
Four years later

"Teddy, come back here!" Ana sighed in frustration. Her husband was out having a meeting with his father and the Swedish Royal family and due back any minute. She had been invited along but her morning sickness was bad this morning.

Her husband had told her that he'd cancel so he could stay at home with her but she didn't want him to do that. They tended to do everything together as a family - all Royal duties and tours were done as a family of three but on this one occasion she had to pass. They found out that Ana was three months pregnant with their newest addition to the Royal family a month or so back but hadn't announced it to the public yet. When Ana first got pregnant with Teddy, there had been even more excitement than there had been for the wedding and 'bump watch' was a daily segment in the news.

"I've got him Ana," Gail, their housekeeper and nanny said walking into the room and putting the giggling toddler on the couch - the same one from Ana's flat. They had too many memories on that couch to get rid of it so after the wedding, when the couple had moved into their Castle as Duke and Duchess, it was the finishing touch to their living area.

The castle was a lot smaller and more homely than the palace. Ana didn't know what she'd do without Gail - she truly was a saint. They'd recruited her and Taylor as their main staff members with Sawyer as the permanent head guard on duty and of course, they were still always surrounded by royal guards but it wasn't nearly as bad here as it was at the palace.

Ana scooped her three year old son up in her arms and tickled him until he let out a peel of giggles. She heard the door open downstairs and the sounds of male voices downstairs and she smiled when she saw her husband and Taylor walk into the room. Taylor went off to the security quarters of the castle and Christian headed straight for his wife and son.

"Hello little man," he said as Teddy reached for him, clearly wanting his father at this moment in time.

Whenever Teddy was in Christians arms she was always taken aback by how alike they looked. Teddy was Christian's twin from his head of copper curls to his big grey eyes. God she loved them - her boys. Christian was the best father to Teddy and true to his word, he was always around for both of them. He made sure to take them with him everywhere he went and always made sure to show his love for them both. He kissed his son as he held him in his arms and Teddy relaxed, putting his arms around his daddy's neck before pulling back to look up at his father with a little grin on his face.

"Daddy!?" Teddy giggled and Ana and Christian smiled at their energetic toddler.

"Yes, son?"

"Wanna show you what Mr Sawyer taught me," Teddy said pulling back and beaming at his father. Sawyer was very stoic and didn't say much to anyone however Teddy had taken and instant liking to him and they sometimes played together during the day.

"What is it Teddy?" Ana asked slightly concerned. The last time Sawyer had taught Teddy something, Gail almost ended up getting knocked over by a 'karate kick'.

"Dis mummy," Teddy giggled before swiftly kicking his father in the crotch before anyone could do anything to stop him. Christian fell to the ground writhing in pain and Ana crouched next to him.

"Teddy, that was naughty!" Ana reprimanded, "are you alright baby?" she asked stroking her husbands arm as he held where his son had kicked him. Christian moaned in pain in response to the question. Teddy's little face scrunched up and tears filled grey eyes that replicated his father's.

"I sorry daddy," he said softly. Christian had rolled over onto his back now and finally managed to get the pain under control. He looked at his wife who was staring down at his in concern stroking his chest and then over to his son who was crying and wringing his hands.

"It... it's okay son, just don't hit daddy there in future," He managed to breath before moving to stand up and holding his arms out for his son who came bolting towards him.

"Has he had his nap yet?" Christian asked, stroking his sons back as he clung to him. Ana shook her head.

"No not yet, I was going to put him to bed in a second," Ana explained.

"I'll do it baby, and then when I get back we can have some mummy and daddy time," he winked.

How did he still make her feel like a giddy school girl four years into their marriage? They had a child together and another one the way but their connection was still so strong and her love for him grew every single day. She expected the excitement to wain a little but even that had increased and they were having even more sex now than before they were married - and that was a lot. She was happy, she was so incredibly happy and she loved her life. She was so glad she'd walked past the alleyway that day after meeting with Kate - she was so glad they'd found each other.

Her handsome hubby came downstairs a moment later without their son and he had a soft smile on his face as he took her in.

"I swear you get more beautiful every time I see you," he said coming to sit next to her on their couch. She blushed, still shy when taking his compliments.

"I love you," she said with a grin, "how are your balls?" she asked reaching across to massage him through his pants. He groaned and laid his head back against the sofa as his wife touched him.

