Next chapter is here. Sorry for the mistakes. It was written late and I am too tired to spell check. Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 2

In his room Johnny laid in his bed but he couldn't fall asleep. His thoughts were going a mile a minute.

He noticed that the older vampire often watched them arguing. He would catch his eyes staring their way from somewhere but he would never say a word to them.

They never talked about it before today.

It made Johnny nervous in the beginning, thinking that Drac would swoop in and just say that he should just leave because he was making his little girl sad.

That however never happened. On the contrary, Drac apologized to him and healed his wound.

His hand wandered up to his lips and he wouldn't be able to fight down the redness even if he tried.

But he didn't try.

The whole thing left him extremely confused. Drac was acting really out of character and Johnny never saw this side of him. It made him feel things for the other that really shouldn't be.

He sighed and let his hand fall back onto the bed.

Closing his eyes he hoped that he would fall asleep fast and without any more thoughts.

He would just figure it out the next day. Slowly he fell asleep.


Mavis landed silently on her windowsill before the sun could hurt her and turned back into her human form. The flight did her good and she calmed down.

Not long after she took off she started to regret hurting her husband but she just felt so much rage at that moment. It made her feel miserable. She needed to apologize but there was still the issue about their constant arguments.

This could not go on much longer. She knew there was only one solution but she was afraid to utter those words to him and so they just went in circles.

Suddenly there was a knock on her door and she looked up to see his father entering silently.

"Hey dad, you still up?"

"Yes I am my moonlight, but we need to talk."

"Oh, d-did you hear it?"

Dracula just sighed and nodded making her daughter feel ashamed of herself.

"I didn't mean to hurt him, you have to believe me. I just…"

"I know you didn't. Sometimes rage is hard to…control as a vampire. It happened to me often enough."

She nodded but let him continue.

"You have to understand that even though you feel like you lose control you cannot raise your hand on anybody, especially a human. They are very fragile. Johnny was really hurt."

"Is he okay? I need to check on him!" –she panicked hearing that from her father. She didn't think she hit that hard.

"There is no need, I healed him. He is in his room sleeping."

"Oh, okay then."

"Mavis that you hurt him is bad but it is not the real issue here. What you said to him, what you have been saying to him…"

"I know, I know! I said some really bad things to him. I just don't know what to feel or think. Humans are so different. I love that about them, don't get me wrong. I just thought that since we Zinged, everything would be okay forever. But it's all falling apart and I am to blame."

"Listen to me!" –said Drac as he gripped her shoulders lightly. "You cannot let this continue and come between the relationship that you still have with him. Feelings can change over time, it is not something to be afraid of."

Mavis sniffled and looked her father in the eyes.

"Do you still love him?"

"Y-yeah, but it's different then how it used to be. He is the father of my son and he is a good person. He helps with everything, never complaining and listens to me all the time. He is wonderful, I just do not feel the same."

"Then you need to tell him exactly this. Love can fade but friendship is forever. You do not want to lose him over this, trust me."

"I trust you dad, and I know you are right. I have to…end it with him. I need to apologize and maybe he will consider staying my friend. I just doubt it after all that I said and done to him. I behaved like a monster!" –losing the fight inside herself she burst out crying.

Drac pulled her into a tight hug and caressed her hair.

"It is okay. Let it all out. You will feel much better after that. I know it feels bad now but with time it will all be better."

It took a while for the younger vampire to calm down in the arms of her father but eventually the tears stopped and she pushed back a little.

"Thank you dad, I really needed that. I feel much better if really tired."

"You are welcome. Just go to bed and get a good sleep. Everything will be much clearer the next time you wake up."

Nodding she wiped her eyes one last time and gave a quick peck on the older ones cheek.

"Good morning dad."

"Good morning pumpkin."

Smiling he made his way to the door and out of the room. It was quiet in the corridor since he was the only one there.

Slowly he made his way back towards his room but stopped short not long after that. Turning in the other direction he made his way towards a different room.

He knew he shouldn't but he was just going in to check up on him. To make sure that he was really okay and sleeping as instructed. Deep down however he knew that was just a lie he told himself.

