This was just something that popped into my head at the last second after a normal day of school and some YouTube watching. It's brilliantly stupid.

Just another evening on the edge. Hiccup sat outside his hut with Toothless, another day had come and gone. The sun was setting now, casting orange on the sea, the sky was a brilliant explosion of reds, oranges, yellows, and blues. A gentle breeze blew past them, bringing with it the smell of the ocean. The trees behind them rustled. Hiccup let out a contented sigh. Nothing could ruin this perfect day. He heard some heavy footsteps and turned to look. Astrid and Stormfly approached. Toothless immediately invited Stormfly to play with an excited burble. Stormfly responded with a happy squawk. The two dragons ran off to play destructively in the woods. Astrid sat down next to Hiccup.

"Evening, Astrid."

She smiled. "Beautiful sunset."

Hiccup nodded. "Just like the one..."

He stopped.

"What one?" Astrid met his eyes.

"That one after the big storm."

Astrid's eyes widened in understanding. "That one where we..."

"Yeah." Hiccup nodded. "That one."

Astrid snorted. "Well, stop tiptoeing around it, I get what you're implying."

Hiccup smiled. "You do know me."

Astrid grabbed Hiccup and pulled him in. Their lips touched. After a long moment, they pulled apart.

"I'm getting used to that." Hiccup joked.

"You did say you could." Astrid gave him a knowing look.

Hiccup sighed. "It definitely isn't getting boring."

Astrid rolled her eyes and turned back to the sunset.

"Hiccup, now that everyone knows..." Astrid began.

"It doesn't make a difference, does it." Hiccup said. "They certainly like seeing us together. Even Snotlout."

Astrid made a contented noise.

Hiccup moved closer and curled his hand around Astrid's shoulders.

Nothing could ruin this perfect day.

Hiccup woke to strange feelings throughout his body. His skin was tingling as if he was being watched. He groaned and sat up. It was the middle of the night. He opened his eyes and heard a strange creaking.

"Hello? Toothless?"

He heard a noise similar to a dragon's growl, but there was something off about it.

"Toothless? Wake up, bud."

Toothless' familiar growl answered, and the Night Fury made his way over to Hiccup. Hiccup held up a lantern.

"Toothless, some light please."

A purple blast fired into the lantern, and the small upstairs room was illuminated. Hiccup looked around for anything unusual. There was nothing. Just him, Toothless, and Hiccup's belongings, furniture... the usual. Hiccup relaxed.

"Nothing. It must have been a dream."

He blew out the lantern and lay back down. Toothless moved to his bed and lay down.

Just a dream. Nothing more.

A pair of sliver-thin green eyes watched Hiccup from the darkness of the rafters in the top of his hut. A low, weird growl emitted from his spectator's throat. It jumped silently down onto the floor, not making a noise as it closed in on Hiccup. It moved a limb forward and touched him on the neck. Claws extended from the tips and punctured the skin. After a moment, Toothless noticed the creature and snarled loudly. The strange creature turned, and Toothless moved forward, beginning to chase the creature. It leaped up onto the rafters, easily making the very tall jump. Toothless let out a plasma blast which grazed the creature's head. It howled in pain and jumped gracefully out the window.

Toothless watched it go. He then dashed back to Hiccup to see that he was seemingly fine, asleep. The noise hadn't woke him.

Toothless was worried.

What was that thing?

Hiccup threw open the door of his hut. He stumbled forward, yawning. Toothless followed, being a little clingier than usual. Hiccup sighed. "What's wrong, bud?"Toothless looked up at Hiccup with wide green eyes, letting out a soft moan and rubbing himself against Hiccup. The Haddock let out an exasperated sigh. The Night Fury was being oddly overprotective, even more than usual.

"Toothless, I'm fine, okay? What;s with you?"

The dragon's only reply was a snort. Hiccup rolled his eyes. Snotlout came around the corner a moment later, with the twins behind him, equal expressions of satisfaction and mischief on their faces. Snotlout looked irritated.

"Look who decided to wake up." The Jorgenson's remark made Hiccup a little defensive.

"What's that remark supposed to mean?" Snotlout pointed up. Hiccup glanced in the same direction, to see the sun above their heads.

