Dissecting a frog and each of it's bodily components is okay.

Having your brain purged enough until you've got to recite mathematical numerations while holding a tissue against your classmate's bleeding nostril without even a stutter or blink is acceptable even despite common belief.

But having that one girl you fooled around with once (not once, but he'd think he deserves the chance to exaggerate after all this while) pull you behind the school covered in a mess of heavy tears and snot and all those revolting things that make you wince in disgustー

Well, that was alright too. He can handle plenty of things in stride, Kagamine Len prides himself on that.

"I'm pregnant."

Or maybe not.




He'd laughed in her face when she first told him.

At first it was just a solemn chuckle but then became full blown laughter - tears of disbelief running down and leaving wet streaks on his skin as that girl looked on with those wide blue eyes that almost seemed as if they were screaming in pain.

"Good joke. Funny." His hand ruffled her blonde hair. "Well. I have to go to English now. Bye bye."

He was about to be shameless enough and add a see you on the roof later?

But her trembling lip halted his movements. She held onto the cuff of his white sleeve just as the boy was about to turn away and head to the next thing on his schedule. Their gazes were forced to meet once again; those challenging stormy skies of his own against her clear bluebells. He was pulled into the empty room behind them. The abandoned assembly hall, and she took place at the stage with her fingers drumming at the wooden surface as she sat across a tabletop.

He was standing between her thighs, mouth parting, chin tilting down to go into another full-fledged make out session that would leave them both heaving for more, but..

"Len. I'm not joking.."

Well, she doesn't have a strong sense of humour. He'll agree with her on that.

Len brushed that golden hair away from her eyes, attempting to give her a look with all the love in the world ー he heard things like that makes girls melt, courtesy of his older brother who's proclaimed that he's had over nine different girlfriends when in reality has been stuck with the same routine of study, eat, show their parents his perfect grades, sleep, and everything all over again on repeat ー before bending in to steal another luscious kiss..

Those plans were stopped. She pushed against his chest and glared with dimmed eyes which made him stop all those advances. Alright. So this girl really wants attention, and not the sugar candy-eyed one that they're usually accommodating to. He can do that.

He's a master of manipulation after all, he's not about to fall to some little girl's tricks, especially not the one who can't even moan out his name correctly. Yeah, she sounds rather disgusting during it, like a dying mammoth who'd just gotten stabbed.. much unlike his own encouraging huffs that would put any professional lewd artist to shame.

Ha. Kidding. Probably.

But she's pretty. She's really, really pretty; enough that how horrible the noises she makes during sex doesn't matter. Unfortunately for him, superficial things like looks really hit him deep in the guts. Unfortunately for her, he's still very immature in the mental sense. It'd be better to confide your feelings in a five year old boy who actively responds to Dora the Explorer than get Len to actually be understanding.

"Listen, Neru ー" He began, grabbing hold of her small shoulders.

"Rin." She corrected.

"Right. Right! I knew that. Rin." His thumb brushed over a sticky cheek, and she sniffed a little more, allowing a revolting drop of tear stain the top of his fingertips. Len resists the urge to find the nearest sink and wash it all off. "Yeah. Anyways, I'll just get straight to the point here and ask what do you want?"

She looked taken aback at the question, and Len smiled as he hit a bullseye. There was nobody who could trick him into falling between the gaps of their fingers; now she was likely to demand something to soothe her demented awry little girl mind, maybe a treat to that new cafe that opened uptown, or some new bags or skirts which he won't even bother to buy for her other than a false promise to keep this one in line. Yes. He's got it all planned, every situation, every order, every little knick and knack that would attempt at throwing him aloof.

What the young man didn't expect, however, was her hand gently grabbing hold of his own and pressing it flat against her stomach.

What? What? What's this ー is she expecting him to compliment her weight gain or something like that, because he can certainly feel the additional extra pounds. A nervous laugh escapes him and he stares directly into her gaze, watching as she looks back unflinchingly.

And she responds, almost saccharine sweet. "I want you to look after your baby."




Pretty girls are a turn on. Pretty girls with milky ー just bordering a golden tan, actually, she must've had a blast during summer vacation ー skin, flaxen hair that looks like pure golden honey, bright blue eyes, and beautiful pure red lips that make him want to stab a rose thorn through his chest just to gain a kiss is even more temptatious.

