Fallout: Kazuma the Road Warrior? XXVII

Disclaimers I don't own Kono Suba, or Fallout New Vegas, please support any to all official releases, your local fandoms.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your good friends Mr. New Vegas, and today I'd like to introduce you all to a special guest who's joining us today, hailing from the far reaches of the north and a micro colony within NCR territory and fellow DJ and radio host, Oxhorn" said Mr. New Vegas on the Mojave radio.

"Thank you for having me over Mr. New Vegas" said the gentle and welcoming voice of the guest DJ, "Pleasures all mine, now I was told you came here to help further spread the word and give your own insights on regarding the over impending war here in the Mojave" said Mr. New Vegas.

"That's right Mr. New Vegas, but I also would like to talk to you about a certain group of individuals that are considered to be the do gooders and heroes of the Mojave, Chris the Courier and Kazuma the Road Warrior" said Oxhorn.

"Well do I have news for you, as we've gotten reports that their greatest achievement together so far was both of them teaming up and killing the leader of the Legion, Caesar himself, roughly 2 weeks ago if I recall correctly" said Mr. New Vegas.

"So I've heard and saw this as a safe opportunity to come out here and meet you in person once I heard Caesar has died, so tell me exactly what are Chris the Courier and Kazuma the Road Warrior are up to since this victory" asked Oxhorn.

"Recent reports have revealed that Chris the Courier has gone out of her way doing good deeds for the sake of her party members these past few weeks, ranging from seeing a good doctor to cure poor Rex's cyber dog brain, to revealing an underhanded and nasty deal amongst not only the NCR Crimson Caravan Company, but the Van Graffs family they had on absorbing and destroying small caravan businesses, and convincing her Knightkin friend to take her medicine" said Mr. New Vegas.

"Those all sound marvelous good deeds, but I've notice there was no mention of the Road Warrior, care to explain" asked Oxhorn, "Well there's a rumor going on that after the Road Warrior broke up with the Oasis beauty, his team currently disbanded going to the far corners of the Mojave, with reports that the Road Warrior returning back to New Vegas, playing and robbing the house blind at every casino before condemning Gomorrah after discovering the Omertas had been dealing with the Legion in hopes of killing everyone on the strip, or revealing a traitor amongst the White Glove society who was trying to enforce and convert the members into being cannibalistic once again at the Ultra Lux Casino" began Mr. New Vegas.

"The Oasis Beauty, that is Aqua, reported to be out at Camp Forlorn Hope, aiding those on the front line battling off hoards of Legion attacks and was there to rescue a surviving NCR private after he was chased into a dead end in the Lucky Jim Mine's and would've been left for dead, had she not intervened, while still aiding the injured back at camp while boosting morale whenever she can" said Mr. New Vegas.

"Then there's Megumin, the Feisty Loli Cyclops of the NCR, who returned back to the Mojave outpost that connects to the roads leading back to the NCR, and with confirmed reports that every so often she runs into the Darkness the Warrior Princess, who is reported to visit the newly sovereign town of Primm and Good Springs from time to time. Currently the Feisty Loli Cyclops of the NCR is reported to be responsible for going on a rampage in killing Legion, raiders, and even went on a dangerous mission in killing a nest of Deathclaws by herself in Dead Wind Cavern, effectively reducing the Deathclaw population in that area of the Mojave" said Mr. New Vegas.

"As for the Warrior Princess, she's been doing her part to the community, by hunting and killing the wild life in the area, helping the miners between Sloan and the Quarry Junction, killing any remaining convicts around the abandoned NCR CF, and helping maintain order when she's needed. Although reports claim that somewhere between Black Mountain and Scorpion Gulch, she'll occasionally disappear and returns with a newly repaired set of power armor and high tech energy weapons that are usually only sold at the Van Graffs" concluded Mr. New Vegas.

"Well it seems that even broken up, the group sounds like they're still committed in doing their part in cleaning up the Mojave" said Oxhorn, "Agreed. Now back to our daily musical broadcast, and when we get back we'll discuss about the possible heritage related to the Oasis Beauty and the Vault Dweller and the Chosen One, 2 revered and beloved heroes within the NCR and its history" said Mr. New Vegas before Kazuma chose to finally switch off the radio within his room inside the vacant presidential suite of the Lucky 38.

Well vacant of other human interaction as the room was littered with empty sunset sarsaparilla bottles, water bottles, and various pre-war packaged food on the ground.

Right now he's been in a bit of a slump and had spent his days and winning fortune on either on room services, or purchasing every last bit of legendary store bought weaponry within the New Vegas area.

Normally he would enjoy his new found wealth by lounging around and indulging back into his NEET life style once again.

