Die For You


Once we were inside the building, I took lead. That was my first mistake. The next one? I let Sasha get the drop of me. Suddenly she karate chopped my wrists causing me to drop my pistol. She hit me again to ensure my compliance and held my weapon against me.

"This isn't personal, Roz." Sasha murmured, adjusting her grip on my pistol, wrapping her fingers around my hair.

"The hell it is," I scoffed, holding my hands up by my ears in a surrender gesture. This must've been her plan all along. Use me to get to Negan. Well, two could play at that game.

Before I could move to take back control, two guards rounded the corner and immediately trained their weapons on us. Sasha yanked my braid back and pressed the barrel of my gun to my throat.

"Now I know Negan won't be too happy if I blow Rosalind's pretty little head off." She sneered in a deadly voice. "Take me to Negan." The guards hesitated, a look of bewilderment passing between them. "Now!"

Chapter 17

"Well, well, well." Negan's amused voice washed over me as we entered his private chambers. "What do we have here?"

Sasha's grip tightened on my hair. "I'm here for you." She growled. She cocked her head, motioning to the guards, "Clear the room." They looked at Negan for instructions. "Now!" She cried, yanking on my braid, bringing tears to my eyes.

Negan smirked. "You are a little spitfire ain't ya?" He stood up to his feet and waved the guards away. He walked casually over to the bar and poured himself a drink. He took a sip and locked eyes with me. "Well, what are you waitin' for darlin?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

Before Sasha could answer I launched myself at her, grabbing her wrists and wrenching my weapon free of her fingers. I brought up my knee to her stomach, and slammed my elbow into her throat, knocking her to the ground with a shriek.

I blew a few stray hairs out of my eyes and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "Not personal, my ass." I murmured, training my weapon on her.

"God. Damn." Negan breathed, "You truly are something else, Rosalind Rhodes."

I met his eyes across the room. I gave a nonchalant shrug, "Figured it was the only way you'd believe me."

Negan's smirk faded. "Hmmm. Believe you, eh?" He snorted. "And what would I be believing, sweet cheeks?"

I swallowed against the lump of emotion in my throat. "Daryl." I cleared my throat. "He's broken."

Negan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really?" He smirked. "Broken how?"

I bit my lip. "He's angry." I explained. "He's not in control of himself."

Negan's eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Now, he hasn't-"

"Only once." I sighed, shaking my head. I knew Negan was implying that Daryl had been rough with me, so I played along."I'm fine." I took a quick breath, "But, that's why I'm here." I swallowed, looking at Sasha cowering in pain on the floor. "I'm here to ensure Rick and his group fall in line."

"Rick and his group?" Negan questioned.

"Roz!" Sasha whispered, "What are you doing?!"

I shook my head slightly at her, locking eyes with her for a second before looking back at Negan. "Yes. I care about these people. I know you do too, that's why I'm here. I need your help." I swallowed hard. "I need you to save us."

Negan's eyes softened. "Jesus." He breathed. "You're serious."

I nodded, my chin lifting a little, "Wouldn't be here if I wasn't, sir."

Negan smirked, lips parting in anticipation. "So it's sir, now is it?" He chuckled softly. "Damn." He breathed. "I missed you."

My stomach clenched. I definitely did not miss him. I missed that dark and brooding blue eyed man who was probably furious as hell with me right now, back at the Hilltop.

Sasha slowly got to her feet, arms raised in surrender. "Easy there, Sassy." I murmured, my hand firmly gripping her bicep, weapon trained on her head. "So," I sighed, locking eyes with Negan as he set his glass down. "What now, sir?"

Negan bit his lip, slowly making his way towards us. "You keep calling me that and I won't be able to stop thinking about what it would be like for you to moan it, sigh it," His eyes darkened as he drew closer to murmur in my ear. "Scream it." He tucked a stray curl behind my ear.

I swallowed hard. My plan to keep Negan off balance was working, almost too well. I must have shoved down how eager he'd been to get to know me better. Out of sight, out of mind, right? I wanted him distracted so I could foil whatever attack he had coming for Alexandria. I knew Sasha going into the Sanctuary alone was either suicide, or if she managed to survive, Negan would use her against Rick and our people. Going with her helped me gain the upper hand. I wanted to know exactly what was coming so I could stop it.

Now, here I was, holding Sasha at gunpoint and seducing Negan with my heart in my throat. I had to tread carefully. One wrong move and I'd be in a cell right beside her or worse, we'd both be on the fence.

