Quick Author Note-

AN: First off, for those who watch Z Nation. I'm doing a crossover. I am simply using the same actor and name. I like the actor and Tommy just fits for a name for him. Second of all this will have some graphic parts in this story, so read at your own risk. Thirdly, I will also be making slight changes to the show. And finally, this is going to be a Daryl and an Amy love story. Now, if you are okay with everything stated above, then please do continue on and read my story. I also love comments so do not be afraid to leave as many as you like. :)


Nat Zang- Tommy Dixon

Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Nix Callahan

Sara Canning- Rose Callahan


Fate. It is a four-letter word. You'd think it's simple, but truthfully it's very complex. It likes to change things, control the way things end up, mess with who you are and who you want to be. I hated fate. Fate screwed me over more times than I count, but looking back now it has also gifted me something amazing from every bad thing that it caused.

Fate pushed me to a horrible man, but that man gave me Nix. Nix is my whole world. He's my everything. This whole apocalypse thing. It's a nightmare of course, but it's also a blessing. It had sent me someone who would change my entire life. Everything I have ever known or felt will change from the moment the walkers came. Would I like to change things? Something, but in the end, I got gifted something amazing.

Chapter 1-


The last month has been hell that just seems to get worst. It began with an outbreak. It started small and no one really thought much of it, but then it grew to become an epidemic. People started getting killed and coming back with this disease. The entire population was dying and so the country started to set up refuges for people to go to to be safe, but little by little they were taken over. Just before the radio transmitter was cut off they were saying Atlanta was safe and to head there, but when we got there it was overrun. The entire city got filled with these monsters that people called sick. A group of us managed to get out of there safely and find a location just off of the highway. It was up higher in the mountains, a quarry with a creek and enough open space for everyone. I thought my son and I were finally safe, but that before a new leader emerged within the group. Shane Walsh.

The man took over and controlled things in the group. Shane Walsh is as much of a monster as those things out there. He's dangerous, reckless, and short tempered. Everyone sees his good side, but when his dark side is revealed then all hell will break loose. The only rational thing was to leave with Nix and never come back, but I was stopped. A woman named Miranda. She was a very nice Hispanic woman. She told me if we left that I would only be putting my son in more danger. There was one monster here, but out there-there are millions-billions. More of them than us. So I stayed and every day I feel as if a part of me is dying.

The only good thing I've found in this group is the Morales. Miranda took me in, helped me, she looked after me and my son. She is my only friend here, but even with her comforting I never truly feel safe, but that's what happens when you see the man of your nightmares come back into your life.

A sigh escapes my lips as I walk further through the woods. It's my turn to go mushroom hunting for the group. I hated going into the woods alone, but I also loved it. The woods were always so quiet and peaceful. It is a bit eery too, but it's also quiet enough to hear when someone is coming.

I move through the woods, my feet almost silent underneath me. I hum softly under my breath as I pick some mushrooms. My serene moment crashes when I hear footsteps starting my way. I turn, holding my breath as I wait to see just exactly what I'm dealing with. When I first started coming in here I used to jump every time I hear footsteps, but most of the time it was a deer or some other kind of animal, so now I don't let myself worry too much.

My green eyes scan the area, looking for what is coming towards me. When I do finally see what is coming, my entire body turns cold. I feel as if I just jumped into a bucket of ice water. Fear and dread sweep over me like a blanket, but not a single inch of warmth comes from it. My hands are shaking as I watch Shane Walsh head right for me. My hands are shaking so much that the bucket of mushrooms in my hands falls to the ground with a loud thud. "Did you tell anyone?" The man demands as he stands before me.

"T-T-tell anyone what?" My voice is shaking as I stare up into the man's cold brown eyes.

"About Nix being mine." I can't breathe. I feel as if I'm dying. My entire body is so tense and scared that I just want to burst into tears.

"I...I..." I can't speak. My throat is constricting in on itself.

"Did you say anything?" Shane snarls, grabbing a hold of my wrist in a death grip. I whimper in pain at how hard he is squeezing my wrist.

"You're hurting me." I whisper.

"I'll hurt you a lot more if you don't answer me."

