Harry Potter: Vel'ilstaer: Stormraven
I own none of these characters, neither do I own Harry Potter.

The duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore was electrifying, or for another hyperbole absolutely spectacular. Reality itself seemed to twist, turn, convulse, thrash and shriek as the Master of the Darkest of Magics and the Headmaster who'd forgotten more about magic than most would ever learn.

For every spell that Voldemort sent screaming towards the old man, causing reality to weep under such evil; the spell never found its mark as a bright blue orb would miraculously appear in front of the older wizard; or if it shattered the orb then a faint magical armour would hinder the spell.

Dumbledore quickly retaliated with an elaborate spell chain, which contained spells that positively reeked of divine magic. The potency of such religious intent spells was a literal anathema to Voldemort. Even the spells that failed to penetrate his shields caused him to snarl and hiss with agony.

The spells felt like hot iron pokers, hitting him from a distance. It didn't help, that he would occasionally have to redirect some petty schoolyard spells. Now some of these schoolyard spells, did have a bit of a punch to them. Voldemort's eyes widened momentarily as a blasting hex cracked his shield; that caster had to die!

However, that thought was short lived as a veritable cascade of lightning lashed out of the sky, slamming into the construct Dark Lord like, well, a bolt of lightning. The sudden darkening of the sky certainly gave an evident hint of what was coming next.

He certainly didn't expect five bolts of ruby red lightning to slam into him, shattering any and all defences he might have had. A side-effect of this particular spell was, Dumbledore had to manoeuvre outside of area effect of the called lightning. This was marked by the ten-feet of rippling excess lightning.

Sirius had been one of the first to respond for the call to help. Apparating to Hogsmeade, then moving as a dog with Lupin hot on his heels, slipping into the basement of Honeydukes; then up the slope and out of the One-Eyed Witch.

Sirius climbed out of the One-Eyed Witch, into the path of Lucius Malfoy "BLACK!"

"Hi Lucy, Eldritch Blast!" Three beams of red and gold pulsating energy roared out of Sirius's hand, the first shattering Lucius's shield, the second atomising his wand and three fingers of the blondes hand with the third throwing him down the corridor with a sickening thud.

Sirius began moving, with ease he navigated his former school. He dodged Aurors, blasted Death Eaters and helped dogpile Death Eaters who were at times able to gang-up on the beleaguered and battered young school defenders. As luck or by divine intervention would have it, Sirius had found a window overlooking the grounds and Voldemort and Dumbledore's electric and kaleidoscopic duel.

From his research, Sirius had found that Warlocks had very few actual spells they could cast. But the level the spell was cast at was always the most potent available. The records were vague about when Warlocks, Clerics, Paladins and the traditional Schools of Magic had faded away to the current state of magic here but Sirius had made his mind up. He was going with his Godson no matter where he went. Speaking of his Godson, he spied Harry scurrying his way.


"Padfoot, Professor…"

"I'm no longer your professor…Please call me Remus, or Moony."

"Very well, Moony…Voldemort…" Vel was about to say, as blood began trickling out of his eyes and his world dissolved.


Vel, landed with an inelegant thump. It more resembled a face plant "My child."

"My Lady…Why am I here as of right now?"

"To inform you that your old Headmaster will fail to bring down your nemesis; you must be the one to kill him."

Vel nodded "I will…I believe I have just the method; that will be a lightning bolt with bit of your power I am able to summon."

The Raven Queen sat atop her throne and plucked a thread, Vel watched transfixed as he saw the name Tom Marvolo Riddle on the string; then with casual elegance the string snapped.

Power surged through him and Vel found himself back in his body.


Vel stood up, his robes had disappeared and he was now clad in leather armour, the Raven Queens symbol on the breast plate and the house of his adoption on his left shoulder and the house of his birth on his right. Then for additional effect, a pair of spectral raven wings erupted forth from his back.

Vel, strode over to the window, flicked his hand and the window burst open out of its pane and he launched himself out. He hadn't been detected by Voldemort or Dumbledore; as quietly as a shadow, he landed on the lawn. He had positioned himself behind Dumbledore and he began to load the Condemnor. The bolt began change, the feathers became raven feathers, the standard end became barbed and triangular and then it began to glow.

