
IsisNicole and thematsaidwelcome are back with an epilogue that will be closing out our therapy sessions. With Michonne no longer his patient, let's see what side effects there will be to the doctor's unusual techniques.

-We're The Ones Who Write

6 months later

"How are you both doing I am Dr. Morgan James." He politely shakes each of their hands before taking a seat in the armchair that is in front of the couch that Rick and Michonne now occupy. " I understand you have come here because you are thinking about getting married within the next year…. Is that right?"

"Yes, it is," answering in unison.

Morgan chuckles as he adjusts his the cuffs of his sleeve and straightens his glasses. "I can tell that this still a very fresh and growing relationship."

Rick grabs Michonnes hand and holds it tight while staring into her bright eyes. "It is but we have been taking things slow for the most part, and before we take that leap, we want to make sure our communication and other things are where they should be." Michonne nodded as she continued to gaze at Rick her eyes never leaving his.

He opens the manila folder in his lap and flips through a few pages. "Good, so let's get started then. I've read both of your profiles extensively, and I must say they read like a front page story of the Enquirer." He closes the folder and places it on the side table next to his chair.

Rick scoots to the edge of the couch. Using his hand to rub the back of his neck as he cleared his throat "Yes, we know our situation didn't come about under the best circumstances but it has turned into something much more since then, and we want to continue growing together." He glances towards Michonne who has also changed her position on the couch to sit close to Rick and slide her arm into his.

"So let's just discuss… these circumstances," Dr. Morgan adjusts his wire-framed glasses once more as he reaches for the notepad and pencil that are on the side table."Shall we? I want you both to tell me what made you step over that line and pursue this."

"I guess I will go first since I initiated the first contact. I was just blown away when I first saw her. She just radiated beauty, and her gorgeous smile took my breath away, but I could tell behind those doe brown eyes there was sadness. I could see it because I had the same look every time I looked at myself in the mirror. I knew she wasn't happy, but I still fought against thinking of her more than just a client. I only wanted to help, but from the moment my hands touched her, I felt the electricity run down my fingers and stir up my insides." Rick chuckles as he thinks about his next statement "It was so immediate I first thought it was static electricity build-up. You have to understand I was looking for the same thing that she was."

"Ok Michonne, Now your turn."

"In my previous relationship with Zeke, everything was played out in my head. I had to think about what I was doing, what I needed to do to make him happy, even how I needed to dress to make us look the way he wanted us to." She closed her eyes for a beat, before opening them again and looking at Morgan. "We just fell into something because it seemed like the right next step. Everything looked good on paper, you know." Michonne took a deep breath. "I wasn't really me, I was slowly morphing into a version of me that didn't look anything like me and was more like the way Zeke felt I should be. It was a lot of work. But when I met Rick, I felt as if he saw me, the real me and he wasn't afraid of it, he wanted to see more of just me. That first time he touched me, kissed me, I didn't think of anything except for how soft and truly amazing it was. It was just so easy with him." Michonne looked over and smiled at Rick, remembering when he whispered in her ear, "I'd give anything to make you mine and make you feel this good for the rest of your life." She looked back to Morgan before continuing. "I felt him all over my body days after I left that office. It wasn't just his kiss, it was something in his eyes that made me feel like he truly wanted me to be happy."

"Anything you wish to add Rick?"

"During those short sessions with her, it felt like there was no one else in the room but us. I know this may sound bad, but we fed off of each others energy. She revived a part of me that I long thought was dead. " Rick gestures at Michonne and back to himself with his free hand, " but now that we have spent time together and gotten to know each other we have built something together on more than just physical. I know she is my rock, and I am hers. When I am confused on what is the right action to take she always listens and offers her opinion." Rick lowers his head as he leans in closer to Michonne and takes her hand into his. "Yes… yes, I crossed the line, but in the end, it was worth it."

Dr. James just nodded his head as Rick spoke and jotted down notes periodically when he finished he focused his attention on Michonne who was still sitting side by side with her fingers intertwined with his.

"Michonne, I want to know do you have any regrets about how this relationship between you and Rick came to be. Have you made peace with your ex Ezekiel?

"The only regret I have is that I spent so much time trying to fix something that was never meant to be. No matter how hard I tried, there was no fix for it." Michonne shook her head from side to side. "I haven't spoken to him, and I don't feel like there is any peace to be made, it just didn't work out; door closed. But I will say, that if it weren't for my relationship with Zeke, and me trying so hard to get it to work, I never would have met Rick and known what true happiness really is." Michonne looked over at Rick as she squeezed his hand and he rubbed his thumb along the soft skin of her wrist. "I have no regrets, Dr. James."

"Good. Well, I definitely look forward to working with you both and please understand there will be other couples in the room so no need to be nervous. Also, my wife, Carol will be there to make sure everyone remains respectful and lines are not crossed."