Um, this idea came to me after writing 'Like Father, Like Son'. This first drabble was inspired by an episode from 'The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy', where Billy has a major fear of clowns and Grim and Mandy try to make him face his fear of them. Yeah, in my opinion, that has got to be the best episode in all of the series.

With this out of the way, enjoy!

Nikhil Nikiforov had always loathed clowns. He didn't know what was more terrifying, their large, painted, not-so-friendly smiles on their faces, or the fact that ten dead bodies could fit in perfectly into their large-ass pants. They were a few reasons why he always carried a silver and black Magnum everywhere he went, especially when he and his family were walking up to the Yu-Topia Katsuki onsen that early afternoon.

"Oh, Vicchan! Hello, hello! So glad you could join us." said the happy voice of Mrs. Katsuki, who held the door open for them.

"Why hello, Mrs. Katsuki," Viktor greeted her back and turned to his parents, introducing them to her, "These are my parents, Nikhil and Vassilissa Nikiforov."

Vassilissa just said, "Hello." to her.

Nikhil smiled and said, bowing to her. "Good day."

Mrs. Katsuki could tell that there something very odd about this couple, but—

"Hello, Hello, won't you please come in?" she said, motioning for them to come in. "Um, my kids should almost be done with setting up the table."

"Thank you," said Viktor, obliging.

Mrs. Katsuki couldn't hold in her excitement. "Oh this is just grand, our family finally gets to meet the parents of our soon to be son-in-law!" she said.

Vassilissa stated, "Of course. We knew it was going to happen someday." It was at the same point she turned and saw Viktor gnaw into what looked like some young man's neck in the corner.

"Okay, you two break it up! Wait until the wedding night!" Vassilissa cried at them, which made Viktor break away from Yuuri's neck. Yuuri blushed, as Viktor turned his head away.

"I hope you're ready for what's about to served, my kids and I spent the morning making it!" the Japanese woman said.

"As soon as I saw that hairdo," Vas said. That got a few chuckles from Nikhil as he covered his mouth with his fist.

Mrs. Katsuki forced a smile on her face. "Well, we also have a surprise set too! Won't you come this way?"

The long, dark mahogany table took up medium-sized portion of the room, as Mari placed the last of the plates on it. The group walked through the door, where Mrs. Katsuki asked for Mari to say hello to their guests.

"Mr. and Mrs. Nikiforov, hello…" she said.

Vassilissa shook the young woman's hand. "Child…"

"Hello there, little miss," said Nikhil after her, chuckling.

"Everyone, sit down and I'll get the food out." Mrs. Katsuki said.

When everyone was seated at the table, Viktor asked Yuuri, "Where's your own father?"

Yuuri shrugged. "I don't know… he said something about washing his hair and shining his shoes.

Then, about two seconds later, the same doors burst right open.

"Hey, hey!" called out someone with a very cheery voice. The person's hair was yellow and fluffy. He was wearing a baggy, dark blue, frilly jumpsuit with red dots on it, white gloves, and large, red clown shoes.

"It's me, Dr. Dielaughing!" said the odd person, dancing on their two feet, in hopes of getting a laugh out of someone.

It was Toshiya.

It was Toshiya dressed up as a clown.

It was the same Toshiya who was the father of both Mari and Yuuri Katsuki and the soon-to-be father in law of Viktor.

The same Toshiya who was a father and soon to be father-in-law dancing around as a clown.

"Uh-oh." Vassilissa had her brows up, muttering as she looked right at Toshiya. Viktor placed his hands over his ears.

"CLOWN!" Nikhil cried at the top of his lungs, his finger pointing right at Toshiya. Nikhil pulled out his Magnum, pointing it straight at Toshiya's face. Toshiya's brows went up, raising his hands up as if he was under arrest.

Nikhil delivered two shots, the second one barely touching Toshiya as he ducked with his hands on his head.

Toshiya screamed like a young woman in a horror movie, as Viktor and Vassilissa escorted Mari and Yuuri down to the floor, hoping they wouldn't feel Nikhil's wrath by accident.

Nikhil, in a fit, grabbed the table and tossed it to the side, pointing his gun right at Toshiya's face.

"YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN I? I'LL SHOW YOU, OLD BOY!" Nikhil cried. His face was crumpled like a piece of paper, air coming out of his nostrils like a bull's, and his face just as red as his wife's hair. Meanwhile, in the corner of the dining room, Viktor had his hands over his ears like before, muttering hysterically that this was real life, and that this was actually happening.

Toshiya ran out of the room, arms past his head as he screamed again. The old Japanese man ran past his wife, who held a look that was just the same as everyone else's. Shocked and worried right out of their pants.

"I didn't know your dad had a fear of clowns!" Yuuri told his fiancé, kneeling right by. Vassilissa disappeared from the room, to go talk with Mrs. Katsuki over this 'little predicament'.

"Oh my, dear, if you had told me about this ahead of time, Toshiya would've worn something different." Mrs. Katsuki told.

"You mean to tell me that you've done this with other families!?" The Russian woman told her.

"Why yes," Mrs. Katsuki said, hoping to not end up like her husband. "Only to show that we mean no harm and wish to have a good time with each other." She explained as another two gunshots were fired.

Viktor ran out of the onsen, hoping to ease his father before he did anything that could damage both families' reputation, and send someone to the hospital for the first time in five years.

"Father! Father, please come back!" Viktor called.

"Please, it was just a joooke!" Toshiya cried, his voice radiating throughout the whole neighborhood as the sounds of cars honking and screeching rang.

Hoped you guys got a kick out of this, and um, please make sure to review my other fics, such as 'Black Bird's Song' and 'The Hitman's Savior'; I could really use some constructive criticism and that would totally make my day.
