Fallout: Kazuma the Road Warrior?

Disclaimers I don't own Kono Suba, or Fallout New Vegas also I did say I'd be back some day to finish this fic up, so without further ado, the start of Fallout: Kazuma the Road Warrior, also keep in mind some time has passed like about 2 weeks for our characters.

"Kazuma Satou" called Major Knight as he smiled at the sight of the seasoned Courier, "Yes I'm Kazuma" Kazuma said jokingly, as he held 2 Centurion helmets under his arms.

"I see you've been busy" admired Major Knight as Kazuma and his party has been the main reason as to why the Legion hasn't been advancing any further and has boosted morale within the NCR ranks from the Mojave Outpost to Camp McCarran.

"Listen I called you in because some of the traveling merchants have came in today, and I think they might have what you've been requesting" smiled Major Knight, "Thanks Major" Kazuma said as he exited back outside of the outpost.

Once outside he turned around the corner he saw that Darkness and Megumin eating outside the picnic tables provided for anyone who wants to eat outside.

"So what did they wanted" Megumin said as she was eating her now favorite Iguana on a stick and 200 year old Sugar Bomb Cereal with a side of Nuka-Cola, which only lead to Kazuma to further insult her by calling her a child or little girl.

"They informed me that the traveling merchants are coming in today, so I'm off to get me some new weapons or gear along with selling this Legion crap" Kazuma said as he sat down and began to pop the cap off another Sunset Sarsaparilla.

Star cap number 43, thought Kazuma as he pocketed the bottle cap in its own bag of the other sunset star caps.

"Kazuma I noticed that you've been drinking nothing but Sunset Sarsaparilla, and you've also been pocketing every other cap in a different bag, why" asked Megumin.

Kazuma looked around from his shoulders and behind the girls before bringing them in to a group huddle.

"There's an old legend where if you collect over 50 blue star sunset bottle caps, and bring it into the Sunset Sarsaparilla New Vegas head quarters, there's a hidden treasure to those who bring it to Festus" whispered Kazuma.

"Who's this Festus" asked Darkness, but they stop when 2 NCR troops exited the barracks, "We'll talk more about this later" said Kazuma as they all went back to their daily routine.

"Anyways girls I'm off to buy us some more ammo, and maybe a weapon" smirked Kazuma as he was heading off, "I could use some dynamite" shouted Megumin, "And any throwing melee weapons they have in stock" added Darkness.

"Sure thing" waved off Kazuma as he walked towards the merchant to get what the girls requested and then some.

Things have changed since when the trio first started here in the Mojave, and each one has been assign with their own duties when wandering the wastes.

Kazuma would handle and manage all types of finances and for the most part was in charge of handling nearly all the money he and the girls would earn, along when it came to bartering or negotiating details.

Darkness had agreed to provide all the food and hand craft medicine needed for her and her team to survive as insisted by Kazuma to only distribute her skill points in her strengths of melee and unarmed.

As for Megumin, Kazuma allowed her to distribute all of skill points into explosion until she was out, but would usually help advise her when it came to obtaining perks that didn't involve explosions.

For the most part, much to the dissatisfaction to the girls, they've been staying in Nipton and boosted their skills until they were at an acceptable level, and by Kazuma's standards, that was level 12 for both girls which is almost soon.

As for acquired perks, Kazuma has decided to play with the best of luck on his side, as he recently acquire the Finesse perk which made him do critical damage a lot more times he'd normally do.

The Mister Sandman perk as a means to finally put his sneak skills into professional use, and because of the amount of bonus XP he was able to gain for killing his enemies and a few non NPC's in their sleep, he was able to rank up on a serious new level as he was now level 19.

His next perk the Intense Training only because he needed better perception so he could get the Better Criticals perk making sure that every other bullet he fired, every punch he delivered would be a critical hit as means to make his life easier when facing the Legion.

And to factor out the fact he somehow always ends up getting his limbs crippled, even for the most stupidest of reasons, he took the Adamantium Force perk, so it'll take a lot more to cripple his limbs, but also let him take a hit while delivering a stronger punch.

