I own nothing, star wars is owned by Disney, I also don't own Danny phantom he is owned by Butch Hartman.

Alpha here so I adopted this story from Dr. Forgotten Fables. I'll be making some changes to the chapter the good doctor wrote to make the story a bit more my own. But expect the first few chapters to seem off cause two different people wrote them. This story will be a lower priority until i free up some more writing time for it. Please reviews, criticizes, and suggest to your heart's content i do read it all and will incorporate ideas into stories.


Hundreds of thousand of clocks lined the walls of Clockwork's tower. The sound of every moment was drowned out by a chorus of a million ticks. But even this nose could not be heard over the battle that was taking place there.

Many of the clocks fell from the walls to shatter on the green stone floor of the tower as the entire building shook from a blast that just missed Clockwork by a hair and hit the wall behind him with enough force to crack the bricks and send up a wave of dusts.

The Time Ghost swung out his dark purple cloak to blow away the dust so that he could rest his crimson eyes upon his attacker. he just managed to dodge another large blast of bright green energy that tore a massive hole in the side of the clock tower where Clockwork had just been flouting. The ancient ghost of time lifted his scythe with one hand as he position his staff with his other. His neutral expression never fading as he gazed upon the creature that stood before him.

"I kill you!" screamed the beast in a voice that could have shattered glass and seemed to carry its own echo. The scream rained down a wave of destructive energy, trying to make good on his declaration, if only it could make it through the shield that Clockwork erected around himself to protect against the blasts.

To any who did not know better, they would believe that this creature was just an unusual looking human child, around fourteen years old, with hair that was completely void of color. Not the drab gray of an elderly man, but a pure snowy white. The monster's eyes were an solid and vivid green that seemed to be trying to burn holes in Clockwork. The expression on his face was a mixture of pain and rage.

"You choose to blame me for their fate? They deaths were inevitably, nothing could have stopped it," Clockwork said, his voice was calm and devoid of emotion as he gazed down at the smaller ghost child.

"That's a lie! You're the one that sent Box Lunch so that the Nasty Burger would explode! You're the one that made sure I got the test answers! You're the one that let us get away to the future so that... that thing would go after my family! You're the reason they're dead!" The boy shouted a green mist gathering around him as his anger grow. He was shaking uncontrollably with rage, tears coming from his eyes and he glared at Clockwork.

"I will avenge my family, I WILL KILL YOU!" cried danny in anger. The boy's hands erupted into dark green flames and he throw the fire like bombs down at Clockwork, trying to incinerate him.

But the elder ghost drifted to the side to dodge the first blast before defecting the second one with his scythe. Clockwork then flew at the boy at an extreme speed, swinging his scythe around in an attempt to slice the child in two.

The boy would have died right then and there if he hadn't put up a shield of bright green light around him, blocking the scythe attack. But even so, he was thrown down towards the ground and through one of Clockwork's looking glasses when Clockwork brought his time staff down on the shield for a heavy blow.

However, when the dust was blown aside, the child was still standing there, holding two dinner table sized looking glasses, one in each hand. They began to glow a bright green and he throw them like frisbees at the older ghost, who just dodged them. But with a simple hand gesture, the large discs came back around. However, Clockwork knew that this was coming and dodge them completely for a second time, causing danny's frustration to grow for he had yet to land a blow in this battle.

The child launched a volley of the green energy blasts from his hands at the older ghost. Clockwork weaved through the projectiles with ease and grace. In frustration danny threw one oversized blast. But this blast was different it was icy blue color. Clockwork was surprised by this and was not able to fully doge. The attack grazed him in the left shoulder, causing him to drop his scythe.

The child stopped firing and rushed forward, grabbing the scythe before it could hit the ground before flying up and into the air towards Clockwork.

"Die!" He shouted angrily.

But Clockwork believed this game had gone on long enough. "Time out!" Clockwork said, before pressing the button on the top of his time staff. The whole world froze and the boy stopped in mid swing above him.

"To think you would have grown so powerful so quickly. The probability of you unlocking your ice core was far less than 1%. " Clockwork said as he steadied himself. A look of pride and sadness graced his face. Less than a moment later it was gone.

"You will do well in the trials you will face." spoke Clockwork. He looked up toward the area that the ice blast impacted. A massive pillar of ice was half formed, it would take up ΒΌ of the room when time restarted.

" Yes. Very well," Clockwork said, praising the boy, as he removed the scythe from danny's hand.

