Title: Our Big Psycho Family

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story plot!

I recommend you at least read the story description and character descriptions at least but if you don't just be sure to read the preview of the story at the bottom. That is actually part of the story not notes so read that for sure.

Notes: Ok so by now most everyone knows what I will and will not write about in my story so don't request it. If you're new basically nothing to do with politics, religion, smut, or sensitive topics like rape or abuse. Also, don't fight in my comment section I've yet to see any fights in my comments thankfully but just in case I'm saying now don't do it. As for comments about the story if it's productive criticism that's fine anything to make me a better writer. If you just want to cuss and insult me for whatever reason take it somewhere else, I'll just block you. If you don't like the story don't read it, we all have different tastes and I don't want anyone wasting their time on my story if they don't like it so don't go around hating the story reading it anyways then harassing me about everything wrong with it and how much you hate it. I don't really care if you hate it or not I just want to write. So please if you don't like it just be mature and leave the story you don't have to harass me. I'm not trying to be mean you'd be surprised at how many times this has happened. -_-

Request info: I'll take requests after the Tenth chapter. Chapter eleven you can start leaving requests. One request per person per chapter. Just so I won't get overrun by requests that's why I started making that rule. Also, if I don't like the request I just won't do it. It's hard to write something you don't like I don't mean any offense if someone's request doesn't get chosen it's just if it's something I don't like or I can't really find myself writing because I don't know much about it it's been really hard to come up with something in the past when I used to do every single one despite the request and it put stress in something that is for fun now I just got where I won't do it to keep stress away and keep what I love doing fun. So, I'm sorry in advance if you request doesn't get chosen. Also, if you post a request before chapter eleven I won't do them simply because I already said I won't take them before chapter eleven. I want the beginning to be more of me and my crazy ideas then after eleven do your crazy ideas.

Rating: It's rated T because of cussing, violence, the jokes used in the story, etc.

Description of story: Basically, it's just a bunch of one shots that may or may not relate to each other into one story. The focus of the story is obviously our two crazy families but PLOT SURPRISE CELT, BRITIANNA, ROME, AND GERMANIA ARE BACK ON EARTH AND LIVING! How will the UK parents and Germania deal with their crazy kids? How will Rome survive with Germany giving him death threats, attacking him, ruining romantic moments, and not wanting him bothering his dad like the spoiled youngest child he is? How will Scotland explain why he let England turn their house into a zoo? Germania is bringing cats into his home and Germany is not amused he wanted more dogs not cats. Britannia may kill Ireland if he keeps hogging his adorable boyfriend all to himself. America will die because Celt is an overprotective father. Celt and Britannia are spoiling the hell out of England. France will be beaten by Britannia and Celt several times. Wales just wants to take a nap. North needs to stop encouraging Britannia to beat Ireland. Germany is spoiled by Germania and he loves it. Prussia is not helping because he keeps spoiling Germany as well. Bavaria can't catch a break. Hesse bonds with Rome and Saxony just wants a normal family. Too bad he'll never get one.

Character Description: I'm only describing the four since their newer and have to change style to fit in with modern times.

Britannia: Britannia is five feet six, mid back length hair, same blonde hair as England, emerald colored eyes, soft creamy skin but there are a few scars from old battles like on the back of her shoulder, stomach, side, and back. She used to be insecure about them, but Celt assured her she was still beautiful, and he liked her scars because they showed just how strong his wife is. She likes to wear leggings and dresses most of the time because she is used to dresses. She likes hair accessories and Scotland is a big momma's boy and buys her one twice a week to spoil her. If she isn't wearing a dress or leggings she'll wear sweatpants and one of Celt's shirts. She takes over the cooking most of the time and helps clean the house. She's like England and likes punk music the best. England is her clone that's why he's crazy, cute, scary and looks like the male version of her. She loves spoiling her babies and sometimes may fuss over them too much forgetting they're grown men. She may look cute but she's extremely deadly maybe even more deadly than England. Everyone in the family is scared to make her mad. She thinks Germany is the cutest giant ever and loves to cuddle and hug him. This usually makes Celt and Ireland jealous for different reasons. She beats Ireland up if he won't share his adorable boyfriend. Germany just rolls with it he doesn't want to make her mad either and he likes teasing Celt about it. Germany is the baby of both families because he is the youngest and the parents have a thing for trying to protect him at all costs. Britannia adores Wales and makes the boys not pick at him as much. Though she loves to tease him about Canada to make him all whiney and blush. She thinks out of all the boys Wales is the cuddliest, so she cuddles with him the most. She also loves the days when her, North, and Ireland go shoots arrows as targets in the forest or goes bow hunting. She has a garden she grows vegetables and fruits in. The boys had to rearrange the backyard just, so she could have her huge garden near the house. She reorganized and redecorated the house to her taste to make it homier the boys couldn't refuse her she is their mom after all. She, Scotland, and England like to go fishing at the river together. Scotland nearly had a stroke when she fell in and didn't surface. After that Celt and Scotland taught her to swim. She broke America's pinky for getting all grabby with England one night. Her favorite time of the day is night when the whole family is all huddled on the large couch watching movies together and drinking tea along with eating cookies. The lions love her to death and she cuddles with them a lot. Scotland taught her how to drive while North taught Celt to drive. She made everyone shut up at a world meeting in two seconds. No one dares defy her.