Megumin got only perks that was associated with Explosion based skill like Heave Ho! perk, 2 ranks on the Demolition Expert to name a few, but the one other perk she took from advice from Kazuma was the Comprehension perk, so she could gain more skill points to distribute to explosives, but to also speed the process so she can distribute skill points to other skills.

Darkness manage to set herself on path to both hers and Kazuma's liking such as the Entomologist perk, making it easier to kill giant mutated insects at half the effort.

To show some support to her teams, as she still manages to get banged up pretty bad, even though the Mojave had seem to have changed the dice for Darkness a little, she selected the Ferocious Loyalty perk, so that even when she's down her party can continue the fight for her.

When she reached level 8, she was finally ready to take on perks that complimented her unarmed and melee skills along with what made her S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

And since the Legion had mainly used only unarmed and melee weapons like her, she was talked into getting the Stonewall perk as means to take a better hit, but to never get knocked down on her arse again.

Her most recent perk helped her on the offensive stand point as she choosed Super Slam! perk to allow her to use her fist or weapons to knock the Legion down on their asses making it easy for Kazuma and Megumin to finish them off.

Personality wise, nothing has changed much as Kazuma was caught by the girls when he was trying to take a peek at one of the NCR female soldiers when she was changing, which resulted in them being spoiled by being given what they wanted from the merchants.

Megumin was expressing her Chuunibyou side on a whole new scale since she's became inseparable with her grenade launcher and since her aim has gotten better she's gained the reputation as the Feisty Loli Cyclops of the NCR, a rumor spread by Kazuma which has reach far and wide across the Mojave.

Darkness on the other hand has a fear of guns, and is a little hesitant when facing an enemy with such fire power, and has shown less and less of her masochistic side.

But back to the main story Kazuma had came back with a smile as he approached the girls, "Alright Megumin got you 6 shells of standard 40mm grenades, and the experimental plasma made by the Gun Runners" Kazuma as he handed Megumin ammo for ol'Betsy (Yes she still has a habit of giving things terrible names).

"Ahem" called Megumin as she knew Kazuma was holding out as he let out a sigh and digged through his inventory and gave her 4 frag grenades, and 7 sticks of dynamite.

"Sorry Darkness they were all out of throwing weapons, but they finally got this in stock" Kazuma said as he showed the girls what looked like the mitt worn by knights back at home.

"This is called a power fist, it makes it so that when it comes to punching your enemies to death, or when trying to face off against anyone with high armor resistance, they're reminded how bad it is to get punched" Kazuma said as he handed it to Darkness.

"Thank you Kazuma, I shall use it as much as I can" smiled Darkness, before she and Megumin notice something new on Kazuma's person as they saw a familiar looking blade on his hip.

"I hereby call it Chunchunmaru II" said Megumin with a straight face, "Yeah no, no we aren't calling my sword something that stupid this time again" Kazuma said as he narrowed his eyes at Megumin.

"This time gonna call you Blade Runner- no Phantom Men- wait how about Inception" Kazuma said as he began trailing off with some interesting names of his own, making him black as the feisty kettle Megumin.

"How about El Burro" suggested Darkness, "Huh, El what now" asked Kazuma, "El Burro, I heard it from one of the Troopers as they were speaking in a funny language as they said this was permitted within the NCR".

Remembering this world is as real as the pain he receives, despite the fact he's reliving his favorite games, Kazuma remember that these soldiers have their own family and cultural backgrounds of their own.

"Alright, from this day forward I shall call this sword El Burro" Kazuma said proudly as he lifted the sword in a stance causing the girls to clap at his awesome moment.

Not far from the trio, we see a familiar silver haired woman wearing leather armor as she chose to sticking to the shadows completely as she herself would shadow these group of friends to ensure the safety of her Senpai.

Oh Kazuma, thought Chris in pity as she felt bad for Kazuma naming his sword 'the ass' in Spanish, but couldn't help but chuckle as she made an inside joke as to how suited it is since Kazuma himself was acting like an ass himself without knowing it.

Knowing that her friends are fine for now, Chris quickly sneaked her way out of the Mojave and decided to go back to Primm where she's taken residence in its abandoned hotel.


After enjoying their lunch at the Outpost, they made it a point to bring some back, since Darkness has been designated as their cook given how high her Survival skill level was at.

