New Update: Hi everyone, there will be a new 60+ chapter Madara's Labyrinth coming soon! It will be an alternate expanded edition of the story where Sasuke and Naruto end up together! The vampires will be funny and less scary, Kushina will still be alive and really scary as a Mom, Tsunade and Iruka will get triple the amount of scenes because I absolutely adore those two, Sakura and Ino will last a lot longer and their roles will be different, Konohamaru and the Monster-Hunting siblings will be in more but they will die instead of Sasuke, Minato won't be around, that room on the second floor that Tsunade didn't want Naruto in will have Orochimaru locked in it, Jiraiya will be in more of the story although he won't show up until way later, more will be revealed about the vampires and werewolves, and there will be lots and lots and lots of Yaoi and smut that will take up at least half or more of the chapters! I'm going to make this a big project of mine and I'm going to keep it going all year long or way longer with frequent updates, regardless of what the reviews say or how many readers it gains. I'm doing this because I love these characters and I love the premise I created, although I'd love to have a lot of you along for the ride. My hope is this new story will be a classic that will be remembered and loved for many years, but if not, I will have written the story as I originally intended it to be. It may not be right away, but it will be posted! Stay tuned...Pinkboy Naberrie!