Hey guys, I literally just came up with this idea while writing for my other Star Wars fic. I couldn't let the concept slip, so I decided to scribble it down for later purposes and share it with you. I don't know if a story with this setting has been written before, this is just me gunning it. I apologize to my original followers of this fic, the first upload was glitched or something because I couldn't view my story at all every time I checked the URL, so I deleted it. However, this chapter is extended so I hope you all enjoy.

At First Sight

The hot desolate sun rose above the dry dessert plains of Jakku. As the scorching beams of light began to climb their way across the sandy fields on the outskirts of The Graveyard of Ships, they made their way to a toppled AT-AT walker halfway buried in the fine, silky sands. Finally hitting the metal mammoth, the bright lights shine through the numerous nooks and crannies, piercing through the battle-damaged holes.

Towards the very end of the AT-AT, in the upper right body was a room that was originally meant for troops to settle in and rest after a long mission. Trinkets strung up across the quarters, years of collecting that has left the room decorated in exotic findings. In the upper left-hand corner laid a scavenger girl sleeping peacefully on a makeshift bed composed of seat paddings and sown linings.

A beam of light creeps it way towards the dream ridden girl. Her hair lazily flowing down her face covering her cheeks and eyes. As the small hints of morning trailed up to her, the concentrated rays from the punctured holes began to light up the compartment.

Feeling the traces of light hit her face, the brunette groaned. She had only gotten five hours of sleep compared to her regular seven, due to the extra time she had spent salvaging for parts the other night. Taking in a deep breath she blew the hair out of her face. Letting out a loud yawn, she then pushed her upper body up and stretched out her arms and back which made some popping noises due to the uncomfortable padding.

Still half a sleep she would begin her daily routine. First, she would stand up and stretch for a few minutes, even though she has grown accustomed to the harsh sleeping conditions by now, it has never hurt to straighten out her posture and to relax all her tense muscles.

Then she would grab the three strings set aside on her table and began to tie her messy but tamed hair in three unison buns; the same exact way she has had them for the past twenty years. She partially like the style because it kept her hair way from her face while scavenging, but for the most part, it was meant as a reminder. A reminder that her parents would one day come back and retrieve her. That one day she would escape from this anguish.

Showers were a rarity, most of the time she would not spare any water that can be consumed. However, she knows when proper hygiene is needed. Stripping down, the scavenger poured a little bit of water onto a towel and began to clean herself.

"I really hope it rains." She pleas.

Rain doesn't come regularly on Jakku, maybe four or five time a year on a good season. Most of the time she would trade in scraps found in an abandoned ship for maybe a bottle of semi-fresh water. After her brief rinse, she took out a bag that contained one forth portion of polybread and quickly stirred it in with the water that she had placed in a bowl.

Her stomach began to growl angrily at her for not providing her body with much needed energy for the long day. As the chemical reactions formed the bread, she couldn't wait any longer and began to wolf down the bread quickly, finishing it in several bites.

After her meal, she walked to the belly of the AT-AT and looked at a wall filled with scratch marks indicating the days that she has spent trapped on this sandy rock. Touching the last scratch near the bottom, still counting the days till someone would come for her. "Someday Rey." She told herself.

Grabbing the rest of her equipment and wrapping her head gear across her face for protection, Rey heads out of her metal fortress and looks around the plains. "Yep, still the same." She states as she strode towards her speeder that was made from parts scattered across Jakku. Today was different, she could feel it. Maybe it was the lucky find she stumbled upon yesterday that she knew would trade for at least one portion, or it maybe the scorching temperatures have finally got to her head, either way she was determined to not let the day go to waste.

After searching some ruined star destroyers near the battlegrounds that took place years ago, she managed to find some other junk that could be refurbished for a good trade. Turns out that the rusted afterburners she salvaged the other night were still perfectly functional after a little cleaning and maintenance at the Niima Outpost.

Fortunate for her, Unkar Plutt the Junk Boss and her former handler didn't change the trading rates because of "demands" and Rey made it out with six portions, about two and a half days of food. She could hardly wipe the bright smile that was plastered on her face as she sped back home to end her day a few hours early. After returning to her AT-AT, the very first thing she did was make one full portion to dine on.

Hunger was seeping though her stomach again as she waited for the foaming particles to form. While the bread was constructing into an edible ball, Rey made her way to the wall of scratch marks. Grabbing a tipped metal tool, she engraved another mark into the metal frame, adding one more day to the count.