"You may very be able to pierce the darkness that they are unknowingly immersed in." He then grabbed the time frozen child by the scruff of his suit. Clockwork waved his staff and a bright blue portal appeared in the air next to him. He turned and tossed the boy through, letting it close behind him.

"Dan was the physical embodiment of the dark buried within you, but now that you have destroyed him, that darkness has marked you. Though this is not a bad thing, you are a being of duality, Half-human ,half-ghost, alive, and yet dead. Now you have the light and the dark," Clockwork said to himself as he smiled. "And now all that is left for me to do, is watch. I look forward to seeing how you will shape that war from a long time ago, in that galaxy far far away, Good luck little phantom."


Danny Phantom, awoke on his back staring up at a tapestry of colors as a sun began to set and stars started to appear above. The ghost boy stood up taking in his surroundings, he found himself on the edge of a large , lush, and very strange forest. Some of the tree had purple leaves with white flowers, others shades of blues and yellows. The sounds of unknown animals echoed from within the forest. 'at least the grass is green' thought danny.

Danny looked up at the stars trying to use his vast knowledge of astronomy to possibly deciern his general location. He could not find a single reference point to orient himself. Clockwork was far out of his reach now. His chance to get vengeance for his family and friends had been denied to him. Various memories of those he cared about flash though his mind. Tuckers notorious and hilarious attempts at getting a girlfriend, Sam's many efforts for whichever cause she was into that week, Jazz's conuten fussing over him, and His parent's numerous attempts at bonding. Danny started to cry. The looks on their faces in their final moments were forever burned into his mind. Tucker and sam's look of reassurance, Jazz's look of worry/concern for him, his mother trying to show the depth of the love she had for her baby boy, and finally his dad's overwhelming pride after realizing his son was a ghost hunting superhero.

Danny fell to his knees and screamed. His ghostly wail was so loud that the ground beneath him shook. Large and strange bird like creatures flew away from him as he screamed, but he didn't care. He let it all out, the pain and grief that he had been trying to bottle up inside, along with all the rage and hatred. Everything was being pushed out of him, and its vibrations carried far. Trees were being uprooted from the scream and were being blow away along with the rocks until danny was in the middle of a large crater. 'I will keep my promise! i will always be a hero!' thought danny etching this vow into his very core as his scream slowly died. Danny then collapsed in exhaustion.


Hundreds of light years away, the Jedi Council stiffened as they all felt it. There was a disturbance in the Force.

Ahsoka Tano was trying to enjoy the flight through space as she gazed out the windows of the large scout ship, watching the swirling blue tunnel of hyperspace. But it was being made incredibly difficult to do with her master, Anakin Skywalker, and his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, arguing the way they always did when they were in the same room together without adult supervision.

Ahsoka would hardly consider the two to be adults, even if they were older than her and full fledged Jedi, simply because they were always acting like children. She did have the utmost respect for them, but it quickly got tiring to listen to them.

"All I'm saying is that we should be back on the front line fighting to end the war. Why couldn't they just send a normal scouting party to check this out?" said Anakin in an annoyed tone of voice.

Despite being a Jedi, a member of an order of peacekeepers, Ahsoka's master was rather battle hungry. But that was because he believe it was the best way to do good in the galaxy at the moment. Secretly Ahsoka wondered how her master would adjust when peacetime eventually returned.

Anakin was a fairly tall human male, around nineteen years old with a untidy mat of brown hair that he never bothered to clean up. He was sitting behind the seat of the ships controls like he always did, even though it was hardly a general's job to fly his men about, Anakin could rarely be pulled away from his seat behind the wheel.

Obi-Wan was sitting beside his with his arms crossed. "I've already told you Anakin, this is not a mission for the Republic, this is internal matters for the Jedi Order, we can't use military personal for our own personal missions during a war," Obi-Wan said. He was somewhere in his mid thirty, a human with a lighter brown hair, both on his head and on his chin, as he had a well kept bread that covered all of it. Unlike his former Padawan, he was always well dressed and well kept.

"Then why do we have the 2 squads of clones with us?" Anakin asked back.

"I told you not to bring them, but you said you wanted some of the replacement troopers to gain experience at their posts outside of a red zone," Obi-Wan replied in a we've been over this already tone.

