"Steve?" Adam blinked seeing the SEAL standing on their doorstep.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Adam, is Kono here please?" Steve smiled weakly.

"Come on in, Kono!" Adam called stepping back and motioning Steve into the house. Kono appeared a few moments later, blinking at the sight of her boss and fiance standing awkwardly in the entrance way.

"Boss, everything ok?" Kono smiled.

"Erm, yes, I just need a little bit of advice," Steve smiled weakly.

"Come in and sit down," Adam motioned to the living room. "Beer,"

"Yes please!" Steve said quickly.

"Oh this is going to be good, bring a few bottles hunny," Kono ordered.

"Hey," Steve protested weakly as he flopped onto the sofa. Kono sat opposite him on an armchair and smiled as Adam heaved in a full pack of beers and the bottle opener.

"Do you want me to make myself scarce?" Adam asked.

"Actually, no, I would appreciate both your advice on this, you have experience with it,"

"Is this about the Yakuza?" Adam asked confused.

"No, erm, Danny," Steve sighed grabbing a beer and flopped back on the sofa.

"Oh," They both said with the same tone.

"Hey!" He huffed again.

"Sorry, so what happened?" Kono smiled encouragingly.

"Grover made a comment the other day about Danny and I being more domestic than him and Renee, or most married couples," Steve said to his beer bottle. As he was distracted Kono and Adam exchanged a look before focusing on him again.

"Ok, so something else obviously happened. People have made more than enough comments and jokes like that since I have known you, and from before that as far as I can figure out," Adam stated.

"Yeah, well there was something about the way Grover said it, and it just...it got me thinking, and I started looking and.." Steve drew off.

"Why don't you just tell us," Kono leant forward to pat his hand and replace his empty beer bottle.

"Well first, the first thing that came to mind was the Sarin attack," Steve sighed.

"I remember," Kono grimaced, she reckoned the image of Danny comiong stumbbling out of the house grasping at his chest and looking so panicked would never leave any of them, Steve even more if the way he felt about Danny was even half as much as she suspected.

"I thjought back to it, and really thought about it, properly this time. When it happened, I was so worried and scared and then Rachel happened, and then everything with Wo Fat and the Govenor. This time I actually took the time, and I have never been so scared in my life. I have had people I have cared about and been in more dangerous situations with people that I respect and work with, people who are friends and who I love. But I haven't been that scared before. The idea of never having Danny in my life again, never seeing him again, never have him shouting at me again. It terrifies me. Even...even when Mary was kidnapped, I don't think I was so scared," Steve admitted softly.

"No one here is judging you Steve," Adam assured him with a soft smile, glancing to Kono. "Sometimes the person that you love, just becomes everything, it doesn't mean you love anoyone else any less, it just means that there is someone who is your upmost priority,"

"Thank you," Steve smiled taking another swing of his beer. "This is why I came to you guys, you understand love and what it means better than anyone I know,"

"Aww," Kono smiled brightly placing her hand in Adam's. Steve could see how much his words had honestly meant to the two of them though despite her teasing and he smiled fondly at them.

"Ok, what else?" Adam asked.

"Matty, when Matty died, or when we found out he had died. I went and found Danny on his spot. He was just back from Jersey and I couldn;t find him, I just knew that that was where he would be, and I could leave him there by himself to stew on it. It had been painful that I had had to leave him to tell his family by himself, that they had had to hold the service and I couldn't be at his side, helping him and supporting him. I have never hated my duty to be here for Hawaii more. I argued with the Govenor for nearly every single day of the time Danny was gone hoping he would let me leave for even just a day so Danny didn't have to fly back on his own, something anything," Steve ran his fingers through his hair.

Kono leant forward and placed her hand on his knee again, squeezing it gently as she looked at him understandingly.

"I went and found him, he was sitting on the wall looking out over the sea, and he looked so lonely and so lost. I have never hurt for someone else before, I have never...it felt like I was feeling his grief and hurting with him. And I have never wanted so much to take someone's grief from them so that they didn't hurt anymore. He was so lost and so hurt, and I need to be there for him in a way I have never felt before,"

Kono and Adam sat quietly as they watched him stare down at his hands and the bottle in them as he clearly thought everything over, sorting out his thoughts and putting them into order.

