A New Beginning

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of vampire academy. Except for this plot and any made up characters.

Author's note: This is my first fan story, I hope you guys like it. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Please review and be honest. Thank you. :)

As I was walking to my room those words kept replaying in my head. I felt so numb.
I didn't even think words could hurt me this much.

"Love fades, Mine has."

Four words. That's all it took.
I had faced many dangers in my life. Jumping off roof tops, defeating Sci-hounds, and most importantly, facing off Strigoi.

I've been held captive by them, tortured by them, even killed a few. But in all my life, I have never been as hurt, as terrified, or as broken as I felt in this moment when he uttered those four fucking words.

As I tore open the door to my apartment, the dim light of a lamp revealed all I've ever known and loved, all I've sacrificed just to save and restore the one I loved with all my heart. The one who meant the world to me, the one who just tore my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. I quietly shut the door and locked it, hoping that people would get the hint and leave me alone. Flinging my keys to the counter, I walked across the room and dropped to the comfort of my bed, wrapping myself in the red satin sheets.

My emotions were conflicted within me, fighting for dominance. Shock. Devastation. Anger. Disbelief. I didn't know how to feel, how to handle the pain I felt in my chest.I just couldn't understand! After everything I went through to bring him back- to restore him- he owed me an explanation. However, he just pushes me away. He wouldn't accept my forgiveness, why wasn't he fighting for the love that we shared?

"I've given up on you."

How could he have given up on me? I voyaged across the globe just to find him!
I left school, left my friends, risked my entire future. Just to keep the promise we made to each other so long ago. I loved him, still love him. So much that it hurt and I knew, back then he loved me with the same intensity. Why would he just give that up?
I know that he is having a hard time processing and accepting all that he has done when he was a Strigoi, but I thought that we could work through it together. I was the one who was supposed to comfort him, who helped him heal all his wounds. Not Lissa.

Lissa ... A spark of anger and jealousy flashed though me. He thought of her as some heavenly angel and looked at her with such awe and worship. It pissed me off, she was always there for him and telling me to stay away from him. That he was hurting. What about me? I was her best friend. She, of all people, knows what I went through just to get him back. And she wasn't even here for me when I was hurting. Suddenly there was a knock at my door and I debated whether or not to answer the door or to just ignore it and stay in bed. However, the person behind my door wouldn't allow me to think about it for any longer as the knocks just got louder.

Reluctantly, I got up and opened the door to see that it was Mikhail.

"Hello Rose." He gave a small sad smile and his eyes looked at me like I was a child who needed comforting. I winced a little as I realized that I must look absolutely horrid for him to give me such a look. After all, it was a rare event for someone to see me cry. I stepped back to let him in the room and closed the door behind him, walking past him into the bathroom to get a hot rag. After rubbing my face clean and feeling refreshed a bit, I stepped back into my room to see that Mikhail was patiently sitting in my chair by the desk.

"What's up Mikhail? I thought you were still on duty." I casually said as I sat across from him on the edge of my bed. He shifted in his seat and looked at me dead in the eye. "Rose, I heard everything. I know that I'm not much for comfort but I am here if you need someone to vent to. It might not be much but I know that it can help."

I felt a smile creep across my face. With everything going on, he is the only who has actual stopped and noticed how distraught I was. Eddie and Mia were too busy being a new couple, Christian was lost in his own world, becoming depressed that his and Lissa's relationship were on thin ice. And Adrian, well, I assume he has been staying in his room playing games and getting drunk. Mikhail was the only one who took the time. I guess it's true, guardians look out for their own.

"Thank you, Mikhail. But I'll be fine, in time. I think what I need is a vacation though. Maybe Ireland or Hawaii." I walked over and gave him a hug as he let out a small chuckle, He then got up and started walking towards the door. "If you need anything, you know where to find me." Then he left, gently closing the door behind him. I locked the door and crawled back into bed. Thinking of all the things that could happen tomorrow and how I was going to handle it. How I was going to handle being around him...

The next morning, I walked to the coffee shop for my favorite coffee and a chocolate muffin. After paying, I walked over to an empty table and started eating while I went over the schedule for today. I let out a sigh, no matter what the day had in store for me, nothing would help this heartache.

"Hey Rose!" I looked up to see Lissa and Adrian sitting across from me.

I gave them a small smile and put down the coffee. "Hey guys, what are you doing here this early?"

Adrian gave me a look like I just insulted his pride, "Whatever do you mean little Dhampir, we can't just stop by to see our favorite girl in the world?" He said as he leaned back and lit up a cigarette.

Lissa leaned forward while rolling her eyes at Adrian. "Actually, I knew you were going to be here so I wanted catch up with you before we left to go shopping." In the corner of my eye I saw Adrian's happy go lucky face, fall a bit.

"Okay. So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, quickly putting on my best smile so she doesn't see the doubt in my eyes. She has been blocking me out every time I use the bond to see how she is doing, how she is feeling. How Dimitri was doing. She has been blocking me and avoiding me so much that I don't even know how Sparky was doing.

Her face lit up and she started talking about the Halloween Ball and how she has the perfect dress in mind. She talked about all the royals she has befriended, all the progress she has made with controlling spirit and how she has submitted all her applications for college. As she was talking about the details of her classes, I was very aware of the feeling that we were being watched. I knew that where ever Lissa went, he would follow, but I still wasn't ready to face him. To be honest, I don't think I ever will be. Adrian saw the moment I acknowledged Dimitri's presence and I watched as a number of emotions flickered across his face until finally he settled for a care free look.

When I looked back as Lissa she was glancing at her clock and then, looking past me, she nodded her head. I knew what that meant. "You're not taking me with you to go shopping, are you?" I asked, a little irritated.