This line of conversation had been going on for four hours and Ahsoka finally flipped. She got up and made for the door of the scout ship's cockpit so that she could go back into the transport area. There were unfortunately no windows for her too look out of from back their, but it wasn't worth it if it meant she had to listen to the two arguing. They would be leaving hyperspace in a few minutes anyways.

Ahsoka was a Togruta from the planet Shili. She was rather well sized for a fourteen year old girl of her people though her white and blue head-tails, what her people had instead of hair, were only just starting to developed their horn like shape. But the horns would start to take shape soon, she was a teenager after all. She had deep orange skin with a few white marks as well as bright blue eyes.

She sighed as she dropped herself on a bench in the transport bay. "They're arguing again I'm assume," Captain Rex stated rather than asked. The veteran of the team of clones sat across from her, performing maintenance on his blaster rifle. Like all the clones, he had dark skin for a human and short dark brown hair and eyes. His face had a few wrinkles from stress, but that came with the job when you work under General Skywalker.

"Wouldn't that imply that they were even not arguing?" Ahsoka pointed out, getting a chuckle out of the clone.

"True. they fight like a pair of jawas fighting over scap." said rex shaking his head as he fiddled with the barrel portion of the rifle.

"Sometime I wonder how they ever survived being master and Padawan," She add, rubbing her temples. Though it wasn't like she and Anakin always agreed, they never went at it for hours on end. There fights were always like those of a brother and sister rather than a thick headed master and a stubborn student.

"Not meaning to bother you sir, but why are we out here in the first place?" One of the newer clones (aka shinys) asked her. Ahsoka had gotten used to the way the troopers all referred to her as 'sir'. It was a show of respect among them. And even if she was young, she was still their superior.

"Beats me, the Jedi Council all sensed something coming from this sector so they want us to check it out," Ahsoka said, leaning back in her seat. She had sensed it too of course. All the Jedi had sensed it. But she still didn't know what it was, and the feeling disappeared after some time.

"So we're coming all the way out here because a bunch of big wigs felt like it?" The clone grumbled.

"Hey rookie, you'll learn never to underestimate the gut feelings of a Jedi," Rex said pointing a warning finger at his 'brother'."Now stop chatting and get back to the radar. I'd like to have some warning before we are attacked."

"Sir, with all do respect, we are nowhere near the front lines. It is highly unlikely that we will encounter opposition in this area of the galaxy," The rookie said.

"You'll quickly learn not to think stupid things like that too. The General attracts droids like a magnet. So don't drop your guard if you want to last any time at all," Rex said before going back to his gun.

"Geez, I was made for combat, not this," The clone grumbled.

"You'll see combat before this job is through. I can almost guarantee that much," Rex said as he looked down his sights. "Bang," He said pretending there was a kick. A half second later the ship shook violently and the alarm went off. They were under attack.

"What the heck!?" The rookie shouted as Rex immediately started shouting out order.

"Ru! Divert power from thrusters to the shields! Ozee, check our life support status and activate the maintenance droids if you find anything that looks funny! Longshot, prep the decoy flares and hold in case of enemy missiles! Rookie, I'm waiting on my report on the enemy's position!" Rex barked as he moved to prep the point defense laser cannons and send out an emergency message back to Coruscant, in case they were shot down. Anakin may be the best pilot in the Republic, but he still was shot down seven times out of ten. Ahsoka was relatively unhindered by the shaking of the vessel as she moved to the cockpit in order to get a view of what was going on.

"They shot at us the moment we left hyperspace!" Anakin growled angrily as he proceeded to take evasive maneuvers in order to dodge the incoming turbolasers. There was a Separatist warship circling the planet they were going to be searching.

"Looks like Dooku also came out to see what the disturbance in the force was," Obi-Wan commented.

"Or maybe he was the one that caused it," Anakin mumbled. Ahsoka thought that was unlikely.

Even a wanna be sith lord like Dooku couldn't cause a disturbance that could be sensed several hundred parsecs away.

"In coming!" Anakin shouted as a set of four anti-hull heat seeking concussion missiles came straight for them. Anakin launched decoy flares and quickly drifted to the right before cutting the engines so that the missile flew by them and hit the flares. But the ship still shook and several warning signs began to flash.

"Rats, the shrapnel got our energy coils, we've got around ten minutes of power before we are sitting ducks!" Anakin growled, as he pushed buttons and flips switches.

"Well this is just wonderful!" yelled Obi-wan. Bracing himself as the ship shook again.