While he did do that, he couldn't find peace of mind as he was haunted by the words and the guilt he inflicted on the woman within his party as he was trying to figure out why he loved them or if he even did love them.

Granted he knew why he partially loved Aqua, but it was because she earnestly loved him and felt it was wrong to not give her a fair chance, but even then that was only part of it, because a part of him cared about the feelings of Megumin and Darkness that he didn't want to hurt them.

Sure in spite of him claiming that Aqua raped him into a relationship, the fact of the matter was that he was her first and probably the only man she came to ever loved and care for, and how'd he return it, by breaking up with her in the most asshole manner that he swore he never would.

So it didn't matter how much he drank or chems he in took, he couldn't drown out these feelings of regret as he wanted to make things right between his team members again.

So getting out of bed, Kazuma made the sure to put on his combat armor and helmet, even though he found it to be rather uncomfortable and cumbersome, and whatever caps he had left, which was a lot, along with Gahanna, Big Boomer and Maria before going to the New Vegas Medical Clinic.

Once there, he cured himself of all addictions, before purchasing himself the implants he needed for his next journey, which were the Sub-Dermal Armor, Monocyte Breeder, strength, and endurance implants.

Accordingly he had ranked up past to level 27 and recently got himself the Mysterious Stranger Perk and was nearing level 28 so he could rank up again.

"Alright Kazuma, you're finally excused to leave forth to venture back out there" said Dr. Usanagi as she was insistent that Kazuma stayed to rest after going through 4 implants and to make sure he fully recovered from being cured of his addictions.

"Thanks Doc" said Kazuma as he began to pick up his things and walked out the medical clinic and continued his journey north.

His travels were generally filled with the usual case of the occasional Legion ambush, and smaller bands of raiders and occasional Cazadors.

Soon Kazuma found himself nearing towards a wall where he saw a group of merc's huddled around the camp fire.

Grumbling that it wasn't a group of aliens, Kazuma regardlessly approach them, stealthy like, where he planted live grenades on the core leader, and 3 surrounding merc's before back away to witness them explode.

Searching through the corpses, Kazuma found what he wanted in the form of the unique energy weapon, the YCS/186 gauss rifle.

With his weapon acquired, he continued to walk east before entering a cavern, where the Happy Trails Caravan company was waiting for anyone who wanted to join them on their expedition.

"Greetings stranger and welcome to the Happy Trails Caravan Company" greeted Jed Masterson as he and his band of hired guns and merchants were outside behind the door that connect the Mojave into Zion.

"What's up" said Kazuma casually, "Well I take it you're here because of you heard our request on the radio" asked Jed, "That's right".

"Well I'm happy to hear that, let me just see fill you in on some rules, before I allow yourself to get acquainted with everyone going with us on this journey" said Jed as we pan out of the cave.

With Aqua

It was hard work, even for the goddess, granted it wasn't as brutal during her time as a slave towards Caesar's Legion, and it wasn't as fun easy back in the other world neither.

Still her hard work got her to rank up to level 23, as she's having a hard time to distribute her perk points compared to her skill points, and she gets joy out of seeing these brave NCR men and woman smile during dinner as she knows how to entertain a crowd.

But if there was one problem Aqua had, it was the fact she was always short on money.

Just cause she got smart, didn't mean it cured her of her greediness, as she'll usually complain about not getting a better deal half the time when she either goes to Novac or the 188 trading post to seal and trade all the Legion armor and spared weapons she acquired so she can satisfy her addiction to alcohol and eat something that isn't canned beans.

Right now she had finished patching up more of the injured and was exiting the medical tent to stretch and get some fresh air.

"Geez, who's arm do I got to fix to get me some good booze" said Aqua before walking around camp and sitting behind a tent where she popped the cap off a bottle of beer.

God this crap is no better than irradiated dish water. And I can friggin purify that stuff without trying, thought Aqua as she drank the subpar tasting beer as she stuck her tongue out.

"Seriously, there's a city made of gold" said an NCR soldier talking to his buddies as this got Aqua's attention.

"Yeah right man" said a different NCR soldier, "I'm serious, rumor has it just south of here there's this abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker that's the way towards discovering a city of riches, I think it's called the Sierra Madre" said the original NCR soldier.

"I don't know man, I heard that no one ever returns from searching that place, and that place is creepy as all hell" said a different NCR soldier, "Yeah you're probably right, but damn just imagine if we could all go and get some time off and do some exploring" said the first NCR soldier.

Hearing what she needed to hear about riches, Aqua just poured out the rest of the rot gut drink, before making her way south towards Camp Forlorn Hope to claim her own riches and expand her name.

