Normal Speech




Chapter 1

It was early morning, the sky painted purple as the sun slowly rose and the waves roll against the shores of Highrock on Tamriel as small ship waited at the end of a dock in Daggerfall for it's lone sailor to board once again. Only one lone Nord walking through the streets, a large bag slung over his shoulder. His gaze focused on the ship as he stepped onto the dock, the feeling of the wind through his hair and water splashing onto his face as he smiled softly. His ship was a merchant vessel so he would have decent supplies for his journey, though he should've had more people with him. But he needed to keep this venture secret, no need for greenhorn sailor or any pirates and raiders intercepting them once they get out to sea.

Throwing the bag off his shoulder as he stepped onto the ship, he legs shaking slightly from the churning water before adjusting to the motion of the waves. The Captain already at the helm as the sailors carried aboard their supplies down to the hold. The captain turned to look at the Nord, his face settling into a glare as he started to walk down and to the Nord. "Thrain Stormcrown?" He asked, getting a small nod from Thrain. "You'd better be ready to depart."

"I am, Captain. I apologize for the delay."

"Hmph, one of the biggest inconveniences I've faced. I had to cancel six contracts for Valenwood for this month alone, just to take you on this fools voyage."

"I assure you, this will be worth more than those simple contracts." Thrain says, setting down his bag and grabbing a large roll of paper. Going to a crate and slowly rolling it out to show a map of Tamriel.

"Unless you happen to have a few hundred crates of jewels and gold with you, I doubt anything is." The captain says, looking at the map with the same glare he gave Thrain.

"It's not what I carry that will make you a great profit, but what we will find." Thrain says before unrolling the rest of the paper, showing an unfamiliar continent to the captain. The land further west than even Yokuda and the Azurian Sea, almost as large as all of Tamriel itself. "You see, I found this ancient map deep within a Dwemer facility. I have been tasked to venture across the Eltheric to this land."

"And if we happen to find it, and find some excotic cargo."

"Then you are free to fill you hull, and if we meet any natives you will be remembered as the first to make contact. If it goes peacefully, then the trade would be highly benefical with quite a boon for such new trade from the East Empire Trading Company."

"Hmph, this is nothing more than a farce, this map nothing more than a forgery. I will not waste my time, nor the lives of my crew on the word of this shite map from a dead race that killed their entire people in a single night."

Thrain gave a glare, the corner of his mouth moving into a snarl before disappearing in an instant. "If you won't then I'll take your ship and sail myself if needed. But I'll give you a chance to reconsider your choice with an incentive or the payment for you ship." His hand going into his bag and pulling out a LARGE pouch of Septims and dropped it down on the crate. The pouch opening to show tens of thousands of gold coins and many different flawless jewels. "This is an incentive from the Company, the moment we return from this trip we may both with receive twenty times more than this."

The Captain's eyes shot wide open seeing all the septims and jewels laying out before him. His gaze shifting between the money and Thrain again and again, "Fine . . . we will embark once we are have the ship secured." He says, grabbing the pouch and scooping the jewels back inside it. "Men!" He yelled, drawing the attention of the sailors on deck, some carrying the last of the crates on as they turned to look. "Double time! We embark in less than an hour!"

"Sire?" One asked.

"You heard me! This voyage will make up richer than any noble in the Imperial City!" The captain says before turning and starting to walk off the ship. The rest of his crew looking at each other before shrugging and bringing the crates below deck. Some shaking their heads but continued to toil away.

Thrain looked with a slight scowl as he watched them resume their duties, grabbing the map before he started below deck to his cabin. Placing his bag by the bed before sitting down at a small table and bringing out his journal. "Morndas, 6:49 AM, 18 of Last Seed, 4E 203. Finally boarded the ship and ready to depart form Daggerfall, though I had to bribe the captain to go through with it. I can understand his apprehension when I showed him the map, I still need him and his crew to endure the crossing. The dwemer had a in depth catalog of the lands, some race of Men and Mer unlike any on Tamriel. Regardless of the risks of the crossing, I will not be scared off by some rough seas. My job is to find this land and bring back a report on the natives, if they are possible friendly or threats to Tamriel."

"CAST US OFF! UNFURL THOSE SAIL! GO CATCH THAT WIND!" He heard the captain shouting from the helm.

Returning to the top deck as he sees the crew loosening the mooring lines on the bow and stern, casting off from the docks, the captain by the wheel with helmsmen, some of the crew releasing the main sail as it caught the wind as he feels the ship under his feet shift and begin to sail to the west. His gaze focused on the horizon, the feel of the open ocean breeze through his hair made him smile as he felt the ship cutting through the water and a small splash of salt water sprayed against his skin.

(Three Months Later)

The trip was longer than expected, though thankfully the supplies were still fairly good. The seas where calm, as though the Nine where on his side and had blessed their crossing, but they still needed to keep sharp.

Currently Thrain was sleeping in his cabin, the captain top deck as the crew checked the rigging as they felt the wind shift once again, this time to the east as they heard a soft rumble. The captains head shooting towards the sound to see the clouds darkening and the seas becoming wild as the once gentle waves grew larger and larger.

"ALL HANDS! SECURE THE HATCH!" The captain yelled as the men top deck ran frantically, tying themselves to the mast as Thrain jolted up out of bed. Looking out the porthole to see the skies dark, almost black as ink as thunder rolled and a bolt of lightning painted the sky white for an instant.