"This won't have happened if you had just let me take the battle cruiser instead of this transport ship!" yelled Anakin. Continuing to do evasive maneuvers.

"It wouldn't be happening if you had just let me drive! You always get us shot down!" Obi-Wan shouted back.

"This isn't the time you two! They're firing more missiles at us." yelled Ahsoka scolding both of them as she pointed toward the oncoming ordinance.

"Rex, are the second round of flares ready!?" Anakin shouted back in the ship.

"There was only one round sir!" Rex reported.

"Oh that's just perfect!" Anakin said as he tried to think of a way out of this.

"Rex, cut all power to the rear and side shields and send them to the main thrusters!"

"Yes sir!" The trooper shouted back. Anakin pushed forwards on the wheel and they went into a dive, the missile barely missing them, but they turned around to follow.

"I would ask what your plan is, but I am pretty sure I don't want to know," Obi-Wan said, surprisingly calm considering the situation. Must have come from years of having to deal with Anakin.

"We're going to enter into the planet's atmosphere. The following missile should heat up and explode without hitting us," Anakin said, as if it was a clever idea.

"But without enough power to our shields, it will cook us too!" Ahsoka tried to point out. "We'll crash."

"Better put on your seat belt then," Anakin said before shouting it to all the troopers in back.

"This is the ninth ship in a row," Ahsoka sighed as they entered the planet's atmosphere. She was getting very used to crash landings.


Down on the planet we find danny walking through the forest carrying several odd looking plants and a lizard like creature about the size of a rabbit. Danny was happy about this because the lizard would be his frist bit of meat he would get too eat in the 2 days he has been here. Danny was now on his way back to his campsite. He thanked his parents for all the family camping trips they went on, the practical knowledge was coming in handy. The sound of an explosion thundered throughout the forest as the very ground shook under him. When Danny got his bearings back, he transformed and floated up. What he saw was smoke rising up in a line, he squinted and could just make out a treach. Danny thought of going to check it out. But his stomach groaned and grumbled.

"I'll check it out later. It's probably a meteorite anyway" thought danny as he floated back to the ground and reverted back to human. Before he headed back to his camp.


"Everyone alright?" asked Anakin as he coughed. The clones and jedi all pulled themselves out of the wreckage of the latest victim of Anakin's flying skills. The ship's frontal shields had been enough to stop them from being completely destroyed on impact with the planet's surface, but they were certainly not getting off planet in that ship.

"Besides the fact that we have no way of knowing whether or not help will be coming, and we just lost our only means of communication. We're fine," Rex said as he checked the state of his brothers.

"One of your better landings, Master," Ahsoka said as she waited for the ringing to leave he ears.

She looked back at what was left of the ship. It had entered the atmosphere pretty fast, but moments after the following missiles were destroyed, Anakin had deployed the emergency brakes and drastically decreased the angle of descent. There was a long trail left by they less than ideal landing, but at least they didn't fly straight into a mountain this time.

"Are you sure you are the best pilot the Republic has to offer? Clearly, we are in trouble." Obi-Wan asked as he brushed the dirt from his armor.

"Hey, I got us to the surface didn't I, just like I was supposed to," Anakin said to his former master, holding his arms out and smiling. "So, what do we do now?"

"First things first, we need to put some distance between us and the ship," Longshot said as he pulled a few guns from the wreckage and passed them out among the clones.

"It's only a matter of time before those clankers send out a search party to check for survivors." added Ru, placing a powerpack in his blaster.

"Good point, but we also need to procure us a new ship," Ahsoka said, looking in the direction of the planet's rising sun. She could feel something calling out to her. "Master, do you feel that?"

Anakin and Obi-Wan frowned closing their eyes before they nodded. "Yes, it must be what we were sent here to find," Anakin said, turning towards the same direction.

"And what the Separatists are hoping to find as well," Obi-Wan added.

"So if we start heading in that direction, we might run into one of the Separatist landing vessels," Ahsoka added. A knowing smirk grew on her face as she turned to her master.

"So we can both complete our mission and get us a way out of here. Good thinking Snips," Anakin said, using his nickname for his Padawan. "Alright men, I want you to ready to move in five minutes. We've got some distance to move before we can get into cover," ordered Anakin. The jedi knight turned to look over the short expanse of land between them and the edge of the forest that would allow them to move without being spotted from the skies. It would probably be only a fifteen minute march, but that was fifteen minutes that could land them being bombed into to next lifetime. They needed to move, and fast. Anakin grabbed his emergency supply bag and began to move. He wasn't about to let his crew die. Not if he could help it.