"Well," Negan sighed, "Looks like we need to have Sasha here taken downstairs." He motioned to Simon who'd just entered the room. "Put her through the proverbial paces so she can see the light like you have, sweet cheeks." He explained, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Then I think you and I need to have ourselves a little heart to heart."

I took a step back and held my weapon out by the barrel for Simon to take. He grinned at me. "Nice to see you again, Roz." He murmured, taking the piece and tucking it in his waistband.

"Likewise." I murmured back, crossing my arms while he secured Sasha's wrists behind her back with some rope.

Simon stopped short of the door and looked back at us for a moment. "Ah, just acquired some tequila on one of our runs today." He cocked an eyebrow, "Care to join me in cracking it open?"

I looked over at Negan. His brows were raised a little in surprise but his eyes twinkled with curiosity. He gave me single nod of approval.

I took a quick breath, "Uh, sure, Simon." I smiled a little, "I'd be happy to."

"Great." Simon nodded, face resuming to his usual business like air, "Alright, this way little lady." Simon gently but firmly gripped Sasha by the bicep to get her moving with him out the door. He paused to look back at me, "You can drop by, say, 8 o'clock?"

I licked my lips, giving him a soft smile. "I'll be there."

Simon nodded to Negan then the door clicked shut behind them.

"What's that all about?" Negan asked quietly, pouring us each a drink.

"Simon?" I scoffed, "No idea." I really didn't. Instinct told me Simon wanted to feel me out, figure out what my angle was so he could protect his boss.

Negan chuckled. "Probably wants to see what you're up to." His handed me a glass of amber liquid. "Daryl protect Rick like that?"

I swallowed hard against the sudden lump in my throat. I hadn't figured Simon into the mix. I thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, "Daryl was usually in charge of recruitment."

"Ah." Negan mused, settling on the couch, arm stretching out in welcome across the back. I sat down, gingerly resting my shoulders against his arm. "Now," He patted my knee a gesture of comfort. "Tell me what happened when Daryl escaped."

"Found him outside after I took Sherri back to her room." I took a sip of liquid courage. "He'd killed Fat Joey." I explained. "He was wild, almost animalistic." Negan's brow furrowed. "Which is why I went with him."

"You were afraid?" Negan asked, tucking a stray curl behind my ear.

I nodded, flashing a soft smile at his tender gesture. "I was afraid of what he would do to himself, so yeah," I sighed. "I went with him." I knocked back the glass. "I love him, right?" I scoffed with a grimace, setting the glass on the coffee table before us.

Negan's eyes narrowed at my confession, but I could tell he read the sarcasm and weariness in my voice. "Do you?"

I bit my lip. This is where my high school acting chops came in handy. I let my eyes water. "Y-yes." I murmured, trying my best to sound unconvinced.

Negan leaned towards me, wiping away the single tear that had fallen from my eye, gently gripping my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You did the right thing by coming to me, Roz." He sighed. "We're going to save them, together."

My stomach lurched at his last word. Together? What the hell did he mean by that?

Negan leaned closer, lips grazing my ear, his big frame looming over me. "You intrigue me, Rosalind Rhodes." He chuckled a little as I shrank back into the couch. "I'm not going to hurt you, sweet cheeks."

My mind raced. I knew he wasn't going to physically hurt me, I also knew that with Daryl's confession of love, I was treading in dangerous waters. "I-I know that." I murmured, giving him a nervous smile.

"Good." Negan drawled, warm breath gently fanning my cheek. "How about Daryl, hmmm?" He asked, "Did he hurt you?"

I bit my lip. How was I going to play this? "H-he, w-well, u-um." I stammered, trying to catch my breath. I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat. "He was really angry, h-he d-didn't m-mean-"

Negan surged to his feet cutting off my efforts to explain what happened between us. He sighed, palming his jaw. "I'm sorry," He apologized. "You don't deserve to be treated that way." He sighed, "I'll have a talk with Dwighty boy and make sure he knows he royally screwed up." He reached out and took my hands in his, "C'mere." He murmured, pulling me up from the couch and enveloping me in a hug. "I'm sorry." He kissed my temple, hand coming up to palm the back of my head, holding me against his chest. "You're safe now, Roz."

"T-thank you." I murmured awkwardly, letting my tears flow.

"How about we grab a bite to eat, then you can make your little tete a tete with Simon?" He suggested, smoothing my hair away from my face. He took a step back, easing away from me, offering his hand.

"Sure." I agreed, releasing the breath I hadn't known I was holding. I took his hand and let him guide me over to the table.