Celt: He is where the red hair comes in, his hair is dark red and shaggy and messy down to his shoulders. He has whiskers on his face and he's even more muscular than Scotland. He has the same green eyes as Scotland and basically Scotland is a miniature him in looks they could be clones. Celt has a long scar that goes down his left cheek and several more along his back, arms, and torso. Despite looking tough and mean he's a big softly like Scotland and likes to spoil his sons. He has never met England until now so their first meeting he freaked out over how adorable he was. Also, like Scotland he loves cute things. Celt likes to wear solid colored shirts, pants, and work boots. When relaxing he'll wear sweatpants. Celt is almost seven foot which makes England and Germany insist he's a giant and tries to climb on him a lot. Celt spoils his wife all the time anything she wants she gets anything she says goes. He's always being adorable and bringing her flowers he picked or making her sweets to eat or doing the heavy hard work for her. He also blames her for why England is crazy and violent. England is her clone after all. Celt is protective of Germany as well and thinks he's cute but also thinks he's a little shit when he looks all smug and sticks his tongue out at him when Britannia is cuddling him or fussing over him. He sees him as a little brat that never got his butt beat enough when he was a kid Prussia denies it and says he got a ton he's just a defiant brat that can't be changed. Despite thinking he's a brat Celt does adore him. Celt gets along extremely well with Prussia and adores him. Though if there was someone he spoiled the most he definitely spoils Scotland the most. Celt loves going hunting with North and Ireland. He never goes with England because he's scared when that one has a gun in his hands. He once saw England set New Zealand on fire for looking at Wales the wrong way. Then fainted when Britannia made it worse by throwing lighter fluid on him. He freaks out when one of the boys get hurt or sick. He's actually more overprotective than Britannia.

Rome: As you know he has dark brown messy hair with a curl like Italy, brown stubble on his chin and jaw, tan, muscular, brown eyes, about an inch taller than Germany (A guess based off when he broke into Germany's house), he wears button up shirts, dark jeans, a nice jacket, and nice leather shoes. Basically, he's a little flashy the way he dresses. He is very affectionate with Germania. He officially asks him out in the story and Germania though a little hesitantly but happily agrees. (He was startled and embarrassed) Thus Germany began getting all stubborn and over protective over his dad not liking the older and better-looking playboy France. (He's basically France the way he flirts XD to me at least from what I have read about him and watched.) Eventually he grows on him, but he still doesn't like sharing his dad. Rome likes to tease Germany and Prussia too much making them pound on him or making Germania beat him. Prussia is also protective over his dad, so he punches Rome a lot too. Rome does love Germania and his crazy kids though. He spoils Saxony and Wales. He goes back and forth for awhile of staying with his grandkids or coming and staying with Germania and the others. Eventually he moves into Germania's room like they are a couple. He eventually has a talk with Germany assuring he would never hurt Germania in any way and he loves him and eventually he's like a second dad to the family. He loves spoiling Germania as well with sweets and romantic dates and such. He's terrified of Britannia and England and Celt thinks it's hilarious. He yells at England sometimes claiming he is corrupting Germany which makes Britannia beat him for accusing her baby of such. Rome fusses over the German brothers like a mother hen if they are sick or hurt. He once went on a rampage when Germany got kidnapped for cake and sent him to his room as punishment. Germania nearly had a heart attack when he came home, and Rome burst into tears screaming, OUR CHILD GOT KIDNAPPED FOR CAKE! YOU BETTER TEACH HIM COMMON SENSE I WAS SO SCARED! Rome is the dad in the relationship but sometimes he can be such a mom to the brothers. He loves making Germania blush and get embarrassed.