Count Dooku was only a little surprised to find a Republic transport vessel on route to the planet his master had ordered him to search. After all, if he and his apprentice were able to sense the disturbance in the force all the way from the Separatist senate, then there was little doubt in his mind that Yoda would have sensed it from the Republic's capital.

He could even venture a guess as to who was piloting the ship. There was only a few pilots stupid enough to try a stunt like that, and one of them was lucky enough to pull it off.

It was Anakin Skywalker and that meant Obi-Wan was more than likely also here. Dooku hated those two Jedi more than any of the others. They were the only ones foolish enough to get in his way, who also always seemed to survive every encounter. They were like roaches, impossible to get rid of and constantly multiplying, as Skywalker now had his own padawan who was becoming a third thorn in the sith's side.

So it was to no shock to him when the scouts he had sent to the planet to check the wreckage reported that there were no dead bodies. None at all. Dooku didn't know how Skywalker did it. The Force could only explain so much.

"Master, what are your orders?" Ventress asked as she bowed before her master.

Dooku's eyes turned to his young apprentice. Despite her pale white skin and slender figure, the Dathomirian girl was not easy on the eyes in Dooku's opinion. She had a look of disgust plastered onto her face that never went away and her head was shaved bald. Her image was one that could drive children to tears, but that was fine for a sith's apprentice. It was her boundless hatred that appealed to Dooku anyways.

"It would seem we have some Jedi company down on the planet. Let's make sure that they never leave there alive," Dooku said as he got up from his chair to move towards the landing vessels.

He was a rather tall and elderly human, his gray hair and beard gave him a noble look, even though he couldn't be more despicable, because he really did try hard at it. He was dressed in black with a black cape. How the more innocent planets of the Separatist Alliance didn't realize he was evil was a complete mystery.

"It is time that I finally rid myself of those stubborn insects," He grumbled as he walked past his Ventress. He's vengeance was long overdue.


"So Rookie, still worried about not seeing enough action?" joked Rex getting a few chuckle from some of the older clones at the expense of the new guy.

"Sorry sir," The new guy said, feeling a bit humiliated.

"Don't feel to bad about it. My Master can't walk down the street without being caught up in a few assassination attempts and an attack from a droid army," said Ahsoka, as she positioned her pack on her back.

"Hey, you've been in just as much of it as I have, Snips," protested Anakin , looking back at the girl. They were just moving over the last small hill before they would reach the forest and Obi-Wan was in the lead. The older Jedi stopped at the top however when he saw what was there.

"If you two are done, you might want to take a look at this," called Obi-Wan out over his shoulder. The men picked up the pace and reached the top. They were looking down at a sizable crater that bordered the forest.

"Did one of the concussion missiles hit down here?" said Rex as he looked around.

"I don't think so. there aren't any scorch marks anywhere," said Anakin pointing at the center of the crater. He really wished that he had thought to bring R2 along. The droid's sensors would have come in handy.

"You're right. Could it have been a some kind of mass driver?" suggested Obi-Wan stroking his beard in thought.

"Why would anyone have shot one right here? It's nowhere near our ship, and mass driver shots don't go through atmosphere well." Anakin said as he examined around the edge of the crater.

"Could it have been made by the thing we are looking for?" Ahsoka suggested. It sure did feel like something, but it was weaker than what they could feel coming from the forest.

"Maybe, but whatever it was isn't here now, We should probably search the forest for it." Obi-Wan said before turning to the forest himself.

"Right," Anakin agreed. "Snips, you stay here and..."

"What!? Why do I have to stay behind?" Ahsoka protested.

"Because we need eyes out for any droid drop ships for us to steal. We do need to get out of here eventually," Anakin pointed out. Ahsoka pouted a little, but she had to admit her master was right this time.

" Rex, you and Squad 1 are coming with us to try to find what did this. Squad 2, hold tight. We'll be back as soon as we can." ordered Anakin. The clones quickly followed the elder jedi into the forest.

Ahsoka was not happy as she watched them leave, but she couldn't do anything about it. So she sat down on the edge of the crater, looking out over the flat land.

Ahsoka had been there for only ten minutes and she was already going crazy from the wait. Her lack of patience was something she had in common with the master.

"I can't believe they left me to watch some hole in the ground," She grumbled as she flopped onto her back. Sighing she opened her eyes up and stared into the sky.

