Chapter 5: Seven bad luck

The autobot were transformed into their vehicle modes by wearing their elegant plating that shone with the moon. Sam stopped for a moment admiring the view in front of him and reviewing everything that had happened. Right now they were heading to their house in search of the glasses that could avoid the end of the world

Gabriel on the other hand, I was excited about this whole thing. The angel knew that now he should help Sam to look for the glasses or ... maybe not, because Gabriel is not as close to Sam as Mikaela and so maybe the teenager would not want to trust him.

His thoughts about his possible future were interrupted by the roar of the engine of a certain silver car. He quickly recognized it as Jazz. The autobot was near this and did something Gabriel never thought.

Open the door

The blond did not know how to react exactly. Obviously that was an invitation to enter him and Gabriel never thought that something like this could happen on behalf of the lieutenant. The scene where they were driving towards the Witwicky house was not shown but it was obvious that Mikaela went along with Sam in Bumblebee. This was very different without her

"Hey buddy I'll take you!" The autobot said in his cheerful voice.

Gabriel looked at him for a few moments and before moving to get into the car, he noticed that the other Cybertronians lowered the tone of their lights. He could almost think that it was an expression of suspicion.

"Thank you" He said blond when he was in the Mech.

"Anytime !"

Then the voice of Optimus rang

"Autobot transform and rollout!"

The next few minutes were quiet and silent. The autobot were driving in the streets of humans being illuminated by the lights that the city reflected their painting and design. Anyone would be jealous to get on those perfect cars

Gabriel felt so happy, Right now he was inside Lieutenant Jazz. Something that never thought to do or have time since the autobot would be dead in the future. How sad

Sam might be an annoying and hyperactive human but it had his benefits to be around him.

"Hey ... err ..."

Gabriel was surprised again by the lieutenant, apparently not only tried to be polite since now also wanted to strike up a conversation with him.

"Gabriel" replied the man with a kind smile "Gabriel Lancaster but call me Gabriel"

"Gabriel" repeated the mech "You tell me Jazz!" His cheerful tone returned "Hey, what do you think of all this?" I ask

Oh, that was the reason. The Mech was not trying to be nice to him. I just wanted to be alone with the angel to question him subtly in a cheerful talk

"Um ... well, they're aliens and ... emm the world is in danger," he said, feigning a dubious tone.

"Yeah, that's right, do not you find that strange? Yesterday you had no idea that we exist but now ... Ta-chan!" The autobot sounded cheerful inside its form

Gabriel also smiled "Yes, I think all this is very exciting"

Jazz laughed "Well, At least your reaction is nice, I wish other humans are the same!" The Mech said

Gabriel laughed "Me too"

"Tell me, how did you and Bumblebee get to know each other?" Jazz asked

Gabriel thought for a moment, "It was an accident." He did not lie, because he did not wait to meet him and it was all of a sudden.

"And how are the other humans?"

Gabriel was quick to respond "Complicated, I'm sure you'll find them annoying at times but at the same time they're very entertaining." He said with a comforting tone

"I see ... I heard they have a frequency of sounds with a strange but sticky buzz!" The lieutenant said with joy

Gabriel raised an eyebrow until he spoke "Do you mean music?" I ask

"That, when I managed to capture a frequency that I loved and then I could not avoid downloading more and more in my memory bank!" The autobot sounded so happy with the talk.

Gabriel laughed too

"Then tell me what are you?"

Total silence

'Wow, that was straight' thought Gabriel and faked a confused face "What am I? I am a human! Specifically, I am one of those who are known as Magicians!"

Jazz took seconds to respond, surely he was looking for the word on the Internet "Magicians?! Those who take other small forms of life from their funny helmets?" I ask

'It must be referring to the hat' Errr ... Yes, but we are the ones who use magic! "His voice was animated so as not to show suspicion

The lieutenant was silent for a few moments

Gabriel sighed relieved inside, Jazz had believed in his little story and that saved him a lot of discomfort. He did not really want to invent lies, so he supposed that when the lieutenant was silent it would mean that at least the suspicions had gone down.

