Disclaimer: I don't own anything you can recognise. I got the name sort of from the idea of the different sections in Divergent and that's where the idea came from. Only that the group they form are a bit like the dauntless, Protectors, fighters, rebellious, wild and uncontrolled. Another fem Harry story. I hope you like it. Harry is the girl who lived.

There was the normal Hogwarts train ride hustle and bustle that kept everyone on their toes. Oliver was attempting to find an empty carte knowing that he was the first of his friends to arrive. He found one near empty which was good enough for him. As long as the girl didn't mind him joining her. "Hey how's it going kid," Oliver Woods said to get her attention.

She startled slightly at his entry before replying to his question with a "good."

"Mind If I sit in here," he returned grinning at her.

She was happy for the company even if the boy was slightly older. She definitely wasn't going to deny his company. "Go ahead," she agreed.

"OIiver Woods," Oliver said offering his hand which she took. "Otherwise know as Keep to my mates. "

"Harry," she returned as he looked surprised guessing who she was but said nothing. It wasn't his place and he didn't feel like giving her the questioning she half expected.

"So, first year clearly," Oliver stated as a conversation starter as she nodded. He however did notice a number of bruises on her skin. On her arms and visible on her neck. "How'd you go about getting those bruises there Doe..."

She was surprised by the nickname and avoided the question for the moment, "Doe?"

He grinned good naturedly seeing her relax slightly. "Your right...Rae it is," Oliver said making a decision. Even he had to admit that doe sounded a bit odd.

That sounded even stranger to Harry who wondered what on earth he was talking about. "Where do you get that," she asked chuckling.

"You have the best doe eyes, bet you could get away with anything," He decided, "o since Does a bit...off you are hereby named Rae. How'd you go about getting those bruises Rae?"

She had never had a nice nickname before. Normally it was freak or girl…loser. No one had ever given her a friendly name. "These," she said shifting her wrist since her arm held bruises, she was immensely glad he couldn't see any of the others. These ones she had an easy explanation for. "I got these flipping over a bench, didn't jump too good. Ended up falling on some rocks."

He couldn't help but grin, that was something he had experience with. "Now, did you flip over the bench or did you plan to jump the bench and just miss step," he teased.

"Second one, didn't get enough lift," she returned not mentioning she had been running from her cousin at the time. Avoiding getting beaten up. A few of her other bruises were due to her failure in avoiding her cousin.

"My kind of girl, nasty bruises though. least it will teach you to get proper lift before jumping," Oliver offered. "Where you hoping for Rae? Which house?"

Though she had gotten a slight introduction to the house system, she didn't really understand what made you get sorted into each separate position, so it really didn't matter much to her anyway. "I donno," she admitted, "wherever I belong I guess."

He was impressed, most people had such ingrained prejudices that they knew which one they wanted and no other option was allowed. "Good answer," Oliver said grinning at her.

Their conversation was interrupted by another teen entering the compartment. "Keep," the teen said, he was surprised to see someone who was clearly a first-year present. "Ohh who's your little friend?"

"Rae, this is Tyson Dunbar, he's in my dorms, Tye this is Rae," Oliver offered doing a quick introduction between the two.

"Nice to meet you," Tyson said nodding to her as a girl who shared similar features with him entered. "This is my kid sister Fae Dunbar, she's starting this year."

"Nice to meet you," Harry said as their group of friends invaded the carte but made sure to make her still feel welcomed despite having known each other for years.

"You nervous," Fae asked as they got to the boats and climbed on ignoring the talk of Harry Potters presence there but no one being able to find out who she was. A lot of people was asking the females in there carte if they were Harry Potter but no one seemed to get an affirmative.

"Yeah," Harry admitted since her fear had begun returning after the train ride.

"So am I, but even when you're scared you have to keep going," Fae decided. "My brother says that being scared is a part of life, its surviving your fear and working through it that separates the brave from the pansy's. A bit of fear is likely a good thing don't you think?"

Fae's seemingly confident answer put the other first year at ease as she knew she wasn't alone. "Yeah it is," She agreed with a small smile.

"No matter what house we get into, we will still be mates right," Fae asked hopeful since she had no friends her own age. She knew Ty's friends would look out for her but it wasn't the same as making her own friends.

Harry was in much the same position and was excited by the prospect of already having a real friend…multiple if the train ride was any indication. "Hell yeah," Harry agreed grinning.

They enjoyed the rest of the boat ride and seeing the school the first time, absolutely amazed at the site of the magical castle. All too soon they were brought into the great hall waiting to be sorted.

Fae was called before Harry and gave her friend a bright grin. She was brought into Gryffindor where the rest of the group from the train ride was waiting.

Sooner then she would have liked, Harry's name was called. People began whispering about her instantly and those who knew her just as Rae stared in shock when she stepped forward and the hat was placed on her head. Unable to see the girl who was so down to earth and normal as the girl who lived, the girl hero. She was not what anyone was expecting.

"hmm...a good mind...a strong spirit...you are an interesting person Harry Potter...where to place you?"

"I don't quite know," she returned wishing she had learnt more about the houses before they got to this point.

"You are Intelligent, far more than you would believe, kind and honest, you are cunning and ambitious with your childhood you have had no choice but to be so, Brave and bold, but where to place you...you choose.

"I didn't think it works that way," She thought shocked.

"Not usually but in the end, it is always a choice. You hold a place within all the houses, few people are so strong in all the traits. You would do well in Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor but where would you like to go?

"Gryffindor," she thought glancing to Fae, it was a house she already had friends in. A place she thought she could belong. "I want to be a Gryffindor."

"GRYFFINDOR," the hat shouted as she took it off and went to the table grinning receiving a hug from Fae and a grin from her other train mates.

"Rae then," Fae teased having not expected her to have been THE Harry Potter.

"Oliver gave me the name surprisingly. I guess I just liked it," Harry returned as the sorting ended. She hoped they weren't mad but she was fairly happy to have made friends without the whole, girl-who-lived hype.

"Good thing too," Oliver stated giving her a grin, "welcome to the house of the brave and the bold Rae."

"Glad to be here," she said happily. She was definitely glad to be here.