Hey everyone! Quick foreword. I know it's been a while on this one. I had some really bad writer's block and didn't know where to go with this story. I had an idea of a basic outline with some major plot points, but I was less sure on how to get from point to point. However, starting another story (I Have Nothing, check it out, it's gonna be wild) gave me the motivation to finish this chapter. I don't know how often I'll be able to update, school and stuff is a little crazy right now, but seeing support for this story makes me feel really awesome. I hope you guys enjoy!


We all know how oblivious Adrien is. Whether it's for not noticing Marinette's enormous crush on him or making the connection between Ladybug and Marinette, it's fun to make fun of him for it. So you know it's saying something when even Adrien felt that something was off as he walked into school that morning. He was slow getting up and out to school, still feeling tired after the fight with Spoiler last night, meaning he (unknowingly) missed everything that happened between Marinette and Luka. However, he could feel the aftermath.

Adrien noticed it the second he walked into school. The air, the energy, the atmosphere, the mood, whatever you want to call it. It was way off. Before school there was usually the ambient sounds of chatter and laughter, with groups of students congregating in and around the entrance of the school. And, since it was a Friday, there was always more joy and eagerness in the air, as everyone was talking about their plans for the weekend. Today, there was none of that. The school was unsettlingly quiet, with only a few hushed conversations going on. There was a feeling of nervousness and anxiety, like the whole school was on edge.

That energy carried over into the classroom. Usually, before the bell rang: Nathaniel would be in the back doodling away on his sketchpad, Rose and Juleka would be giggling away at something or another, Ivan and Mylene would be talking or flirting (or just being cute in general), Kim and Alix would be arguing over something incredibly insignificant and superficial as Max sat nearby looking annoyed yet amused at the same time, Chloe and Sabrina would be gossiping, or more accurately Chloe would say things at Sabrina and she would agree no matter what, and Nino, Alya, and Marinette would all be talking joyously about the Ladyblog or Nino's next gig or Marinette's fashion.

But today, the room was lifeless. Everyone was sitting in their seats, even though the bell wouldn't ring for another three minutes. Nathaniel's sketchpad was away and his hands were still. Rose and Juleka were having a hushed conversation, with Juleka looking very worried and Rose looking worried for her. Mylene's head was on her desk and Alix had a sympathetic hand on her back. Ivan looked longingly at Mylene, but it seemed like he was too afraid to move from his desk. Max had his eyes closed, like he was trying to process something, occasionally answering something Kim had just asked, who himself also looked like he was trying to process something. Even Chloe seemed to be affected, because she just gave Adrien a wave instead of her usual attempts to squeeze him to death. She turned back to Sabrina, and the two started incessantly whispering. Even Mlle. Bustier seemed to be shaken up, too. When he went to sit down, he noticed both Marinette and Nino were missing, and Alya was deep in thought.

Confused as to what was going on, Adrien set his bag down at his seat and made his way over to Alya. She noticed him coming and gave him a weak smile as she greeted him. "Hey Adrien," Alya said, quietly. Adrien frowned slightly. Adrien? No Sunshine? No Pretty Boy? Not even Agreste? Alya almost always called him by one of those nicknames. It was her way of welcoming him as her friend.

"Alya, what's going on? Why's everyone acting so strange? Did something happen?" Adrien asked, concerned. She looked like she was going to answer, but at that moment Nino burst into the class, sweaty and out of breath. He walked over to Mlle. Bustier's desk to whisper something to the teacher but because no one was moving, everyone heard what he was saying.

"Marinette won't be in school today," said Nino, who looked every bit as shaken up as the rest of the class. Bustier just nodded and gave a quiet "Ok." Nino walked over to his desk and sat down next to Adrien, who was still completely flabbergasted as to what was happening. Why is Marinette not coming to school today? Why is Nino all sweaty? Why was everyone acting like their hamster died? All these questions remained unanswered as the bell rang almost the second Nino sat down. Mlle. Bustier went right into the lesson, not giving Adrien any time to talk to Nino.

About 15 minutes into the lesson, something about history Adrien wasn't paying the closest attention to, there was a knock on the door as Mr. Damocles walked in with a girl trailing him. Adrien's eyes went wide at the girl. It was Kagami. In regular school clothes. It was a little weird for Adrien to see her without her signature red fencing uniform. Kagami scanned the classroom, and when her eyes landed on Adrien, she smiled at him. "Wait," Adrien thought, "Is she… cute?" Seeing her like this was like Adrien meeting a new person. Adrien shook the thought off, as he reminded himself his heart belongs only to Ladybug.

"Attention everyone," Mr. Damocles interrupted the class. "This here is Kagami, and she will be joining your class. She started taking fencing here a few weeks ago and has now officially enrolled in classes." Mr. Damocles turned to Adrien. "Adrien, since you take fencing with Kagami and know her better then anyone else in the class, I'm trusting that you will show her around the school. Understood?"

Adrien quietly nodded his head. Although, yes, him and Kagami were in the same fencing class and sparred often as the two top students, she wasn't that sociable outside during breaks or after practice. So, really, he knew as much about her as Alya or Nino did. Nevertheless, when the principal tells you to do something, you listen.

"Very well. Mlle. Bustier, you may continue with class," said Mr. Damocles as he left the classroom.

"Thank you, Mr. Damocles," responded Mlle. Bustier. She turned to Kagami and put a hand on her shoulder. "Well, you heard him, my name is Mlle. Bustier. Students, I expect you to welcome Kagami into our class and treat her well. Understood?"

The response from the class was weak and sparse, people still down from whatever happened this morning. A quick glare from the teacher was all it took for the class to perk up with a cheerful sounding, "Yes, Mlle. Bustier!"

"Excellent," responded Mlle. Bustier with a satisfied smile. "We'll get you a permanent seat tomorrow, but for today you can sit right there next to Alya and behind Adrien, ok?" she asked Kagami.

"That sounds wonderful," Kagami replied, turning to Adrien on "wonderful." Again, Adrien got butterflies in his stomach, but why? As Kagami walked past him and took Marinette's spot, Adrien knew that whatever trouble he had focusing before, it was going to get a lot worse.