Heyo, so this is a new story idea I had. I just want to see how this will go. *This is based on a movie and I know you all will probably know it*

The ground… so far, yet it looked so smooth from up here. So tempting. So different from when on the ground… it was so far away. Yet, so close. Her feet skidded near the edge, so close yet so far.

She bit her lip trying to keep the tears from slipping from her eyes. But to no prevail they fell down towards the ground.

Just like she wanted to… so close.

But something was keeping her from jumping, from ending it there and then. But what… what was keeping her here. Why couldn't she do it…

She looked down at her hands flexing them. She signed two words. Two simple words she wish she could've said to that poor girl.

'I'm sorry…'

Ruby hissed slipping her bag off her shoulder, she sat in her desk. She shifted her shirt frowning at the bruise. Thankfully 5th graders didn't have gym today, she wouldn't have to worry about anyone seeing the fresh bruises.

She felt a shiver go through her spine, hopefully he was asleep when they went home.

The teacher entered a smile on her face, a little girl and another women following behind them. Ruby glanced at the girl, her hair like ice cream. 'What a weird hair color.' She thought as the teacher spoke up.

"Morning class, today we have a new student. Everyone this is Neo Fall, Neo here can hear but she needs an interpreter to understand class. Please give her a warm welcome."

"Also, she had a small notepad that you can write in if I'm never around. If you don't know sign that is." The other women in the room said giving the class a smile.

A student from across the room raised his hand.

"Yes Artemis?"

"How come she can't hear?"

A few whispers crossed the room making Ruby sigh. She stared at the younger girl standing in front of the class. That's when she noticed the girls eyes.

'The real question is why are her eyes like that. Freak.'

"She was born with Pendred syndrome, over time she has lost hearing in both of her ears, though she still can kind of hear what we say."

Ruby rolled her eyes looking out the window, the trees swayed with the wind.

"Ruby, later today can you show Neo around the classroom?"

"Yes Mrs. Goodwitch. Will do."

She let out a huff as arms wrapped around her in a bear hug.

"Don't you ever think about running off like that again!" The blonde said hugging the girl tighter.

"Yang… air." Ruby let out a sigh of relief as the girl let her go, she held her out arms length looking over the redhead.

Ruby rolled her eyes moving past her sister. "It's whatever Yang. I wasn't gonna do anything stupid."

"That wouldn't be the first time I've heard you say that Ruby. Please don't run off like that again… I was worried about you. Why can't you just go back to Dr. Izzie?"

The redhead bit her lip shaking her head. "I don't want to, and I don't need to. I'm fine."

In a quick pace she climbed up the stairs slamming her door shut. She went over to her bed falling face first into it.

She screamed into the bed being muffled by the large blanket. She couldn't do it. She couldn't jump, why was it so hard just to move a few simple steps just to end it all?

She looked to the right at a small picture frame.

"Come on Rosebud just give me a small smile."

"Am I still a good person mom?" She whispered pulling the blanket on top of her, not really caring that she still had her clothes on at all.

She huffed taking a few deep breaths. "Leave me alone you freak, why do you keep following me around all the damn time."

She turned away from the girl not really caring if she could hear her or not. She was annoying, always following her around like a lost puppy. It pissed her off to no end.

She felt a hand on her back making her sigh. She spun around pushing the girl into the wall.

"What did I say!"

The other girl shook her head holding up the notepad with two simple words. 'I'm sorry.'

"You're sorry? You've got to be kidding me." She huffed grabbing the notepad before chucking it into the giant bush.

"Just leave me alone for Christ's sake."

"Ruby! Let's go you're going to be late! And I have to work today, so get your ass up! I'm not letting you fail out of senior year when you've gotten this far!"

Ruby groaned rolling over more in the blankets. If she just stayed up here for a little longer Yang would give up and just go to work.

That's when she felt something wet being splashed onto her.

Or not.

"Jesus Christ Yang that is fucking cold!" Ruby cursed jumping out of bed.

"Worked didn't it, now get some clean clothes on and get your damn bag. You're going to school whether you like it or not." The blonde said glaring daggers at her sister before heading back down stairs.

The redhead sighed quickly finding new clothes tossing the old ones somewhere else, she grabbed her back before following down where her sister went.

She barely even caught a small bag. "I made the biscuit sandwiches for breakfast, also five dollars for lunch. Please do actually eat." Yang muttered as she grabbed her keys from the key bowl.

The two girls walked out of the small apartment complex going over to Yangs motorcycle, she tossed Ruby her helmet before putting one of her own on.

Soon enough Yang stopped in front of the school pulling her helmet off, she watched her sister get off pulling her own off.

"It'll be either Blake or me picking you up later, if I manage to get out of the bar at a good time. Please don't start any fights today I can't keep coming here to rescue you."

Ruby huffed pulling her hood up. "Then don't." She said pushing her helmet into Yang's arms before heading towards the school.

The blonde sighed clipping the helmet to her bag. She put hers back on before leaving the school.

"Oh look who actually decided to show up today." The man said pointing the ruler at Ruby who just glared at the stick being pointed at her.

"Go sit down Rose, you're lucky I'm in a good mood today or I'd have you sent down to the office for being late… for the fifteenth time."

"Wait actually, put your things down and go to the office."

Ruby groaned setting down her bag. "What for?"

"A new student, she's working some things out at the office. Plus, you're an interpreter correct? She's deaf and she has all your classes."

Ruby rolled her eyes pulling her hood back up. "Whatever." She muttered heading out of the classroom.

She made her way to the office, thankfully without bumping into Cardin and his dick weed group of assholes.

She pulled on the office door slipping into the smaller building, she got a weird look from the desk lady in front.

"I didn't do anything, Mr. P sent me down to help out the new girl. Something about needing an interpreter?"

The lady nodded turning in her desk. "She's in Mrs. Tosi's office, such a pretty girl too."

"Right. Thanks." The redhead said heading down the hall the guidance counselors office. She gave a quick knock waiting for a reply.

Mrs. Tosi opened the door a smile on her face. "Ah Ruby, you actually showed up today."

Said girl sighed. "Not like I had much of a choice, my sister threw cold ass water onto me this morning so."

The older women nodded gesturing for her to come in.

The first thing Ruby noticed, was the girls hair.

Like. Ice cream.

Mrs. Tosi went around the desk getting the girls attention before pointing to Ruby.


Hope you all enjoyed this, I'll update soon hopefully =)