(hey guys, this is my first "smut" so sorry if it's bad :3)

Hopper had been really busy recently with work, so he'd usually asked the Wheeler's to watch El while he was away. Mike had always loved when El came over, they'd watch Star Wars and eat popcorn together under a blanket in the basement. El loved it too, even if she didn't understand it. She liked doing it because it made him happy.

On this specific day, Hopper had been called away for work for the entire weekend. He'd called Karen to schedule for them to watch El, then he dropped her off and drove to the police station.

El had been wondering recently about the thing Mike had done to her at the "Snowball". She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew she liked it and wanted more of it. She walked up to the door and no sooner had she knocked that the dark haired boy was right there, smiling at her.

"Hey El!" he said excitedly.

"Hi Mike!" she responded, as she walked inside.

"So," Mike fumbled with his thumbs, "Do you want to go to the basement?"

"Sure." she smiled at him, which made his heart melt.

He walked down the basement stairs with El closely following behind him. Soon, they were settled in the basement.

"Mike?" El started.

"Uh yeah?" Mike asked.

"I want to do that thing again." she said nervously.

"W-what thing?" Mike was racking his brain for what she could mean.

"That thing where your lips go on mine" she said slowly.

Mike looked astonished, his face went white, "A k-kiss?" Of course he wanted to kiss her...HELL there were way more intimate things he wanted to do other than kiss her, he just didn't think she'd suggest doing it.

"Are you sure you want to, El?" Mike said questioningly.

"Yes! Please I can't wait anymore!" she said happily.

Mike couldn't believe it. The one girl he loved more than anything else in the universe, was pleading him to kiss her. Suddenly, his feelings took control of his body and he lunged towards El. Their lips locked and they kissed. She was surprised at how fast Mike had reacted, but she was very happy nonetheless.

"I want more Mike." El panted in between kisses.

"More?" he was confused, and didn't want to take it the wrong way.

El pushed him off of her, "I want to have sex."

Mike could feel himself turning red, "How do you know about that?!" he almost shouted at her, and he instantly regretted it.

"I-I heard it from girls at school..." El stated softly.

"I'm sorry El, it's just that stuff isn't exactly what kids our age do." he knew El didn't and wouldn't understand but he knew he had to be responsible for both of them.

"Okay." she gave Mike a small smile and kissed his forehead.

(what do you guys think? I'm probably just going to keep making more chapters today like right now XD)