The sun was still only just raising, the same as it was when they first reached the planet. It must have had a rather long day for the sun raise to last so long. Though the world still only had one sun, so it wasn't like the darkness never came.

Dark. Now that was a word that was thrown around a lot at the Jedi Temple. Ahsoka herself couldn't claim to understand it. She believed that the Separatists were evil, but that was simply through experience, seeing the things that they do to threaten the neutral worlds into submission, or even straight up attacking people who couldn't or wouldn't defend themselves. But all of the 'lure to the dark side' stuff was something that was to complicated for her to understand.

She tried to picture something happening that would make her or her master suddenly join the Separatists, but she couldn't imagine that ever happening. She was pulled out of this train of thoughts when she noticed smoke in the sky.

"A forest fire?" thought Asoka. but no, there was not enough smoke for it to be a fire of that size. It was only a small thin stream, only visible do to the way the light of the rising sun was hitting it. Ahsoka weighed her options and decided to check it out.

"Guys, I see some smoke coming from that direction," She said, bringing it to the clones attention.

"Looks pretty small, a cooking fire?" said the clone squad lead scratching his chin.

"This planet isn't populated. I highly doubt that it is a cooking fire," another tropper scoffed.

"Then what's your explanation, smart guy?" The sargent demanded.

"Clankers," The second replied lifting his gun.

"Either way, we need to check it out," Ahsoka said, taking up her pack.

"Didn't the Generals say to say here?" said another trooper.

"You'll find that those kind of things are move like suggestions rather than real orders with us," Ahsoka said with a smile before taking off towards the smoke, leaving the other to follow her.

Ahsoka was much faster than the clone troopers, so she went on ahead, using the Force to hasten her steps and move through the trees without even shaking the branches. It took her almost no time at all to come to where the smoke was coming from. But she was more than a little surprised to see what was there.

It was a young boy who looked around the same age maybe a bit older. he was stooped over a fire with a pot made of stone on top of it where he was cooking what looked like leafs, roots from the nearby plants and some kind of small game was roasting on the fire nearby. The boy looked human, with pitch black hair. He was wearing a white top and some blue pants both were covered in burns and cuts, but oddly enough his body seemed to be untouched as far as Ahsoka could tell.

He didn't even notice her as he tended to the fire and tasted the broth that he had been making. It must have been bad because he made a gagging motion and said a few words that Ahsoka couldn't understand.

"If only Sam could see me now." The tone in his voice seemed sad as he looked down and started to eat the slop that he had made.

Ahsoka looked around the small clearing where he was set up to find that there was a very hastily thrown together shelter made from a few downed trees, some branches, and mud. The mud didn't even look dry yet. He couldn't have been here for very long.

"Sir! Where are you!?" One of the clones shouted as the troopers approached the area.

The boy's head shot up and turning in the direction the voices were coming from, and then to Ahsoka's astonishment, the boy disappeared into thin air right before the clone troopers stumbled into the sighed and dropped down right in front of them, getting a reaction out of the newer clones as she did.

"You scared him off," Ahsoka said angrily.

"Him, sir?" One of the clones asked her, more than a little confused.

"There was a boy here, but he disappeared because you made so much noise," She said turning away from the clones and looking around the camp.

"I think he was what were came here to find, but he's gone now." The clones looked around, but couldn't find anything.

"Sir, perhaps we should contact the General's group and report our findings," A trooper suggested.

"Alright, we'll contact them." stated Ahsoka with a sigh.

"Oh, I don't think you will," A voice that was hard to forget said and Ahsoka barely had time to turn around before she was hit by an electric current. Count Dooku had entered the clearing with his assassin and a group of commando droids. The pain from the force lightning quickly overwhelmed Ahsoka and she began to lose consciousness. She could only watch as the clones who had been taken by surprise were completely overwhelmed before her vision faded to the ambush was over Ventress stood over Ahsoka.

"Should I kill her now, Master?" asked the assassin. Her tone held the slightest hint of joy from the question.

"No, not quite yet," Dooku replayed as he walked around the clearing.

"Whatever we are searching for, she has seen it. So we will keep her alive for questioning. And to lure out the other Jedi." Dooku grinned as he started towards the edge of the forest, his hands held behind his back.

"But soon, you can have your way with her."Said Dooku glancing over his shoulder for a moment as he walked. Ventress grinned as she ordered the droids to pick up the girl and the clones that were still alive. Hostages were always helpful.

