
"Dude! We can't go in there. That's Dad's office. He keeps it locked for a reason." Kuon Hizuri, Jr. scolded his twin brother Richard and their friend Danny as they finally unlocked the door.

"Pfft... You're too uptight." He teased. "Just like Mom. I just want a little peek." Rick told him mischievously. "It's not like we're going to find anything life-changing in there anyway. It's probably just a collection of all his old scripts and movies."

Kuon groaned and Danny laughed.

"Aren't you a little curious?" Danny asked as Rick slowly opened the door and the three fifteen year-olds slipped into the darkened room and quickly shut the door behind them. Rick flipped on the light and the three were greeted by a life-sized poster of the most interesting and probably the most traumatic thing they had ever seen in there entire lives.

Kuon was speechless. Rick's eyes were as big as saucers and Danny was blown away. "DUDE! Who is that? She's a fox!" Danny exclaimed as Kuon and Rick groaned in agony trying to recover their eyesight.

Kuon mumbled something.

Danny turned to him after pealing his eyes away from the large poster of the stunning female, wrapped around a stripper pole, dressed in black lace panties, silk stockings, platform heels with bare breasts. "What?"

Rick grabbed Danny and he and Kuon shoved him out of the room, quickly turned off the light and re-locked the door. The twins were pale and Danny was stunned by the behavior. "So? Who was that?"
Kuon was sitting on the floor against the wall trying to burn the image from his mind and Rick was pacing back and forth mumbling, "Dad's going to kill us if he finds out." over and over.

Danny grabbed Rick's shoulder. "Rick, who was that?"

Kuon groaned again. "It was MOM!"

Danny just laughed at his friends. "Holy Shit! I knew your mom was hot but... Shit. You guys are so lucky!"

Kuon and Rick just looked at him with mouths agape as Danny ranted on about their hot mom. Kuon stood up and cuffed Danny on the back of his head. "Fucking shut up! You can't tell anyone about what you saw. Our dad will kill us if he finds out we were in there."

Danny chuckled. "Relax man. Not a word." He promised.

For the first time in their young lives, the Hizuri twins, carbon copies of their father in every way but one, were not hungry that afternoon.