The ship turned hard to starboard as the storm grew and followed, the waves beginning to toss the ship about as they towered high over the mast. Rain pouring down and clouding anything from view as the storm engulfed the ship. Thrain grit his teeth as he gets knocked back and crashing into his deck, cracking it under his weight and knocking his bag and journal down.

"ROGUE WAVE!" Came a loud voice, barely heard from the top deck. "BRACE." The captain shouted just before a large flood of water crashed down below deck as some of the crew getting tossed about.

Thrain grabbed his bag, stuffing the journal away as he rushed out of his cabin and the stairs leading up, only to find the main hatch closed and tightly secured. "LET ME OUT! I CAN HELP!" He shouted, trying to get the crews attention but his voice was drowned out but the rolling thunder and crashing waves. "Nine damn it! I need to get top deck if my Thu'um can have any effect on the sky." Thrain thought as he tried to pry off the bars.

"ROGUE WAVE!" Came another shout from a crew member, before Thrain didn't even know what happened he felt the ship take the wave hard. The floor under his boots tilting and the ship flipping and becoming submerged. Thrain being thrown onto what was the ceiling as he quickly recovered and tried to get his footing. "No . . . this can't be my end . . . not after everything I've done." He thought, water starting to pour in quickly as he reached into his bag. Pulling out a mace and started to bash the wooden hatch hard, once . . . twice . . . thrice as he slowly dented the wood. Before he could strike a fourth time Thrain was thrown into the wall as the ship crashed, the hull splitting as a massive rock carved it's way through the ship like a hot knife. The water pouring in and taking Thrain out into the ocean, striking his head on the stone. His vision slowly fading to black before a thin ray of light blinded him and he felt a hand grasp his shoulder and he lost consciousness.

How long had he been knocked out? That was the first question that raced through Thrain's head as he tried to open his eyes slightly, only to clench them shut with the blinding white light of the sun. A soft groan escaping from him as he tried to roll over onto his hands and knees. Only to stop when he felt his arms bound with thick ropes to a post above his head, making his eyes snap open and looking up to see he was tied to a wooden post.. He wanted to try and snap the ropes, but calmed his nerves as he tilted his head and look around, seeing he was on a beach with the wreckage of a ship or even his ship around him. But what really caught his gaze was ten Breton sized men combing through the ship and crates. Some laughing as the looked over the supplies and even some septims, the looks on their faces seeming to be that of confusion of the gold coins.

Some of them dragging bodies of the crew and captain out of the wreckage, piling them up carelessly as some pilfered their corpses of their clothes and anything else in their pockets. Seeing this Thrain thrashed against his bindings, hearing the ropes straining but still just holding. "Well, well. What do we have here?" One of the looters asked, walking over and kneeling down in front of Thrain. The helmet hiding his face but he could feel the smirk on their face. "Bunch of freaks wash up on shore. Elves with dark and yellow skin, and a tall freak like you. Makes me think you're one of those horn headed bastards."

At this Thrain raised an eyebrow, "So they speak Common . . . things might go well . . . but these look like regular pirates. Better deal with them quickly and see if anyone is still alive." He thought as he looked the Men over. "Where am I? Why are you going through my companions belongings?"

"Well what do you expect? We had to go through quite a bit of trouble fishing all your bodies out of the water, though you were already face down in the sands when we got here. But as for where you are . . . I guess I should welcome you to Ferelden." He says with a smirk, slowly pulling out a dagger from his belt as he looked over Thrain's Nordic Armor.

Seeing the blade Thrain gave a glare before he smirked, "MUL QAH DIIV!" He shouted, his Thu'um seeming to coat his body as he effortlessly snapped free from the ropes and grabbed the man by the throat with one hand. Crushing it with his enhanced strength as he grabbed the dagger and stabbed the man through the eye, his gurgles of pain catching the attention of the others.

"DAMN IT! WE GOT A FREAK LOOSE!" One called, aiming a bow and arrow at Thrain with three more archers as the others rushed in. Thrain smirked as they charged him, "YOL TOOR SHUL!" He shouted, his Thu'um turning into a torrent of flame that flew from his mouth. Catching three of the charging raiders and an archer as their metal began to melt and sear their skin, burning them alive.

"FO KRAH DIIN!" He shouted again, this time his breath showing as it became as cold as the north winds of Skyrim. His Thu'um freezing another charging him and two archers. They shivered uncontrollably, dropping their weapons as a sword skid to Thrain and he picked it up. Testing the weight as he slashed the last one charging him in the throat. Letting the Raider fall as he charged past him to the last archer, still preparing to shoot his bow, eyes in shock and arms shaking in fear. "LIZ SLEN NUS!" This shout even colder as frost coated their bodies, slowly freezing them as solid as statues as he swung the sword. Smashing their bodies into hundreds of pieces.

With the last of the pirates dead he dropped the blunt sword and started looking for his gear, seeing the bag tossed with the crates. The bodies of the crew not far, most of them stripped of their belongings. "May the Eight and One watch over you. I should've done more to help and save you." He says, his hands becoming coated in flames he cast flames. Letting the bodies burn instead of letting them for the wolves. Giving a heavy sigh his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, looking through the crates for any still fresh food and potions before he started heading out.