Ali did not have a single care in the world. She walked into the school with her hands pushed into the pockets of her black leather jacket, her black curly locks pushed back with a black lace headband and her earphones placed in her ears. As the music rocked her eardrums and soothed her paranoia, she walked to her destination. The corridors looked like the red sea with the way every person parted their way in order to make room for the new girl. Whispers were exchanged as the information flew around about the girl who was walking to the front office. Boys eyes obviously trailed up and down her figure while girls would look at her with slight jealousy and disgust. Ali took no notice of the individuals around her since she was just trying to make it to her destination.

Ali opened up the door and took a step into the main office. It was plain and did not have many interesting décor set-up. There was the odd poster that said everyone is equal, so treat everyone equally that made Ali raise an eyebrow and roll her eyes as she took a step to the front desk. The white woman with brown straight hair behind the counter looked up at her as she pushed up her glasses.

"Can I help you, dear?" Mrs. Silver asked the black haired girl in front of her. The girl took out her headphones and wrapped them behind her neck before answering,

"I'm new. My name is Alita Dubois." With a strong East London accent, the black haired girl managed to surprise and shock Mrs. Silver.

"Of course! Welcome to Riverdale High School! I know Principal Weatherbee is very excited to see you. Please, take these papers and go knock on his door. It's the one right there." Mrs. Silver pointed behind her to the door that read Principal on the glass.

"Perfect, thank you." Ali thanked the secretary before she handed her the much needed papers. Afterwards, the new girl walked over to the principals door and knocked on it twice.

"Come in." With a turn of the door knob, Ali had stepped into the principals office. There were two large windows that allowed a lot of light to enter the room. There were several bookshelves on the wall beside the door that housed many books that ranged from education to fantasy. Mr. Weatherbee's desk sat in the middle of the wall on the opposite end. It was made of dark wood and was paired with a matching chair of dark brown leather. When Mr. Weatherbee looked up to see who was the guest, he immediately stood up from his chair and smiled. "Alita!" The hard faced new girl smiled at the man before shutting the door and walking towards him, so she could receive a hug.

"Hello, uncle." She greeted. The two were not related, but Waldo Weatherbee was a close friend of Ali's mother from high school. Ali had met Waldo many times when he would come to England or when she would come to Riverdale.

"How are you? Are you excited for the school year? How was moving in?" Ali laughed as her uncle and her made their way back to his desk. Ali sat in one of the chairs opposite of his brown leather chair.

"I'm good. Moving was a bit difficult, but everything is finally in place. I'm not very excited about starting school though, to be completely honest." Ali admitted to her uncle.

"I understand. This was a big decision for your family, but know that this is the right decision for you. You'll be safe here." Her uncle tried to reassure her unwanted move to a new country.

"If I'll be so safe then why was a student murdered and a father was shot?" Ali crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back in her chair. Her right leg swung itself and rested on her left thigh while her right eyebrow raised.

"Of course you would already know about that. Why am I not surprised?" Waldo sighed as he placed his elbows on the desk and rested his chin in his hands. "Yes, a student was killed, but the killer was successfully found. As for the father being shot…the local police are working on finding the shooter."

"And my parents thought that this was going to be a safe and boring old town." Ali smirked at her uncle. Waldo sighed as he leaned back into his leather back chair.

"You'll definitely be a lot safer here than when you were at home, Ali." Ali shrugged her shoulders at her uncles response.

"That's up for debate. Now, are you going to show me around or am I going to have to figure it out myself?" A large grin crossed Waldo's face as he quickly stood up. He was prepared to show off his amazing school to a young girl that he considered his own.

The two left the office and began to walk around the corridors. Waldo excitedly showed off every classroom and teacher to Ali as the pair walked around. Ali thought that the school was nothing special. It was definitely smaller than her school in London, so she realized that it would take her no time to know her way around. Once the tour was over, Ali was brought to her class before lunch. It was French class.

"Classe, bienvenue une nouvelle élève, Alita." Madame Lopal introduced Ali to the class. The class mumbled a monotone welcome. Madame looked over at the French girl in front of her and gestured towards the class, non-verbally saying that she wanted her to introduce herself. With a sigh, Ali complied. "Bonjour. Je suis Alita, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Ali." Madame looked stunned as she looked over at the girl in front of her. "Ton accent est parfait!" Ali placed her hand on the back of her neck as she began to explain herself to her teacher and her new classmates, "Je viens d'Angleterre, mais mon péree est français." As Madam Lopal began to gush over her new student, the classmates that filled up the desks were all looking at the new girl with a quizzical look. Ali sat down at her desk by the window and rested her chin on her hand as she stared at the plain town in front of her. She could feel the eyes stare at the side and the back of her head. Ali wondered if the rumours about her were true or if she had just given them new ammunition for their gossip mill to turn some more. Ali sighed with the thought and drowned out her teacher and her classmates.