Pretty girls who insists they're pregnant with your kid.. uh, not so much.

He's fifteen, god damn it. She's fifteen. This is impossible.

This girl is a sociopath, a complete high functioning sociopath that's thinking ahead to lock someone who isn't even her boyfriend up to avoid a life alone with twenty five cats in the future. It's too bad he despises such beasts and harbours an allergy to them, being incapable to support any of these dreams. Rin pulls him aside after school, right at the gates where he's caught trying to run away, and the tears she presents in front of a dozen other students keep him locked in place so it'd seem like he's a horrible person had he enough guts to actually walk off.

She's thought all of this through, the genius. And he thought he would be the one outsmarting it all.

The blonde ended up making him go into the city for some overpriced crepes in the tourist area as expected. He'd just began weeping the loss of this week's allowance and fishing his wallet out of his pocket when she'd went ahead and paid for it herself with the reassurance not to worry about it ー that bewildered him, but the blond supposes she has a different plan to trick him and this is just a momentary show of her feigned generosity.

"I need to get home early tonight, Rune."

She still looks rather tearful as she interrupts. "Rin. My name's Rin."

"And mine's Cyber Diva, your point?" He retorts, and she flinches at the harsh tone of voice. How bothersome. "Look, can we just stop this?"

This little game of lies that she's playing to make him cower in the shadows of his previous confidence.

The way she looks up at him after throwing away her finished dessert wrapper is somewhat gut-wrenching to say the least, and Len has to admit it tugs at his heartstrings when she presses her thumbs together meekly, as if trying to find a suitable response that won't send him running away into the woods where he'll never be seen.

Metaphorically, of course, seeing as there aren't any forests around here for more than a good thousand metres.

There's that irritating dot of cream stuck on her bottom lip that she doesn't wipe off and he has to reconsider whether someone that seems as innocent as this would actually have the mind to lie to him, especially about something so serious. But this could only mean she's thought this through and analysed each and every weakness to bring him barrelling down to the ground.

Still, he can't resist grabbing a tissue from his pocket and dabbing it over her mouth until it's gone, and she never once breaks that hold she has on his eyes.

"You don't believe me." And when he stares back blankly, she slowly nods. "Oh.. I didn't think you would."

Yes! Exactly! Thank you for understanding where he's getting at, now. Len nods his head and return, expecting her to drop the act, but when she suddenly wraps her arms around his waist and buries her head against his chest with a quiet wail, everything turns around for the exact worse. Len's jaw drops and he struggles to push her away, but her hold is stronger than the evening ocean tides.

He feels as if he's drowning in water. "Please believe me! I promise I'm not telling a lie! Believe me!"

Oh, disgusting. Len crinkles his nose and tries to push her away.

If only she didn't cling onto him further. Her blonde hair tickles his chin and he's struggling to stand up, but they're already drawing a scene that's already too far gone to had half a mind to treat her badly in a public space yet after a million reassurances that she'd do anything she could to gain his trust, the boy dragged her into the nearest pharmacy and tossed a few items on the counter while she was pitifully gripping onto his jacket and drenching it with salted tears.

She only discovered the contents of his purchases when they're dragged back across town into his quiet apartment building and dim bedroom, sneaking past his sleeping father that's covered beneath mountains of overnight paperwork above the dining table, and almost crying when one part of his mission was a success.

Pregnancy tests. More than two. She looks up at him like he's an idiot, and he glares back at her with an indignant glare while she takes a nervous seat across his mattress.

Rin wonders whether she should tell him that she's already done this.

"I need to see it in front of my own eyes. Take off your underwear."

Maybe not.

But she does as she's told anyways, stripping it down her skirt, below her knees and flushing a deep red when her light blue cotton panties is revealed, with a small little bow on the top. Childish, comfortable, and not at all her first choice of lingerie if she'd known he'd be seeing them today. The cloth is left abandoned like another plain rag on the carpet and he pulls her through the bathroom door, setting the female to sit down flat on the toilet as he unwraps one of the devices from it's package.

Horror fled her gaze. "Here? In ー I mean, right in front of you?"

Obviously. He's not stupid enough to let her fool him; there's a million of things she could do to cheat it's results without him managing a careful watch. Exchange the test, find a fake one, break it apart, and he'd be none the wiser.