"N-No. No one knows I even know you." I manage to say as I feel tears starting in my eyes. Suddenly a pebble comes flying out of no where and hits Shane right on the side of his head. He hisses in pain, letting me go. I scramble away, falling onto my but on the ground. I turn to see Tommy Dixon standing there with pebbles in his hands.

Tommy is only a kid. He's sixteen and no one has heard a word from him since he got into the camp. Tommy has hair like a raven. It's as black as night and his eyes are a very pale olive green. He's tall and lean but does have a good amount of muscles on him. He's dressed in jeans, his boots, his gray t-shirt, and his blue button down on. The only weapons he has on him is his recurve bow, which is resting on his back with his quiver and arrows, and then he has a hunting knife strapped to his right hip. He stands there as Shane glares at the kid. "You shouldn't hurt women." Tommy's voice is soft and quiet with a musical lift to it. He stares at Shane with his face bare of any emotions. "I doubt the people back at camp will like to hear you hurt her."

"How about I make you be quiet." Shane snarls as he goes to step forward again, but Tommy throws another stone, causing it to slice across Shane's temple, not doing any harm except a simple cut, but enough to be a warning.

"You don't want to try that." Tommy says. "Just leave her alone and we'll forget about it. Don't... well then we have a problem."

"You think you some hot shit because you're a Dixon." Shane snarls. "But you're nothing, but trailer trash like them all." The Dixons are apart of the group. They're some rough rednecks who do all of our hunting for us. They are very helpful to us, but people see them as violent, sexist, racists, bastards. I didn't know what to think, but right now I'm starting to lean on the Dixon's side.

"I know. Now leave." Tommy says, Shane goes to take another step, but Tommy holds up another pebble, causing Shane to falter. "I doubt my family would be pleased to hear about you threatening me." Tommy adds, causing Shane to step back. Anybody would be crazy to get on the bad side of Merle and Daryl Dixon. Those Dixons brothers had very hot tempers and if you got on their bad side they can explode with anger.

Shane gives me one more glare before storming off. "He's like a hippo." Tommy says. "Could hear him a mile away." A small smile comes onto my lips as Tommy drops his pebbles and starts towards me. "You okay?" Tommy holds out his hand, which I take.

"I'm fine. Thank you."

"Shane's a bully. I've dealt with plenty of them at my old high school. The only way to make a bully back off is to show you're not afraid of them and give them something to be afraid of." Tommy helps me up and then helps me pick up my bucket and the mushrooms that fell out. "You don't want to get these. One bite from this will put you in a coma for a week." Tommy says as he shows me a mushroom I had picked.

"Thank you." He nods and he hands me my bucket. "Really, I appreciate what you did." Tommy gives me a small smile.

"My dad might seem sexist, but he always taught me never to harm a woman." Daryl is Tommy's father, but he isn't like Merle. Merle is loud, obnoxious, severely sexists and racists, and just a down right pig. Daryl he's quiet, like Tommy. He doesn't say much and keeps to himself. He's racist, but not so much sexists. I never seem him say anything negative to a woman.

"I don't think he seems sexist at all." I can't, but say it, causing Tommy to look at me.

"He usually ain't."

"Well if he's anything like you then he must be a good guy because believe it or not, Tommy, you just saved me back there." Tommy blushes as he stares down at the ground.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Still, thank you." Tommy nods as he looks around the woods.

"I'll let you get back to doing what you were doing. I still have traps to check." Tommy says before heading off to check his animal traps.

I watch him go for a moment before rubbing my sore wrist. As I look down I see it slowly bruising terribly. A sigh escapes my lips before I take a breath and head back to the camp.

As I walk back into camp I can see Shane eyeing me over, but I ignore him as I drop the mushrooms off by Amy. Amy is the only other teenager we have in camp. She's seventeen. We do have a good amount of kids around ten or eleven running around here. There's five in total. Two are Miranda's kids, one is Carol Peletier's daughter, one is Lori Grimes' son, and then there's my boy Nix.

Once I drop the mushrooms off I head back to my tent. On my way I see Tommy step out of the woods and walk over to his father. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a small smile. I smile in return and make my way to my tent. From this point on Tommy is not going to be just some mute kid to me. He's going to be someone I can rely on.