But all the things I would do with it (hehehe)

Snow crunched under Rey's feet as she hurried through the woods. She dodged another swing from Kylo Ren's lightsaber before throwing her own. It wasn't nearly as graceful as his but it caused him to back away long enough for her to start running again.

It had been like this for several minutes, Rey trying to lead Kylo away from Finn's injured body while also trying to stay alive. She had never held a sword before let alone a lightsaber and was unfamiliar with proper fighting technique. She was obviously out classed but she couldn't let that stop her. If she didn't fight him here and now he would kill Finn and take her back to his Supreme Leader.

She threw another swing, cutting a tree in half, blocking Kylo's path. It didn't stall him for very long. He was after her again in an instant. Rey tried to discern a way to beat him. He had been injured by Chewbacca's bow caster and she could see the wound still bleeding. He trembled furiously as he ran after her. If she was lucky she could exhaust him to a point where she could overcome him.

She also considered his emotional state. He had just murdered Han Solo.

He had murdered his own father, who had come to save him.

That made her bite back tears. The thought left her body quivering with heartache and she had only known the man for a day. It couldn't have been easy for him to do, even if he was a villainous monster. She could almost feel the pain in his heart and the torment rocking his mind.

Good, she thought bitterly, he deserves that pain. She didn't understand how he could commit a crime so vial. To kill senselessly was one thing, but to kill his own family? That could not go unpunished.

She let that rage fuel her next couple of strikes against him. He deflected them with ease, pushing her further and further back.

The ground rumbled continuously, the tremors growing bigger each time. Suddenly the ground behind Rey split open, rocks falling into a deep chasm. Rey's eyes widened in fear. Kylo Ren's strikes became more violent, more desperate. Their blades pressed firmly against each other, Kylo pushed Rey, forcing her to the very edge of the chasm.

She was trapped.

Rey cried out as Kylo pushed his lightsaber closer to hers. She watched the unstable blade flicker uncontrollably which only heightened her panic. Kylo Ren pushed harder, using all his strength to keep himself in control of the battle. Over the loud crackling of their sabers and the rumbling of the rocks behind them, Rey heard Kylo yell the most unexpected thing.

"You need a teacher!" he said, gritting his teeth, "I can show you the ways of the Force!"

Rey blinked up in surprise. Her eyes found his own, scanning them to find the reasoning behind his words. She searched for any hint of a lie, a trick to catch her off guard, but she found none. He was being genuine. He wanted her to join him.

He wanted her to join the Dark Side.

That would never happen. She would never consent to fighting for the side of evil, for the very people who spread fear throughout the galaxy. To allow the Dark Side of the Force to corrupt her like it did Kylo Ren was a scary thought all on its own.

"The Force." she muttered aloud, inspiration coming to her. She closed her eyes, feeling the energy around her. Kylo Ren stared in confusion. He felt the Force being drawn to her, empowering her. His confusion was replaced by awe as the Force continued to grow within this girl who had previously never used it before.

There was more. He could sense something different within her. He could detect the light but he also felt the darkness, but rather than the two battling for control they were in perfect sync. Perfect harmony.


It was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Rey's eyes suddenly snapped open, startling Ren. She forced him back, finally taking the offensive. Ren was amazed at her sudden surge of courage and responded in kind. The two clashed repeatedly, neither one necessarily on top. The two came to a standstill, each clasping the wrist of the other, trying to force each other into submission.

Rey found the strength to push Kylo's lightsaber towards the ground. Sparks flew as she pressed it hrder against the planet's floor. Kylo struggled against her hold. The physical and emotional pain from earlier were finally catching up to him. With one final shout, Rey released him, swinging her lightsaber. It slashed its way from Kylo Ren's collarbone to his forehead.

The man yelled in pain, falling into the snow. Rey panted, her weakened body sagging under an invisible pressure. She watched Ren twist around, supporting his weight on his elbows. He too was panting heavily, trying to suppress the pain she had inflicted on him. The wound across his face was red, cauterized from the lightsaber's hot blade. He stared at her with a mix of anger and surprise. Rey stared back, unsure what to do now that he was down. She could take him hostage. The Resistance would know what to do with a monster like him. Or she could just leave him there in the snow. There was no guarantee the First Order would find him before Starkiller Base exploded.