"Do not lie to me, soft"

Gabriel wrinkled his forehead. Apparently he did not have many alternatives but he did not want to tell the autobot the truth about him either.

"I'm not lying, I'm a simple human as you can see"

I hope that the autobot will not launch it and then it will be transformed for an interrogation "Since we arrived, something happened to our sparks, friend, something started to pull us from the deepest part of our being and that disturbance came directly from you. and it is impossible that it comes from a simple human since I did not feel the same of the other human, so tell me what are you? " He asked with a more serious tone

Gabriel simply remained silent

"And do not try to fool me, I'm not a Lieutenant Autobot." This time the warning sounded almost arrogantly.

Gabriel sighed deeply until he put his two hands behind his head with the least reaction to the Cybertronian's threats, so he reclined the seat and closed his eyes as calmly, almost boredom and defeat. This caught the attention of the silver lieutenant, not because he raised his lever with his organic servos and made him feel uncomfortable, but because he thought that the human had given up and was going to tell him what he wanted to hear.

Gabriel "It's okay, I'll tell you" Said the archangel "sighed deeply" I'm not any human "Jazz I wait impatiently" I'm a very talented magician! "

Optimus looked back when he saw that the Silver Pontiac Solstice car began to wobble from one side to the other. Something happened with Jazz so that he could not drive in a straight line and Optimus suspected that this was an unplanned human, and they just let Sam see why it was absolutely necessary, but nevertheless now they also involved another human who did not have why be dragged into this war. Optimus as a leader of the Autobot cause, he did not wish evil to any living being whether organic or not. But right now they were dragging two innocent creatures into a war that was not theirs, a small part of the leader sank into guilt, He did not want more lives to be sacrificed but it seems destiny wanted it and now he promised to protect every life either human or Cybertronian.

Speaking of humans, that human who should not be involved was ... intriguing, to say the least. Since they landed on earth he felt something in his spark ... Something he never felt in his life. It was a sensation that could not be discovered but the word that would come would be ... restless, At first he thought it was the AllSpark to be on the same planet after so long and recognized the signature of its sparks. But when he started to go towards Bumblebee's location, the sensation changed becoming more restless almost as if he would call Primus himself for that reason he accelerated his speed as if he were running into the arms of his creator, what he found was two simple organics. Optimus could say that he was even disappointed but his spark for some reason became warmer and calmer, as if he was satisfied to have arrived and found both humans.

When he learned that he was not the only one who suffered this phenomenon and that Ratchet has possibly found the cause of the restlessness of his sparks, he was briefly moved but disappointed again as his doctor pointed out that it was caused by one of the two organics. Optimus saw that this possibility was simply absurd and meaningless but that did not stop his spark would feel a nice warmness very familiar and unknown at the same time. But Optimus could not be distracted now, He was in a war on a new planet where they should remain hidden from humans. The Autobot leader could not lower the Guard and not get distracted, he would leave this issue of the spark for later, Maybe once they have the Allspark in their servos.

"We're here!" Sam shouted from the Camaro's window. Everyone stopped in front of a house in a neighborhood that seemed dead by silence

Gabriel smiled to himself, Tranquility to honor his name with this peaceful streets. The angel looked out the window at the place where he had woken up the first time and it gave him a slight chill as he recalled awakening confused, dizzy and weak in another reality. I take those thoughts out of his mind and wait for the gay bus to open the door, but He did not, and when Gabriel thought that Jazz wanted him to leave by himself without any privilege, Jazz spoke.

"You are not very trustworthy, human"

Gabriel put on his most confused expression, which was not faked. Why was not it trustworthy? Had he done something wrong? Could it be because of that response he gave to the bus, making him unbalance for his fun? He wondered if Mikaela had also received this same treatment, he doubted it, it was a simple human and that was all but for some reason Gabriel was disturbing the Autobot and that apparently created curiosity and distrust at the same time.

"Those who lie are never"

Gabriel now knew that he had not been able to make the Autobot surrender by thinking that he was not human.