Dumbledore and Voldemort felt the power increase, Dumbledore turned; an acidic green killing curse came his way. However, Dumbledore sliced his wand vertically and a black rift opened in front of him. Voldemorts eyes widened, Dumbledore dived out the way as Vel pulled the trigger. The bolt flew true, Voldemort created a shield but Vel and the Raven Queen would have their dues!

"Raven Queens Harbinger!" Vel'ilstaer intoned, he pulled the trigger and the colossal bolt launched through the air. It was as if everything had slowed down, the glowing bolt slammed into Riddle; the effect was instantaneous. Black ichor, began to pour out of the entry and exit wound caused by the bolt, Voldemort began to cough and splutter out the same black ichor from his mouth.

Slowly, but surely the Dark Lord collapsed to his knees "Begone from this plane, from this reality Tom Marvolo Riddle. The Prince of Ravens; The Storm Raven declares you forfeit. Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust."

(The Crossing)

Behind her mask, the Raven Queen smiled. Her wonderful grandson had done his task! Now for his reward, a hidden set of memories to guide him to her.

"Well done, well done sweet child of mine."

(Vox Machina)

Vox Machina were beyond concerned. In fact they were now borderline hysterics. Grog and his sword Craven Edge; the bond between the pair was seriously beginning to freak them out.

They watched as Grog got up, turned to find Percy crouching over Craven Edge. "Hey! HEY, Percy! PERCY!" Grog thundered as he made his way over.

The Twins quickly moved to intercept the Goliath, Vex stood in front of Grog and Vax pulled his daggers and moved to protect his sister. They knew Grog, was a tough customer and when he raged it made him even tougher.

"Well, I mean he's obviously messing with other people's property." Grog growled as he stalked towards the twins.

"Grog, let it go. This has been on the tip of our tongues for weeks. Let it go. Whatever that thing is, it's fucked. Let it go!" Vax demanded.

"But it's my sword." Grog responded, sounding almost like child.

"But it's not your sword, was it, Grog?" Countered Keyleth, placing her hand on Grog's shoulder.

"I mean, Percy gave it to me, but it's mine."

"Percy gave it to you!" Vex exclaimed.

"Yeah. Yeah, he let him have it. Chimed in Scanlan.

Then the discussion began to intensify as it was revealed that Craven Edge had effectively pulled Grog's soul into it, and if it hadn't been for Pike's Greater Restoration then he might have become a puppet for the carnivorous rapacious sentient sword.

The group descended into an argument over what to do with the sword. It was agreed that no-one should carry it, stuffing it into the Bag of Holding was seen as a 'terrible idea'. There were ideas such as casting a Greater Restoration on the sword. However, yet again Keyleth came up with a decent suggestion "I can do a more permanent version of banishment. I've never tried it before. And it's a 7th Level spell."

"I need that sword, it's the only way I can think of that can help me even the score against Kevdak. Remember, people, we came to fight Kevdak. He has the Titanstone Knuckles. It's a Vestige that we're looking for, right? It's going to be one hell of a fight, and this is a hell of a sword."

"Grog, darling, he's got a Vestige. He's still just him." Vex retorted, making her face the very picture of innocence.

"The sword just fucking killed you, you dummy!" Vax emphasized.

"Vax, you're being a bit harsh. But true." Keyleth stated staring down her lovers quiet fury with a look of earnest, that only she could pull off. Furthermore, it was a look that would put any rambunctious child, Vel'ilstaer, in his place. "You were far more powerful before the sword. You killed Lord Briarwood without it."

"Keyleth's right."

"The sword didn't and doesn't make you, Grog."


Voldemort had bled out. As he did so, his body decomposed back into the fragments of flesh, blood and bone. "Mr. Vassar…what have…"

"I've dealt with him, as you wanted. No, I dealt with him how he should have been dealt with the first time." Vel retorted, fixing his piercing eyes on the headmaster, who had the decency too look abashed and looked at his feet.

"Furthermore, there is his ritual that needs careful dismantling." Dumbledore nodded.

"I'll deal with that; can you check on the school? I need to know how many letters; I need to write." Vel nodded and Dumbledore watched as the wings appeared and with ease, Vel began to glide up to the front gates of the castle.