Dinner was a simple affair. I didn't talk much, allowing Negan to wax philosophically about how he saw his calling in life.

"Saving people." Negan sighed, setting down his napkin on his now empty plate. "That's why I do what I do, Roz." He smirked, "People are an invaluable resource and building a strong, resilient community is what it's all about."

I glanced at the clock. I had about five minutes to make it to Simon's quarters to make it there by 8. "Thank you for understanding." I murmured, setting my napkin on my plate in mirror image of his. "I-I should-"

"Get that fine ass moving." Negan smirked, "Simon's quarters aren't far from yours. Just go down the hall towards the stairs and his is the second door on the left."

"M-my quarters?" I squeaked, trying to seem surprised.

"What, you think I'd throw you in a cell like your feisty little friend?" Negan scoffed, "You are welcome to your room for as long as you'd like." He leaned forward a little, voice dropping a register, "Of course, you could always bunk with me." He winked.

I let myself blush at his suggestion. "That won't be necessary, sir."

Negan led the way to the door. He suddenly took a quick breath, "Why don't I escort you, can't be too careful, eh?"

"Sure." I shrugged, following him out into the hall.

We strode down the hallway in silence, Negan's hand resting gently on the small of my back.

When we passed the door to the room I'd stayed in previously Negan spoke up, "I'll have one of the ladies remake the bed with fresh sheets and make sure there's a change of clothes for you, too."

"Thank you." I murmured, locking eyes with him for a moment.

I lifted my hand to knock, but before I could the door was wrenched open.

"Ah, right on time." Simon exclaimed, stepping aside to allow me to enter his room.

The room was modest, but adequately furnished. It looked a lot like Dwight's room where I had found Daryl during our escape.

"I'll leave you two, to it, then." Negan drawled, taking a step back into the hallway. "See you in the morning, Roz."

I stared for a moment at the suddenly closed door trying to get my racing heart to calm down.

"So," Simon started, motioning for me to take a sit at his small table."I bet you're wondering why I've asked to meet with you."

"It did cross my mind." I quipped settling into a chair. He poured two glasses of tequila and set a salt shaker between us.

"Just wanted to have a little heart to heart regarding your communities lack of respect and cooperation." Simon drawled, holding his glass up for us to clink together.

I picked my glass up and clinked it gently with his. "I figured as much."

Simon took a sip of his drink, "If you're so keen on Negan saving you all, why allow Sasha to charge in here and kill two of my men?"

I set my glass down. I'd killed one of those men, but I knew Sasha would never correct Simon so I played along. "I didn't anticipate-"

"Didn't anticipate?!" Simon roared, "Two of my men are dead-"

"Everything you do always go to plan, hmm?" I cut him off, knocking the rest of my glass back in one go, forcing myself not to flinch at his sudden outburst.

Simon regarded me carefully, his anger ebbing a little at my bluff of confidence. "No, not always." He seemed a little surprised that I had the balls to throw back at him.

I cleared my throat. "I didn't anticipate her using deadly force to get to Negan." I swallowed, "My plan was simply to walk up to the gate and ask to see him."

Simon's eyebrows raised. "Little miss spitfire didn't go for that, did she?"

"Nope." I sighed, "Had to let her think we were in this together to ensure her sorry ass didn't get sniped."

Simon scoffed swiping my now empty glass, "I hear that." He filled my glass.

"Thanks." I murmured, "She overpowered me and held a gun to my head to get to Negan."

Simon's eyes widened. "Whoa. I knew she had lady nuts, but goodness gracious."

"Yeah, she's definitely one in a million." I remarked with a wry smile. I knocked back my shot, grimacing against the burn. "Once she was distracted by Negan I made my move and disarmed her."

"Well, thank God for that, eh?" Simon quipped, knocking back his shot. "So, now that you're here, what do you want from our fearless leader?"

I bit my lip, sliding my glass towards him. "Simple." I shrugged. "I want his help in saving my people from themselves."

Simon squinted at my confession. "Hmmm." He murmured. "It seems to me that your timing couldn't be more righteous, my dear." He filled our glasses again. "We're heading out day after tomorrow to do just that."

I took the now full glass from him. "That's great." I smiled softly.

The next day passed quickly. I sat through a strategy meeting of the Sanctuary leaders, learning all I could, trying to come up with a way to warn my family of the impending attack.

Negan planned to attack Alexandria from two fronts. He planned to use the garbage dwellers as his first front. They had agreed to fight with Rick against the Saviors, but today they changed their mind. Jadis decided that Negan's promise of people won against Rick's promise of freedom. The second front was to literally knock on the front door and demand to be let in. Negan planned to give Rick one final chance at turning from the errors of his ways.