"Princess outpost slept in." Snotlout said, not to Hiccup, but to whoever was in earshot. Tuffnut waltzed up to Hiccup and looked him over, causing an irritated grunt from Toothless. Ruff looked thoughtful, staring at Hiccup with her mischevious smile.

"While you were dozing the hours away, these to muttonheads filled my hut with Night Terrors and boars."

Hiccup looked closer at Snotlout and noticed a few scratches on his face. Whatever the Haddock was about to say next was interrupted by Tuffnut.

"Aha! I knew it! You, sir, have been bitten by a Werevampiredragon!" Hiccup turned to stare at him.

"Tuff, what on earth-" The male twin pointed to his neck, where there was a neat line of four claw marks. Hiccup couldn't see it, so he was confused.

"Wha- what is a vampire dragon? Tuff, what are you talking about?" Ruff came up as well, staring at the marks. Snotlout just rolled his eyes.

"Well, what are you going to do about my house? Shouldn't these two get extra patrols or something?" Hiccup was interrupted yet again.

"Tuff, these aren't WereVampiredragon marks, they only have three fangs!" It was Ruffnut, correcting her brother. "This is clearly the work of a giant eel spider." Hiccup backed away from the twins that were too close for comfort. "

"Guys, I want you to go clean up any mess in Snotlout's hut caused by your prank. Snotlout, you know we shouldn't put the twins on watch duty."

The twins moved off together, heading for Snotlout's hut. They were bickering over what bit Hiccup.


"Gian eel spider!" Hiccup sighed and rubbed his temples. He realized just how much his neck was stinging and rubbed it. Snotlout continued standing there.

"What?" Hiccup sighed.

"So why did you sleep in? Astrid was asking about you." Snotlout looked confused.

Hiccup shrugged. "I don't know."

Snotlout snorted and wandered back to Hookfang. "Well, I'm going to make sure those two don't mess up my hut more than it is."

Hiccup watched him go, relieved. He had no idea why he had slept in, or why the twins were claiming- Wait, had he really been bitten by something? He rubbed his neck and felt the four puncture marks."That's odd..."


He had been so preoccupied with his neck that he hadn't heard Astrid approach. He jumped a good foot in the air when Astrid said his name.

"Where have you been? And what in Odin's name happened to your neck?" Hiccup turned to her.

"Oh... uh, well... I was sleeping in, apparently. Sorry about that. Seems like I didn't miss much. I have no idea about my neck."

Astrid moved in close and stared at the marks. "Hmm. Doesn't look like anything I know. Anyway, I've been waiting for you to get up. There's something on the island, a dragon of some sort. I've been trying to track it down. I need help, whatever it is, It's fast."

Hiccup nodded. "Sure, we can do that. Where is it?"

"Last I saw, in the north-eastern part of the island."

"Right." Hiccup moved to get on Toothless, but the dragon moved back abruptly, denying him access to the saddle. "Wha- hey, Toothless, hold still! Let me on!" The Haddock continued his attempts, with little success. He finally managed to get on the dragon, but it was still another thing to coax Toothless into the air. It took half an hour to get into the air, but once they did, they began to patrol. As they were flying, Hiccup noticed a shape on the beach. Everything else fell away momentarily. He stared down at the small shape. Then, abruptly, he angled Toothless toward it. Astrid watched him in surprise.


Toothless landed and immediately began to growl at the thing on the beach. Hiccup approached it slowly. Astrid landed Stormfly nearby and watched as her boyfriend moved toward the crumpled figure. Hiccup looked at it.

Wrapped in tattered clothing, a pale, unmoving boy, probably only twelve at most, and with a bad burn on his head lay on the beach.

"Looks like our new dragon will have to wait."

Hiccup stared down at the boy, now lying inside his hut on the bed. Astrid and Fishlegs looked at him from nearby. Toothless sat on his rock slab, staring at the boy with disapproval and restless irritation. Something was bothering the dragon. Hiccup, meanwhile, felt a strange sort of... connection to this small boy. He sat very close, staring at the boy with a strange look in his eyes, refusing to leave him since he found him on the beach. Astrid was somewhat worried, Hiccup was acting strangely.