Grabbing the pan with the now fully formed bread, she made her way to the entrance of her home and sat at the foot of the massive war machine. Getting into a comfortable position she let her back rest against the arched metal and sand. Letting out a relaxed breath and sigh, she began to dig into her meal.

The plate is now empty, laying next to her right side. A satisfied Rey put on a worn-down rebel pilot helmet and sank her head back onto the wall. Night was nearly upon Jakku, maybe an hour or two away. Looking up into the sky, she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be a rebel pilot, just like the stories she had heard growing up. She wanted to feel the wind on her skin, or take in the breathless view of the planets and stars above. These whimsical daydreams were one of her many pleasures.

As one or two stars made their appearance in the dimming sky, she held one of her hands out and traced the images into her mind, playing a game of connect the dots, letting her imagination go wild.

Suddenly, at the corner of her eyes she caught something unusual. Taking off her helmet she squinted upwards to see if her vision was deceiving her. Is it a shooting star? She questioned in excitement, she has only heard stories of these beautiful rocks that trailed the surface of planets, appearing and disappearing within seconds.

A small smile traced her lips as she followed the glowing object skipping across the atmosphere. As Rey continued to look at the object in question, she felt a sudden jolt within her system. It was as if all her cells were screaming at her to run away, a sensation that pulled at the pit of her stomach. Standing up, she arched her eyebrows in a confused manner.

"What the…"

The blazing star started to come closer, no, it's a ship. Now this got her worried, why is it coming in so close.

"Oh my god!" Rey scream as she scurried back into her fortress.

Bits of molten metal and erupting debris scattered randomly across the desert grounds. Some of the broken material made their way to the AT-AT, crashing to the metal plates creating some dents. Rey hugged herself at the end edge of a corner, balling up into a protective position, hoping that she wouldn't die.

After a few more minutes of loud noises and clattering metal, there was a lurid crashing noise. Rey, looked around checking herself and then her home to see if anything had been damaged. She let out a sigh of relief when nothing seemed to be out of place. Running out of her home, she began to cough.

Fire and traces of molten panels laced the ground, grabbing her metal staff she traversed her way to a sandy hill. Here senses going off at an alarming rate, following the increasingly dense trail of machinery, she got over the hill to see the cause of this mess. It was a TIE-Fighter war ship, the thing was partially on fire and parts of the wings were clearly blown off.

Rey didn't know what made her do it, but instead of running away she ran towards the battered vehicle. Something was pulling her towards it, like a moth drawn to a literal flame. As she reached the front of the Fighter, she took her staff and gently poked at the window cockpit.

Loud hissing sound caused her to fall back on her hindquarters, she dropped her staff by accident.

As waves of smoke and gas blew out from the pilot seat, a monster of a being stood up, warping the smoke around it. Rey looked at the humanoid with a horrified stare, she couldn't even move a single muscle. The being dressed in black, stepped out of the ruined ship, it's metal and silver rimmed helmet staring right at her.

Slowly, it made its way to her. The hissing breaths deepening like a beast as it approached. Merely feet's away, the being pull up its hand seemingly trying to grab her. Rey let out a shriek she didn't know she was capable of making as the thing came closer.

She closer her eyes, and pulled her hands up to her head. Rey tried to block whatever it was from grabbing her when suddenly she felt as if a large bag of sand just fell on top of her.

Screaming and pushing she tried her best to get the heavy human off of her, while flaying around she accidently pushed the lower rim of the being's helmet. With a small frizzle, the metal mask fell to the sand.

Rey gasped in surprise, it was a man. His defining facial features gave him a roughness that she hasn't seen before, his wavy raven hair dangled messily across his face, which drew to his charm even more. His face was only, inches away of her, causing heat to rise to her face, elevating the beating of her heart.

"Water…" she heard a mumble.

"Wha- wha what?" She stumbled.


The man's body fell limp against her, she let out a raspy breath. Finally mustering the strength to push the body off her, she jolts to her feet.

Hearing a few coughs, she bent down to the man. "Hey, are you alright?" she spoke gently. The coughing increased at an alarming pace, a streak of blood fell out of the corner of his lip. "Oh my god" She cried, grabbing the man by his shoulders Rey used all the energy she had left to pull him a safe distance from the wreckage. Once she was sure he was not in a harmful radius of the crash, Rey ran back to her home to retrieve a bottle of water and some medical supplies that she had stored away.