If Rick still refused, the garbage people would turn on them from the inside. Then Negan would present Sasha as a bargaining chip. He was even going to present her all wrapped up in a coffin, like some sick joke.

After the meeting, Eugene told me he made a cyanide pill for Sasha. I was furious, but understood her desire to not be used as a pawn in Negan's sick game. I had the same desire. I didn't get a chance to warn my family. I tried to come up with a way to sling over a message on my knife if and when we got close, but it just wasn't in the cards.

As I tried in vain to sleep, I worried that I was going to be used to hurt my family too. Negan assured me I would be by his side, which complicated turning on him. I guess I'd just have to wait for the right moment.

Things definitely did not go as planned.

Alexandria was in absolute chaos.

"Plan B it is!" Negan shouted to Simon and I as we kneeled down behind the flat bed.

The Alexandrians fought back, but it was in vain. There were just too many saviors and garbage people.

"I'm gonna kill Carl now," Negan murmured to Rick.

My stomach rolled, I knew there was nothing I could do to save my family now. I looked around the assembled group and felt like I was back in that clearing again, kneeling beside Maggie in the dirt, waiting for Rick to return in the RV with Negan.

Negan wound up to swing Lucille at Carl and was interrupted by the Kingdom's arrival. Shiva pounced on a savior and proceeded to rip his throat out. The King charged forward, Carol by his side and the captured Alexandrians sprung into action.

I hit my knees and checked to make sure Rick was okay. "Hey Chief." I murmured, "You okay?"

Rick turned his face towards me. "Yeah, Roz. I am now." He murmured back, getting to his feet, picking up a discarded rifle up off the ground. "Let's move."

I flashed Carl a quick smile and loaded a fresh clip into my own rifle before dashing off down the street towards the flighting. I crept around a corner and came face to face with Daryl. "Ace." I breathed just before I was caught up in a bear hug. Daryl held me so tight it was hard to breathe.

"You whole?" Daryl asked, eyes piercing into mine, chest heaving.

I bit my lip and nodded. No chastisement for running back into danger, no anger, just genuine concern for my well being. If it was possible, I felt myself fall even deeper in love with this man.

"C'mon," He motioned to the others gathered around us. We needed to expel our intruders from inside the walls as quickly as possible. I fell into step beside him as we continued down the street. We fired at a group of garbage people until they turned tail and ran for the gate. Maggie directed the Hilltop warriors to secure the gate. Daryl and I followed, climbing up the side of the semi truck parked out in front of the gate.

The road leading up to Alexandria was eerily clear. Our invaders had literally run for the hills. "Guess we win?" I shrugged, turning to face Daryl. He grunted, turning to climb back down so we could secure the gate.

Once the dead were buried and the wounded were taken care of, Daryl and I returned to Hilltop. As soon as we were alone in our bedroom, Daryl pounced. He made love to me fiercely, his hands seemingly everywhere as we celebrated being together again. Being with Daryl was easy and I took comfort in the way we came together so well.

In our afterglow, I lay with my head pillowed on Daryl's bare chest, his hand playing in my curls. "You're not mad?" I asked, glancing up at him through my lashes.

"Naw." Daryl answered, chin lifting a little. "I was, but I get why you did it."

"Thank you." I murmured, kissing his chest. "So we're off to war, eh?"

"Yeah," Daryl scoffed, "Looks that way."

I leaned up on my elbow to look down at him, "I was so afraid, I just couldn't let Negan win-" My voice broke as tears welled up in my eyes.

Daryl pulled me closer, wrapping his arms firmly around me. "I know." He soothed, "He won't."

I took a deep breath as sleep threatened to take over me. "Daryl, I need you to know." I swallowed hard against the lump of emotion in my throat. "I'd die for you."

Daryl shifted a little so our eyes met. "Me too, Red." A tiny grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Although, I'd rather live with you."

I chuckled at that. "Touche." I settled down against him, letting my body surrender to the exhaustion threatening to over take me. "Love you."

Daryl sighed, the sound reverberating in his chest beneath my ear. "I love you too, Red." He kissed my temple. "Always."

Dearest Readers,

I kinda ran out of steam with this story. I wrapped it up here at the end of season 7 and I'm not sure if/when I'll pick it up again. I like Daryl and Roz together, I just found Season 8 chaotic and hard to follow. We'll see where the muse take us next.

Thanks for joining me on the journey. You've all been lovely.


Lumora The White