Germania: He has long blonde hair he keeps in a low pony tail that is the same color as Germany's, same blue eyes and face as Saxony, muscular, and same height as Rome. (Again, based of the manga and show they seem to be about the same height so I just guessed.) He likes simple shirts sometimes plain, sometimes a simple color scheme or picture on it like the one with a cat on its chest XD I loved that I don't know if it was the manga or fanart when they went to see Rome's house and it was a bench and I saw him wearing that cat shirt and low ponytail and died from his cuteness. Wears simple jeans and shoes. He fusses over Prussia and Germany a lot thinking they are the cutest though he does spoil Bavaria. First time he saw Austria he smacked him in the head for looking at Prussia in a rude way. He is the same as Germany and Prussia he has a love hate with Austria. He reacts to Ireland the same way Prussia reacts to him. He thinks Germany is too cute and innocent to be dating Ireland but gives in knowing Ireland would never hurt his angel. Doesn't stop him for beating him sometimes though. Germania got kidnapped for cake a few times but only Germany knew about it because Germany got kidnapped with him. So, when he hears about Germany getting kidnapped from Rome he wasn't surprised he was just surprised Rome called Germany their kid like they were some married couple and Germany was their love child. Though it embarrassed him a little he loves that Rome treats them as if they're their kids together as a couple and looks after them. Germania loves cute things and cats. He brought four cats into the house and another dog to make Germany stop complaining. Out of all the kids he secretly thinks Prussia is the cutest one. Germania loves cooking and cleaning the house he is the mom in the relationship family setting. Though other times he is the dad. He freaks out when anyone in his crazy family is sick or hurt. He nearly has heart attacks when Germany keeps getting hurt because he's accident prone. He wants to put Germany in a bubble for his own safety. He also gets along with North extremely well and loves that he is with Prussia. He likes to spoil Hungary with cool accessories or weapons. Sometimes he'll get her something girly. He knows she is mostly a tomboy and likes weapons, but she does have a girly side and likes pretty dresses. He and Hungary share food recipes over the phone and sometimes he goes to her house just to learn how to make something. He gets all cute and embarrassed when Rome does sweet things for him. Saxony taught him and Rome to drive.


Britannia, Celt, Rome, and Germania were startled when they were back on earth allowed to live as nations because their history, land marks, places dedicated to them counted as enough for them to be back. They popped up in a store it seemed.

"Wwhhooaaa check out the cosplay freaks," a guy laughed.

"Excuse you," Rome snapped.

"Whoa but this one is a hottie what's your name doll," one asked taking Britannia's hand smiling flirtingly. A basket smashed into his face breaking his nose and making him fall over from the force.

"Whoops my hand slipped," Wales deadpanned as North and Ireland were sputtering at the sight of their parents.

Saxony, Prussia, Hesse, and Bavaria were clinging to Germania crying silently in happiness. The guy got up holding his nose and glared as his two friends snarled moving to go attack him.

"That will be your downfall," Celt smiled catching them by the back of their collars and throwing them into the one guy. "Beat it before we kill you," he said darkly making them shudder and run off.

"Mom," Ireland croaked cupping her face not believing she was real until he felt her smooth skin under his hands.

"It's really you guys," North whispered in shock.

"Dad how did," Wales started.

"Let's get to your home and explain everything to everyone at the same time," Celt smiled petting his head.

"I want to love on someone too," Rome whined as Prussia shoved at him scowling.

"Go love on your grandkids old man. Don't touch me," Prussia spat making him pout.

"So mean like Germania," he whined.

"Shut up before I kill you," Germania threatened.

"Let's just finish shopping and get to the others. I want to see my baby Albion," Britannia gushed.

"I want to see Alba and meet my youngest son," Celt smiled.

"I need to see Germany as well," Germania smiled.

"He's unlikable as well from the times I have seen him," Rome grumbled and Germania punched him in the gut making him double over in pain.

They finished shopping and went to the Kirklands house. When they opened the door they saw…..

Chapter one will continue this! Well I hope you liked the preview!