then the boy left him carefully on a mattress not very soft that was close.

Gabriel did not mind the comfort and just wanted to rest, then I notice something, not far away was a yellow car with black stripes. Gabriel blinked, recognizing the paint and the rusty 1977 Chevrolet Camaro Z28

But his thought was cut by the boy's voice "What's his name?" He asked as he stopped

Gabriel looked at him and then his car, this did not disappear for the boy, then he smiled "I'm Gabriel. And you?" He asked.

The boy hesitated a bit but finally said "Sam Witwicky"




"Ohhhh, hell," thought Gabriel, thinking he was going crazy