She looked at me with guilt clearly written all over her face. "Well I thought you would be okay with a day off, you've looked tired a lot lately. Besides I'll be in good hands, I got Eddie, Mikhail, and Dimitri."

I flinched at the mention of his name, ignoring the hurtful stab like feeling in my heart. I scooted back in my chair and stood up, leaving my breakfast on the table. "Well then, I'll let you go so you can get on with your day." I walked toward the exit and tried my best to stay calm.

"Don't worry Rose, Mikhail and I will do our damn best to keep her safe. I'll even make sure she doesn't go overboard on the sales rack." Eddie laughed as he patted my shoulder. Mikhail just shook his head as he gave out a small chuckle.

I gave them both my best smile. " Thanks guys, you two are the best. While you're out there try and bring me back some new perfume, I'm almost out. Eddie, you know what I like." I handed him a twenty and continue walking towards the door.

"Guardian Belikov." I nodded towards his direction, watching as he flinched when I spoke to him. I exited out and walked towards my apartment. I decided that since I had the day off, it was a perfect time to go workout and forget my broken heart.

Entering my room, I quickly changed and headed to the gym. Listening to my iPod I started out with some light stretching and then a short 15-minute run and then some fighting techniques on some practice dummies. I was so busy thinking of what happened with Lissa and her reasons for excluding me today, that I didn't notice that someone was trying to get my attention until it was too late. Seeing a hand try to reach out for me, I quickly grabbed who ever was behind me and flipped them over my body and onto the floor. staring down at the idiot who interrupted my workout, I blinked a couple times in surprise.

"Sparky? What are you doing here?" I asked in a confused tone. I'd thought for sure that he would be with Lissa.

Christian jumped off the floor and patted the dirt of himself before answering. "I was about to ask you the same thing. I thought you'd be out with Lissa, shopping for the party tonight."

"Why would you think that?" I asked. Christian and Lissa usually shared everything. I frowned at the thought, so why would he think I went with her when she gave me the day off. I took a closer look at Christian and noticed that he looked a little gloomier than usual, he was wearing all black again.

He gave me a skeptical look before replying. "Because you guys are always together, you never leave without the other."

Swinging the towel over my shoulder, I gave him a shrug. "Lissa gave me the day off, so I could relax. But as you can see, that's just not how I am."

I smirked, "So what are you up to today?"

Christian looked at me with a blank expression before he sighed. "To be honest Rosie, I got nothing planned for today. I've just been wandering around until I saw you out here punching bags."

I glared at him and gave him a light punch in the arm, "how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Rosie?" I gave a little laugh. "Now hold on a minute there Sparky, I thought you had to go to the Halloween Ball tonight, remember?" Suddenly his face dropped to a frown.

"I'm not going Rose. Lissa and I broke up, she thought it was best for us to separate while she focused on helping Dmitri. When I told her that she shouldn't be babying him and should let you talk to him, she blew up in my face. Telling me that if I couldn't understand and support her choices then we shouldn't be together. Besides, she has changed Rose. She is starting to become just like the other royals that she recently surrounded herself with."

I stared at Christian in shock, although I was happy that Christian stood up for me when it came to Dimitri, I couldn't believe it. I thought they finally patched things up and were going to stay together. Listening to him talk more about everything else that went wrong, I started disliking who Lissa was becoming. Why didn't she tell me this earlier while we were hanging at Starbucks? What is she hiding from me to keep me blocked out?

I stepped forward and put my arms around him in a hug, at first, he was shocked. But he slowly hugged me back and we just stood there for a couple minutes giving each other comfort in our time of distress. Stepping back, I looked to the clock on the wall. It was now one o'clock and the party would start soon.

"Well Pyro, I got to go get ready for the party. There is no way I am going to pass on the free food." I laughed loudly and gave him a wink as I turned to leave. "You know I could use a new partner in crime, if your game?" With that said, I jogged towards my studio apartment hoping Id have enough time to pick out my outfit and do my make-up.

When I got back to my apartment there was a white slim box outside my door waiting for me. I picked it up and unlocked the door, stepping inside I placed it on my desk. I went to take a shower and wash up. After about 15 minutes I stepped out and started getting ready by doing my make-up and fixing my hair. After a while I noticed the white box again, I picked it up and opened it. There staring back at me was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. As I took the dress out of the box and pressed it to my body I noticed a white card fall to the floor, picking it up and turning it over it read:


I saw this while Lissa was trying on dresses and immediately thought of you and how amazing you would look in this. It would make your ass look phenomenal. Hope to see you wear it at the party, you can pay me back by giving me the first dance.


Laughing, I tossed the card back in the box and put on the dress. Looking in the mirror I had to agree, my ass did look phenomenal. The gown was floor length with off the shoulder loose straps. Its satin fabric clung to my figure and showed off my hips and breast perfectly. I turned around and noticed the V-cut that went down and stopped in the middle of my back. Exposing the skin for all to see. The beautiful dark maroon color made my hair look exotic. I stood there in awe and couldn't believe that it was myself in the mirror. Suddenly a knock at my door snapped me out of the trance.

"Come on in, doors open." I yelled, as I quickly slipped on my black high heels and threw a black silk wrap over my shoulders.

"Are you ready to go yet? By the rate you're going at, the party will be half way over." I hear a man's voice say as the door opens. I lightly spray my favorite perfume on and turn to face in the direction of the man who so rudely came by.

"Christian? I thought you weren't going to the party?" He walks over and grabs my arm and intertwining it through his. " I changed my mind, I realized I'm not the only one going through some rough shit. So, let's have fun tonight and forget about the world for a bit," He flashed a smile at me before leading me towards the door. A smile that said to expect trouble.