But after they left the boy re-appeared in the clearing. Danny was in shock. Some guys in white armor stumble into his camp armed for a couldn't understand a word they were saying. Then a girl around his age with orange skin and horn , head tail things shows up. She was definitely not human. Then they get jumped by an old guy that shoots lighting! form his hands, a bunch of robots, and a lady who was one pointy hat away from being a witch. Danny looked down at the dead bodies of some of the white armoured soldiers before.

'They killed them, they'll kill the other soldiers, and the girl. Not on my watch.' thought danny looking in the direction they had just gone. Then a moment later there was a flash of white light, and he was gone again.


Ahsoka felt pain all over. Distant but growing closer and closer as she started to regain her other senses. Her eyes fluttered open and then she immediately regretted doing so as she saw the black robed shape of Count Dooku standing over her.

"So she awakens," Dooku said in his smug voice.

Ahsoka was in front of a Separatist dropship along with the clones who survived the surprise attack. Her arms were in metallic shackles in front of her, but when she tried to struggle against them she was pulled down by two mangaguards holding electro staffs. Another set of these guards was standing behind the clones and they were surrounded by two dozen commando droids with their blaster rifles and some had vibroblades.

"Now now, there is no need to struggle. I simply wish to ask you some questions," Count Dooku said, leaning over the girl. "Tell me what did you find? Where is the creature that caused this disturbance in the Force?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about," Ahsoka said trying again to struggle, but her bonds were too tight. Her eyes scanned the nearby area, hoping to find her lightsaber, but her heart sank when she saw it on Ventress's hip.

"I think we can get you to talk," Ventress said as she activated one of her two curve handled red lightsabers and held it close to the Padawan's right arm. "A slight handicapping will not devalue you as a hostage, but it might loosen your tongue." Ahsoka swallowed as she looked at the red laser blade, but she kept her mouth shut.

"Have it your way," Ventress sneered as she raised her lightsaber up to bring it down in a long arc over Ahsoka's arm.

Ahsoka clenched her eyes tight, but then she sensed something. A huge emotional pulse moved through the air around her, Ahsoka felt worry, and determination coming from someone, and someone powerful at that. She heard a gasp and opened her eyes to see Ventress doubling over as she was hit hard in the stomach before she was thrown to the ground.

Ahsoka blinked and suddenly there was a boy standing over her. One with snow white hair wearing a black jumpsuit with white gloves and boots. A pale white glow flowed off of him as he stood there after appearing from thin air.

His hand were suddenly engulfed in green flames and he turned around and place both hands on the torso of the droids that were holding Ahsoka down. There was a blasting sound and the droids fell to the ground, massive holes in their chests.

The moment of shock passed and the droids started to raise their guns. But green flames flew like blaster bolts from the boy's hands as he spun around taking down a half dozen of the droids before they could return fire. He then jumped to the side to draw fire away from Ahsoka.

The Padawan turned to look at the downed assassin and her lightsaber on Ventress's belt. Concentrating the force on the handle, the thing came alive and jumped into the air and back to its Jedi. The moment it entered Ahsoka's hand she activated it freeing herself and than began to deflect the incoming blaster fire as she quickly moved to free the clones who were already moving to take possession of the downed droid's weapons.

The boy had taken down a dozen droids when he felt himself being pulled up into the air and thrown the to ground. He gasped with more surprise than pain with the impact and looked around to see Count Dooku looking at him with a glare as he moved his arm back and forth, using the force to throw the child around like a rag doll before pulling him in and activating his lightsaber for a finishing blow.

But before the child was in range he reversed directions in mid air causing the lightsaber's slash to miss. It might have been the first time anyone had seen a surprised expression on Dooku's face, as the Sith Lord watched the boy float into the air, firing down at him with green balls of light that came from his hands.

But Dooku wasn't too surprised to keep fighting and used the Force to guide his hands, deflecting each incoming blast with his lightsaber. One of the shots was redirected and landed near Ahsoka herself as she finished off the last of the droids. Seeing this the boy stopped firing at Dooku and just glared at the Sith.

"So you don't wish the girl harm do you?But that still doesn't answer what kind of creature you are." Dooku said, staring the the boy.

