Jaune was alert as he looked around, his katana shift of Wub Machine ready at all time, playing some Excision softly to the point only he and anyone wishing five feet heard. He grins as he hears familiar footfalls, soft and purposeful, as if each step was going to be put into the history books. He inhales his nose and smells her scent, a mixture of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, a lovely combination. He knows who it is and lowers his guard, just a slight bit.

"Hello, Neo" he says to her using his semblance. She grins and steps out in front of him, waving happily. They make eye contact and nod, headed to the Temple.

Earlier, when they were launched, there was a blonde headed blur that flew awkwardly through the air, flipping and tumbling in panic, blue eyes full of fear, screaming all the while. While she flew, she failed to see a young woman land on a tree branch and survey the surroundings before aiming at the young woman flying to a tree. She shifted her hunting rifle to a spear and aimed before throwing it at a strong angle. There was a thud and a squeak of fear before the redhead heard the blonde speak.

"Thank you…" the voice spoke.

"I'm sorry!" she stated loudly, cupping her hands around her mouth to amplify her voice, before waving her hand as she went to help.

Jaune heard it a while ago and smirked, knowing who it was. He just grinned and walked on, headed to the temple.

At the temple, everyone was already situated and getting their relics. That is until a giant Nevermore and a Deathstalker came. You know how that song and dance goes. Jaune and Neo were;t there to fight, so they had nothing to do with it. In fact, Jaune and Neo got the only pair of relics that had only two pieces, which were the two white King pieces.

At the team assignments, Jaune and Neo were sorted fist, being in a two person team called DJ, cause of Neo's "middle name" Dawne, and Jaune's first name. They smiled and hugged, jumping up and down, Jaune being funny and making the Legend of Zelda opening a chest theme.

They watched as Team RWBY was formed, and as Team JNPR was created. Jaune was proud, as his twin sister Joan was the leader. He heard Ozpin say something that he couldn't agree more.

"This will be an interesting year"