Or I could kill him.

She immediately banished the thought from her head. She was not a murder. She recalled Han Solo's last moments, trying to save his son from the monster he had become. Han believed there was light in him. She could not, would not, destroy the son he tried to save.

Rey was so distracted by her conflicted mind, she did not pay attention to her surroundings. Several trees started to lose their foundation as the rocks beneath them crumbled. A sizable one began to collapse, falling towards her. Kylo's eyes widened in fear.

"Look out-!" he called. Rey barely had time to register that the tree was about to land on her. Without thinking, Kylo threw his hand forward. Rey yelped when she found herself tossed to the side like a rag doll. She collided into a large boulder, hitting her head hard. She fell down against the snow, her head falling to the side. Her eyes drifted shut as she fell into unconsciousness.

Kylo dropped his hand, shock overtaking him. He didn't bother denying the fact that he intended on saving her. To let her die would have been a mistake. The logical, more reasonable part of his mind claimed that she possessed knowledge on Luke Skywalker's location and it would be foolish to let her die.

He knew that was nothing but an excuse.

She fascinated him. Never before had he met someone so consumed by loneliness such as himself. Finally, there was someone who understood him, understood his anguish. Her power in the Force was strong and he wanted to see how far she could go with it.

And he wanted to be the one to teach her.

Pulling himself to his feet, Kylo Ren stumbled over to the girl's body. His body screamed in protest but he ignored it. He knelt down beside the girl, pulling her into his arms. He heaved himself to his feet, adjusting Rey so she wouldn't fall. Tapping into the Force, he lifted his grandfather's lightsaber and his own and placed them on top of Rey's stomach. Using what little strength he hadn't exhausted in his battle, he limped through the snow, carrying the unconscious woman.

Luckily, he didn't have to travel far. He spotted a command shuttle hovering just over the treetops.

Most likely Hux, he thought to himself. The shuttle flew to a clearing several meters away. Kylo stumbled his way towards the ship. Off in the distance he heard another engine. He turned his head to the side and saw his father's old ship, The Millennium Falcon. He stood silently, watching Chewbacca carry a limp body into the ship.

FN-2187, he reasoned. He had almost forgotten about the traitorous stormtrooper. He didn't care if the man lived or died, but Rey would probably be relieved to know her friend was at least taken off the planet. He started walking towards his ship again, turning just in time to see the ramp lowered and a less-than-thrilled General Hux standing at the entrance. The General's face morphed into surprise, at the sight of Kylo's injuries or the girl in his arms he could not tell. Kylo wordlessly walked up the ramp, only sparing Hux a single glance before entering the cabin.

"Take off immediately!" The general yelled to the cockpit. The ramp raised itself, shutting Ren off from the cold planet. He felt the ship jerk as it took off. Wordlessly, Kylo laid Rey down on a bench. He quickly checked her for injuries before taking the two lightsabers and attaching them to his belt. Hux watched in mild curiosity. Ren turned his attention to Hux, giving him a heated stare. Hux returned it then marched into the cockpit.

With Hux gone, Kylo Ren allowed himself a groan of discomfort. He refused to give the man the satisfaction of seeing him in pain.

Turning his attention once again to the strange girl he had just met, Kylo Ren sighed. When she woke she would not be pleased, but he would not let her escape this time. He couldn't. He had finally found a potential ally in the Force. Someone who would finally understand him. He would not let this opportunity slip past him.

No matter what it took.

Okay, so this is the first chapter of what I hope to be a really good fanfic. I say "hope" because I do have a life that is important to maintain. I will update as frequently as I can. At the very least once a week, if I'm lucky more. Sorry I don't have a better answer. If you don't like ReyLo then get out of here, I don't need haters. Hope you all enjoy the story I have planned out for you! Spread the Love!