The door opened and Gabriel was silent. 'Maybe I should talk at another time' and with that thought came out of the mech.

Sam quickly approached him "Listen, I need to go in and look for the glasses but I also need you to watch them. Could you do me this favor now?" He asked, waiting for his answer and remembering how he let the man sleep in his garage.

Gabriel smiled "Sure, I'll watch our friends!" He spoke with great confidence

"Thanks thanks!" And with that the boy Witwicky ran into his house.

Gabriel sighed when he saw him walk away. Well, the angel had no real intention of watching them and he simply sat on the floor and pulled a piece of candy out of his pocket. Gabriel remembered that in this part Mikaela could not stop the huge metal beings and they entered the house of the Witwicky very stealthily. The angel thought that the same thing would happen and would not stop them, anyway he could not and did not care at the same time, Gabriel even wondered how he was trying to follow the events of the movie to the letter. The angel just shrugged and thought maybe it was because he liked the movie and wanted it to end the same

After a minute Gabriel noticed that the Autobot did not begin to transform and try to enter the house of the Witwicky. How strange, there was nothing that would force them to stay. Or was it because of him? Got damn . Gabriel quickly got up and showed a worried face while he had a small palette in his mouth

"Em ... I'll go find Sam to help him find the glasses" Gabriel said as he got up and started to enter the Witwicky house

It was when I heard the noise of gears and turned to see that everyone had transformed and looked at him

"We accompany you"

"... I took you out of jail, I paid you half a car" Sam Witwicky's father scolded his son in the afternoon, arriving home. Sam was really nervous and in a hurry, he did not want to tell his father that this was not the time for a scolding since the world would be condemned if he did not find glasses.

That was when he heard a creak and turned slightly to see Bumbleebe enter without attracting much attention, which was somewhat absurd with its enormous size and striking paint. Sam felt his heart jump out of his body and looked more nervous at his father as he tried to make Ron enter the house and not come out to give him a cardiac arrest when he saw Bumbleebe

"Dad, listen to me ...!"

I hear another crack and saw that this time it was Optimus and Sam almost fainted when he saw it, Stealth was not entirely the quality of prime. He looked back at his father who was still talking

"I love you! You do not know how much I love you!"

Uncomfortable pause

Sam cursed at the embarrassment he felt, not only because he did not like to talk about emotions, but because he made a fool of himself in front of beings from space and I swear he could almost hear Bumblebee laughing at him.

After that awkward pause, Sam and Ron spoke again and Ron finally entered the house. He thanked God for not allowing his father to go outside and witness this madness.

Sam quickly recoiled in nervous steps "Rest good man!" He said when he started running towards the entrance until he came across the blond man "What happened !? I told you to watch them!"

Gabriel pretended to be nervous and exsalted "I know, but they seem to be in a hurry!" The man shouted

It was then that he saw how Optimus was walking in the garden and Sam almost had another attack "Hey, wait ...!" He screamed too late when Optimus crushed some ornaments from the garden.

Gabriel put a hand over his mouth trying to hide his laughter throughout the scene. Actually the angel enjoyed the torture of Sam, It was fun to see him trying to make none of the mech crush something else but they ended up doing the opposite, even seeing Ratchet watching his steps was fun. Until Gabriel heard some barking and saw that Mojo was near Ironhide's pede, Gabriel's eyes jumped

Sam literally jumped "Oh, no, no, no, Mojo!" The Witwicky shouted but when it arrived it was too late. Mojo had already urinated on Ironhide and he started taking out his guns. Sam quickly subjected Mojo to trying to protect him. "Stop, Tall Mojo did not really want to do that!" He shouted nervously and with touches of fear in his voice.

"That creature just lubricated me!" The Autobot shouted angrily.

Gabriel now laughed out loud while leaning down holding his stomach "O-Oh father ...!" The angel could not stand it anymore, everything was so fun for him. Until he saw that Sam saved Mojo from Ironhide and spoke between annoying and nervous with Optimus. The prime assent and tried that the little human did not give a cardiac arrest while protesting

"Okay, okay, calm down, Autobots, retire" said Optimus and everyone started leaving the garden. "They want us to shut up," he told his soldiers in a low voice.