"Excuse me, Aqua" called some NCR soldiers as they all approached her, "Oh hey guys, what's up" said Aqua with a smile, "Me and the boys pitched in and wanted to give you some of the spare supplies we've all been collecting".

"Oh, how thoughtful of you guys" beamed Aqua as everyone handed in spare ammo, stimpacks, and a bottle of wine, on top of her Xuanlong assault rifle which became her go to weapon next to her favorite golden boxing gloves, only because it looked and felt cool to use.

"Thank you guys so much" said Aqua as everyone cheered for her as she made her departure at long last.

While it took some doing, Aqua eventually found the abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker and began to ascend the ladder towards the inside.

Seeing nothing but rubble and a dead corpse in the corner, Aqua was ready to abandoned this nightmarish place before seeing someone painted Sierra Madre all over the place.

"Well I'm not gonna get rich by standing here and looking pretty now" said Aqua before going further into the bunker.

With Megumin

Her days were anything but boring, maybe lonely and broke, but now boring as Megumin went around her days and nights blowing something or someone up, be it bandits, raiders, Deathclaws, Legion assassination attempts, Radscorpions, and so on.

Speaking of, she became well known for clearing out a Deathclaw nest by herself and was rewarded with her own set of power armor and the unique machine grenade Mercy, which she was always out of ammo for, but her level was actually on matching par with Kazuma.

Right now though, she was just sitting on top of a small mountain of dead bodies of Legion, in the town of Nipton, drinking her last bottle of Nuka-Cola and eating Iguana on a stick.

"Sigh, I should probably go back and restock at the Mojave outpost" said Megumin before tossing the empty bottle of Nuka-cola over her shoulder before catching a glimpse of some Viper Raiders.

Smirking to herself, Megumin began to walk forward and entered inside her suit of power armor and marched forward towards the raiders as they all began to retreat in a defensive formation.

Except for one severly under armed raider who went to charge at Megumin with a damn straight razor.

End result the bastard got blown to hell with a frag mine that he didn't notice and was sent flying on the other end of Nipton.

Quite frankly that person was lucky as his comrades were screaming in terror as Megumin blew them all up while laughing maniacally.

"Well that was fun" said Megumin as she climbed out her power armor and began to search the bodies for anything useful before spotting the satellite that has always been there since day one at Nipton.

Approaching it and examining it, Megumin got nothing for now, but was determined to make something out of it by nightfall, and should anything bad happen, she had her power armor and a shit ton of explosions ready.

With Darkness

In her time since they've broken up as team Kazuma, Darkness was living an honest if at times peaceful life as a hunter, law bringer, and overall sentinel of the Mojave.

Sure she doesn't get rank up as high or fast enough killing geckos or coyotes, but she was never hungry, and was welcomed wherever she had went and for her that was more than enough.

Right now she was reading more on American history on a pre-war book she found inside her new home of Lone Wolf Radio.

"Knock-knock" called the voice of Chris, "Chris, what an unexpected surprise" said Darkness as she stepped out to hug her.

"So what brings you out on this side of the Mojave" asked Darkness, "Just wanted to see my friend and see if she was interested in a quest for me that I'm too busy at the moment to get around for the most part" said Chris.

"So I've been hearing on the radio" said Darkness as she realized it was just her and no one else.

"So what pray tell does this quest involve and where am I needed" asked Darkness, "You don't have to travel far, it's just on the outside of this hill towards a Canyon Wreckage. I got a strange ominous call that someone claims to know me and wants to meet me in a place called the Divide" said Chris.

"Sounds suspicious. Alright, you have convince to take the job" said Darkness as she began to pack herself some water, throwing knives, Jack, and just in case a riot shotgun she kept after another failed Legion assassination attempt.

"So do you know anything about the divide" asked Darkness as she and Chris walked side by side to the wreckage.

"All I've known and heard was that it used to be a supply line route for the NCR but then something happened and now the NCR's only main source of entering the Mojave was the Mojave Outpost" explained Chris.

"I see" said Darkness as they continued to idly chat.

As our 4 heroes continue on this journey, 4 others take route to join them in this adventure, be it for redemption, revenge, keeping a promise, or finding a purpose.

Whatever maybe, the world around and outside of the Mojave will change and be carved in the names and actions of our heroes, but all of that is a story a for another day.

Ok I'm going to end things right here, like I said this was serving as an introduction for future adventures and events for our team of misfits.

Which by the way our first set of stories will center around both Kazuma and Kellogg, followed by Aqua and Art, Megumin and Snake, and finally Darkness and Xen.

So yeah that's all for now, I got nothing interesting or worthwhile worth mentioning other than to stay safe and healthy during this global pandemic, but also make sure to condition and maintain your mental health.

This has been your Humble Narrator Tobi Yaza. =3