When he looks towards her with a persistent glare, she takes a deep breath and deepens her blush when he situates the tip of the test beneath her area, where it's supposed to be graced with urine. His other hand is keeping a proper hold on the instructions manual while he sits with his knees on the ground in front of her, and the blonde feels some sweat trickle down the back of her neck at this boy's intense gaze. There's no way she can do something like this in front of him, no, she'd rather die.

She continues building up a resistance. "What if it accidentally touches your fingers?"

"Aim properly." No way! She can't do that! "Listen. We've done worse, literally ー my mouth has been thereー you're already making a.. really bad accusation against me and I'd like to get this all over with by the end of tonight." His hand gently pries her thighs further apart, and Rin shrieks loudly into the palm of her hand. "Of course, I mean.. if you're telling the truth then that means there's really nothing here to hide, is there."

Well.. he's right. But it doesn't change the fact that she's still a normal high school girl who'd want anything than to cause herself this much embarrassment so soon. This type of casualty is something that's meant to be saved up, even long after marital life. If she's going to risk exposing this much of her shame then he's got to sacrifice something in return.

After all, that's only fair, isn't it?

But she'll think about the requirement later. Rin's too ashamed to worry about anything else so she took a deep breath, wriggled, and released with her head tossed up towards the white ceiling ー hearing not-too-pleasant sounds sprinklng at the water below. Like predicted, his fingers had been an unwilling target amongst one part, and she heard Len hiss a complaint.

His whisper likely wasn't meant for her to hear: "Gross."

But she did, and she forced that one stubborn tear that threatens to run down her cheek into staying right where it was.




Three different tests, and all three positive. Len thinks he's actually going mad.

"Then, since I did this, you have to marry me."

"What! No way!"

It's official. This girl is a lunatic. He'd been deceived by her angelic looks and smiles, but now her fangs are clawing out and draining his life at a rapid pace

Len's not ready to give up on youth so early in life, especially to a psychopath who's insistent on using him to reap all benefits laid out to take until the very end. The young man gags into his throat and when she lets a downpour of tears fall at the sound of refusal, it feels like they'd just taken away his shoes and forced him to walk on a burning morning's rock-littered beachshore. He doesn't know if he's about to cry himself.

You could grab a bathtub and he'd be able to fill that up with his tears alone.

Screw that, give him an entire ocean. No problem.

This has to be a lie, or an actual nightmare. He's lying flat on his stomach while moaning into a pillow and she crawls onto the bed beside him, curious eyes trying to steal a peek of his features, even though he's trying his best to avoid her gaze. Marry her, Len chuckles darkly, and to think he thought the physically appealing ones would be sane.

Absolutely not. He is not marrying anybody. Especially not at this age.

Apparently she's been like this for two months, with a barely noticeable stomach that can be excusable as heavy lunch. It doesn't look believable but at this point the young man is likely just making excuses to find an easy leeway for his aching mind.

But her large baby blue eyes insist, carefully landing on the same pillow beside him and tossing a leg over his waist with all the casualness in the world that he doesn't even have the energy to reprimand her for it. And she tries to push him into giving her the attention she wants. "But I did everything you asked.. I did all those tests, and I didn't say a word through any of it even when you told me to. I promise I won't be a bother."

He saw her pee.

Rin can't let something like that pass so easily.

She actually wishes she were committed to someone more understanding than this, rather than a boy who puts his personal priorities first before anything else ー already crawling across the other side of the mattress when she tries to do so little as touch him. It's not like she's the one who created this situation all on her own, he'd been horribly eager to indulge in her flesh just weeks before when she still hadn't known about this herself.

The young lady stares at the devices on the table, and then she rubs her knees together uneasily. Sorting her mind after this won't be easy, especially if he's not willing to help her. She hasn't even let her own mother know yet.

She finally speaks after a long silence: "Fine.. I'll go home then. Sorry for wasting your time."

Len nods in agreement. Yes, go, and never let me see you again.

But the way she sounds ー not at all resentful, but rather sad and resigned, breaks something apart inside him that exposes all that guilt and he holds onto her wrist before she can leave through the door. And he reaches down, smoothing slender fingers over her clothed stomach like a frightened bird and feeling her relax into that hold, however loose it was. She grins a little albeit carefully and he forms a weakened look in response.

Lunatic or not, the road is set out in front of him through time and maybe he will just have to take what he can get.

... Not.