The frigate streaked across space, a trail of black smoke following its wake. The crew were running around frantically, trying to get the triangular ship off their tail. The Senator was in the bridge, trying desperately to hail the resistance. Their comms were jammed. A distress signal never sent...

Until now.

Footsteps were audible as a figure walked into the dark, dry cave. The figure appeared short, petite, and a hint of a feminine outline can be seen. The individual slowly pulled down her cloak, revealing a beautiful, determined face. She frowned, looking around the darkness, before she raised up a small, tube-like object.

The hum of the lightsaber immediately echoed throughout the cave as the blue light illuminated the area. Rey frowned, looking around the orange-dusted cavern. She sighed, her right hand reaching for her belt, lifting up a holo-communicator. A blue hologram appeared. The man appeared to be wearing similar robes to Rey, he had a graying beard. Luke Skywalker.

Rey cleared her throat, a small smile on her face as she looked down to her master's hologram. "Master...I've arrived at the location. So far, no sign of any escape pods...Or survivors from the distress signal...Are we sure it was this planet? How did you even pronounce it? Geo-No-Sis?" She asked, looking around the empty cavern.

Luke replied, with a calm tone, "Our sensors picked it up to those coordinates, Rey. Keep up the search, and stay in contact. Be cautious...Something isn't right with the force...I sense-"

Rey cut him off. "Darkness..." She added. Suddenly chills raced down her spine as she dropped the communicator, raising her saber in a defensive position. Luke's transmission was cut off once the device fell.

"Come out!" She yelled, her heart beginning to race. The force was trying to warn her...She felt danger in the cave. She was lucky she was beginning to hone in on her quite powerful abilities with the force, she was able to deflect the red laser bolt that shot from the cave. She charged forward swiftly, slicing down whoever- Or whatever was shooting at her. She brought the blade down to take a look, and it shocked her.

"What the-?..." She questioned, looking down at a skeleton-like droid. It's outer metallic surface was rusted, with dirt and grime sticking to every nook and cranny. She pondered for a moment, before recognizing what attacked her.

"Well... This is a first...A droid...From the Clone Wars?!" She almost yelled in excitement, lifting up the severed head of the droid. "I thought these were all for scrap!" She exclaimed to herself, before walking back to her communicator that she dropped. She never found any of those back in Jakku, only old Imperial and Rebellion equipment. If she was still scavenging, how many portions could this have gotten her?

She scoffed at herself. "Probably none...This tech is so outdated." She rolled her eyes. "Still thinkin' about worth in portions, huh?" She questioned herself as she restarted the transmission, albeit the feeling of uneasiness never left her.

"Oh thank the Force that you're alright..." Skywalker sighed in relief. "Is everything okay, Rey?" He questioned.

Rey nodded at her master, lifting up the droid's head. It had a long snout, with a speaker-like module for its 'mouth'.

"I found a relic...And it tried shooting me, master." She almost giggled out.

Luke eyed the head, before frowning for a moment. "My father, Anakin, was a hero of the Clone Wars...However, the enemies of that war should be long gone...Republic and Droids alike...Strange. Why would it have our distress signal, from the lost Senator's ship? Hm...Careful, young one. I am sensing something. Not more droids. Something more powerful and dangerous is in your area." Skywalker warned, he tugged his beard in thought.

Rey listened to her master, dropping the droid head, and disengaging her saber as she walked outside of the cave. She clipped it to her belt, holding the device in front of her.

"Well, whatever it is, it certainly isn't our missing senator, master. This place is as hot and horrible as Jakku...But I'll make my leave, something isn't right." She said, looking out to the expanse of nothingness.

Skywalker nodded. "Rey? Hello? Can you hear me?! I'm losing your signal...The distress signal must've been a trap, Rey...Get out of Geonosis. Now!" He yelled, before the communicator's signal fizzled out. This time, it wasn't from her dropping it.

She looked at the device, gently tapping it with her hand.

"Master?! Damn!" She exclaimed, placing the device back on her belt. Something was wrong. She closed her eyes, clearing her thoughts. She breathed...Slowly...In and out...What was there?

As she calmed her mind, and reached out to the force, she felt a presence approaching her position...And quickly at that. She opened her eyes, before the ship came into view. A large, 'V' shaped ship entered the atmosphere, closing in on her position. It was pure black, with a red cockpit. She knew who it was. What it was.

"Kylo Ren..." She whispered to herself. She didn't know what to do. Does she stand and fight? She beat him back at Starkiller Base all those months ago...But he was injured...However she was training to become a Jedi now...

She fought herself for a plan, before she quickly ran into the cave, nudging herself between a crevice in the rock surface. She slowed her breathing.

"Relax, Rey...Focus...Remember your training..." She whispered to herself, almost trying to assure that she indeed could face Ren.

The ship landed slowly in the desert, dust flying out in all directions from the craft's repulsion systems. The hatch lowered to the ground, and out stomped a man in all black. Kylo looked around the desert planet for a moment. He read up on its history before setting the trap for that scavenger girl. Its native species, the Geonosians, were all wiped out in a mass-genocide by the Empire in the aftermath of the Clone Wars. Vader...His grandfather, his inspiration, carried out the planning and execution of the genocide.