"I...He has been with me to my dad's grave, every year on the anniversary, he shows up and he's there, in a suit, ready to go. He brings me coco puffs and he waits for me to get ready, and then we go together. He lets me have some time with my dad by myself, and then he just stands there, for as long as it takes for me to be ready to leave, and is just...there with me. I need him, I need him in a way I have never needed anyone before in my life. I, I have been alone for so long, with no one really fully to rely on. And I know that I have you guys, and you are Ohana, but with Danny it is different, with Danny, he has just been there for years, every time I need him whether I know it or not, he is there, everytime I am alone and hurting he is there. Everyone leaves me, Danny's has seen the worst I can be, and he is still here, and I have a feeling he always will be, and that is something I have never been able to trust in my life,"

"Steve," Kono said softly, and with a wealth of feeling in his voice.

"No, no, I'm ok," He smiled, but he also accepted the third beer from Adam.

"What else?" Kono asked.

"There are two things that have been going around in my head. They have been making me think a lot, they happened after Grover's comment and I can't stop thinking about them,"

"Go on, tell us," Adam encouraged.

A week ago

He wasn't quite sure what had happened, how they had ended up here. He had not really been thinking about it, he just knew that Danny was feeling down with the whole situation with Charlie, and Steve was really proud of the way he was handling things. He knew it was hard for Danny not to bite Rachel's head off, not to attack her, shout and end up right back where they were when they had first moved to Hawaii.

But for Charlie's sake, they couldn't be that right now, not with how ill Charlie was. And Danny was trying his best, he was doing everything that he could to make this as easy on everyone as possible. He had insisted that they tell Charlie that Danny was his dad, but he was trying to make sure that Stan wasn't shoved out the picture, both for Stan and Charlie's sakes, he was helping Grace through understanding why her mum had lied to them all as the teenager was old enough to understand what had happened and be angry about it.

He was being amazing. So after the tests to see if Danny was a match for the bone marrow transplant Steve had organised to take Danny out for a meal. He had had Lou drop him off at the hospital, taken over the car and riven Danny here, where he had made reservations without thinking. He had wanted something special for Danny, something to show him how proud he was of him.

And he had clearly not been thinking because this was where he had taken Catherine for a romantic meal.


"No!" Adam gasped leaning forward like he was watching a particularly intense tv show.

"Yes," Steve nodded mournfully, accepting another beer bottle. Kono was leaning forward a little as well watching him intently.


They were sitting at the table with Danny looking over the menu, not knowing that Steve was having a panic across from him. Lou's words had been bouncing around in his head recently, and he had already gone over all their major and none major interactions in their past, sitting opposite Danny, here, was not helping that.

"What are you thinking about having?" Danny frowned a little as he glanced at the menu again.

"The lobster is really good here, I was thinking about having that," Steve answered on automatic, his brain spinning.

"If I get the steak half and half it?" Danny grinned.

They always did that, swapping food to either share their meal or to pass over foods that they didn't like but the other did. It was a little bit...well couply really. "Yeah that's fine," He heard himself saying. Danny looked pleased and went back to the menu to pick a drink, and probably his dessert, honestly, the man had a sweet tooth a mile long.

Taking a breath Steve shook his head mentally. He had to stop letting Lou's words get to him, and definitely not let it influence his relationship with Danny. He had been to plenty of restaurants with both Danny and Catherine, the only difference was the fact that he was over thinking this one, and it was perhaps a little fancier than he and Danny usually did.

"So, what is with the fancy restaurant?" Danny asked after the Waiter had taken their orders and moved away.

"Just wanted to treat you, everything with Charlie and Rachel, you deserve it," Steve shrugged. Really Danny read his mind sometimes.

"Wait, you mean this is on you?!" Danny mock gasped.

"Yes it's on me! And before you say anything, look, I have my wallet!" Steve grumbled pulling his wallet from his pocket.

"Prove there is actually money in there," Danny challenged leaning forward and narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Laughing Steve opened his wallet and took out his card.

"Good enough?"