The boy, meanwhile, was definitely alive, although weak. It looked as though he had been shot by a dragon, had dragged himself around the island, and collapsed on the beach. Fishlegs had bandaged the boy's head, and other wounds, the small boy was pretty scratched up.

The others left after a while, leaving Hiccup and Toothless alone with the boy. Hiccup left only for a moment to get something to eat, but as he came back, munching on some bread, he heard the boy let out a small moan. He ran forward, nearly tripping over himself to get to the boy. He lowered himself next to the bed and watched as the boy slowly gained consciousness. Toothless let out a dissatisfied growl and glared at the boy through narrowed eyes. Hiccup ignored him. He put a hand on the boy's arm.

"Cmon, you can do it." He encouraged.

The boy opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but Hiccup stopped him. The boy's face turned to confusion, and he pawed at his head where the bandages were. He locked gaze with Hiccup and froze.

"Hey. I know you're scared right now, and probably in pain, but it's okay. I promise it's fine. Just relax." Hiccup stared into the boy's strange green eyes. There was something odd-

They looked like Toothless's eyes, only a more faded green. The pupils were thin from fear. Hiccup gasped and moved back a little. The boy hissed at Hiccup, sat up, and began to try again with getting the bandages off.

"Hey, don't do that. Those are helping your burn-"

The boy hissed again, this time at Toothless. The dragon hissed back, sounding threatening. The boy immediately shrank back with a whimper. Hiccup moved in between them, locking gazes with the boy.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not here to hurt you. You're going to be fine."

The boy seemed to understand this and relaxed visibly. He still watched Hiccup's every move, never saying a word as Hiccup rewrapped most of the bandages.

"There. Not so bad, right? Trust me, you could have worse."

The boy sat down with his knees up and his arms between his legs like a dragon would, and watched Hiccup.

"Oh, you're probably hungry... well, how about this?" Hiccup held up the bread. The boy sniffed at it and grabbed it with one hand. He began to eat it hungrily, taking huge bites.

"Woah, slow down!" Hiccup laughed a little. "Someone was hungry."

Within seconds the bread was gone, and the boy burped a little. He turned to look at Hiccup, pupils wide and friendly.

Hiccup reached out a hand. "So, fella, can you talk?"

The boy grabbed Hiccup's hand in his own and looked at it as if it was something new. He glanced at Hiccup and snorted softly.

"Can you?" Hiccup was hopeful the boy could talk. He could learn about him much easier that way.

The boy let out a strange warble, almost like Toothless.

"You sound and act kind of like a dragon... but you look human. Well... mostly. Huh." Hiccup noted to himself.

The boy stared at Hiccup, and something sparked in his eyes. Then, for the first time, the boy spoke.

"I- under- stand- your- talk."

Hiccup's eyes widened and he smiled. Once he remembered how to talk again, he stuttered out a question. "Y- you can? That's great! Uh.. what's your name?"

The boy processed this.

"...Name? What- is- name?"

"What people call you. Uh... mine is Hiccup. And back there is Toothless." He motioned to himself, then the dragon.

"Have- no- name." The boy mumbled. "Hi- cup. Too- this." He continued to himself.

Hiccup nodded. "Okay, well, I can give you one if you want. I'm not great at naming things-" Toothless rolled his eyes at that. "-But I can sure give it a try."

The boy nodded. "A- kay."

Hiccup thought for a moment. "Hmm. Well... maybe something..." He looked at the boy. "Something that starts with an A, maybe?"

"A- kay." The boy repeated.

"Don't you mean okay?" Hiccup corrected. "-Wait... Akey! How about that?" Toothless snorted with distaste. The boy, however, made a happy noise.

"Akey it is." Hiccup said in an official tone. "Now, Akey, where do you come from?"

The boy tilted his head. "I can- t- show- you. Far- away."

"Wait, here." Hiccup moved away, grabbed his map and spread it out on the floor. "Anywhere on here look familiar?"

Akey crawled to the end of the bed and looked down at it. He studied it for a long time but finally shook his head no. "No- here."

Hiccup huffed in irritation. "Well, sorry about that, Akey."

