Evan Hansen was convinced he was never going to find his soulmate. His other half, his completion, someone who would care for him. Evan Hansen though, knew what would happen when he if someone would meet their soulmate. Everyone knew. It was common knowledge, and it wasn't uncommon to see it happen.

He remembered the first time he searched up what happened when you met your soulmate, using the family computer while his mom was at work, not worrying she would find his search history because she was either working or sleeping when she was home. Anyway, he remembered, and he was sure it was something he wouldn't forget.

The whole concept just seemed alienated to him.

"When you and your soulmate lock eyes, or make eye contact for the first time, a flower blooms- See article III" Scrolling down to article III, he read the paragraph, which only made him more confused.

"To put it simply, a flower crown is formed, and depending on who, or what your soulmate's personality is, what type of flowers are formed. For example if your generated flower crown has violets, it means that your soulmate has loyalty, devotion, faithfulness, and modesty sprinkled within their personality. Most flower crowns generate up to four of five different flowers, each indicating your soulmate's personality.

The most different types of flowers found in a flower crown was recorded at 17 different types of…" Evan quit reading, and instead, re-read the paragraph until it seemed to make sense.

Closing the Wikipedia article, Evan sorted out his thoughts. I think I get it, he thought, so when you meet eyes with them, a flower crown just sort of appears? But it also tells you about the other person…?

Evan was almost certain he would never meet his soulmate. He was never very good at talking to people, and even if he did find himself in a conversation, he never, never looked the person in the eyes. His anxiety stopped him from making friends, and he was sure it would stop him from meeting his soulmate too.

You can imagine the surprise Evan got when he found his soulmate on the first day of school.

Evan wasn't expecting to meet his soulmate that warm autumn morning. At least, it would be warm if he wasn't inside talking with Jared, confined to the school's concrete walls.

"Is it weird to be the first person in history to break their arm from jerking off too much or do you consider that an honor?"

"W-what? I- I didn't… I wasn't doing that.."

"Paint me the picture: you're in your bedroom, you've got Zoe Murphy's instagram up on your weird, off brand cellphone…"

"That's not what happened!" Evan seemed to snap at Jared, then toned down a little, "Obviously. I- I was climbing a tree and I- I fell."

"You fell out of a tree? What are you? A fucking acorn?" Evan's 'family friend' smirked at him, still walking through the crowded hallway. Honestly Evan was surprised Jared was still talking to him, not ditching him for one of his 'real friends'.

"Well, I don't know if you knew this but, I uh… I worked this summer at the state park... I'm sort of tree expert now..." Cutting himself off, Evan realized how stupid that sounded. He convinced himself that it sounded cool in his head but once he said it out loud… "Anyway I tried to climb this oak tree."

"And then you fell..?" Evan glanced over at Jared to find a look of amusement on his face.

"Well, that's a funny story-" Evan cut himself off, glancing up to find Jared's attention was captured by someone else. Someone with shoulder length dark hair, someone who's legs seemed impossibly long. Evan kicked himself mentally, he should of known Jared would quickly move on from someone as boring as him, someone who-

"Hey Connor, I'm loving the new hair length. Very school shooter chic." Evan hears Jared and flinches, although he's not sure why. Maybe it's just his go to reaction to anything. Evan watches as Connor stares at Jared. "I was kidding. It was a joke."

His face blank, Connor replies. "Yeah, it was funny. I'm laughing. Can't you tell? Or am I not laughing fucking hard enough for you?" Evan looked down at the boy's black converse, not wanting to step in and make things worse. Not wanting to hurt anyone.

Jared, laughing nervously, turned away from Connor. "You're such a freak."

Evan, who was still staring at the ground, suddenly found himself confronted by Connor Murphy, the panic rising in him.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" His voice low and dangerous, cut through the sounds of the hallway, oh, so very clearly. Too clearly.

"I- I'm not laughing…" Evan whispered, panic building.

"You think I'm a freak?"

"I don't-"

"You're the fucking freak!" Evan barely had any time time to prepare himself as he suddenly finds himself shoved to the ground. But as he falls, time seems to freeze as he makes eye contact with Connor Murphy. Times seems to freeze as he feels something strange. Something- Something light on the top of his head… Eyes widening, Evan barely had time to register that he had found his soulmate before he hit the ground, before he hit the ground, smacking his cast on the cold linoleum.

He watched as Connor made a face of horror, a face of disgust. He watched as a crown of mostly white and pink flowers wove themelves into Connor's hair, and from what he could tell, about five different kinds. He watched as his soulmate stood, motionless, his eyes wide with panic before running away, and with this, Evan could only think of it as his fault.