"I will believe it when I see it," Danny snorted. "Thank you though, you didn't need to do this,"

"With everything that has happened, you deserve a treat!" Steve insisted. "Plus, we haven't been spending as much time together as we used to,"

"Yeah, things have been a little mad," Danny sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Steve leant forward and touched Danny's hand seeing the stress there.

"Two things really. I told my mom about Charlie, here and dad are hitting the roof, never mind my sisters. And Grace knows, she is..." Danny drew off with a grimace running his hand over his eyes.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"She's angry and hurt, and confused, and she has started acting out a little. Rachel is trying to clamp down on it and insisting I do too, but I can't blame the kid either. I mean, she has just found out her little half-brother is her full brother, that her mum has been lying to me and step Stan the whole time. How can Rachel hold authority over Grace when she did something like that. She wants to spend more time with me, and Rachel is bawking at it,"

"Geez Danny, why didn't you tell me?" Steve frowned.

"You have been busy enough as it is without this as well," Danny shook his head.

"Danny, you're important to me, Grace is important to me...and now Charlie. Tell me these things, please!" Steve closed his fingers over Danny's hand, all previous concerns and panic gone in the face of needing to comfort Danny.

And the rest of the night went much the same way, once he had the initial panic out the way, he just enjoyed the night. They talked through what was happening with Danny and the kids, and Danny, Rachel and Step Stan. They moved onto talking about other things, and before Steve really noticed they were on a normal night out. They chatted about the team, cases, they argued and bantered, the insulted each other and laughed about various things.

It was only when he was sitting on the side of his bed, staring at his feet that he thought about the date he had had with Catherine there, and the night he had just had with Danny. Comparing the two, he had to admit to himself that the night with Danny had been 100% more like a comfortable date with someone he was in love with than it had been with Catherine.

He had been more relaxed, had more fun, spoke easier, and felt so much less pressured to impress in a way that had nothing to do with the fact that he was not technically on a date with Danny, and everything to do with the fact that it was Danny. He also had to admit to himself that he would much rather have a night out with Danny than he would with Catherine.

"Boss," Kono patted his arm as he stared down at his hands.

"Is there anything else?" Adam asked softly seeing the other man's expression.

"This morning," Steve nodded.

"Danny stayed over at yours right?" Kono asked.

"Yup," Steve nodded.

"What happened?" Kono asked opening the last beer bottle.


Twelve Hours Ago

Steve yawned a little as he stirred the eggs, reaching for another sip of his coffee, placing it back down onto the counter, and turning to flip the bacon. He didn't need to turn to know the shuffling feet that came into the kitchen was Danny. And sure enough a second later an impressive golden bedhead came into view as Danny peered over his shoulder at what was cooking on the stove.

He grunted a good morning, and reached out, snagging Steve's coffee and draining the cup without asking. He shuffled over to the other counter and filled the cup back up from the coffee machine, a few more sips and he replaced the cup where he had found it on his way to the fridge. He pulled out a few pieces of fruit and placed them next to the coffee just as Steve reached out to have another few sips.

Grabbing a bowl Danny held his hands out for the knife Steve offered him, and started cutting up the fruit into just the right size chunks Steve liked. They said nothing as they worked, the cup of coffee being passed between them for sips as they got breakfast ready.

"Couple of minutes," Steve said quietly eyeing the food. Danny nodded and shuffled to stick a load of bread in the toaster for toast, before heading to the fridge and grabbing a couple of juice cartons. Danny was always shockingly silent first thing of a morning until he had something to eat, unless of course he had a good reason to rant.

Quickly they had settled down at the table, pinapple juice for Steve, apple for Danny, coffee now in seperate cups for both of them. Steve's plate had less cooked food and a larger bowl of fruit to one side, Danny's had more cooked food and a smaller bowl of fruit.

They sat comfortably in silence, the paper split between them, and when they reached the point where Danny's mind came back on line they started talking lightly about this and that, under an unspoken rule nothing too heavy was mentioned, and no work.

Sitting there watching Danny passionately explain why he loved yet another crappy sci fi film, hands waving around, blue eyes glowing, the sun catching on his golden hair and now golden skin...Steve realised with sudden and shocking simplicity that he was totally, utterly and completely in love with Danny Williams. His Danno.