"Ah, I can't wait for dinner tonight" smiled Megumin as she took a sip of her many stock piled Nuka-Cola beverages, as this has shown where all of her allowance money went towards.

"Keep drinking Nuka-Cola like that, and they might use you as the new poster girl for marketing the stuff" Kazuma said sarcastically, "Well they should considering- of I see what you did there" Megumin said as she glared daggers at Kazuma.

While they were continuing down the road, the trio notice something up the road as they saw a huge group of people wearing similar looking clothing as they all read NCRCF on their backs.

"What do you see Kazuma" asked Darkness as they were crouched down and hiding from a distance as Kazuma was using his binoculars to scout the area.

"Powder Gangers" grumbled Kazuma as he handed the binoculars around to his party members, "They're a gang of convicts recently breaking themselves free from the NCR Correctional Facility coming up north".

"So how should we approach this" asked Darkness as she didn't need to pass the binoculars to Megumin as they began to load their weapons.

"With extreme prejudice" Kazuma said as he held the service rifle and began to load in the hollow point rounds into the gun, "I've been meaning to use this" Megumin said happily as she loaded the newly acquired plasma grenade into grenade launcher.

"Sigh, guess there's no avoiding it then" Darkness said as she stood up and took out the chainsaw and revved the sucker up, "Anything worth noting about these guys" asked Megumin as she tighten her grip.

"Their armor is considered to be light for the most part, though some of them do have clothes with bullet proof vest, but it's nothing compared to our weapons, they're all armed with 9mm pistols, varmint rifles, and dynamite" explained Kazuma.

"Darkness, try to go around them, Megumin fire on my command" Kazuma said as he lead the girls into easy XP town.

The plan was to wait for a solid minute to give Darkness some time to get in position as Kazuma snuck in the opposite direction and readied himself to take the first shot, and once he's gotten their attention that was Megumin's cue to go out and wipe out the Powder Gangers.

After examining the battle ground, and the girls were in position, Kazuma took aim and shot one of the Powder Gangers square in the head as the man dropped dead getting the rest of their attention.

Seeing how the point was to be visible, Kazuma stood up and began to fire away and manage to kill 2 more Powder Gangers before ducking down as they began to shoot him with the improvised weapons he said as mention.

Which meant he was wide eye in horror when a stick of dynamite rolled right next to him, "Oh god damn it" Kazuma said as he began to pick up to his feet and was ready to run for his life, but was ultimately sent flying 5 feet from the blast.

"Hurry up, we get that son of a bitch where we want him" said one of the Powder Gangers as they all began to group up ready to shank Kazuma to death, but heard someone whistling from afar.

"Oh boys" sang Megumin as she aimed the grenade launcher at the convicts, before pulling the trigger as she let out a satisfying smile of amusement when she saw the damage done by the plasma grenade.

"That was awesome" cheered Megumin as she tossed her hands in the air and began to do the happy dance as she was completely blinded and oblivious when a powder Ganger took his varmint rifle and shot the loli from afar.

"MEGUMIN!" shouted Kazuma in horror as he was barely picking himself up from the explosion to witness the only other intelligent being in his party to be shot.

"You bastards!" shouted Kazuma as he began to dig in his pocket and took out Maria as he stagger his way towards the Powder Gangers and used V.A.T.S. for the 4th time in his experience here in the Mojave wasteland.

The previous 2 times he did was when practicing to using V.A.T.S. on his party members, which may or may not have lead to him accidentally shooting them in the foot, which may or may not lead to the reason why he got the Adamantium perk.

But back to the story, Kazuma had used V.A.T.S and not taking any chances as he aimed for the remaining Powder Gangers square in the noodle.

As expected they were all critical hits as their heads popped like a white head zit that was bound to burst on its own, and those who remained were brought to a brutal death via being shredded apart by Darkness as she had a serious demeanor when taking out the Powder Gangers.

"We got one trying to escape" pointed Darkness, as Kazuma turned to see the remaining Powder Ganger running towards the opposite direction of where the NCRCF was at, and where the Mojave Outpost was stationed.

"Let him go, we got to take care of Megumin" Kazuma said as he lead them both to the loli was lying on the ground.