When lunch came around, Ali made her way to her locker. With a swift play of her fingers, she unlocked her lock and began to place her bag into the metal container. Ali's fingers played with the wire in front of her that was tangled in front of her, so she would be able to listen to her music in peace. The sound of a body pressing against a locker was heard before a males voice was directed at Ali.

"Hello stranger, I hear that you're new." Ali looked to her right to see a tall Korean man leaning against her neighbouring locker. There were two other men behind him, one with brown hair and a bit of a wider build and a tall figure with a slim build and blonder hair.

"What gave it away? My accent or the fact that I haven't thrown myself at your feet?" Reggie could hardly contain his excitement once he heard the new girl speak. Her accent was everything that he had hoped for and more. Even though Ali presented him and his company with a bored expression, he couldn't help, but want to make her speak.

"It's a small town, so word spreads pretty quickly. So obviously I'd hear about the new resident hottie." Ali scanned the mysterious boys model like face. His jawline was sharp and his lips were full. The black hair that sat on top of his head looked pristine and perfect from where he stood.

"And let me guess, you're hear to show me a proper 'Riverdale' welcome, correct?" Reggie leaned closer to the girl in front of him and smirked as he answered her question,

"I would be honoured to show you." Reggie believed he had her in the palm of his hand. Why wouldn't he? Reggie was the captain of the football team and every girl, in her right mind, wanted him.

"Too bad," Ali took a step closer and allowed her fingers to slowly climb up his black shirt that was underneath his blue and gold varsity jacket. "I'd rather choke." With a swift push of her left hand, Ali had closed her locker door and turned on her heel in order to walk down the corridor and towards the canteen. She raised her right hand and waved at the boys behind her as she continued to walk away. Reggie and his friends were stunned at the rejection that had just taken place. Reggie's friends all patted his shoulders and told him that Ali was not worth his time because she didn't realize what she was missing. However, Reggie didn't agree with them. He liked this new girl, Ali. She was different and he wanted to play this game of hers.

The curly haired girl found a deserted table in the canteen and walked towards it. She pulled out the chair and sat down. Ali placed her phone on the table and quickly put on one of her favourite Internet stars. She watched the video play and laughed to herself as she ate her lunch by herself. Ali's eyes rolled and a sigh escaped her lips when she felt someone tap her shoulder. Ali reluctantly pulled out her headphones and paused her video before turning around in her chair. She was met with a black haired girl who wore a dark purple lipstick to match her expensive purple dress that showed off every curve she owned.

"Hi! I'm Veronica Lodge." She stuck out her right hand and Ali shook it politely. "Alita Dubois. People call me Ali."

"That sounds French. I thought you were English?" Veronica asked the new girl in front of her.

"I am English, but my father is French." Ali explained her origin.

"That is very cool! Well, Ali, I was wondering if you wanted to come and sit with me and my friends for lunch? I know it's always hard to make new friends in a new place." Veronica smiled at Ali.

"Thank you, but I'm good where I am. I'd rather just keep my head down and enjoy my own company." Ali declined the offer from the rich girl in front of her. She really did stick out like a sore thumb in the canteen with her expensive attire. Ali could tell that she wasn't from around here.

"Are you sure? We'd really love it if you joined us."

"I'm good, thank you. I'd rather be alone today." Veronica didn't fight with the girl in front of her, for fear of losing a potential new friend. The two exchanged goodbyes before Ali turned back around and continued to watch her video. Ali didn't want to make any friends. Ali's goal was to finish high school with no issues and fly back home. She didn't want to be here, so she'll just bare through this boring town until the day she could go home.

HELLO YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! If this is the first time you're reading one of my stories then...hello! If not's nice to see you again, friend! So this is a Riverdale story that takes place in the second season and onwards. It does go cannon with the show, but most of the chapters are separate from the shows universe because Ali obviously has her own life. So the Reggie in this fic is the one from second season, Charles Melton, because he's gorgeous. Anyways, I'll be posting every Monday, so we can all have something to look forward on Mondays! I already have 17 chapters written, so we're good for a little while! Anyways, follow, favourite and review!