She moved to unzip his pants and started to reach inside to touch him properly when there was a loud bang upstairs. Christian sighed - he'd hoped he'd get a little time with his wife now after a tiring day but of course, they never got a moment to themselves.

"Sore, I'm going to have a word with Sawyer, I might even kick him in the nuts to see how he likes it," Christian said making his wife giggle and cuddle up to him resting her head on his shoulder.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"Dull and boring but it got so much better when I walked through the door," he smiled. "How are you and my daughter today?"

They'd found out their having a little girl last week and were both over the moon. Christian couldn't keep his hands off her small bump - he couldn't keep his hands off her anyway but when she was pregnant his hand tended to gravitate towards her stomach even when they were in public. He couldn't cup her bump out in public yet due to them not having announced it but he still found himself itching to do so when they were being photographed opening a hospital or meeting with people in other countries on tour.

"She's been moving around a lot, she got excited when you came in and she heard your voice." Ana smiled loving the look of pride that came onto his face whenever Ana mentioned one of his children.

"Was it just my little angel who got excited or did mummy get excited too when she heard daddy's voice?" Christian asked, his tone deep and sexy. Ana shivered.

He could still affect her so easily even after all this time and the pregnancy hormones increased her desire for him tenfold. All he had to do was look at her with those grey eyes and she'd be ready to spread her legs for him wherever they were. Ana nodded and bit her lip making him smirk.

"Good, because all I've been able to think about since leaving this morning was getting you naked and underneath me," Christian said, running his finger tip down her cheek and grinning salaciously when he saw her close her eyes. "Do you even know how much I think about you Anastasia? I've sat in a meeting all morning trying not to get distracted by the thought of you but it never works. You always distract me. I wonder what you're doing, I wonder what you and Teddy are up to at home. I thought about what we did last night - how insatiable you get when your pregnant and how lucky I am to have you. I thought about how hard you sucked my dick when I got home yesterday and how you tasted when I returned the favour. I thought about how your eyes rolled back and your lips parted when we made love in our bed last night." Ana moaned at his words as he verbally seduced her. She loved the fact that he was still as obsessed with her as he had been at the start. She loved this man so much.

"I'm so wet Christian," she whimpered and he licked his lips.

"Come to bed baby, Gail can watch out for Teddy," he picked her up and walked her up the stairs to their bedroom. The great thing about living in the castle was that there secret service were all outside rather than inside. Only Taylor, Gail and Ana and Teddy's personal guard Sawyer were allowed in their home unless there was an emergency. Christian attacked his wife's neck as he continued walking breathing heavily as he got more and more aroused. He pushed her up against their door, rocking his hips against her.

"Fuck I need you, I always need you Ana," he whispered.

"I need you too, so much," Ana moaned dragging her nails down his back as her husband continued to lay kisses all over her neck. His hand finally moved from where it was groping her backside to the handle of their bedroom door and he threw it open before gently placing her on their four poster bed. She grabbed for him straight away, pulling him on top of her and tugging off his suit jacket.

"As much as I love seeing you in a suit, I wish it was easier to get off," Ana whimpered, tugging on his tie while he pushed up the maternity dress she was wearing. She had tons of beautiful ball dresses and summer frocks for when they were to other countries but she couldn't wear them at the moment. Christian had brought home a ton of loose fitting maternity dresses when she was pregnant with Teddy and they'd been so much more comfortable for her so she was just re-wearing them with their daughter.

"I love you in these tight fitting dresses, everyone can see your bump and know that you're all mine - my wife, my baby," Christian growled. He was still as jealous and possessive as ever and she relished in it. He tugged her dress up and she lifted her arms at his command so he could throw it across the room leaving her in just a bra and no knickers. He looked up at her, his eyes dark and questioning.

"I anticipated you coming home all horny," Ana said giggling. The truth was, he came over everyday horny whether she'd been with him all day or not. They were both insatiable when it came to each other.

"Good thinking love," Christian chuckled moving from on top of his wife and standing up so he could take off his clothes.

She sat up so she sat on the edge of the bed, her face level with his belly button and unbuckled his belt while he worked on his shirt buttons. She then unzipped her and pulled his pants and boxers down enough to allow him to spring free. She licked her lips unable to resist giving her husband a kiss and leaned forward to wrap her lips around the tip of his member making said husband groan above her.

"God, Ana, your mouth feels incredible," he moaned, his fingers lacing through her hair. She loved how he tasted and bringing him pleasure. She continued to suck on his hard dick until she felt his large hands reaching down to gently pulled her away.