Gliding silently on the carpet he finally arrived at the wooden door where he knew the young man was sleeping on the other side.

With a quick flick of his wrist it unlocked and creaked open. Moving inside he saw that the curtains were closed off so no sunlight could penetrate. A figure was lying in bed unmoving aside from the rhythmic up and down as he breathed.

He observed for a moment from a distance, still fighting inside. Should he leave? He made sure that the human was indeed sleeping, and he didn't seem to be in any pain.

As if on cue Johnny turned over and from his side to his back and groaned before getting comfortable and falling quiet again.

Dracula stared at his sleeping face before finally deciding and sitting on the bed. Touching the top of his head where his unruly hair lay, he slowly stroked it. Johnny's hair was fluffy and very soft, he liked the feel of it.

Fingertips slowly moved downwards over eyelids and cheek, over a slightly ajar mouth and small chin. They stopped just below that on his neck feeling his steady pulse. Humans were warm and full of life unlike monsters, who weren't. It was something he desperately wanted to feel and experience.

Johnny was still in some ways a conundrum in Drac's eyes. He was always happy and accepted everyone and everything. Drac was in a way kind of jealous of him for this for this trait.

Seeing him sad and devastated pulled something inside him that he didn't feel for a long time. A very strong force that told him he had to help this human, to make him feel better. If Dracula didn't know any better he would say it felt just like a Zing. But that couldn't be the reason. He just cared for the human as anyone would after so many years.

Johnny groaned again and his eyes opened slowly as if sensing that someone was next to him. Their eyes met and for a moment neither said anything.

"D-Drac? What are you doing here?" –came his groggy voice.

"Nothing, just making sure you were resting. I am sorry I woke you up. I will leave."


The slight outburst surprised the vampire and the human himself.

"Please, just stay a bit more."

"As you wish." –he said as his hand went back to the others hair and started running his fingers through it.

Sighing at the feeling and that the vampire would stay by his side, he settled back down in content.

"You talk to her yet?"

"Yes, but do not think about that now. You need to rest."


Comfortable silence settled over them once again as Drac just continued moving his hand through his hair.

Becoming curious himself Johnny sat up in bed and stretched upwards. Drac followed his every move and knew what he wanted to do but did nothing to stop him.

Johnny's hand slowly touched the slicked back hair of the vampire. He thought it would feel weird and sticky but it did not.

As it turned out it was rather soft and a few strands fell lose by his ministrations.

Dracula still just watched.

"Wow it's softer than it looks, weird."

"You find it weird?"

"No, not weird as in bad, but weird weird, you know?" –seeing the others expression he just laughed and shook his head.

"I like it. It is you."

Drac just hummed and accepted the answer, feeling nice about the compliment.

The vampire's hands suddenly stilled and he held the head of the other as his head moved closer to the humans.

Feeling the slight change Johnny immediately became red as his mouth opened and his breathing hitched. They were only inches from each other but he could do nothing to stop the other. He felt mesmerized by Drac's eyes. He was sure that he was using some power but the eyes that stared at him were normal. No glow came from them which meant that he was just letting this happen on his own.

He was weirdly calm about this, just as he was the last time they were this close.

Their lips met in a tingly kiss that lasted only a few seconds. It was enough to knock all the air out of his lungs as his breathing became just that much faster.

As Drac pulled away, Johnny's lips followed and they kissed a second time. This one lasted longer and Johnny had to pull away to breath because as he found out with Mavis, vampires did not need to breath.

Calming his breath and feeling Drac's fingers in his hair again he smiled shyly up at him.

"I like that too." –he whispered and wanted to dive in for a third kiss but was stopped by the other who only smiled and shook his head.

"You need to sleep. I kept you awake long enough."


"No buts, go back to sleep. I will stay here until you do."

Pouting slightly he just laid back but of course he was wide awake and no sleep came. Until Drac started humming that is.

The familiar tunes and the feeling in his hair slowly started to lull him. As his eyes closed he tried looking at the other one last time.



"What does this mean now?"

"I do not know." –he whispered before Johnny fell asleep, not sure if he even heard it.

He stood up after a little while and left the room, staring at his ring all the way to his own room.

Hope you liked! :)