Ratchet was still looking at Gabriel as he walked towards the exit, His spark still felt warm near that human and wanted to know the reason. But his thoughts were interrupted when he collided with wires of light and an electrical current ran through his body causing him to stumble and fall to the ground somewhat stunned by that sudden sensation.

"Ratchet, are you okay?" Asked Jazz to see him still on the floor

"Wow, he tickled me!" The doctor said cheerfully, "You should try!" I invite his companions while laughing

Ironhide rolled his eyes and spoke sarcastically "Yes, of course it looks very funny"

But apart from Ratchet's tickling, the light left the neighborhood after the brief tremor of the doctor's fall. Gabriel noticed that at this moment Sam should be inside his room in search of the glasses and the angel was nervous. "Hears!" Gabriel caught the attention of Optimus and Sam "You should be looking for the glasses!" He shouted, Apparently the time of the events had changed and was becoming less and less predictable. This worried the angel

Sam jumped to realize it was true and before running inside his house Gabriel spoke again "Boss, put him through the window of the room to start looking!" The angel shouted

'Boss?' they all thought about the nickname

Sam wanted to speak but was suddenly suspended in the air when metal fingers surrounded him and Optimus started walking.

"Hey, wait, n-no ...!" Shouted the Witwicky when they put him inside his room and quickly leaned against his window "Why did you do that !?"

Gabriel looked at Optimus "Get me up, I'll help Sam get the glasses" Optimus did not hesitate to lower his servo for Gabriel and raise it up to the height of the Witwicky window.

"Wait wait wait!" Sam shouted

"What's wrong, do not you want help finding the glasses?" Gabriel asked.

"Are you kidding ?! I was outside a few seconds ago and now I magically appeared in my room! What am I going to tell my parents when they know I'm in my room without going through the front door !?"

"Do you have a back door?"

"E-Eh ... well, yes"

"There you have your answer" commented the angel "Now let's look for those glasses"

"How! There's no light!" Sam shouted

Then a great light illuminated them both from the window and they turned to see Optimus with their headlights on "I can help you with that" Autobot leader said "Find those glasses now"

Sam quickly nodded "Yes, Yes, Yes!" He looked at Gabriel "You are looking for this side and I will look for this one!" He spoke while throwing himself at his side starting to search desperately

Gabriel shrugged and looked in the part that touched him. The angel noticed that there were certain things that were different from the events of the film, but what he noticed the most was the time when things happened, some happened before and others after, everything was beginning to be unpredictable and Gabriel knew that this was His fault, It was obviously to be in the place of Sam's girl, she would not talk to the Autobots and would only serve as a female figure in the movie. Gabriel thought that maybe he could make things go the same way if he made the same comments and the performance of Megan Fox, although maybe things go a little crooked but what mattered was that he will approach the very facts of the movie.

Then he pulled a box under the bed and laughed lightly at the hidden magazines, Human Teenagers. Sam saw that Gabriel managed to find a box that embarrassed him and quickly went to him "No, no, no, this part is ... it's ... pri-private!" Sam protested very nervous and embarrassed

Gabriel raised his hands. "But you told me to look in this place!" The angel shouted

"I know, but it's my box of secrets and a box of secrets not -!"

"So, did you find it?" Asked Optimus

Gabriel grimaced, another unpredictable act and out of sync as he feared. It is assumed that the question of Optimus would say it before the stumble of Ratchet and the cut of light. If things went on like this, Gabriel should force reality to readjust in its own way.

"Even, not but -!" Sam stopped when he reached the window and looked horrified when he saw that Optimus had crushed the flowers. The sacred flowers of his father! "What, no, no, no, no!" Sam grabbed his head in panic and nervousness

"Oh ..." It was the only thing that could say the prime

Stop, Sam is supposed to be upset by the light because his parents would notice and -

"Sam ?! Sam, where are you ?!"