"I don't want to come in your mouth baby, at least not yet. I want to be inside you," he growled, pushing her back onto the bed and climbing on top of her once more. He undid her bra and threw it across the room so he could feast his eyes on her heaving breasts. They got bigger with each pregnancy and he couldn't love her body more if he tried. He spent most of his day thinking about suckling on her mouth-watering boobs and enacted his dreams when he got home to her and they were alone.

"Fuck me," she whimpered, opening her legs wide and rubbing herself against him to entice him. He of course didn't need any encouragement but did want to tease his lovely wife just a little. He continued to kiss her chest, gobbling her breasts like they were his last meal.

"Tell me you love me," he asked between kisses to her skin.

"I love you, I love you more than anything," she moaned, eyes slammed shut and head rolling against the comforter as she got lost in the sensations his lips were creating.

"Tell me your mine," he groaned, letting her breast drop from his mouth and looking up at her with needy grey eyes.

"You know I am. I have and will always be yours." Ana said reaching down to stroke his face. Christian felt his unborn baby move underneath him and chuckled.

"It's okay princess, Daddy will put your mummy out of her misery soon," Ana giggled and slapped his shoulder.

"You shouldn't be saying things like that to our daughter," she mock reprimanded him and he winked at her before moving up her body a little so they were face to face. He leaned down to kiss her softly and without warning, pushed inside her making his wife gasp out in surprise. He pushed into her harder and faster as her moans got louder and louder until her muscles clenched around him so hard it felt like a fist was grabbing him and he came with her. They lay together catching their breaths for a moment when they heard some commotion from down the hall.

"Teddy come back here!" they heard Gail shout and their little tot giggled before a door slammed. The couple started to laugh - their son was going to be trouble when he got older. They got up and dressed again. They were going to dinner later with some important guests but that wasn't for a number of hours so they dressed comfortably and entwined their hands as they headed downstairs to see what all the noise was.

"Gail?" Christian called and a moment later, a very flustered Gail came out of nowhere holding Teddy at arms length as though he stank. She unloaded him in Christian's arms and the little boy was giggling.

"What has he done?" Ana asked curiously looking over her son.

"I put an air freshener down the toilet and Master Theodore here decided that he had to knock it off and then played in the toilet water with it. I found him literally on the edge with his hands and feet in it," Gail grimaced and both Ana and Christian tried to hold back the laughed that was dying to break out. They knew they had to reprimand him so Ana went to stand in front of him as he sat in her husband's arms.

"Teddy, that was naughty, we don't play in the toilet," it was ironic. They were trying to start his toilet training but he hadn't gone in the toilet yet despite encouragement and a lesson on 'how to wee like a big boy' by his father he still hadn't gone - but he had gone swimming in the toilet bowl now. Her little boys face fell and her heart melted. He looked so much like Christian when he was sad.

"Sowwy," he said, his lips trembling and Christian rolled his eyes when his wife immediately caved and grabbed him out of his arms to cuddle him close. His son sure had them both wrapped around his little finger but they wouldn't have it any other way. He smiled as his wife rocked his son in her arms, her eyes meeting his as she did so and her free hand going to her stomach - he was the luckiest man on earth.

Five years later

Carrick Trevelyan Grey's death hadn't come as a shock to anyone. In the six months before his health had deteriorated quickly so much so that he had become bed ridden. It had affected Christian badly - not only the fact that his father was ill but the fact that the media were talking nonstop about the fact he would be becoming King soon instead of giving his father a chance. The day he'd died Christian and Ana had been at the Palace to see his parents. They were sat with their children - seven year old Teddy, five year old Phoebe and two year old Elliot when he'd said his last goodbyes.

"You'll make a great King son and I'll be looking down so proudly," were the last words to leave the Kings mouth before he let death overcome him. Grace hadn't said a word. She wiped away her tears and left the room without speaking to anyone. Ana knew she should follow her but she wanted to stay with her husband and children so silently asked Mia, who was distraught that she'd lost her father, to go and find her.

Mia did as Ana said leaving the small family alone. The kids were quiet. Teddy was sat on the side of his grandfathers bed crying, Phoebe and Elliot were in their fathers lap also upset - well Phoebe was upset because of her grandfather, Elliot probably didn't really know what was going on but didn't like everyone around him being upset. Ana looked at her husband and saw his bottom lip trembling and tears in his eyes. He needed her. She would talk to the kids later - first she needed to comfort her husband.