Akey looked at Hiccup. "Why- you- called- Hi- cup?"

Hiccup shrugged noncommittally. "Well... it's just a Viking tradition to call runts Hiccup." Deep down, it had always bothered him, at least until that one day where his father told him he loved him the way he was. He still found it irritating to be called Hiccup, however.

Akey gave him a sympathetic but confused look. "You- don't- look like- small to me."

Hiccup closed his eyes for a moment. This was bringing up painful memories. "I used to be smaller."

"Oh. A- kay. Why- he- called Too- this?" Akey pointed to Toothless.

"That's easy. His teeth are retractable, and he surprised me with them when we first met." Toothless snickered draconicly at this.

Akey snickered as well. "Good- one- Too- this."

Hiccup was immediately confused. "Wha- good what?"

Akey smiled. "Too- this made- joke."

"He... did?"Hiccup asked. "Can you understand him?"

Akey rolled his eyes as if it was obvious. "Uh- yeah- Hi- cup."

Hiccup gasped. "You understand dragons?"

Akey nodded. "Yeah-"

Hiccup stood up so fast he got dizzy. "Oh, my-" So many ideas began to rush through his head. "Oh, my Thor. Oh, my. This... this is amazing! all the things we could learn! I- I have to tell Fishlegs about this first thing in the morning... oh, maybe it's possible for me to learn how to understand Toothless... and all dragons! Maybe we could learn to train Speedstingers and Changewings! And..."

Akey got bored of listening to Hiccup's chatter and looked at Toothless. He let off some grunts.

'Is he always like this? You have a weird human.'

Toothless snorted. 'You have no idea.'

Hiccup and Fishlegs began to talk about the possibilities of learning to speak with dragons as soon as Hiccup told everyone about Akey and what he could do. Snotlout loudly exclaimed "NERDS" and walked out. Astrid said she'd take the next patrol and left. Heather was dubious.

"Can we trust this little guy?"

Hiccup nodded. "I'm sure of it. He's just a kid, he's harmless enough."

Heather shook her head. "He's not just a kid. You said yourself that there's something odd about him. His strange behavior, his eyes, and he can just speak to dragons? Does no one else find this odd? Not to mention he didn't even have a name."

Hiccup nodded. "All excellent points which I will keep in mind. But-"

Heather sighed. "All I'm saying is be careful." She hopped on Windshear and left.

Hiccup turned to the twins. "Anything you guys want to get done?"

They exchanged a look and left silently. Odd-

"So, when can we take a look at this little guy?" Fishlegs asked excitedly, bouncing on the spot.

"Right now."

Akey didn't take kindly to Fishlegs at first. But he warmed up to him quickly. The boy still clung to Hiccup closely, however.

Fishlegs started asking the boy with questions.

"Okay, are you part dragon or something?"

Akey shrugged. "I- don't... I-" As if he wanted to avoid the subject.

"How well can you see in the dark with those eyes?"

Akey nodded. "Very- good. Saw Hi- cup. Saw Too- this. Too- this no- like me- in- Hi- cup's cave."

Toothless snorted at this. Akey winced softly and reached up a hand to his burn. "Def- nat- ly no- like- me in- Hi- cup cave."

Hiccup was confused. "Did Toothless shoot you?"

Akey froze. "When- I got- here, found Hi- cup cave. Saw Hi- cup, was cu- curious. Too- this scare- me- away and- fire me. I run."

Hiccup reached a hand onto his neck. "You're the one who... was in my hut two nights ago."

Akey winced. "So- re- hurt- your neck."

Hiccup stiffened. "How- how did you do this?"

Akey held up a hand and flexed his fingers. Black claws extended from the tips, glinting in the dim light. Fishlegs's and Hiccup's eyes widened and jaws dropped in unison. "Whoa."

Akey smiled. "Not- only thing- I have."

He pulled down part of his tattered shirt and turned around so they could see his back. Running from the base of his neck to his hips was a neat line of black spines. Here and there around them were black scales. It was amazing he didn't also have a tail and wings.

Hiccup was flabbergasted. "Are you some sort of hybrid... dragon human thing?"

Akey nodded. "I- guess- so... I really- don't- know- what- I am." He sighed softly. "Al- ways been- this way..."