He breathed in the air through his mask, smiling. He was finally going to have his pet. His new student will finally be his. Ren reached out with the force, searching for her. And he found her. In the cave. He grinned more, slowly making his way to the cave. How foolish of the girl. The First Order planted that trap there, and she hides in its place? He chuckled to himself.

He waited at the entrance of the cave for a moment, hand resting on his lightsaber.

"Come out, Rey. I know you're in there..." He yelled into the cave, his altered voice echoing throughout it.

Once Ren said her name, she had more chills go down her spine. She wanted to run. Flee. She didn't want to be there. With him. The man who killed Han Solo. The man who stared into her eyes, and revealed his deep, dark intentions to her. Not only to be her master...But to take her. For her to be his. She slowly crawled out of the crevice she was hiding in. If she was to get out, she had to be strong.

She ignited her saber, the blue illuminating her determined face.

"Leave me alone, monster!" She yelled out. "You already destroyed so much! I hate you!" She screamed.

Kylo chuckled, igniting his cross-guarded blade. It sparked and ran a violent red. He approached her slowly.

"Jedi aren't supposed to hate, young scavenger." He scolded.

"Stop right there!" She yelled, her voice quivering unintentionally.

Ren couldn't help himself but smile at how cute she was being. She was still so stubborn and defiant of him. He held his blade in front of him.

"Or what, Rey? Will you attack me? Kill me? Strike me down in hatred?" He questioned, grinning still.

She hated when he toyed with her. She hated when he said her name. She hated him. And she knows she shouldn't hate. She shouldn't have all this pent up anger. Master Skywalker has warned her already time and time again that relying on those emotions is a pathway to the dark side. But it was nearly impossible to just ignore her powerful emotions. She yelled, charging forward. She swung her blade towards his head in a chopping action.

Ren shook his head. It was too easy. He easily parried the strikes, before interlocking their blades tightly. The hissing of the blade got closer and closer to Rey's face.

Rey felt her heart racing as she struggled to keep the blades away from her. All of her focus was on keeping Kylo away, she didn't notice him slowly twirling his blade. The crossguard slowly came closer and closer to her forearm, until it began to scorch and burn her.

She screamed out in pain, jumping back, looking to her arm. She let her guard down. He swiftly moved in, striking her blade away from her hand, the lightsaber flying across the cave.

Rey stumbled back, falling onto her rear. She crawled away from him, panting heavily. She failed. She let him get into her head, to make her lose her focus, her wits, and now she is paying for it. Good going, Rey...

Ren walked calmly over to her, keeping his blade trained on her. He reached over, pulling her saber over to his hand with the force. He inspected it for a moment.

"Indeed, great job. Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber...Thank you, Rey." He said, clipping it to his belt.

She stared up at him, her eyes defiant as ever.

"What the hell do you want from me, Kylo?! If you're going to kill me, do it already!" She yelled.

Kylo shook his head, disengaging his blade. He stood over her, before slowly taking his mask off.

"Oh...I want so much more from you, Rey. I can teach you the ways of the force. Skywalker doesn't know how to fully bring out your true potential. I know how and I will. Come with me." He spoke, holding his hand out to her.

She frowned, swatting his hand away from her.

"Never! Didn't I make myself clear back at Starkiller?! I will never join someone as wicked as you! I thought I was clear, judging by that mark I left on your face!" She spat.

Ren couldn't control himself. His arms tensed up. How dare she reference that fight. He was injured. He couldn't hold her strikes back. She was using more than just the light side...She was utilizing the dark side against him, and he loved every minute of it. His fingers balled into fists, until he rushed onto her, gripping her by her neck, raising her up and roughly shoving her against the wall. However, his grip wasn't a tight one. He wasn't choking her. He couldn't.

Rey let out a shriek of surprise and fear as she was lifted and slammed against the wall. Her hands instinctively went to Ren's hand, trying to pull it off of her neck, to no avail.

"I don't need you to say yes, Rey. That was for the peaceful way. But since you will not join me willingly...I can make you join me." He exclaimed, his dark eyes staring into her's.

She had trained with Luke, building up her strength in the force. She felt Ren beginning to push at her mind. He was trying to get in. She squirmed, desperately trying to push him out. It didn't work, and Ren pushed past her defenses. Their minds were once again linked, however Ren had his defenses up...And they were much stronger than Rey's.

"Get out of my head!" She panted out, struggling to force him out.

"Oh Rey...So many months of training with that old man...And he failed already...Look...You are shaking...You're scared...You do not even realize your true power...I can see it now..." Ren spoke softly, almost as if he was complimenting her.

Rey felt visions start to come to her head as she slowly blacked out, falling limp in his grasp. Kylo released her neck, swiftly lifting her into a cradle. He walked back to his helmet, slipping it on as he gently carried her back to his ship.

"You will know your full power soon enough, Rey...Trust me..." Ren said, a devilish grin strewn on his face as he entered his ship.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my first chapter to this story that I've had in my head for quite awhile! To clear up a few things, yes this is a Reylo fanfic, and yes this is after TFA, however this is ignoring TLJ. Of course, since this is ignoring TLJ, it obviously isn't canon. Please leave a review, it will help me a lot in the future, any constructive criticism is welcome! I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer, and more will be on the way soon enough!