A/N: This is the final chapter to this story. Thanks so much to all of you who've reviewed and read this story. I really appreciate your feedback.

Chapter fifteen

When Face woke up the next morning he had no clue where he was at first or how he had gotten there. He sat up straight in bed realizing he was still wearing his dress shirt and jeans. He ran a hand through his hair trying to recall what could have happened. Finally it hit him that Maggie must have mixed something in his coffee. He got out of bed and decided to take a quick shower and change into some clean clothes before he would head downstairs and check on Hannibal. The smell of fresh coffee, bacon, eggs and toast hit him as he ran down the stairs.

"Good morning, muchacho," Murdock sang while cooking breakfast. "Hope you're hungry after that long nap of yours."

"Yes. As a matter of fact I am."

"Good 'cause you ain't got no meat on them bones."

"Come on and join us, Temp."

"I will in a minute. I just want to check on Hannibal."

"Sit down, kid. I'm on my way," came Hannibal's reply.

Minutes later Hannibal walked into the room dressed in his pajamas and bathrobe. Face was with him within seconds wanting to help his C.O.

"What's with all the fuzz, kid? I've got this. I need to get back in shape."

Face looked at Maggie and she smiled reassuringly.

"Just sit down, kid. Let's all enjoy a nice breakfast together. Murdock, are you almost done slaving in the kitchen?"

"Yup. All that needs to be done is serve the right amount of food to the right person."

Face noticed straight away that Hannibal's plate wasn't as big as it used to be. Maggie probably started adapting his diet straight away. He was waiting on Hannibal to start complaining about it, but he didn't.

"How are you feeling, Colonel?"

"I feel a whole lot better now that I'm no longer at the hospital. How 'bout you, kid?"

"Well … I've had a good night's sleep thanks to Maggie."

He smiled at her and for the first time since they had been in this mess Maggie noticed how his smile reached his eyes. They all enjoyed Murdock's delicious homemade breakfast and talked for a while. After breakfast Murdock and B.A. drove into town to get some food and Maggie joined them to get some extra medical supplies. Hannibal wanted to sit outside on the porch to enjoy the view of the lake and Face decided to join him.

"Great place you've scammed, kid."

"I do my best."

"Face my boy, I think you and I need to talk."

"Sure! What do you want to talk about?"

"The fact that if it wasn't for you and your quick thinking, that I might not have been here today."

"You don't know that for sure."

"I do know that I owe you my life."

"Why didn't you tell me how you were feeling, Hannibal? What if I wasn't able to get you help?"

"Yeah. I know, kid. I should have said something to you about it, but I knew you would have wanted me to see a doctor."

"This isn't something stupid were dealing with here. It's your heart for God's sake."

"To tell you the truth, kid, I didn't think it would be that serious. And I also had no clue that you would have to give up everything to help me."

"You think it's stupid that I gave up my freedom for you and the team, don't you! Well I would have wanted to come up with a plan that wouldn't get me in a situation like that. But I had no time for that. I realized you needed urgent medical care. Giving up my freedom to save your life was a small price to pay."

"I don't agree with you there, Lieutenant. What you did was make a great sacrifice and I would have hated for you to end up in jail because of me."

"Yeah well …"

"You've got so much potential, kid. I've always known that. I saw it the minute we met. If the army hadn't framed us, you wouldn't have stayed a Lieutenant much longer. They would have noticed all the great qualities you possess and you would have been promoted without a doubt."

"Instead I've become a wanted criminal and a fugitive."

"I know this isn't easy for you. You're still young and you could have had a brilliant career in the military and you also could have settled down and have a family by now."

"Life is full of surprises, I guess."

"I never meant for this to happen to any of you."

"We know, Hannibal, and we're not blaming you. If it weren't for you and your crazy plans, we would have all ended up in jail a long time ago."