Running back to the raven-haired man, she lightly raised his head to meet the tip of her bottle. His black hair was some of the finest material she had ever touched, it made her feel a little sinful to even be thinking about this as she help the man take a few sips of the clear liquid.

The man made a few runts and tried to move.

"Hey, stay put." She told him, placing his head down onto the sand. Rey then searching his upper torso for any signs of injuries.

Finding what appears to be a hole, she put her hand against the open wound. The man grunted loudly in pain. She felt a sticky dampness on her palms; they were covered in crimson. "Oh shoot, stay still, I am going to try and stop the bleeding." She told him

Reaching for her supplies she found some bandages and synthetic gel, quickly she let ripped open the packages with her mouth, pouring the contents onto his burnt skin. The man's chest rose up and down intensely, she could nearly hear his heart beat. Applying the bandages, she could feel the gel slowly harden, and meld into the wound.

Rey wiped the sweat off her face, and laughed a little. "I did it!" She looked told him. "You're going to be okay." She smiled.

The man could barely make out his savior's facial features, all he could see was the shape of chocolate warm eyes. A soft but reassuring melody which he could make out as her accented voice. He used his remaining strength to clutch the woman's hand, a gesture of thanks.

Rey shocked by his resilience to still move, tightened her hand around the man's; reassuring him that everything will be ok. "Relax, your safe" she spoke.

Content with her soothing words, the wounded soul finally sank his head back into the powder smooth sand and drifted into darkness.

Rey spent the next few hours tending to the injured man. After having to use up most of her medical supplies and synthetic gel to insure he wouldn't bleed to death, she pulled his limp body into the bowels of her AT-AT. Jakku may be a desert planet, but at night the weather could drop to freezing temperatures and a person that hadn't grown accustomed to the rapid change in climate could end up getting ill or die. Rey may be toughened by her living conditions and put on a cold demeanor, but in actuality, this hardship created a soft spot in her for people in need.

Plus, she reasoned that since she saved him it would only be fair that she would get some something in return, mainly trading the salvageable parts from the busted ship. "He won't mind right?" she told herself. Shaking her head, Rey mentally scolded herself.

"How could I be thinking about that while this guy could still die at any moment?" she questioned her moral compass.

She flipped a switch which turned on some solar charging units she created herself, within a few moments a few dim lights illuminated the inner walls of the AT-AT just enough to see where she was going. Rey made grunted as she exerted her energy, dragging the man across the sandy ground to the warmest part of the shelter.

After setting him gently near the back of the AT-AT where she usually slept, she put some patting on top of him to make sure he would stay warm. She knew that it would get a tiny bit chilly as the night went on. Watching the man in his resting state made her feel weird, she had never brought someone of the opposite sex into her compartment before, and most of the men on Jakku were aliens, ugly, or a combination of both.

Most of the time when a being of the same species would look at her, there was a putrid look on their faces and lust in their eyes that made Rey gag a little just thinking about it. This man may or may not different, there wasn't enough interaction to judge how he is like yet, but something told Rey he wasn't like that.

Rey spent the next few hours tossing and turning on the patted metal. It wasn't the hard surface that caused her to lose sleep. It was mostly due to the complete stranger that was laying a few feet from her. He barely made a noise as he slumbered, Rey couldn't deduce whether he naturally slept so silently or was he just so tired he couldn't make a sound.

Besides that, she also had some mental dilemmas going on inside her head. What happens after he wakes up? Do I turn him in, does he have somewhere to go? I mean, he came out of an imperial TIE-Fighter, so he must be high up in the ranks, right? Shit… what if he's a rouge soldier and I am harboring a fugitive? These racing thoughts kept her up.

Several dozen more minutes passed before Rey just gave up and walked out of her home. She needed to get her mind off of this mysterious man and back to what she is good at, salvaging. It was still a few hours before sun rise, but the outside seemed warm enough to not need any extra clothing. She grabbed a small flashlight and untied the net that was strung to the side of her speeder.

"Useless… junk… garbage…" she said picking up and tossing away debris to see if there was anything she could clean and trade in. Going back to the wreckage she was surprised that the thing hadn't already blown up, instead the fires mostly seemed to have been put out. Shrugging her shoulders, she ignored the danger and proceeded to salvage things had falling close to the aircraft.