Hiccup found this incredible. Fishlegs was scribbling notes down so fast, his hand was a blur.

"What about dragons? You said you could understand them." Hiccup said. "Oh Thor, I have so many questions!"

Toothless rolled his eyes, staring at the three people. They talked long into the evening, until Akey got tired and said he wanted sleep. Fishlegs left, muttering excitedly, leaving Hiccup to get some sleep. Akey curled up on the floor.

'Akey. Akey.' Toothless snorted, trying to get the boy's attention.

Akey responded. 'What?'

'I'm not going to forget that you hurt Hiccup.' The dragon growled dangerously.

'I said sorry. I was just curious anyway.'

'Odd way to be curious, sticking your claws in his neck. You could have hurt him seriously.'

'Toothless, I sorry, okay? Please stop being mad at me!' Akey was getting upset.

He felt a tingle rush through his body.

Toothless snorted and rolled over. 'Whatever. But you hurt him again and I will show you how us Night Furies got the title Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death.'

'Toothless, what moon is it tonight?' Akey asked, nervous.

'Full, I think, why?'

Akey responded with a groan. 'Not good.'

Toothless looked at him sideways. 'Why?'

Akey let out a cry of pain.

Toothless watched him, wide eyed. 'Akey?'

Hiccup woke the next morning, feeling refreshed and ready to learn about Akey. He threw the covers off and stood up, getting his armor on faster than usual.

"Alright, Akey, how about we-"

He froze, stunned.

The walls of his hut were covered in claw marks, ranging in size from small to almost Toothless's size, probably were Toothless's. Everything was a mess, the tailfins he kept on the wall were scattered hither and yon, some ripped. One of the beams that held up the ceiling was cracked in half down the middle, each half bending sadly to the side. Toothless was absent, and there was blood on the floor.

Hiccup was speechless.

He ran outside, and looked around. Everything was a mess. There were fires, huts looked on the verge of collapsing, and everything outside echoed the mess inside his hut, but worse. The Night Terrors were everywhere, and everyone was trying to either clean up a mess, put out a fire, or calm their dragons down.

Still no Toothless.

"What in the name of Odin-" Hiccup began. He saw Astrid come up to him. She had a claw mark across her arm, and her leg was bandaged.

"Hiccup. Remember that dragon we were talking about? I think it was here." She tottered, and Hiccup caught her.

"Astrid, is everyone okay?"

"The dragons are spooked, half the Edge is destroyed, and everyone is injured somehow."

Hiccup winced. What could have been this destructive?

The cleanup was rough. But after nearly a day of working, the Edge was manageable. There was still no sign of Toothless or Akey. Which was worrying.

Hiccup got Heather and Astrid to run everything while he went out into the forest to look for Toothless and Akey. He looked for a while, having the Night Terrors help him search. After a while, he finally found a clue. A bunch of black scales, leading in a trail through the woods, claw marks in trees heading in the same direction.

It was scary.

He followed it until he saw a large black shape lying on the ground. "Toothless!" He ran forward, relieved.

The shape immediately reacted to him, rearing to it's full height. It at first appeared to be Toothless, having nearly all the features of a Night Fury, but it was only Hiccup's height, stood on two legs, had a mess of hair, a human face, and looked lanky.

Hiccup stopped, shocked. There were bandages on it's head, displaced slightly by large black ears.


There was no one else it could be.

Hiccup moved closer, slowly.

"Hey. It's okay. It's me."

Akey hissed loudly, crouching a little. His tattered clothes were stretched over his larger frame. He no longer looked like a twelve year old, more like an eighteen year old.

An eighteen year old nightmare inducing dragon creature.

That didn't seem to know what was happening, just a blur of instincts. What had happened to the Edge seemed to make more sense now.

"Akey, it's me. Hiccup. Just calm down. Come on." Hiccup continued moving forward.

Click. Thump.

Akey hissed some more.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He reached for his dagger, getting a growl from the creature in front of him. He pulled it out, intending to drop it on the ground.

But Akey took it as a hostile act.

And leaped.

A/N: Aaaand I'm going to end it there for now. I have HTMAF to work on.