"Only this time I'm the one that should thank you for that clever plan of yours, kid. Brilliant thinking and acting! Not only do I owe you my life for acting as fast as you did, but now I also know that should anything happen to me while we're in this mess that you can safely take over command. I'm proud of you, Face my boy. Don't you ever forget that!"

"Well … I hope you'll stick around for a long time to come."

"I'll do the best I can."

"That's good enough for me. After all, you guys are all I've got."

"I know. Don't worry! Maggie told me I'll be fine and she'll watch over me like a hawk I just might start asking more from in the future you being my second in command."

"I'm okay with that."

"But there's one thing I won't be asking from you anymore."

"What's that?"

"A cigar. Maggie made me quit some things and put me on a strict diet."

"I'll see to it that you'll stick to it."

Both men enjoyed the outdoors, their cup of coffee and each other's company some more as they sat on the porch and talked.

"You know, Hannibal, I kind of feel guilty for what I did to Decker. He actually went out of his way and broke military protocol to get me to be with you at the hospital and all I did to reward him was to lock him up in a coffin."

"You do have a point there, kid. So what do you have in mind?"

"I'd like to write him a letter and ask him to meet me somewhere so we can talk."

"Sound like a good idea to me, Face. We'll be there to back you up just in case anything goes south."

Decker walked up to his mailbox at his house to get his morning paper when he noticed an envelope with a neat handwriting on it. This peeked his curiosity and so he started to tear the envelope open as he walked back up to the house. He was utterly surprised to find an invitation from Face to have a cup of coffee together.

The very next day, he drove his wife's car to the coffee shop where he was supposed to meet up with the young Lieutenant. Decker was dressed in civilian clothes as asked in the letter. He parked his car and walked inside the coffee shop scanning the room to catch a glimpse of the always neatly dressed young man. Only he did not see any smart dresses man at all. His trained eye scanned the room once more, until he noticed a guy wearing a simple track suit but with a familiar head of blond hair. Decker quickly made his way over.

"Hi. Glad you could make it," Face said as Decked slid in the booth opposite of him.

"For a minute there I thought you wouldn't show."

"You were expecting me to dress up for the occasion? I'm sorry. I just came back from my morning run hence the track suit."

A waitress came by and both men ordered a cup of coffee.

"So what is it you wanted to see me about?"

"I wanted to apologize to you."

"You want to do what?"

"Apologize. I know you broke a couple of rules for me and I'm really grateful that you did, but I couldn't let you lock me up in prison. I just couldn't. So I needed to come up with a plan to get the team out of there safely and unfortunately I had to lock you up in a coffin to get away with it. I'm really sorry that I had to do that."

Decker was speechless for a minute. Here he was listening to that cocky young brat he had been chasing for years as he was apologizing to him and telling him he was grateful for what he did. Decker had never expressed this out loud to anyone but his wife, but he secretly admired Hannibal and his team. They were excellent Special Forces, very well trained men and always ready to help those in need. He had been truly worried about the young Lieutenant after what had happened. He also knew how close both men were and he was starting to doubt that fact that they would actually just rob a bank for no reason but to be able to enrich themselves.

"So you made me come up here just to apologize to me?"


"I accept your apology. I understand your motives and even though I hated being locked up in that coffin, it was quite comfortable. I'm also not supposed to do this, but I want to compliment you on that genius plan of yours. Smart thinking, Lieutenant. I'm sure Smith will be proud of you."


"So how is he?"

"He'll live. He got lucky this time, but he'll have to adapt his lifestyle."

"I'm glad he is doing better. You'll need to keep a close eye on him in the future."

"Yeah. I know."

"I have to get going now. Thanks for the invite. I enjoyed the coffee and the chat we had."

"I'm glad you wanted to meet me on this short notice."

"One more thing before I leave. I want you to know that I admire you guys."

"You do?"

"Yes. I also believe you were somehow framed for committing that crime and I hope for your sake's that you'll get that well-earned pardon very soon. But don't you ever tell anyone I told you this except maybe Smith."