She found some loose wiring, tubes and other widgets that may be tradeable, at the very least she could put them together to make improvements to her speeder. Throwing everything she deemed satisfactory inside her net. Having been caught up in the fun of looking around the area, almost like a child in playground, she didn't notice a white armored trooper that was heading her way.

"FREEZE!" she heard someone shout at her.

Rey quickly dropped whatever she was doing and held her hands to the air. "shit." She whispered, before slowly turning over to the storm trooper. She looked at the man, he wasn't much taller than her maybe two or three inches, and he actually seemed uncomfortable pointing his gun at her.

"…I…umm… may I help you?" she used a soft tone to question the man.

"Just stand still alright." The trooper told her, not in the regular authoritative voice she was used to coming from the empire's soldiers.

After the trooper circled the girl a few times, checking to see if she was armed. He caught something half way buried in the sand, kneeling over he plucked the object out. It was the black mask that the man inside her AT-AT was wearing. The trooper examined the helmet before he and Rey finally exchanged glances and lowered his weapon.

"It's just procedure ma'am." He told her.

"Right…" She dropped her tired hand down to her sides, Rey turned around and pointed at the ship, "I didn't do that you know, I just found it there this morning I swear." She lied.

"Did you see anyone come out of it?" The trooper questioned.

"… I ah… no, I don't think so." She answered.

The trooper swore underneath his helmet as he shook his head, "Are you positive, this man is dangerous."

"I am positive." Rey spoke, unsure of why she was trying to hide the truth. Maybe the idea of handing someone that is defenseless at the moment to this authoritarian didn't seem right. Rey knew what the First Order was capable of. The man she hid, even if he deserved punishment it would be cruel of her to let them torture him.

The trooper made a grunt. In the distance a two-man speeder made its way above a sand dune, closing the distance between them. The lights emitting from the vehicle made Rey squint. "Did you find him?" the trooper operating the vehicle asked.

"No sign of him, just this scavenger, and this" holding up the black metal mask.

"Bring her." The other soldier said plainly. "We need to question her further."

Rey was about to protest, maybe even make a run for it when to her surprise, the other trooper stood between them. "It's okay sir, I got here and checked it out. She didn't know anything. Besides, we should not waste our time when we could be trying to find our target, right?"

Rey was dumbstruck, was this guy standing up for me? What in the world was happening?

"Your right, come on we got to go." The trooper ordered.

"Yes sir." The odd trooper replied. Just as the man was about to leave, Rey had to open her mouth.

"Hey wait." Rey uttered.


"What's your name?" She asked, Rey didn't even know why she was bothering.

The soldier seemed hesitant to reveal anything about himself to her, but at lasted he answered with "FN-2187"

"FN-2187?... Well thank you."

"For what?"

Rey made a nervous smile, "Well for not shooting on sight, I guess, hahaha" she joked.

Not know whether FN-2187 was amused or not, he gave her a little waving gesture and got up onto the speeder with the other trooper. "Scavenger, if you see someone suspicious report it to us immediately. There will be a bountiful reward if you do so." He said the last part in the most enticing way possible.

"Yes, of course." Rey replied, swallowing hard.

With that the engines of the speeder ignited back to life and the two sped off. Rey took in a deep breath and sighed, she felt her heart beat rapidly as she placed her hand against her chest, trying to slow down her heart rate. "That was a close one."

Going back to where she had left the material she had gathered, Rey placed one more item into the net before it became full. "That should do it." She said, smiling to herself. The sun began to rise a while ago, and now it was near its horizon phase.

Through the corner of her eye she saw one little object poking out of the sand. "What is this?" she said, pulling the object out of the ground. It was like a medium size mechanical rod with two smaller tubes protruding out from the top side. The thing was intricately put together she knew that much. Examining the object more closely, she found a button near the top center.

With curiosity she pressed the metal button. Suddenly, a raging fire shot out of the top and two sides. The sudden ignition of the energy beams shocked Rey, she found herself holding what appears to be a sword.

"This can't be." She gasped, "this is a lightsaber."

Eyeing the red blade, she waved it around a few times to hear the crackling noise that the plasma produced. Extinguishing the blade, she looked at the direction of her AT-AT and then back down to the weapon in her hands. Naively putting two dots together, "He can't possibly be…"

Thanks for reading, this story is mostly just me throwing words onto the document for the moment and I have no idea where it will be going. I would really appreciate it if you could leave a follow, favorite, or review to tell me what you think so far, it would really mean a lot to me.

Until I update again, have a beautiful day and see you next time.