There they were, Parents screaming for the whereabouts of their son, But the scream just something distant Oh, hell!

"My parents are looking for me below!" Sam shouted now entering more panic, if his parents left and saw his garden destroyed and the Autobot would give them a cardiac arrest. "Turn off that light, turn off the light!" Sam shouted and went to the door running "Dad, Mom, I'm in my room!"

"When did you get there ?!

"Enter through the back door!"

Gabriel was running to the window "Hide!" Optimus switched off his headlights and tried to hide himself by sliding to the other side of the house. The other mechs followed his example.

Gabriel quickly moved to the other side of the bed to hide himself when he saw the light of Sam's mom's flashlight. Oh, hell, in that scene she'd have to show herself and pretend to be Sam's girlfriend. Hell, he would not do any of that, he would think of something to keep Sam's parents from questioning his son's sexuality. Could you use the shape of a woman? Yes, but I would have to give the excuse of magic and bring all the attention to him.

"Sam, who were you talking to?"

"With you "

"What was that light?"

"What light? You bring the light

"I saw another light"

Then both parents entered the room and Gabriel rolled under the bed to hide. He watched as Ron Witwicky went to the window while talking

"... Oh, God, the garden was all ...!" It sounded very annoying watching his beloved garden "Destroyed!"

"Sam, who were you talking to ?!" Asked his mother as he swung his bat

Gabriel covered his mouth while trying not to laugh

"Was ... were you masturbandote ?" Judy asked and Sam almost tripped

"What!? Mom ...!" Shouted Sam with shame, God, there were aliens very close and the last thing I wanted was that they will hear this kind of conversation

"Judy ..." grumbled Ron, he understood that this was a man-to-man conversation and that a woman, especially your mother, said it was really uncomfortable and shameful.

"Hey, it's okay, you should not call it masturbation if you do not want to!" She explained. "You could call her the ... happy hour!" She stammered.

Sam covered his face. If the world really would end, Sam wished it would be over now.

"Judy!" Her husband shouted

Gabriel sighed, went under the bed but did not get up to be seen, instead, cleared his throat.

"Emm, excuse me ..." a female voice said and raised a hand to show that someone was hiding near the bed "I am ... Gabriela and well ... me and Sam ..."

Judy put her face in wonder and astonishment at the same time. But then it turned red and he turned to see Ron who was looking at the floor something uncomfortable

Sam realized Gabriel's intentions and blushed with embarrassment, how could that man fake such a high-pitched voice and sound so feminine?

"Oh ..." Judy said softly "Why do not you come -

"I'm naked since Sam and I -"

"Ok, ok, I think it's time to go!" Sam said very nervously and started pushing his parents to the door. Both left without protest since it was evident that they embarrassed their son with the conversation of the 'happy hour'

When his parents left and the light returned, Sam closed the door and groaned when he heard Gabriel's laughter. "Hey, what was that !?" He shouted ashamed "Now my parents ...!" Sam covered his face "this can not be happening"

"Hahahaha" His laughter calmed down a bit as he wiped away a tear "Come on, do not complain It was fun and thank you that I did not show up What would your parents have thought of an unknown man in your room?"

"That you are a pedophile and would have called the police" Sam replied while he was still very embarrassed, he wished the Autobot had not heard him.


His eyes opened pair by couple "The glasses" He shouted excited

Gabriel looked at him. "Yes ...?" I ask

"I left them in my backpack in the kitchen!" Sam shouted and ran out of the room.

Gabriel simply shrugged and walked to the window to see the Autobot. How strange, they were not ...

Gabriel's eyes also opened. This part was ...! The angel quickly left the room to go in search of Sam but stopped suddenly, if it had been Mikaela it would not have been bad to show up, but he had not presented himself to the Witwicky and could not run freely around the house. Judy would call him a thief or a pedophile and beat him with bat, leave his thoughts when he heard the cry of Mrs. Witwicky

"Ron, t-there are men all over the house!"

Sector Seven had already arrived!