Fuck, you're still as beautiful as the first and last time I saw you.

I finally died. Cancer decided to let me live to my sixty-eighth year, leaving behind our two beautiful, and successful children. At their young age of thirty-two, Kylo followed in my footsteps and is a reputable lawyer while Kira is a world-renowned surgeon. They're both content, I made sure of that, and have started their own families. Christ, you would have loved your grandchildren.

You're literally a vision. You still have that breathtaking smile, laughing lines around your beautiful eyes, and dressed in a long grey dress that ties around your waist. You literally have the sun behind you, making you glow like your namesake. I feel the love radiating off of you, and I walk slowly to you. Did I mention how beautiful you are?

"Rey" I whisper.

"Hi Ben, I've been waiting for you for a long time." You smile and reach out for my hand. I greedily grab it, finally feeling your hand in mine after twenty-seven agonizing years.

"I missed you so much."

"Me too, honey." I capture your face in my hands. I notice that my hands are no longer old-looking; they're now back to their youthful state. I lower my lips to yours, tasting the subtle hint of honey, and I sigh contently as I rest my forehead on yours.

"Forever and always?" I ask.

"Forever and always."