"Teddy, will you take your brother and sister down to see Mr Taylor? I will be down soon sweet boy, okay?" Ana asked and her son nodded. She kissed his head as he walked past her and took his brother from Christians lap.

Ana encouraged Phoebe to get down to and eventually she slid off her father's lap. She would need to have a long chat with them later - she wasn't sure how much either of them knew about what had just happened. She assumed Teddy knew that death was forever but Phoebe didn't know. Their three children left the room and Ana turning to her husband. He looked at her with watery grey eyes for a moment before throwing his arms around her and sobbing into her neck allowing himself to grieve. She whispered comforting words in his ear and ran her hands through his hair. She was feeling emotional herself - her father in law who she adored breathing his last and her strong husband breaking down in her arms was enough to set her off but she needed to be brave for him.

"I ... I can't do it Ana, I can't be King," Christian sobbed and she held him tighter.

"You can baby," Ana whispered, kissing his neck,"You'll always have me and our babies to support you. You're going to be the best king that ever lived and make your father proud. We all love you so much - I love you so much and I believe in you more than anything," Ana looked over to where her father in law lay still and sighed knowing that they needed to get out of here.

"Let's go on a walk in the gardens?" Ana asked. This always calmed him when he was troubled. They'd sit near the tree where Christian proposed and hold each other - talking until their problems were no longer relevant. She loved her husband so much and it was killing her that he was hurting. He nodded subtly against her neck and she took his hand.

The gardens were still as beautiful as they had ever been - the sun was shining and the grass was freshly mowed. The birds were chirping in the sky and the spring flowers were in full bloom. Ana walked her husband over to their favourite spot - underneath the tree and sat down first, motioning for him to lie against her. When he did as she asked, she wrapped her arms around his chest and placed her chin on his shoulder. She wanted him to feel wrapped in her love and comforted in this distressing time.

"I'm scared baby," he whispered and she brushed her hands along his chest to show she was listening to him, "I've always been so grateful that my dad was still in charge and years ago the transition from Prince to King wouldn't have bothered me but now - I have a loving wife and our babies to think about. I like how I can come home to you in the evening safe in the knowledge that my father will be finishing up any loose ends. I love our life in our castle - the palace won't feel like home. I love our life now Ana and everything is going to change and I hate it. I don't want to be King," her strong husband whispered, his voice hoarse and she held him as tightly as she could.

"No matter what happens there are some things in your life that will never change. My love for you will never change, my devotion to you will never change, your children's love and devotion won't change either. Yes, you will have extra responsibilities and we'll have to move but as long as we're together, does it really matter? I will always support you Christian and I will always be by your side. You are going to make your father proud, my love," Ana said and Christian turning his head slightly to look at her. Her eyes were always his undoing - orbs of powdery blue that showed her love in just a look.

"You always know what to say," he smiled softly and she brushed her thumbs under his eyes before leaning down to kiss his lips.

Carrick's funeral happened the week after and he was given a huge ceremony. Christian was sworn in as King with a coronation with his family and the nation watching on proudly. Just as Ana told him he would he did his father and his country proud as King. Anything life threw at him he overcame with the love of his wife and family.

One night they were sat in the gardens with their friends and family. Gail and Taylor had come over with them from the castle and had joined them outside along with Kate, Ray, Carla and Grace. The kids were in bed and Christian was holding his wife in his lap as she chatted with Kate animatedly. He had his hand resting on the bump that housed their fourth child and was staring into space when Ana had turned in his arms to look at him.

"Are you alright?" she asked, stroking her hand across his cheek and looking at him with worried blue eyes. She'd noticed how quiet he had been all night.

"I'm starting to realise something. Dad never got to do things like this. He devoted his life to the monarchy and never had any time for his family. I'm the luckiest man in the world to get to do both," Christian said and Ana smiled. "You saved me in so many ways Ana. Not just the night we met and I can't thank you enough for loving me," he said sincerely and she leaned down to kiss him.

"I will always love you, my King," she smiled, moving her hand to cover his, "until death do us part."

A/N - And … that's a wrap. Thank you for reading and reviewing this story and for all of your lovely messages and support along the way. I've loved writing this story and as some of you have requested I may do a few one shots at some point in the future but for now, this is complete. I hope you enjoyed this last chapter :)