Upon approaching Megumin, they saw that her metal armor stopped the bullet and left only a light dent and was just lying unconscious probably from shock out of being shot like that for the first time.

"Darkness, carry her back into the trailer and wait there until I get back" Kazuma said as he proceeded to scavenge the corpse of the fallen Powder Gangers, followed by a trip to the Mojave Outpost.

Dear god I hope that Courier is on our side, thought Kazuma as he began to gather guns and bullets, and only prayed that the Powder Gangers being out this far was because they were just continuing the story for the Courier.

In Goodsprings

There stood a classic show down between the town against a gang of vandals, and you'd be sure that you were about to witness an old western high noon shoot out.

It was the town of Goodsprings vs the Powder Gangers lead by Joe Cobb as he and his men were ready to burn the little town to the ground.

"I will say this one more time, either you all surrender and hand over Ringo, or me and my boys will show you why you never cross with the Powder Gangers" shouted Joe Cobb before seeing the sight of Ringo approaching.

Thinking they were ready to comply, he began to feel something sizzle in the back side of his pocket before he turned to see a certain short silver haired courier as she was leaning behind a fence post and twiddle her fingers at them with a smile.

"Son of a-" was all Joe Cobb was able to say before he and his gang were blown into little pieces of giblets meant to satisfy local cannibals and Super Mutants.

"Hell yeah we did it" said Ringo as he went and approach Chris with a smile, "Told ya you guys were in good hands" smiled Chris with a glistening smile.

"Anyways here's some payment, this was originally Crimson Caravan property, though I'm sure they'll understand when I explain everything to them" Ringo said as he began to pay Chris for her service.

"Thank you" smiled Chris as Ringo began to turn tail and began to ready his journey back to the Crimson Caravan, leaving the silver haired goddess in disguise to go to the local saloon and order herself a stiff drink and a hot meal.

I hope Kazuma and company are alright in rescuing you Aqua Senpai, thought Chris as she was given a major discount by Trudy, the bar owner and town mom, and began to enjoy a well deserved dinner alongside the good people of Goodsprings.

With Aqua

As promised, Aqua was force to fortify Cottonwood Cove by herself as she had the threat of either being beaten to work or being bitten by the Legions mongrel dogs.

And everyday ended with her with receiving at least one new bruise or bite mark, as she was force to be living in captivity in the slave cells and was given dirty water and either raw meat or a piece of vegetable.

To Aqua's knowledge of eavesdropping, she learned that the dirty water they served her was suppose to be irradiated to where she should feel sick after 2 weeks of drinking that stuff and left the Legionnaires puzzled as to why she didn't show such symptoms.

Unknown to them, and preferably to her choice she'd rather keep herself as a water goddess a secret as she didn't want to be treated as a human water purifier for a gang of raiders who are primarily sexist and belittle anyone who wasn't a man.

So drinking good water was not an issue for Aqua, but none the less wanted to at least taste some sort of booze as she couldn't stand the idea of being denied what she agrees to be the nectar of the gods.

But her thoughts were broken when she was noticing a bunch of people dressed in rags like her being ushered in to the same cell as Aqua.

"Hey woman, you got yourself some company, enjoy them while they're still here, or until you drop dead" said one of the Legions Recruits as he pushed the more mature looking woman in to the ground.

"Are you alright" Aqua said as she helped the woman to her feet, "Hey back away, otherwise I'll set that detonation on that collar you have wrapped around your neck" threaten the same Recruit as he gestured the trigger to what seriously has Aqua's life in that man's hands.

Aqua simply paled as she backed away and sat in her corner and began to let out small sobs as she was truly a powerless woman to their eyes.

Please Kazuma save me already from this hell, thought the water goddess as she wanted nothing more than to be back to the life of being in debt, being chased by the dead and the damn, but also with the one person she could call her first true friend.

Told you guys I'd be back, and I did say I'd promise to deliver on where I left off, so I hope this gets you guys excited what's in store into the future, also a little off topic, but I finally got me the fallout board game I wanted, now if only I can get my friends to stop horsing around and take part in playing with me, even though the game was designed to be possibly played solo.

Anyways gotta go and write the next chapter this has been your Humble Narrator.