"Wow, I don't know what you are saying, but it sure sounds evil. I'll have to give you an attitude adjustment." stated danny glaring at the sith lord. Ahsoka couldn't understand what language the boy spoke, but there was a definite smug tone in his voice as his hand began to glow again and he dove straight for the ground. But rather than smashing into the surface he passed straight through, as if it was the surface of a pool of water.

Dooku frowned and closed his eyes, focusing on the boy's presence. He sensed the attack before it reached him and he jumped back right as the boy came out of the ground in front of him. The boy looked surprised that Dooku had managed to dodge his attack but he still had enough time to duck out of the way of the first lightsaber thrust.

Dooku kept coming, one attack after another trying to stop the boy from getting out of range, but after the first seven swings the child brought up his glowing green hands and grabbed the red blade of Dooku's lightsaber.

The boy let out a scream of pain and kicked Dooku in the stomach, knocking the Sith Lord back. Looking down at his hands he could see that the laser sword had burned straight through his gloves and scorched his hands. He looked a little surprised at the amount of damage that he had taken. But Dooku was equally surprised that he had managed to block a lightsaber with his bare hands, even if it was only for a moment.

"Well that hurt." said danny as he shook his hands quickly. he sent a glare at the Dark Lord. The energy around his hands grew stronger again.

"Maybe I just need to use more juice!" said danny in a playful manner.

He ran at Dooku and was firing more of his energy shots as he went, keeping Dooku on the defensive until he got up close. Dooku swung his blade down and the boy grabbed it again, and this time his energy held up. He gave a smug grin as he pushed the blade back, but Dooku turned off the blade, retracting it before positioning it in front of the white haired boy's chest and turning it back on.

The boy gasped and the blade extending out into his chest. He looked down at the blade impaling him in slight bewilderment. But then he glared at the Count and beams of green light came from his eyes and hit Dooku in the right shoulder pushing in back and getting the blade out of the boy's chest.

Each of the combatants was struggling dooku with the pain and danny was running on empty the chest wound wasn't helping things either. The two righted themselves for another go. Dooku switched his sword to his left had as to boy spat out a mouthful of green and red blood. The boy raised his hand and beaconed to the fallen Jedi in the universal sign of challenge. 'Come at me bro.'

Dooku narrowed his eyes at the boy, but he did take the challenge, moving quickly into striking range.

The clones and Ahsoka had finished off the rest of the droids, suffering only one clone casualty and were just staring slack jawed as the fight between the boy and the Sith unfolded.

The boy was managing to block a few strikes from the lightsaber, but it was clear that some of the damage was getting through as he bleed from the cuts on the back of his hands. After a few strikes, Dooku thought he saw his opening and took it, taking a long step forwards and doing a horizontal swing. But to his shock the boy split in half along his waste, letting the blade pass between the two halves before they reconnected and he moved in, grabbing Dooku's wrist and punching him in the gut before throwing him up into the air. Dooku had to defend himself as the boy charge up a powerful energy blast that knocked him through the sky even though he guarded it.

Dooku used the force to cushion his fall and was back on his feet and looking at the boy as the child charged him. But the Sith Lord had had enough and swung out his right hand as best he could and let the lightning jump out from his fingertips. The boy screamed as the electricity flowed through his veins.

"You will not get the best of me!" Dooku growled but his glare turned to panic and the boy rolled over and grinned.

"I think this is yours!" quipped danny with a smirk. The child throw out his own arms and bolts of green electricity came from his fingers and hit Dooku. The Dark Lord gave a cry of shock as he himself was pushed back.

Dooku panted from the pain as he looked at the child who was showing similar signs of tiring. Ventress rushed to her master's side and in the next second, the clones opened fight on the pair.

"Master, what should we do?" Ventress asked as she deflected the shots.

"We well leave for now but this isn't over," Dooku said as he moved back towards his ship, blocking blaster fire as he went.

As the shuttle took off, the boy sighed and looked over at Ahsoka. He flew into the air and went over to her. The clones tensed but Ahsoka waved them down when the asked if they should open fire.

"Are you alright?" said the boy in his weird language, but the message got across, the concern was clear in his green eyes.

"Y...yeah. We're fine," Ahsoka said, trying to keep her voice reassuring.

The boy gave a wide grin and then suddenly collapsed onto the ground. A ring of white light appeared and swept over his body, turning him into the boy from the clearing. A large red patch with hints of green was spreading across his white clothes from where he had been stabbed.

Ahsoka's eyes widened and she immediately started to search for a way to contact her master. They needed to get help, and now.